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Phonetics as a Linguistic Science

1. The phonetic system of language.

2. Aspects of speech sounds.

3. The practical and theoretical significance of phonetics.

4. Phonology as a linguistic branch of phonetics.

Основная литература

*Соколова, М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. для студентов высш. учеб. заведений. 3-е изд., стереотип. / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова и др. – М. Гуманитарный издательский центр ВЛАДОС, 2004. – С.6–17, 39-60.

Дополнительная литература

*Леонтьева, С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: Учеб. для пед. вузов и университетов. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. / С.Ф. Леонтьева. – М. Издательство «Менеджер», 2004. – С.10-20, 25-29, 30-39, 56-64, 68-72, 75-79.

A. Think about the following questions for class discussion.

· What are the relations between language and speech?

· Define the phonetic system of a language. What units does it include?

· What are the sources of speech sounds?

· In what way does the listener perceive the acoustic properties of speech sounds?

· Why is it important to train one’s hearing abilities in foreign language learning?

· Why is phonetics placed among linguistic sciences and not among physiological or physical ones?

· What is phonology? Why is it called functional phonetics?

· What language units is phonology concerned with?

· What is the difference between phonemes and allophones?

In What way are allophones classified?

· What aspects of the phoneme have been discovered by phoneticians?

· The problems of phonological analysis.

B. Select some examples

a) to illustrate articulatory and functional distinctions between English and Russian speech sounds;

b) to illustrate the distinctions in sounds which express distinctions in meaning;

c) to illustrate that an utterance, an act of oral speech, is a concrete manifestation of whole system of language at work;

d) to prove that the phoneme concept is essential for teaching and learning purposes;

e) to explain why the glottal stop isn’t included into the system of English phonemes in spite of the fact that it is so widely used;

f) to provide some evidence to prove that in English (a) aspirated and non-aspirated [t] are allophones of one and the same phoneme; (b) [ŋ ] and [n] are realizations of two different phonemes; (c) [aI], [au], [ oI] are single-unit phonemes.

A. Phonetic transcription is essential for practical purposes as English spelling is by no means a reliable guide to correct pronunciation – it uses the same letter or letters for different sounds and it gives the same sound different spellings. Compare, for example, the pronunciation of the “ough” combination in “thought”, “through”, “though”, “thorough” or compare the spelling of [I] in “little”, “busy”, “enough”, “women”.

B. Find more examples to show important a phonetic transcription is for practical purposes.


Семинар 2

Intonation and Prosody

1. Intonation and the prosodic system of a language.

2. Prosodic units.

3. Prosodic subsystems.

4. The prosodic structure of an utterance.

Основная литература

* Соколова, М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. для студентов высш. учеб. заведений. – 3-е изд., стереотип. / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова и др. – М: Гуманитарный издательский центр. ВЛАДОС, 2004. – С.135-163.

Дополнительная литература

* Леонтьева, С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: Учеб. для пед. вузов и университетов. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. / С.Ф. Леонтьева. – М. Издательство «Менеджер», 2004. – С.242-249.

*Соколова, М.А. Практическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. для студентов высш. учеб. заведений / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, К.П. Гинтовт, Л.А. Кантер и др. – М: Гуманитарный издательский центр. ВЛАДОС, 2003. – С.147-227.

A. Think about the following questions for class discussion.

· What is the difference between prosody and intonation?

· What is the prosodic system of a language?

· What linguistic is intonation defined on?

· What are the main approaches to the study of intonation?

· What is the smallest meaningful prosodic unit? What meanings does it convey?

· On what grounds do phoneticians assert that the tone ( pitch component), the pitch level the pitch range? stress and tempo constitute system of their own ( prosodic subsystems)?

· Speak on: a) the melody or the pitch component of intonation; b) sentence stress; c) rhythm and tempo; d) pausation and timbre (tamber).

· Is the prosodic (intonation) structure of the utterance related to a definite syntactical structure? What factors determine the prosodic structure of an utterance?

· Which prosodic notation system do you consider most suitable for teaching purposes?

B. Select pairs of utterances with an identical syntactical structure and with different prosodic features to illustrate the inventory of:

· The tone subsystem ( the subsystem of pitch);

· the subsystem of tempo;

· the subsystem of rhythm;

· the subsystem of pauses.

Семинар 3

Rhythm and speech Melody

1. Rhythm and its prosodic aspect.

2. The rhythmic group (unit) in component with the intonation group. Their role in producing speech melody (the pitch component of intonation).

3. The functional aspect of rhythm.

4. The position and functional of rhythmic units in the prosodic structure of an utterance.

Основная литература

*Соколова, М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. для студентов высш. учеб. заведений. – 3-е изд., стереотип. / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова и др. – М: Гуманитарный издательский центр. ВЛАДОС, 2004. – С.163-183.

