Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации

Кафедра лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации






для студентов факультета «Клиническая психология»

(часть II)


Индекс С1.Б.3

Направление подготовки (специальность) 030401

Клиническая психология




Новосибирск 2016 г.

Учебное пособие по английскому языку (часть II) по дисциплине « Иностранный язык» по направлению подготовки 030401 Клиническая психология составлено в соответствии с рабочей программой по иностранному языку для студентов I курса факультета «Клиническая психология».


Учебное пособие составила:

Фамилия И.О. Должность Ученая степень, ученое звание Кафедра
1. Черединова О.В. ст. преподаватель   - лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации


Учебное пособие (часть II) предназначено для работы на практических занятиях и для самостоятельной работы студентов факультета «Клиническая психология» во II семестре и содержит лексико-грамматический материал, упражнения и тексты для формирования навыков различных видов чтения в соответствии с тематикой, заявленной в рабочей программе.


Учебное пособие рассмотрено и одобрено на заседании кафедры лингвистики и межкультурной коммуникации
Протокол № 1 от « 29 » августа 2016 г.

зав. кафедрой _________________(подпись) Т.Ф.Извекова


Учебное пособие рассмотрено, согласовано и утверждено на заседании цикловой методической комиссии по лингвистическим и гуманитарным дисциплинам

Протокол № 1 от « 30 » августа 2016 г.

Председатель ЦМК ________________ (подпись) Т.Ф.Извекова




Грамматика: причастие I и II в роли определения, II и III формы глагола, времена Simple Active (повторение)


I. Прочтите предложения, найдите в них сказуемые и переведите


1. This year I entered the medical university.

2. The students will translate this text with a dictionary.

3. The teacher gave us a very difficult task.

4. Anatomy studies the organs of the body.

5. The surgeon performed the operation successfully.

6. My favourite subject at school was biology.

7. I think that they will become good specialists.

8. After classes the students went to the library.

9. Next year we will study many new subjects.

II. Переведите предложения:

1. Мне нравится учиться в медицинском университете. 2. Мой друг хочет стать хирургом. 3. Студенты нашей группы успешно сдали первую сессию. 4. Преподаватель поможет нам сделать это задание. 5. Для меня самый трудный предмет – анатомия. 6. Вчера я встречался со своими друзьями. 7. В следующем году студенты будут проходить практику в клинике. 8. Этот врач использует новый метод лечения. 9. Новое лекарство очень эффективно.


III. Прочтите и переведите следующие сочетания слов:

asking – asked, operating – operated, writing – written, treating - treated, developing – developed, giving – given, translating – translated, reading – read


IV. Раскройте скобки:

1. The operation (performing, performed) by the surgeon was successful.

2. The students (translating, translated) the text used dictionaries.

3. The drug (preventing, prevented) cardiac diseases was effective.

4. All medical students must know the Oath (writing, written) by Hippocrates.

5. The teacher (reading, read) lectures in biology answered the students’ questions.


V. Oбразуйте причастие I и II от следующих инфинитивов и переведите их. Затем прочтите предложения и письменно вставьте подходящую форму причастия, соответствующую смыслу предложения.

to disappoint, to depress, to excite, to surprise, to bore


1. You did not do any work but you got a grade A in the test. You felt …

2. You thought you would get a grade A but you got a grade C. The result was …

3. You’re going to see your favorite rock group in concert. You feel more and

more … as the day gets closer.

4. You feel asleep during the lesson. The lesson was …

5. The world is full of problems like poverty and war. It is all very …


VI. Прочтите предложения, определите какую функцию выполняют выделенные слова и переведите предложения:

A. 1.The delivered lecture was very interesting. 2. The lecture on muscles was delivered on Monday. 3. The lecture delivered yesterday by Prof. Smirnov was very interesting.

B. 1. The therapeutist examined the patient yesterday. 2. The patient was examined by the therapeutist very attentively. 3. The patient examined by the therapeutist yesterday felt bad. 4. The examined patient had a heart disease.

C. 1. The doctor saw the changed condition of the patient. 2. That was why he changed the administrations to the patient. 3. The administrations were changed to restore his health. 4. The nurse did not forget to carry out the administrations changed by the doctor.

VII. Найдите, прочтите и переведите предложения с причастием II в роли определения:

1. Every educated person should speak English.

2. The ancient Chinese developed the practice of acupuncture.

3. The translated text includes much new information.

4. I read an interesting paper published in a medical journal.

5. The infection affected the organs of the chest.

6. The patient affected by the infection felt bad.

7. The lecturer answered the questions asked by the students.

8. The lecturer asked the students and answered their questions.


VIII. Письменно переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слова с окончанием –ed.

a. The small number of patients reported to date limits investigations in this field.

b. There are no data comparing measurements obtained on the same patients studied in two institutions.

c. Subjective improvement was noted in all of the patients treated.

d. It appears that only 4 patients of the 140 reported in the literature developed serious side effects.


