Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Тема практического занятия №5,6: What is law?

Им. М. Утемисова



Кафедра __Правовых дисциплин___



по дисциплине ___Профессионально-ориентированный иностранный язык



для специальностей ____________5В030100 Юриспруденция_____________



Составители: м.ю н. _Хабиева Эльвира Серикбаевна ___


Уральск, 2016 г.



SYLLABUS разработан на основании рабочей учебной программы __ Профессионально- ориентированный иностранный язык, 2016_

(название, год утверждения)

Рассмотрено на заседании кафедры правовых дисциплин

Протокол № 1 от « 12__» 09 20 16г.


Рецензент: к.ю.н, Назаркулова Л.Т

(ФИО, должность, ученая степень)


1. Программа обучения по дисциплине – SYLLABUS

Семестр состоит из 15 учебных недель и 3 недель сессии.

Объем дисциплины составляет 2 кредита:


Кол-во кредитов Аудиторные занятия Внеаудиторные занятия Всего часов Форма контроля
Лекции Практические/ семинарские занятия Лабораторные занятия СРСП СРС    
- - Комбинированный экзамен


Рубежный контроль- 8 и 15 неделя семестра


2.Данные о дисциплине

Цель курса: Ос­нов­ная цель кур­са «Профессионально- ориентированный иностранный язык» со­сто­ит в том, что­бы рас­крыть со­дер­жа­ние клю­че­вых по­ня­тий и кон­цеп­ту­аль­ных под­хо­дов, на ко­то­рых базируется иностранного языка по специальности «ме­ж­ду­на­род­ные от­но­ше­ния», оз­на­ко­мить сту­ден­тов с предметной областью специальности на иностранном профессионально- ориентированном языке, базовым категориально- понятийным аппаратом в его иностранном выражении, профессиональной иностранной терминологией.

Программа курса носит преимущественно практический характер и вместе с тем она призвана дать студенту первичные сведения об использовании иностранного языка в профессиональной деятельности в области международных отношений.

Задачи курса: В ре­зуль­та­те изу­че­ния курса «Профессионально- ориентированный иностранный язык» сту­дент дол­жен по­лу­чить пред­став­ле­ние об особенностях профессионально- ориентированного иностранного языка и области его использования в профессиональной деятельности по специальности «международные отношения»; знать со­дер­жа­ние ос­нов­ных терминов и языковых выражений функционирующих в международных отношениях; уметь са­мо­стоя­тель­но раз­би­рать­ся в текстах политического содержания, международных документах и вести диалог на иностранном языке

Содержание курса:

Курс «Профессионально- ориентированный иностранный язык» дает студентам возможность освоить основные понятия, применяемые в международных отношениях; получить навыки самостоятельного изучения и анализа текстов международного характера, необходимые для работы в различных государственных и негосударственных организациях международного профиля.

Пререквизиты. Для изучения дисциплины необходимы знания по курсам: «Иностранный язык», «Русский язык»

Постреквизиты. Знания полученные в ходе изучения дисциплины необходимы для изучения: «История Международных отношений», «Теория Международных отношений», «Современные системы международных отношений», «Современные проблемы международных отношений».

Методология обучения.

Обучение проводится в основном в виде практических занятий, на которых отражается содержание основного учебного материала, и закрепляются практические навыки и полученные представления.

3. Требования к студентам: получение хорошего балла по курсу невозможно без постоянной работы. Это предполагает, что оценка по курсу формируется в течение всего семестра. Вы заинтересованы принимать активное участие в работе во время занятий. Максимальная оценка за все виды работ ставится, если был дан правильный, четкий ответ на поставленные вопросы работа выполнена аккуратно в полном объеме.

1. Посещение

Посещение должно быть обязательным. Пропуски занятий отрабатываются в полном объеме занятия, отраженном в учебно-методическом комплексе. Пропуски занятий без уважительной причины, в объеме превышающем треть курса, ведут к исключению с курса.

2. Поведение в аудитории

Студент обязан не опаздывать на занятия, не разговаривать во время занятий, не читать газеты, отключать сотовый телефон, активно участвовать в учебном процессе.

3. Домашнее задание

Домашняя работа обязательна для выполнения и отчетность по ней принимается в оговоренное преподавателем время. У студентов опоздавших во время отчитаться домашнее задание приниматься не будет. На основе ваших отчетностей будет выведена оценка, которая повлияет на итоговую оценку.

