Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Make some sentences with your own ideas. Try to use different tenses


Example: Judy started singing when she was very young.

She stopped writing when she got into college

I don't mind washing dishes











1. Have you (or has someone you know) ever had an electric shock? Tell your partner about it.

2. what was life like before electricity was discovered?

3. How would your life be different without electricity?

4. What would you miss most in a world without electricity?

5. Is it dangerous to live near electricity pylons? Do they cause pollution?

6. Do you think the car of the future will be electric? Why/not?

7. What alternative enemy sources are there to electricity? What are the

advantages and disadvantages of each of them?

8. What do you think should be done to prevent blackouts in the future?



1. Would you like to be able to speak Esperanto? Do you think Esperanto is the language of the future? Why/not?

2. Why do languages die out (e.g. Latin)? Do you think English will ever die out? Why/not?

3. How different would life be different if we all spoke the same language? What would be the advantages and the disadvantages? Do you think that speaking one language could bring people of different nations closer together and improve the chances of world peace?

4. Approximately 1 in 4 people speak Chinese. In many countries Spanish is the first language. In the light of this information do you think English is the best choice for an international language. Why/not? What are the advantages and disadvantages of using English as the global language?

5. With your partner, suggest ways to make the English language easier to learn (e.g. abolish irregular verbs so 'bought' = ‘buyed’).


1. On what occasions do you give (or receive) presents?

2. Do you ever give people presents for no obvious reason?

3. What is the most useless, ridiculous or inappropriate present you have ever received? Who gave it to you? How did you react when you received it?

4. Who do you find it most difficult to buy presents for? Why?

5. Is it acceptable in your country to give money as a present? Why/not?

6. Do you think children get too many presents these days?

7. Do you buy presents well in advance or are you a last-minute shopper?

8. Do you wrap presents yourself? Are you good at gift-wrapping? Or do you prefer to have presents gift-wrapped in the shop?


Unit #7. Complex object after verbs of sense perception.

Grammar 7.1


Exercise 1.Translate and give 4 forms of verb

Example: хранить – keep – kept-kept-keeping


1. встречать,

2. посылать,

3. строить,

4. давать,

5. поло­жить,

6. подниматься,

7. говорить,

8. знать,

9. обучать,

10. продавать,

11. покупать,

12. прекращать,

13. находить,

14. терять,

15. брать,

16. тратить,

17. будить,

18. начинать,

19. делать (2),

20. показывать,

21. приносить,

22. слы­шать,

23. продолжать,

24. петь,

25. разрешать,

26. прерывать,

27. достигать,

28. умирать,

29. лежать,

30. опрокидывать


Exercise 2. Complete the sentences using Complex Object.


Example: I saw him...— I saw him walking about the park.

I’ve never seen her...— I’ve never seen her play chess.


1. We saw them...

2. The young mother watched her child...

3. We’ve never heard him...

4. Have you ever seen them...?

5. We didn’t notice him...

6. Has your teacher ever heard your friend...?

7. When did you see your little son...?

8. That girl has a fine voice. Have you ever heard her...?

9. They didn’t see us...

10. Have you ever watched...?

11. I hope she didn’t hear me...


Exercise 3. Complete the sentences with these opposites of the words in brackets

alert beneficial give up increases junk lose overeating relieve


1. Dave has decided to give up (start) smoking again.

2. I’ve started a new diet to help me (gain) weight.

3. Many people believe that caffeine can help to (increase) pain.

4. A fatty diet (reduces) the risk of heart disease.

5. There are several (harmful) effects of eating raw fish.

6. Too many young people are (dieting) these days.

7. Most of the café s around here only serve (healthy) food.

8. Drinking tea usually makes me feel more (tired).


Exercise 4. “Riddle my riddle”

You should show your sentence and we’ll try to understand it.



1. I expect you to leave the room.

2. I want you to do your homework.

3. I would like you to speak English.

4. I want you to eat the soup.

5. I saw you speaking on the phone.

6. I heard you playing the piano.


Exercise 5. listen to the song, fill in the sentences. Don’t forget to use Complex Object.


(The Beatles)


There were bells on a hill

But I never …………………… (hear) them …………………… (ring) (1)

No I never heard them at all

Till there was you


There were birds in the sky

But I never …………………… (see) them …………………… (wing) (2)

No I never saw them at all

Till there was you.


Then there was music and wonderful roses

They tell me in sweet fragrant meadows of dawn and dew.


There was love all around

But I never …………………… (hear) it …………………… (sing) (3)

No I never heard it at all

Till there was you.

Exercise 6. Translate


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