IX. Прочтите слова, запомните из произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

psychology [sQi’kOlqGi], discipline [‘disiplin], function [‘fAnkSn], aspect [‘qespekt], social [‘souSql], experimentation [eks, perimen’teiSqn], analysis [q’nqelqsis], philosophy [fi’lOsqfi], personality [, pWsq’nqeliti], biology [bQi’OlqGi], emotion [I’mouSqn], ergonomics [, Wgou’nOmiks], laboratory [lq’bOrqtqri], objective [Ob’Gektiv], hypothesis [hQi’pOTisis]

X. Выучите следующие слова и словосочетания:

mind [mQind] – ум, разум

behaviour [bi’heivjq] - поведение

to embrace [im’breis] – включать, охватывать

experience [iks’piqriqns] - опыт

environment [in’vQiqrqnmqnt] – окружающая среда

to develop [di’velqp] – развивать, разрабатывать, появляться

research [ri’sWtS] - исследование

relation(ship) – [ri’leiSqnSip] – отношение, связь

to follow [‘fOlou] – следовать, соблюдать

to observe [qb’sWv] - наблюдать

to inhabit [in’hqebit] - населять

to evolve [I’vOlv] – развиваться, эволюционировать

to derive [di’rQiv] - происходить

soul [soul] - душа

applied science [q’plQid ‘sQins] – прикладная наука

to explain [iks’plein] - объяснять

thought [TLt] – мысль, мышление

to include [in’klHd] – включать, заключать

mental – умственный, психический

to affect [q’fekt] – воздействовать, поражать

to predict [pri’dikt] - предсказывать

to conduct [kqn’dAkt] - проводить

to solve [sOlv] - решать

to overcome [, ouvq’kAm] - преодолевать

disorder [dis’Ldq] – расстройство, нарушение


XI. Прочтите и переведите следующие однокоренные слова:

develop – developed – developing – development, science – scientist – scientific, observe – observed – observing – observation, explain – explained – unexplained – explaining – explanation, affect – affected – affecting - affection, predict – predicted – predicting – predictable – unpredictable – prediction, inhabit – inhabited – inhabiting - inhabitant

XII. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

mind and behaviour, environment and behaviour, aspects of the human experience, brain function, the world and its inhabitants, to understand and explain, areas affecting health, to predict human behaviour, applied psychology, to conduct applied research, to solve everyday problems, to overcome mental disorders

XIII. Прочтите и переведите текст A:


Psychology is the study of the mind and behaviour. The discipline of psychology embraces all aspects of the human experience – from the functions of the brain to the environments in which humans and other animals develop, from child development to aging. Psychology is the science based on a large body of social science and behavioral science research.

Psychologists study two critical relationships: one between brain function and behaviour, and one between the environment and behaviour. As scientists physiologists follow scientific methods using careful observation, experimentation and analysis to learn more about the world in which we live and its inhabitants.

Psychology evolved out of both philosophy and biology. The word “psychology” is derived from the Greek word “psyche” meaning “soul”.

Psychology is both an applied and academic field that studies the human mind and behaviour. Research in physiology seeks to understand and explain thought, emotion and behaviour. Applications of psychology include mental health treatment, performance enhancement, self-help, ergonomics, and many other areas affecting health and daily life.

The field of psychology was truly born when Wilhelm Wundt established the first psychology laboratory in Leipzig, Germany. Today psychologists prefer to use more objective scientific methods to understand, explain and predict human behaviour. Psychological studies are highly structured beginning with a hypothesis that is then tested. Psychology has two main areas: academic psychology and applied psychology. Academic psychology focuses on the study of different sub-topics within psychology including personality psychology, social psychology and developmental psychology.

Academic psychologists conduct basic research that seeks to expand our theoretical knowledge. Other researchers conduct applied research that seeks to solve everyday problems. Examples of applied areas of psychology include forensic psychology, ergonomics and industrial-organizational psychology. Many other psychologists work as therapists helping people overcome mental, behavioral and emotional disorders.


I. Translate the following word combinations:

изучение поведения, функции мозга и поведение, окружающая среда и поведение, следовать научным методам, мир и его обитатели, прикладная область исследования, понять и объяснить мышление, психическое здоровье, поражать здоровье, объяснить и предсказать поведение человека, академическая и прикладная психология, решать каждодневные проблемы, преодолеть психические расстройства


II. Answer the questions:

1.What is psychology?

2. What does the discipline of psychology embrace?

3. What two critical relationships do psychologists study?

4. What sciences did psychology evolve out?

5. What is the word “psychology” derived from?

6. What does research in psychology seek?

7. When was the field of psychology born?

8. What two main areas of study does psychology have?

9. What does academic psychology focus on?

10. What about applied psychology?

11. Can psychologists work as therapists?

12. What do they do?


III. Combine the part from A with the part from B to make up sentences:

A 1. Psychology is the study …   2. Psychology evolved out …   3. Psychologists use observation, experimentation and analysis … 4. Psychologists use objective scientific methods … 5. Psychology has two main areas … 6. Academic psychology studies …   7. Applied psychology seeks … 8. Psychologists help people … B 1. to learn more about the world and its inhabitants. 2. academic psychology and applied psychology. 3. to solve everyday problems.   4. to overcome mental, behavioral and emotional disorders. 5. of the mind and behaviour. 6. to understand, explain and predict human behaviour. 7. of both philosophy and biology. 8. different sub-topics within psychology.  