4. Рубежный контроль

В течение семестра проводится два рубежных контроля на 8 неделе и на 15 неделе

4. Методические указания по изучению дисциплины

Обучение проводится в основном в виде лекций, практических занятий (семинары) и СРСП, в темах которых отражается содержание учебного материала, и закрепляются практические навыки. Лекции, практические занятия будут проводиться по установленному учебному расписанию, СРСП – в удобное для студентов и преподавателя время. На СРСП студенты могут обратиться к преподавателю с интересующими их по текущей теме вопросами, с какими-либо затруднениями, возникшими при подготовке к семинарским занятиям либо при выполнении самостоятельных работ, решить иные вопросы, возникшие в процессе изучения данного учебного курса.

Контроль знаний студентов будет осуществляться в устной (опрос) и письменной (контрольные и самостоятельные работы) формах в ходе проведения семинаров, путем проверки индивидуальных самостоятельных работ студентов (рефераты, доклады, кроссворды, схемы, эссе и т.д.), путем сдачи рубежного контроля, в ходе проведения экзамена.


Содержание курса

Первая неделя

Тема практического занятия №1, 2: Особенности профессионального иностранного (английского)языка


1.Особенности грамматического и лексического строя иностранного (английского) языка. 2.Система функционирования стилей иностранного (английского) языка.

Содержание СРСП 1, 2:

Составить список дисциплин специальности юриспруденции с транскрипцией, выучить их.

Форма отчетности: устно

Задания на СРС 1, 2: Особенности профессионального иностранного (английского)языка

Официальные названия дисциплин специальности юриспруденции.

Форма отчетности: устно

Основная литература

  1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)
  2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов
  3. Just English. Legal Crosswords
  4. Just English.Clones are Coming
  5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006
  6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005
  7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006
  8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.
  9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.
  10. Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.
  11. Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.
  12. Английский язык для юристов. Branches of law: Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н. Шишкина. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002
  13. Test your professional English: Law: intermediate: upper-intermediate: advanced / Nick Brieger. — Harlow: Pearson Education; Harlow: Penguin English, 2006.

Вторая неделя

Тема практического занятия №3, 4: Introduction to law

Задания: выучить

1. to make laws – издавать, принимать законы

2. to repeal laws – отменять законы

3. to break laws – нарушать законы

4. to obey laws – соблюдать законы,

5. to enforce laws – обеспечить (принудительно) исполнение закона

6. to apply laws – применять законы

7. to be against the law – быть противозаконным

8. to study law – изучать право

9. to amend the law – вносить поправки в закон

ТемаСРСП 3, 4: выучить

In my opinion – по моему мнению

I can’t make up my mind, but – не могу принять решение, но

I am keeping an open mind for the moment – пока у меня нет никакого мнения на этот счет

I’m (not) sure that – я (не) уверен, что

Firstly, (secondly) – во-первых, (во-вторых)

Finally – наконец

Форма отчетности: устно

Задания на СРС3, 4:

Прочитайте данные ниже определения слова «law», которое переводится на русский язык как «право, закон».

1. A rule of conduct or procedure established by custom, agreement, or authority.

2. A set of rules or principles dealing with a specific area of a legal system.

3. A way of life.

4. A statement describing a relationship observed to be invariable between or among phenomena for all cases in which the specified conditions are met.

5. A principle of organization, procedure, or technique.

6. A generalization based on consistent experience or results.

Форма отчетности: устно

Основная литература

  1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)
  2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов
  3. Just English. Legal Crosswords
  4. Just English.Clones are Coming
  5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006
  6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005
  7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006
  8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.
  9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.
  10. Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.
  11. Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.
  12. Английский язык для юристов. Branches of law: Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н. Шишкина. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002
  13. Test your professional English: Law: intermediate: upper-intermediate: advanced / Nick Brieger. — Harlow: Pearson Education; Harlow: Penguin English, 2006.

Неделя 3.

What is law?

The term “law” is used in many senses: we may speak of the laws of physics, mathematics, science, nature, or the laws of football, logic or health.

Some laws are descriptive: they simply describe how people, or even natural phenomena, usually behave. An example of descriptive law is rather consistent law of gravity, another example is the less consistent laws of


Other laws are prescriptive – they prescribe how people should or must behave. An example of prescriptive law is traffic regulations. When we speak of the law of a state we use the term “law” in a special and strict sense, and in that sense law may be defined as “a rule of human conduct, imposed upon and enforced among, the members of a given state”.