Дополнительная литература

*Леонтьева, С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: Учеб. для пед. вузов и университетов. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. / С.Ф. Леонтьева. – М. Издательство «Менеджер», 2004. – С.246-247.

Brown, J. Listening to Spoken English. – М: Prosveshcheniye, 1984, pp.42-52.

A. Think about the following questions for class discussion.

· What is the prosodic structure of the rhythmic group (unit)?

· What is the accentual and rhythmic structure of the utterance?

· Why is the intonation group hierarchically higher than the rhythmic unit (group)?

· What are the structural elements of the intonation group?

· Comment on the functional role of the structural elements of the intonation group in the prosodic structure of the utterance.

· Why are the structural elements of the intonation group not related taxonomically?

· How is the functional aspect of rhythm connected with meanings and functions of prosody?

· Are the functions and meanings of the prosodic structure of the utterance equivalent notions?

· What meanings can the utterance prosody have?

What do you think are the denotative and connotative meanings of the prosodic structure of the utterance?

B. Compare semantically identical English and Russian utterances as to

a) the number of stresses in them;

b) the form of the terminal tone;

c) the character of rhythm.

B. Collect examples to illustrate

a) the dependence of stress on the rhythm of the utterance;

b) the tendency to avoid stressing several syllables in succession;

c) the tendency to avoid stressing several words (monosyllabic or polysyllabic) in succession;

d) compression of syllable length in rhythmic units as a manifestation of the tendency to isochrony.

B. Read these rhymes. Observe the regular alternation of stressed and unstressed syllables.

Jack and Jill went up the hill

To fetch a pail of water.

Jack fell down and broke his crown,

And Jill came tumbling after.

In winter I get up at night.

And dress by yellow candle light.

In summer guite the other way

I have to do to bed day.

B. Draw your conclusion on the prosodic organization and functional role of poetic rhythm in comparison with the rhythmic tendencies observed in prose reading.


Семинар 4

Problems of Phonostylistics

1. Stylistic modifications of sounds in connected speech.

2. Phonetic styles of speech or styles of pronunciation.

3. The problem of classification of phonostyles.

4. The stylistic use intonation.

Основная литература

* Соколова, М.А. Теоретическая фонетика английского языка: Учеб. для студентов высш. учеб. заведений. – 3-е изд., стереотип. / М.А. Соколова, К.П. Гинтовт, И.С. Тихонова и др. – М: Гуманитарный издательский центр. ВЛАДОС, 2004. – С.18-38.

Дополнительная литература

* Леонтьева, С.Ф. Теоретическая фонетика современного английского языка: Учеб. для пед. вузов и университетов. – 3-е изд., испр. и доп. / С.Ф. Леонтьева. – М. Издательство «Менеджер», 2004. – С.249, 254-258.

Brown, J. Listening to Spoken English. – М: Prosveshcheniye, 1984, pp.53-83.

А. Think about the following questions for class discussion.

· Is there any correction between linguistic and extra-linguistic contexts?

· What extra-linguistic factors cause phonetic modifications in speech?

· What segmental and suprasegmental (prosodic) features set up phonetic style-forming means?

· Define the term “phonetic styles” (“phonostyles”).

· What is the subject matter of Phonostylistics, an essential branch of phonetics?

· Is there any correlation between phonetic styles of speech and functional styles of a language?

· Why are there so many classifications of phonetic styles?

· Which classification of phonetic styles is relevant to teaching and learning purposes?

· Which of the segmental and prosodic features have the most important stylistic function?

· What varieties of the language and forms of communication are relevant to the stylistic use of intonation?

· Are the degree of speech preparedness (degree of spontaneity), the number of participants in social interaction and the character of their relationship significant for differentiating phonetic styles?

B. Express your opinion of the following:

a) Familiar style is one of the most widespread phonetic stiles regularly used by the educated people (when at home, with friends, ect.). Is it right to label pronunciation variants used in familiar style as “bad” or “incorrect”? Are those variants appropriate in any situations?

b) It would be as inappropriate to introduce formality into an informal, chatty conversation, as it would be to introduce informality on an official occasion.

c) In the following utterances the meaningful function of intonation is expressed by the appropriate attitudes. Comment on them.

1. I want to talk to you.

2. What country are you from?

3. I was busy that day.

4. You knew he was there.

5. She worked hard at her English, didn’t she?

6. How ridiculous!

7. How did you spend the time yesterday?

8. What’s all this fuss about?

9. Cheer up!

10. Do forgive me.

Семинар 5


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