IV. Read and translate the text B using a dictionary:


Psychology as a science studies mental activity and human behaviour. Literally the word “psychology” means “the science of the mind” but physiologists have never been satisfied with this definition. Many contemporary psychologists define psychology as “ the science of the behaviour of organisms”.

By “behaviour” they mean, first of all, activities or processes that can be observed objectively – both the isolated reactions of muscles, glands and other parts of the organism and the organized, goal-directed patterns of reaction that characterize the organism as a whole. Physiologists also interpret “behaviour” to include internal processes – thinking, emotional reactions and so on, which one person cannot observe directly in another but which can be inferred from observations of external behaviour.

Psychology occupies a strategic position between natural and social sciences on the one hand, and between sciences and humanities on the other hand.

V. Read the text C and answer the question:

What sciences is psychology connected with?

Case Analyses

Both psychiatrists and clinical psychologists have to work with people with mental illnesses. There are facts about such illnesses but there are many myths as well. A “myth” is something that is not true. The information below gives some examples of both myths and facts. Give your opinion whether they are myths or real facts. Comment on your idea.

Myths and Facts about Mental Illness
  Information Myth/Fact
1. People with mental illness are violent and unpredictable.  
2. Mental illness is a figment of imagination.  
3. Mental illness can affect everybody.  
4. Therapy is a waste of time.  
5. Mental illness only affects people in developed countries.  
6. There is no hope for people with mental illness.  
7. Mental illness is a sign of weakness - it’s your fault.  
8. Most people with mental illness are in mental hospitals.  
9. Mental illness causes disability.  



Грамматика: пассивный залог, Perfect Active, формы инфинитива,

модальные глаголы + перфектный инфинитив



The scientists have found out that a constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through the nerve fibers in the spinal cord. The spinal cord consists of millions of nerve fibers which transmit electrical information to the brain and back to each part of the body. The brain and the spinal cord are referred to as the Central Nervous System (CNS), while the nerves connecting the spinal cord to the body are referred to as the Peripheral Nervous System (PNS).

All parts of our body are connected by nerves. The nerve cells with their fibers make up the nervous system. The physiologists have not determined yet what happens when a nerve reacts to a stimulus but something travels from one nerve to another. The nerve cells send impulses to each other by means of the fibers at their ends. These fibers do not actually touch but are so close to each other that an impulse can travel from one fiber to another. Thus all nerve cells are connected with each other. So a stimulus from any part of the body can reach any other part of it. Physical agents become stimuli for nerve terminal by transferring from the external world to the nerve terminals.

The nervous cells of the cortex are the most delicate of all the cells of the human body. At the moment of tiredness of the cortical nervous cells the process of inhibition begins to act. This process does not allow new stimuli to pass to the tired areas of the brain. Though the stimuli continue to come to the brain the inhibited cortical cells do not react to them. To provide the smooth work of the brain the nervous cells must be well supplied with oxygen and feeding substances. And for this purpose any human being must have regular complete rest, i.e. sleep. Numerous investigations and experiments have shown that sleep is more necessary for the human being than food. One can live longer without food than without sleep.


I. Combine the word in A with the word in B:

A constant spinal nerve external delicate human inhibition tired smooth feeding complete B fibers rest areas substances body process flow cells cord work world

II. Translate the following word combinations:

постоянный поток раздражителей, нервные волокна в спинном мозге, передавать информацию, относиться к центральной нервной системе, реагировать на раздражитель, посылать сигналы друг другу, посредством волокон, фактически не соприкасаться, располагаться близко друг к другу, достигать другие части тела, нервные окончания, передавать сигналы из внешнего мира, нервные клетки коры головного мозга, самые хрупкие клетки, процесс торможения, проходить в уставшие области мозга, заторможенные клетки коры, обеспечивать гладкую работу, снабжать кислородом и питательными веществами, для этой цели, полный покой и сон

III. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

1. Stimuli comes into the brain through the nerve fibers in the spinal cord.

2. The brain, the spinal cord and the nerves connecting the spinal cord to the body are referred to as the Central Nervous System (CNS).

3. The physiologists have already determined what happens when a nerve reacts to a stimulus.

4. These fibers do not actually touch but are so close to each other that an impulse

can travel from one fiber to another.

5. The process of inhibition does not allow new stimuli to pass to the tired areas of

the brain.

6. To provide the smooth work of the brain the nervous cells must be well supplied

with carbon dioxide.

7. Food is more necessary for the human being than sleep.


IV. Read text B without a dictionary and retell it:

Text B.

One of the research institutes carried out an interesting experiment. Six young persons – four men and two girls did not sleep for 124 hours. They were under the constant observation of the doctors who took their cardiograms, determined the pulse and blood pressure, and carried out many other investigations.

Not to fall asleep they were allowed to do physical exercises, dance and play, but they were not allowed to take any stimulants. Vision, hearing and various reflexes were often examined during the experiment.