In any society, laws have several characteristics. First, laws symbolize norms, values, traditions. Second, laws must be codified in some way, usually through writing. Third, there must exist a method of enforcement: this can include police, social pressure, “magic”, or some other

force that enable society to punish or reward its members. And finally, there must be something specific to be enforced: laws are not general, but specific.

The main characteristic of law is that it is enforced, and such enforcement is usually carried out by the State. If the rules or laws are broken, compulsion is used to enforce obedience. Thus if A steals a watch from B, A may be prosecuted before the court. The court may then order the restitution of the watch to its rightful owner, B. If A refuses to obey, he or she may be punished, that means a penalty will be imposed on A. This is why we need law: if we all behaved according to our personal standards of behaviour and morality, anarchy would rule the world.We may say, then, that two ideas underlie the concept of law: 1) order, in the sense of method or system; and 2) compulsion – i.e. the enforcement of obedience to the rules or laws laid down.

Answer the following questions:

1. In what senses can we use the word “law”?

2. What is the difference between descriptive laws and prescriptive

laws? Give some examples.

3. How is the law of the state defined?

4. What do laws symbolize?

5. What can be used as methods of enforcement?

6. Why do methods of enforcement exist?

7. What is the chief characteristic of law?

Тема СРСП 5, 6: What is law?


1)In all __________ relations between people are regulated by__________.

Some of them are customs – that is, _________ of social and moral behaviour. Customs need not to be made by________, and they need not to be written down. We learn how we are expected to _____ in society through

the _________ of family and teachers, the advice of friends, and our own ______ in communication with other people. Thus moral rules and ethics remind us that it is _______ to covet, to tell lies, or to defame the dead.

Sometimes we can break these rules without suffering any_________. But if we continually________, or break a very important one, we may lose our friends or their _______. The law, however, is not concerned with these

matters and leaves them to the individual’s ________ and the pressure of public opinion results no______.

2) a) conduct (n)

b) obedience

c) compulsion

d) penalty

e) to enable

f) to prosecute

g) to define

h) to underlie

1. A punishment for breaking a rule or law.

2. To describe clearly and exactly what something is, or what something means.

3. This is the way someone behave in particular situations.

4. It is when people or animals do what they are told or ordered to.

5. To form the basis of something ( of a theory, behaviour, doctrine, etc.)

6. To initiate and conduct a legal action against somebody.

7. If somebody uses it in order to get you to do something, they force you to do it, for example, by threatening to punish you.

8. To give someone an ability or opportunity to do something

Тема СРС 5, 6: What is law?

Задания: Complete the text with the words from the box below and translate

the text.

Respect (n), immoral, governments, legal actions, break the rules,

societies, behave, penalty, moral choice, prescriptive laws, instructions,

informal rules, experience

Law, morality and custom.

In all __________ relations between people are regulated by__________.

Some of them are customs – that is, _________ of social and moral behaviour. Customs need not to be made by________, and they need not to be written down. We learn how we are expected to _____ in society through the _________ of family and teachers, the advice of friends, and our own

______ in communication with other people. Thus moral rules and ethics

remind us that it is _______ to covet, to tell lies, or to defame the dead.

Sometimes we can break these rules without suffering any_________. But if

we continually________, or break a very important one, we may lose our

friends or their _______. The law, however, is not concerned with these

matters and leaves them to the individual’s

Основная литература

  1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)
  2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов
  3. Just English. Legal Crosswords
  4. Just English.Clones are Coming
  5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006
  6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005
  7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006
  8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.
  9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.
  10. Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.
  11. Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.
  12. Английский язык для юристов. Branches of law: Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н. Шишкина. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002
  13. Test your professional English: Law: intermediate: upper-intermediate: advanced / Nick Brieger. — Harlow: Pearson Education; Harlow: Penguin English, 2006.

Неделя 4.

Задания: Agree or disagree with the following statements. Make the false statements true.

1) The text is about philosophers of law.

2) Philosophy of law studies particular differences of legal systems.

3) There are three schools of thought providing identical answers to the question “What is law? ”

4) Natural theory asserts that enacted laws should closely correspond laws of nature.

5) The most important part of positivist theory was developed by


6) In the 20th century legal realism had a great influence on the philosophy of law.

7) The legal views of H.L.A.Hart are still influential.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Задания на СРС 7, 8: Complete the sentences using the text.

1. Philosophy of law combines two sciences: _______ and _______. Philosophy of law studies ________.

2. The question “What is law? ” has received _________.

3. There are three main theories that provide answers to this question. They are: _________.

4. Natural theory of law is often summarized in the following maxim: ___________

5. The theory of legal positivism was developed by _________.

6. Understanding the law as real practice in courts, law offices and police stations is the view of _________.

7. The most influential theorists of law in the 20th century were_________.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Основная литература:

  1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)
  2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов
  3. Just English. Legal Crosswords
  4. Just English.Clones are Coming
  5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006
  6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005
  7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006
  8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.
  9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.
  10. Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.
  11. Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.
  12. Английский язык для юристов. Branches of law: Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н. Шишкина. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002
  13. Test your professional English: Law: intermediate: upper-intermediate: advanced / Nick Brieger. — Harlow: Pearson Education; Harlow: Penguin English, 2006.

Неделя 5.

Тема практического занятия 9, 10: Aims of law

Задания: Read the text, be sure that you know all the words and expressions, be ready to discuss it.

Be concerned with (v) – иметь отношение к чему-либо

enable (v) – давать право, возможность

flourish (v) – процветать

framework (n) – структура, рамки, пределы

disobey (v) – не подчиняться

forbid (v) - запрещать

require (v) – требовать

provide (v) – обеспечивать

facilities (n) - возможности

arrangement (n) – соглашение

settle (v) – решать

restriction (n) – ограничение

As it is known, law has several aims which are mainly concerned with making society more stable. Laws enable people to flourish and feel secure in their lives. To achieve this purpose it is necessary to set up an official framework of compulsion. So the first aim of law is to forbid certain

ways of behaving, like murder, terrorism, or smoking in public places, and to require other ways of conduct, like paying income tax. If people disobey the rules the law may threaten them with something unpleasant - often called a sanction - like being imprisoned or having to pay compensation. This aim serves to the idea that within this framework of do ’s and don’ts people can

live more securely.

The second aim of law is to provide facilities for people to make their own arrangements. Laws should guarantee to people who buy and sell goods, form companies, sign contracts, take employment, and so on that the state will protect or enforce these arrangements.

The third aim of law is to settle disputes among citizens about what the law is and whether or not it was broken. If we take these three aims together, we may see that law not only threatens those who break it (that means they do what the law forbids) but promises to protect people’s interests. The law imposes restrictions on people but also gives them certain guarantees.

Тема СРСП 9, 10:

Задания: Find in the text the equivalents for the following expressions:

- давать возможность процветать

- установить рамки

- определенный образ поведения

- платить налоги

- не подчиняться правилам

- в рамках «можно и нельзя»

- наниматься на работу

- обеспечивать соблюдение соглашений

- разрешать спорные вопросы

- налагать ограничения

- давать гарантии

Форма отчетности: письменно

Задания на СРС 9, 10: Note the meaning of the word “PROVIDE”. Make the translation.

1) to provide smth. for (to) smb.; to provide smb. with smth.

cнабжать, обеспечивать, предоставлять, давать

The hotel provides a playroom for children.

The lecture provided him with an opportunity to meet one of his


We provide legal advice to our clients.

2) to provide for smth.(smb.) обеспечивать (средствами),

предусматривать, обуславливать

She has always provided for her children.

The budget provides for a salary increase after one year.

3) provided (that) если, при условии, что…

You can go out provided that you finish your work first.

This dog will never bite you provided you let it alone.

4) to provide against smth. принять меры против чего-либо, запрещать

This contract provides against the resale of the house.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Основная литература

  1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)
  2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов
  3. Just English. Legal Crosswords
  4. Just English.Clones are Coming
  5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006
  6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005
  7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006
  8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.
  9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.
  10. Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.
  11. Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.

Неделя 6.

Задания: Read the text, be sure that you know all the words and expressions, be ready to discuss it.

A lawyer is a person learned in the law. A lawyer, also known as an attorney, a counselor, a solicitor, a barrister or an advocate, is an individual licensed by the state to engage in the practice of law and advise clients on legal matters. Lawyers act as both advocates and advisors on behalf of their clients.