The experiment was successful. Its findings showed that prolonged sleeplessness increased the amount of sugar in the blood, decreased the level of vitamin B1 and B2, produced considerable increase of white blood cells and decreased the amount of iron in the blood.



Грамматика: Perfect Passive, усилительная конструкция It is … that



-ancy (-ency) - суффиксы существительных.

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

1. insufficiency, urgency, persistency, emergency, deficiency, efficiency,

dependency, infancy

II. Распределите сказуемые по группам:

a. Continuous Active в. Perfect Active с. Perfect Passive d. Simple Passive

1. is carried out

2. will be reading

3. has been discovered

4. was controlled

5. will have found out

6. had treated

7. were determining

8. have been operated

9. had had


III. Прочтите предложения, определите в них сказуемые и переведите предложения:

1. The new methods of research had been included into the work. 2. The course of treatment has been prolonged by the cardiologist. 3. The structure of the pancreas will have been described in the article. 4. The direction of the nerve fibers has already been established experimentally. 5. Several new medical schools have been founded in our country. 6. The exact amount of the blood in the experimental animal has just been estimated by the researcher.


IV. Найдите, прочтите и переведите предложения в Perfect Passive:

1. The doctor has treated the patient with pneumonia. 2. My brother has been treated in this clinic. 3. The group of researchers are working on a new drug for cancer. 4. The professor has just delivered the lecture on the exchange of gases in the lungs.5. Tomorrow from 10 till 15 the students of our group will be taking the exam in chemistry. 6. I has already been asked this question.

V. Переделайте предложения по модели:

e.g. The students have translated the text. – The text has been translated by the


1. My friends have completed the work.

2. The scientist has proved the important findings.

3. The laboratory worker has counted the number of leucocytes.

4. The doctor will have discharged out the patient by 12 o’clock.

5. The students have just listened to the lecture on the functions of the brain.

VI. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте их русские эквиваленты:

mechanism [‘mekqnizm], cranial [‘kreiniql], motor [‘moutq], centre [‘sentq], communication [kq, mjHni’keiSn], summarize [‘sAmqrQiz], analyze [‘qenqlQiz], emotion [I’mouSqn], hypothalamus [, hQipO’Tqelqmqs], sphere [sfiq], hemisphere [, hemi’sfiq]

VII. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

to complicate [, kOmpli’keit] – усложнять, осложнять

to consider [kqn’sidq] – считать, полагать, думать

cavity [‘kqeviti] - полость

band - пучок

lobe - доля

side – сторона, бок

due [djH] – должный, надлежащий

due to – вследствие, благодаря, из-за

to be due to - обуславливаться

directly [di’rektli] – прямо, непосредственно

ear [iq] - ухо

eye [Qi] - глаз

sense – чувство, ощущение; смысл, значение

pain - боль

smell - запах

feeling – чувство, ощущение

order [‘Ldq] - приказ, порядок

in order to – для того, чтобы

to move [mHv] - - двигать(ся), шевелить(ся)

medulla [me’dAlq] – продолговатый мозг

cerebrum [‘seribrqm] – головной мозг, большой мозг

cerebellum [, seri’belqm] - мозжечок

stem - ствол

forebrain [‘ fLbrein] - передний мозг

to receive [ri’sJv] - получать

to hear [hiq] - слышать

hearing [‘hiqriN] - слух

vision [viZn] - зрение

memory [‘memqri] - память

pressure [‘preSq] – давление

thought [TLt] – мысль, мышление

to control [kqn’troul] – контролировать, купировать (боль), управлять,


breathing [‘brJDiN] - дыхание

heartbeat [‘hRtbJt] - сердцебиение


VIII. Прочтите и переведите следующие словосочетания:

the most complicated mechanism; the weight of the human brain; to be connected directly and indirectly; the system of communication; constant flow of stimuli; sense organs; to send orders through the nerve fibers; due to the orders; to control vision and hearing; physical movements and emotions; motor cortex; to become tired rapidly; blood pressure; portion of the spinal cord; to be divided into two hemispheres; a thick band; thought, memory and feeling; to make muscles work; breathing and heartbeat

IX. Раскройте скобки:

the pain can (be discharged, be estimated, be controlled)

the area can (be extended, be published, be pumped)

the smell can (be covered, be entered, be felt)

the vision can (be breathed in, be investigated, be complicated)

hearing can (be received, be ordered, be examined)

blood pressure can (be complicated, be decreased, be taken)

memory can (be moved, be felt, be improved)

X. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. It is in the alveoli that the respiratory metabolism takes place. 2. It is hemoglobin that carries oxygen to different tissues of the human body. 3. It was not until 1628 that blood circulation was described by William Harvey.


XI. Используйте усилительную конструкцию для выделения членов предложения:

1. Prof. Lesgaft understood well the importance of physical culture. 2. During the systole both ventricles of the heart contract. 3. In 1538 Andreas Vesalius published his six volume work “Tabulae Anatomicae”.