The role of the lawyer varies significantly across legal jurisdictions, and therefore can be treated in only the most general terms. Lawyers’ roles vary greatly, depending upon their practice environment and field of specialization.

In most countries there is only one legal profession. This means that all the lawyers have roughly the same professional education leading to the same legal qualifications, and they are permitted to do all the legal work.

In England the system is different. Here the profession is divided into two types of lawyers, called solicitors and barristers. Solicitors and barristers are both qualified lawyers, but they have different legal training; they take different examinations to qualify; and once they have qualified, they usually do different types of legal work.

Many solicitors deal with a range of legal work: preparing cases to be tried in the civil or criminal courts; giving legal advice in the field of business and drawing up contracts; making all the legal arrangements for the buying and selling of land or houses; assisting employees and employers; making wills.

Barristers are mainly “courtroom lawyers” who actually conduct cases in court. Unlike solicitors, they have rights of audience (rights to appear) in any court of the land, and so barristers are those lawyers who appear in the more difficult cases in the higher courts.

The educational requirements to becoming a lawyer vary greatly from country to country. In some countries, law is taught by a faculty of law, which is a department of a university's general undergraduate college. Law students in those countries pursue a Bachelor (LLB) or a Master (LLM) of Laws degree. In some countries it is common or even required for students to earn another bachelor's degree at the same time. Besides it is often followed by a series of advanced examinations, apprenticeships, and additional coursework at special government institutes. In other countries, particularly the United States, law is primarily taught at law schools. Most law schools are part of universities but a few are independent institutions. Law schools in the United States (and some in Canada and elsewhere) award graduating students a J.D. (Jurist Doctor/Doctor of Jurisprudence) (as opposed to the Bachelor of Laws) as the practitioner's law degree. However, like other professional doctorates, the J.D. is not the exact equivalent of the Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), a university degree of the highest level, since it does not require the submission of a full dissertation based on original research.

The methods and quality of legal education vary widely. Some countries require extensive clinical training in the form of apprenticeships or special clinical courses. Many others have only lectures on highly abstract legal doctrines, which force young lawyers to figure out how to actually think and write like a lawyer at their first apprenticeship (or job).

In most common law countries lawyers have many options over the course of their careers. Besides private practice, they can always aspire to becoming a prosecutor, government counsel, corporate in-house counsel, judge, arbitrator, law professor, or politician.

In most civil law countries, lawyers generally structure their legal education around their chosen specialty; the boundaries between different types of lawyers are carefully defined and hard to cross. After one earns a law degree, career mobility may be severely constrained.

Тема СРСП 11, 12:

Задания: Translate the expressions:

1. To the rest of the world the English legal profession is very strange because historically there were two types of lawyers: barristers and solicitors.

2. Every legal system has many shortcomings.

3. Criminal charges and divorce are normally seen as matters needing legal help and advice.

4. Not every accident victim has a legal remedy. Some accidents are nobody’s fault.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Задания на СРС11, 12: Translate the expressions

1. There is a large information gap in people’s awareness of their legal rights.

2. Such legal knowledge as people had came largely from newspapers and television.

3. The new Community Legal Service aims to provide legal information as well as legal advice and representation.

4. Newspapers regularly carry frightening stories about losers in legal actions who face bills of tens of thousands of pounds.

5. Legal costs of the lowest income group are paid by the state.

6. Legal aid is usually granted as long as financial test is satisfied.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Основная литература:

1. Антюхина-Московченко В.И., Злобин А.А., Хрусталев М.А. Основы теории международных отношений. – М., 1988.

2. Гаджиев К.С. Введение в геополитику. Учебник для вузов. – М.: Логос, 2000. – 432 с.

3. Дмитриев А.А. Конфликтология. Учебное пособие. – М.: Гардарики, 2003. – 320 с.

4. Загорский А.В., Лебедева М.М. Теория и методология анализа международных переговоров. Учебное пособие. – М., Изд-во МГИМО, 1989. – 106 с.

5. Лебедева М.М. Мировая политика. Учебник для вузов.– М.: Аспект-Пресс, 2003. – 351 с.

6. Мангейм Дж.Б., Рич Р.К. Политология. Методы исследования. – М.: Весь мир, 1997. – 342с.

7. Медведев Н.П. Политическая регионалистика. Учебник. – М.: Гардарики, 2002. – 175 с.

8. Международные отношения: социологические подходы. / Под ред. Проф. П.А.Цыганкова. – М.: Гардарика, 1998. – 352 с.

9. Новиков Г.Н. Теории международных отношений. Учебное пособие.- Иркутск: ИГУ, Центр исследований ИГУ, 1996. – 297 с.

10. Панарин А.С. Политология. Учебное пособие. – М.: Гардарики, 2002. – 480 с.

11. Теория международных отношений на рубеже столетий: Хрестоматия / Сост., науч. Ред. И коммент. П.А.Цыганкова. – М.: Гардарики, 2002. – 400 с.

Неделя 7.

Тема практического занятия №13, 14: KINDS OF LAW

Задания: Read the text, be sure that you know all the words and expressions, be ready to discuss it.

One important distinction made in all countries is between private (or civil) law and public law. Civil law concerns disputes among citizens within a country and public law concerns disputes between citizens and the state, or between one state and another.

The main categories of English civil law are:

Contracts: binding agreements between people (or companies); Torts: wrongs committed by one individual against another individual’s person, property, or reputation; Trusts: arrangements whereby a person administers property for another

person’s benefit rather than his own; Probate: arrangements for dealing with property after the owner’s death; Family law: rights and duties of members of a family.

The main categories of public law are:

Crimes: wrongs which, even when committed against an individual are considered to harm the well-being of society in general; Constitutional Law: regulation of how the law itself operates and of the relation between private citizen and government; International Law: regulation of relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another.

In codified systems there are codes that correspond to these categories, for example, France’s Code Civil and Code Penal. Justinian’s Roman codes covered such areas of law as contracts, property, inheritance, torts, the family, unjust enrichment, the law of persons, and legal remedies, but said little about criminal law. Consequently, most Continental criminal

codes are entirely modern inventions. Each country in the world, even each state of the United States, has its own system of law. However it is generally true to say that there are two main traditions of law in the world. One is based on English Common Law,

and has been adopted by many Commonwealth countries and most of the United States. Common Law is a legal system based on traditions, customs and precedents of immemorial antiquity or on the previous judgments and decrees of the courts.

Equitable Law is a part of English Common Law and it deals with the cases which are out of common law field. In general sense equity means fairness, and when petitions from persons are unable to obtain justice in the common law courts they can be sent to the Court of Chancery, as its special field is equity. Therefore Equitable law is a kind of supplement to the Common Law, making the English legal system more complete

Неделя 8.

Тема практического занятия №15, 16: Law system

Задания: Read the text, be sure that you know all the words and expressions, be ready to discuss it.

Law is a system of rules established by the state. The main aim of law is to consolidate and safeguard the social and state system and its economic foundation. The system of law in our country consists of different categories of law.

Constitutional law is a leading category of the whole system of law. Its principal source is the country’s Constitution. It deals with social structure, the state system, organization of state power and the legal status of citizens.

Administrative law is closely connected with constitutional law but it deals with the legal forms of concrete executive and administrative activity of a government and ministries.

Criminal law defines the general principles of criminal responsibility, individual types of crimes and punishments applied to criminals. Criminal law takes the form of a criminal code.

International law regulates relations between governments and also between private citizens of one country and those of another.

Financial law regulates the budget, taxation, state credits and other spheres of financial activity.

Civil law is connected with relations in the economic sphere of life, with relations involving property, its distribution and exchange. The right in property is the central institution of civil law.

The rules of employment law include the legislation on the employment of industrial and office workers and regulate matters arising from employment relations.

Тема СРСП 15, 16:

Задания: Переведите предложения на английский язык, используя слова и словосочетания из текста: 1. Мы осваиваем юридическую терминологию с первого дня поступления в университет.

2. К концу первого курса он научится представлять информацию в четкой и краткой форме.

3. На вчерашнем семинаре по истории государства и права Казахстана студенты активно отстаивали свои позиции.

4. Только к концу прошлого семинара он понял, как составлять ходатайство.

5. Тише, идет лекция! Преподаватель рассказывает об использовании индуктивно-дедуктивных методов в работе юриста.

6. Он занимался исследовательской работой в области теории государства и права еще в школе.