Scientists consider that our brain is the most complicated mechanism which has ever been constructed. The brain lies in the biggest cavity of the skull which is called the cranial cavity. It is divided into three parts: the medulla, the forebrain consisting mainly of the cerebrum, and the cerebellum. The medulla (or the brain stem) is a portion of the spinal cord connecting it with the brain. The forebrain and the cerebellum are divided into two hemispheres which are connected by a thick band of nerve fibers. These hemispheres have areas called “lobes” which perform specific functions.

The weight of the human brain is from one to two kg. and it consists of about 12 billion (миллиард) cells. It has been determined by the scientists that each cell is connected to the other directly or indirectly by nerve fibers.

The brain is the centre of a wide system of communication. It has been found out that a constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through the spinal cord. The stimuli come to the brain from our eyes, ears, and other sense organs for pain, temperature, smell and other feelings. When all the received stimuli have been summarized and analyzed the brain sends orders through the nerve fibers in the spinal cord to different parts of the human body. It is due to these orders that one eats, moves, hears, sees and does many other things.

To estimate the functions of different areas of the brain many experiments have been carried out by the investigators. It is due to such experiments that the investigators have been able to determine those areas of the brain which control vision, hearing, physical movements and even emotions. For example, it has been discovered that the part for thought, memory and feeling is found in the front of the cerebrum. The part for hearing is found at the side of the cerebrum and the part for vision is in the back of the cerebrum. The cerebellum is the centre which makes the muscles work as a team. The medulla is connected with such important acts as breathing and heartbeat.

Due to experimental studies it has been determined that the motor cortex controlling many body movements of the human being becomes tired rapidly. But the hypothalamus which controls such functions as blood pressure is almost never tired.



I. Translate the following word combinations:

самый сложный механизм; черепная полость; два полушария; отдел спинного мозга; мозжечок; продолговатый мозг; передний мозг; большой мозг; толстый пучок нервных волокон; вес мозга; прямо и опосредованно; система связи; поток сигналов; глаза, уши и другие органы чувств; синтезировать и анализировать полученные сигналы; отправлять приказы; двигаться, слышать и видеть; определять функции различных областей мозга; управлять зрением и слухом; мышление, память и ощущения; дыхание и сердцебиение; двигательный отдел коры головного мозга; контролировать кровяное давление

II. Find the odd word:

1. to investigate, to study, to receive, to determine

2. medulla, cerebrum, hypothalamus, cavity

3. pain, weight, length, width

4. vision, hearing, memory, smell

5. breathing, heartbeat, area, blood pressure

III. Translate the following sentences:

1. Именно головной мозг является центром системы связи.

2. Именно мозг отправляет приказы по нервным волокнам к различным частям тела.

3. Именно продолговатый мозг управляет такими функциями как дыхание и


4. Именно гипоталамус контролирует кровяное давление.

5. Именно мозжечок заставляет мышцы работать.


IV. Combine the part from A with the part from B to make up sentences:

A 1. The brain is … 2. The medulla is … 3. The nose is … 4. The cerebrum is … 5. The cerebellum is … 6. The motor cortex is … 7. The hypothalamus is … 8. The stimuli … 9. The tongue is … B the organ of taste. the centre which makes the muscles work. the centre of wide system of communication. connected with breathing and heartbeat. come to the brain from our eyes, ears and other sense organs. the organ of smell. the part controlling body movements. the part controlling blood pressure. the part for thought, memory and feeling.


V. Express your agreement or disagreement with the following statements:

1. The most complicated mechanism which has ever been constructed is the heart.

2. The cranial cavity is the biggest cavity in the human body.

3. The brain is divided into three parts: the medulla, the forebrain and the cerebellum.

4. A constant flow of stimuli comes into the brain through the skin.

5. Eyes, ears, the tongue, the nose are the sense organs.

6. The tongue is the organ of smell.

7. The medulla makes the muscles work as a team.

8. The cerebrum is the part controlling vision and hearing.

9. Hypothalamus controlling blood pressure becomes tired very rapidly.

VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What is the brain?

2. Where is the brain located?

3. How many parts is the brain divided into? Name these parts.

4. What is the human brain weight?

5. How many cells does it consist of?

6. How are these cells connected to each other?

7. What sense organs can you name?

8. What do different parts of the brain (the medulla, the cerebrum, the cerebellum)


9. What can you say about hypothalamus?


VI. Learn the following words to text B:

advantage [qd’vRntiG] - преимущество

skills - умения

bulk – основная масса, большая часть

to compare [kqm’pFq] - сравнивать

to alter [‘Lltq] – изменять(ся)


VII. Read the text B and answer the questions:

1. Do bilingual or monolingual people have the advantage in various abilities and


2. When is it better to learn a second language?

Text B.

People who are bilingual have an advantage over the rest of us and not only in terms of communication skills. The bilingual brain develops more densely giving it an advantage in various abilities and skills according to new research.

The brain has two types of tissue called grey and white matter. Grey matter forms the bulk of nerve cells within the brain. Studies have shown that bilingual speakers have denser grey matter compared with monolingual participants especially in areas of language, memory and attention. The difference was especially important in the brain’s left side – an area controlling language and communication skills.