7. Овладение современными технологиями общения, такими, как видеоконференции, является неотъемлемой частью работы юриста.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Задания на СРС 15, 16: Выскажите мнение по поводу следующих утверждений. Начните ответ с одного из следующих выражений:

а) выражения полного согласия: “It goes without saying”, “Exactly so”;

б) выражения абсолютного несогласия: “Nothing of the kind”, “Surely not”;

в) выражения неуверенности и неясности позиции: “I’m not quite sure about it”, “That’s hard to tell…”

Форма отчетности: устно

Основная литература

1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)

2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов

3. Just English. Legal Crosswords

4. Just English.Clones are Coming

5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006

6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005

7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006

8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.

9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.

10. Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.

11. Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.

12. Английский язык для юристов. Branches of law: Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н. Шишкина. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002

13. Test your professional English: Law: intermediate: upper-intermediate: advanced / Nick Brieger. — Harlow: Pearson Education; Harlow: Penguin English, 2006.

Неделя 9

Тема практического занятия №17, 18: The united kingdom legislation

Задания: Read the text, be sure that you know all the words and expressions, be ready to discuss it.

In Great Britain laws are made in Parliament at Westminster. The British Parliament consists of the monarch, the House of Lords, and the House of Commons. Their work is similar: making laws (legislation), checking the work of the government (scrutiny), and debating current issues. The House of Lords is composed of life peers and hereditary peers. The House of Common is composed of Members of Parliament (Mps).

The idea for a new law can come from a variety of sources: bills may be introduced by any member of either House (a " Private Member's Bill" ), a Minister of the Crown (a " Government Bill" ), by the general public (" Public Bills" ), by an individual or small group of individuals (a " Private Bill" ).

First reading is the first stage of a Bill’s passage through the House of Commons - usually a formality, it takes place without debate. The short title of the Bill is read out and then the Bill is printed. The Bill is published as a House of Commons paper for the first time.

The next stage is second reading, the first opportunity for MPs to debate the general principles and themes of the Bill.

Once second reading is completed the Bill proceeds to committee stage. Committee stage is where detailed examination of the Bill takes placel, clause by clause, determining the intent and impact of the bill’s language. This is therefore often considered the most important step in the parliamentary process for researchers aiming to determine legislative intent. It is at this stage that amendments are made. If the Bill has been amended the Bill is reprinted before its next stage.

Once committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage, where the amended Bill can be debated and further amendments proposed. All MPs can suggest amendments to the Bill or new clauses (parts) they think should be added.

Report stage is normally followed immediately by debate on the Bill's third reading. Committee stage is where detailed examination of the Bill takes place, clause by clause, determining the intent and impact of the bill’s language. Amendments (proposals for change) cannot be made to a Bill at third reading in the Commons.

The process in the House of Lords is very similar to the process in the House of Commons. The bill will have a pro forma first reading, then a second reading. After the second reading the bill will normally be referred to a Committee of the Whole House. The bill then passes through a consideration stage and a third reading. In the House of Lords amendments may be made in the Committee of the Whole House, the consideration stage, and the third reading (this is different from the House of Commons where no amendments can be made in the third reading).

If the Bill started in the Commons it goes to the House of Lords for its first reading. If the Bill started in the Lords it returns to the House of Lords for consideration of any amendments the Commons has made. Both Houses must agree on the exact wording of the Bill. A Bill may go back and forth between each House (‘Ping Pong’) until both Houses reach agreement.

When a Bill has completed all its parliamentary stages in both Houses, it must have Royal Assent before it can become an Act of Parliament (law). Royal Assent is the Monarch's agreement to make the Bill into an Act and is a formality. When Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, the announcement is usually made in both Houses by the Lord Speaker in the Lords and the Speaker in the Commons.

Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы:

1. What is the legislative body in the UK? What does it consist of?

2. What are the steps in the legislative process?

3. What are the sources of bills? Who can introduce the legislation?

Тема СРСП 17, 18:

Задания: Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста и переведите их на русский язык.

1. The British Parliament consists of ____________________.

2. During the first reading the short title of the Bill __________

3. The second reading is the first opportunity _______________

4. Committee stage is _______________________________.

5. Once committee stage is finished, the Bill returns to the floor of the House of Commons for its report stage, where __________________________.