The research shows that being bilingual structurally changes the brain. The effect was strongest in people who had learned a second language before the age of 5. Those who had learned English at a young age had greater proficiency in reading, writing, talking and understanding English speech.

“Our findings suggest that the structure of the human brain is altered by the experience of acquiring a second language, ” write the researchers of the journal Nature.

VIII. Translate Text B using a dictionary:


Грамматика: функции инфинитива, неопределенно-личные




Префикс sub- соответствует русскому префиксу под-.

Префикс extra- соответствует русским префиксам вне-, не-.

Префикс pre- соответствует русским префиксам пред-, до-.

I. Прочтите и переведите следующие слова:

sub-: subclass, subgroup, subtropical, subdivide, subconscious, subcutaneous

extra-: extraordinary, extracellular, extracranial, extrasensory

pre-: preschool, predict, precede


I. Прочтите предложения, определите функцию инфинитива и переведите:

1. The doctor wanted to examine the patient in the morning.

2. To know anatomy well is necessary for every surgeon.

3. The students came to the Institute to listen to the lecture by professor.

4. My friend was the first to pass the examination in chemistry.

5. The surgeon will begin to operate on this patient at 10 o’clock.

6. He can perform this operation in the morning.

7. He wants to determine the functions of the brain cells.

8. Psychology is one of the most interesting subject to study.

9. The doctor changed his method of treatment to restore the patient’s health.

10. Andreas Vesalius was the first anatomist to describe the structure of the human

organs in connection with their functions.

11. To determine the functions of different parts of the brain is not easy.

12. To determine the functions of different parts of the brain many experiments

were carried out.

II. Переведите следующие предложения:

1. Завтра мы начнем готовиться к экзаменам.

2. Я был первым, кто выполнил тест.

3. Чтобы перевести эту статью, вы должны пользоваться словарем.

4. Я хочу задать вам несколько вопросов.

5. Вы должны ответить на несколько вопросов.

6. Иметь хорошую память – очень важно.

7. Он поступил в медицинский университет, чтобы стать врачом.

III. Назовите форму следующих инфинитивов (группу и залог):

to operate, to be treated. to be, to have been affected, to have performed, to be carrying out, to have made, to have, to be explained, to have been predicted, to be overcoming

IV. Раскройте скобки и прочтите предложения:

1. He came to the clinic (to examine, to be examined, to be examining).

2. I hope (to find, to have found, to be found) this book.

3. (to speak, to be speaking, to be spoken) Chinese is very difficult.

4. I am glad (to be listening to, to have listened to, to have been listened to) by you.

5. This is the experiment (to be performing, to be performed, to have performed)

for our research.


V. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. They say that this patient’s health will be restored soon.

2. One must study English to read scientific journals.

3. It is known that the human brain consists of three main parts.

4. One can say that this problem is very important,

5. It is estimated that the word psychology has the Greek origin.

6. They say that this method is very useful.

7. It was determined that the brain is the centre of the communication system.


VI. Переведите следующие неопределенно-личные предложения:

1. Известно, что … (to know)

2. Установлено что, … (to determine)

3. Можно сказать, что … (to say)

4. Доказано, что … (to prove)

5. Считают, что … (to think)

6. Продемонстрировали, что … (to demonstrate)

7. Отметили, что … (to note)

8. Обнаружили, что … (to find out)

9. Нельзя это делать (to do)


VII. Прочтите слова, запомните их произношение и дайте русские эквиваленты:

kinesthesia [, kinqs’Tezjq], vestibular [ves’tibjulq], principal [‘prinsipl], special [‘speSql], reflex [‘rJfleks], coordinate [kou’Ldnit], interpret [in’tWprit], membrane [‘membrein], vibration [vQi’breiSqn], receptor [ri’septq], chemical [‘kemikql], pore [pL], cranial [‘kreinjql], odour [‘oudq]


VIII. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

set – набор, комплект, ряд

to touch [tAtS] – касаться, прикасаться

touch - осязание

pain [pein] - боль

heat [hJt] – тепло, жара

sensitivity [, sensi’tivity] - чувствительность

to ensure [in’Suq] – обеспечивать, гарантировать

whole [houl} – весь, целый

light [lQit] - свет

sight [sQit] - зрение

retina [‘retinq] - сетчатка

image [‘imiG] – образ, изображение

to turn [tWn] – изменять, превращать, переводить

in its turn – в свою очередь

sound [sQund] - звук

speech [spJtS] - речь

wave – волна, зубец (кардиограммы)

outer ear –[‘Qutq] – наружное ухо

middle ear – среднее ухо

thin - тонкий

eardrum [‘iqdrAm] – барабанная перепонка

hair [hFq] – волос, волосок

cochlea [‘kOkliq] – улитка (уха)

auditory [‘Lditqri] - слуховой

to detect [di’tekt] – открывать, обнаруживать

taste bud – вкусовой сосочек

papilla [pq’pilq] (pl. papillae [pq’pili]) – сосочек, бугорок

tongue [tAN] - язык

to respond [ris’pOnd] – отвечать, реагировать

sweet - сладкий

salty [‘sOlti] - соленый

sour [‘sQuq] - кислый

bitter - горький

to dissolve [di’zOlv] - растворять

saliva [sq’lQivq] - слюна

cilia [‘siliq] - реснички

lobe - доля

perception [pq’sepSqn] – восприятие, ощущение

size - размер

IX. Прочтите и переведите следующие пары слов (глагол – существительное):

to touch – touch, to imagine – image, to speak – speech, to detect – detection, to respond – response, to turn – turn, to heat – heat, to see – sight


X. Прочтите и переведите словосочетания:

a set of sense organs; vision and hearing; heat and cold; taste, smell and touch; to ensure functioning; the whole organism; good sight; to be sensitive to light; to form the image; to interpret speech; different sounds; a thin membrane; auditory nerve; in its turn; taste buds; to respond to different stimuli; to be dissolved by saliva; cranial nerves; mucus membrane; odour molecules; frontal lobe; size, shape and texture


A human being has a whole set of sense organs: organs of vision, hearing, taste, smell, touch, pain, heat, cold, kinesthesia, vestibular sensitivity. First five organs are considered principal. Special sense organs are located inside the body. Brain receives signals from outside and inside, analyzes them and by means of reflex processes and ensures a coordinated functioning of the whole organism.

Vision is one of the most delicate and complicated senses. It is known that a human being receives 90% of information through vision. About one-fourth of the brain is involved in visual processing, more than any other sense. We can see because of light. Without light there would be no sight. Light reflects of things and then travels to our eyes. The retina has millions of cells that are very sensitive to light. One knows that when an image is formed in the eye upside down. This image is sent to the brain, which receives the message and turns the picture right side up again.

Hearing is considered the most important sense for humans. We can communicate with each other by receiving sounds and interpreting speech. The ear is made up of three parts. Sound travels through the ear in waves. They are received by the cup-shaped outer ear and directed into the middle ear where a thin membrane called eardrum is located. The vibrations hit the eardrum. Small hairs lining the cochlea also begin to vibrate and send a message to the auditory nerve which in its turn sends the message to the brain.

Taste and smell are separate senses with their own receptor organs but they are closely entwined because these two senses act together.

Tastes are detected by special structures – taste buds. It is known that every human has from 5, 000 to 10, 000 of them. Taste buds are located within papillae mainly on the tongue. It is estimated that each taste bud consists of about 100 receptors that respond to the four types of stimuli – sweet, salty, sour and bitter – from which all tastes are formed. A substance is tasted when chemicals in foods dissolve in saliva, enter the pores on the tongue and come into contact with taste buds. As a result signals are sent to cranial nerves and taste centres in the brain.

Smell receptors are located in the mucus membrane lining the nose. One knows that each cell has several cilia which are stimulated by odour molecules in the air. The impulses from stimulated cells come to the brain’s frontal lobe where smell perception is formed.

Touch is the sense by which we determine the characteristics of objects: size, shape, and texture. We do this through touch receptors in the skin.



I. Translate the following words and word combinations:

зрение, вкус, обоняние, осязание, слух, чувствительность, боль, свет, речь, звук, сетчатка, внутреннее ухо, среднее ухо, барабанная перепонка, улитка уха, слуховой нерв, тонкая оболочка, вкусовой сосочек, бугорки языка, растворяться в слюне, шейные нервы, слизистая оболочка, молекулы запаха, передняя доля, размер и форма, кожа, весь организм

II. Complete the following sentences:

1. A human being has five main … organs.

2. Eyes are the organs of ….

3. Ears are the organs of ….

4. The nose is the organ of ….

5. The tongue is the organ of ….

6. Skin is the organ of ….

7. The main characteristics of objects are …, … and ….

8. All tastes are formed by four types of stimuli: …, …, … and ….


III. Fill in the gaps with the necessary prepositions:

1. A human being receives 90% of information … vision.

2. There would be no sight … light.

3. The retina has millions … cells.

4. These cells are very sensitive … light.

5. People can communicate … each other.

6. Taste buds are located … the tongue.

7. Chemicals in food come … contact … taste buds.

8. Cilia in the nose are stimulated … odour molecules.

9. Brain receives signals … outside and inside.


IV. Translate the following sentences:

1. Известно, что примерно ¼ мозга вовлечена в процесс зрения.

2. Считается, что слух является самым важным чувством.

3. Установлено, что вкус и обоняние действуют вместе.

4. Говорят, что у каждого человека от 5000 до 10000 вкусовых сосочков на


5. Подсчитано, что каждый вкусовой сосочек состоит примерно из 100


6. Обнаружено, что восприятие запаха формируется в передней доле мозга.


V. Find Russian equivalents to the following English idioms:


1. Out of sight – out of mind. 2. Tastes differ. 3. I’m all ears. 4. Touch wood. 5. I can’t believe my ears. 6. It is in one ear and out of the other. Постучите по дереву. В одно ухо влетает, в другое вылетает. С глаз долой – из сердца вон. О вкусах не спорят. Я весь – внимание. Не верю своим ушам.