6. Report stage is followed by ________________________.

7. The process in the House of Lords is ________________.

8. Royal Assent is _________________________________.

9. When Royal Assent has been given to a Bill, __________.

Форма отчетности: письменно

Задания на СРС 17, 18: Проанализируйте таблицу и сделайте вывод, что общего и в чем различия законодательного процесса в Казахстане, США и Великобритании


  Kazakhstan The United States of America The United Kingdom
The legislative body and its structure      
Members of each House      
Requirements for the members of both Houses      
Who can introduce the bill?      
The number of steps in the legislative process      
Who signs the bill?      

Основная литература

1. Just English. Английский для юристов. Базовый курс (2001-2008)

2. Just English. 101 Texts on Law. Для будущих юристов

3. Just English. Legal Crosswords

4. Just English.Clones are Coming

5. Английский для юристов: учебник English for Law Students, Зеликман А. Я., Ростов-на-Дону, «Феникс», 2006

6. Английский язык для юристов, Шевелева С.А., Издательство: Юнити-Дана; 2005

7. Английский для юристов, Коллектив, Издательство: Омега — Л, Год: 2006

8. Курс юридического перевода, Назарова.

9. Перевод в сфере юриспруденции, Борисова Л.А. ВГУ, 2005.

10.Английский язык в международных документах: Право, торговля, дипломатия: для студентов факультетов международных отношений, международного права и иностр. яз. / И. И. Борисенко, Л. И. Евтушенко. Киев, 2001.

11.Английский язык для юристов, Колесникова, Нина Анатольевна: Москва, 2006.

12.Английский язык для юристов. Branches of law: Е. К. Павлова, Т. Н. Шишкина. — Ростов-на-Дону: Феникс, 2002

13. Test your professional English: Law: intermediate: upper-intermediate: advanced / Nick Brieger. — Harlow: Pearson Education; Harlow: Penguin English, 2006.

Неделя 10.

Задания: Read the following text and write short headings for each paragraph.


The spread of common law in the world is due both to the once widespread influence of Britain in the world and the growth of its former colony, the United States. Political divergence has produced legal divergence from England. Unified federal law is only a small part of American law. Most of it

is produced by individual states and reflects various traditions. The state of Louisiana, for example, has a Roman civil form of law which derives from its days as a French colony. California has a case law tradition, but its laws are codified as extensively as many Continental systems. Quebec is an island of French law in the Canadian sea of case law. In India, English common law has been codified and adopted alongside a Hindu tradition of law. Sri Lanka has inherited a criminal code from the Russian law introduced by the Dutch, and an uncodified civil law introduced by the British.


Continental systems have resulted from attempts by governments to produce a set of codes to govern every legal aspect of a citizen’s life. Versions of Roman law had long influenced many parts of Europe, including the case law traditions of Scotland, but had little impact on English law. It is important not to exaggerate the differences between these two traditions of law. For one thing, many case law systems, such as California’s, have areas of law that have been comprehensively codified. For another, many countries can be said to have belonged to the Roman tradition long before codifying their laws, and large uncodified areas of the law still remain. French public law has never been codified, and French courts have produced a great deal of case law in interpreting codes that become out of date because of social change. The clear distinction between legislature and judiciary has weakened in many countries, including Germany, France and Italy, where courts are able to challenge the constitutional legality of a law made by Parliament.

Тема СРСП 19, 20: legal systems in different countries

Задания: Закончите предложения согласно содержанию текста

1) Constitution establishes …

· the principles of independence and partial sovereignty of the RK

· equalities of ideologies but not religions

· the principle of separation of powers

2) As for the federative structure, the Constitution …

· covers the questions that are exclusively in the jurisdiction of the RF leaving out the competence of federal and local authorities

· contains the list of component units of the RF

· covers only those questions that are in the joint jurisdiction of federal and local authorities

3) The bodies of federal power are…

· the Federal Assembly of the RF and the judiciary of the RF

· the President of the RF and the Government of the RF

· all the bodies mentioned above in a) and b)

4) The Federal Assembly of the RF represents

· the legislature

· the judiciary

· the executive branch

5) The Constitution determines…

· the extent of the jurisdiction of the executive branch

· the order and the terms of office of the governmental officials

· both

6) Judicial power is implemented by means of …

· civil and criminal legal proceedings

· constitutional and administrative legal proceedings

· all the proceedings mentioned in a) and b)

Форма отчетности: письменно

Задания на СРС 19, 20:

Задания: Соотнесите слова из правой колонки с их определениями из левой колонки.


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