VI. Answer the following questions:

1. What sense organs do we have?

2. Which sense is the most complicated? Why?

3. What are the organs of vision?

4. How is the image formed in the eye?

5. Which sense is the most important for humans?

6. What are the organs of hearing?

7. What do the organs of hearing consist of?

8. What structures are tastes detected by?

9. What are the types of taste stimuli?

10. Describe the process of tasting.

11. Where are the receptors for smell located?

12. Where is smell perception formed?

13. What is touch?

14. What are the main characteristics of objects?

15. How do we do touch?


Case Analyses

Answer the questions.

Do you think if the sixth sense exist?

What is considered to be the sixth sense?

What do you know about the sixth sense?



Грамматика: повелительное наклонение, возвратные местоимения,

способы отрицания




I. Прочтите и переведите следующие предложения:

1. Read and translate the text.

2. Answer the following questions.

3. Complete the sentences with the proper preposition.

4. Learn the new words and word combinations.

5. Remember the pronunciation of the new words.

6. Close your textbooks and open the notebooks.

7. Make up questions to the text.

8. Write down your home assignment.

9. Be attentive!

10. Be careful!

11. Don’t open your books.

12. Don’t use a dictionary.

13. Don’t be in a hurry!

14. Don’t worry!

15. Don’t be late!

16. Let’s speak English!

17. Let’s do it together.

18. Let’s listen to his answer.


II. Вставьте соответствующую форму возвратного местоимения. Переведите предложения:

1. I did this work ….

2. He performed the operation ….

3. She … made an injection.

4. They could prepare the task ….

5. The lecture … was very interesting.

6. Be careful! Don’t cut ….

III. Запомните произношение следующих слов:

natural [‘nqetSqrql], idea [Qi’diq], military [‘militqri], popular [‘pOpjulq], anaesthetic [, qenis’Tetik], address [q’dres], defect [di’fekt], image [‘imiG], enthusiasm [in’TjHziqezm]


IV. Выучите новые слова и словосочетания:

to decide [di’sQid] - решать

to allow [q’lQu] – разрешать, позволять

to interrupt [intq’rApt] - прерывать

to digest [di’Gest] – переваривать(ся), усваивать

to treat – относиться, обращаться; лечить

fear [fiq] - страх

to recover [ri’kAvq] - выздоравлтвать

to contribute to [kqn’tribjut] – способствовать, вносить вклад

death [deT] - смерть

the youth [jHT] - молодежь

stage [steiG] - стадия

previous [‘prJvjqs] – предыдущий, предшествующий

to try [trQi] – пытаться, стараться

to hide (hid, hidden) - прятать

modesty [‘moudqsti] - скромность

to imagine [I’mqeGin] – воображать, представлять себе

to demand [di’mRnd] - требовать

to devote [di’vout] - посвящать

to influence [‘influqns] – влиять, воздействовать

to establish [is’tqebliS] – основывать, создавать, учреждать

to speculate [‘spekjuleit] – размышлять, делать предположения


V. Прочтите и переведите следующие сочетания глаголов и существительных:

to decide – decision, to allow – allowance, to digest – digestion, to treat – treatment, to recover – recovery, to contribute – contribution, to imagine – image – imagination, to demand – demand, to devote – devotion, to influence – influence, to establish – establishment, to speculate - speculation


VI. Назовите части речи и переведите следующие слова:

natural, lecturer, wonderful, digestive, military, experimental, operation, kindness, skillful, generally, contribution, important, systemic, image, previous, knowledge, influence, establishment, speculate

VII. Сделайте предложения отрицательными:

1. They tried to help me.

2. She is very modest.

3. I can imagine their reaction.

4. He wants to devote his life to medicine.

5. The patient was allowed to walk.

6. The scientists are speculating about many problems.

7. They have already established new demands.


VIII. Прочтите и переведите предложения, обращая внимания на способы отрицания:

1. The doctor does not allow his patient to work hard.

2.My friend did not want to study medicine.

3. He made no contribution to the science.

4. There are no medical article in this journal.

5. Nobody could answer the question.

6. We have never heard about this new method.

7. The patient could not fall asleep until he took the drug.

8. He will be hospitalized unless his condition becomes better.

IX. Прочтите и переведите текст А:


Text A. I. P. PAVLOV

Ivan Petrovich Pavlov was born on September 14, 1849 in Ryazan. When he was a very little boy he helped his father on his farm. His father taught him to read books.

In 1870 Pavlov entered Petersburg University to study natural sciences. Soon he decided to become a physiologist himself. In 1890 he began to lecture on physiology in the Military Academy. Many of Pavlov’s ideas were new to the students and he was a very popular lecturer. His lectures were very simple and clear. He did not use notes since his memory was wonderful. He allowed students to interrupt him and answered their questions.

Pavlov studied the work of the digestive system. He made many experiments on dogs. He had to make operations on dogs and as he loved animals he treated them with great kindness and they showed no fear of him. Pavlov never operated unless it was really necessary and he always used anaesthetics. He was a very skillful surgeon and the dogs generally recovered very quickly. Pavlov made great contribution to medical science. He was given a new laboratory near Petersburg. Large sums of money were spent on his laboratory. Though he was an old man of seventy-four he worked nine or ten hours a day.


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