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application software – прикладное программное обеспечение

based on – на основе, согласно, основываясь на

desktop – стационарный компьютер

emphasis on – акцент, особое значение

graphical user interface – графический интерфейс пользователя.

(to) memorize – запоминать

multitasking – многофункциональность; многофункциональный, мультизадачный

network connectivity – возможность сетевого соединения

(to) provide access – обеспечивать доступ

(to) run a program – запускать программу

The user interface refers to the standard procedures, which helps people use a computer. In the late 1970s and early 80s the way to access computer systems was very difficult. Users had to memorize and type many commands just to see the contents of a disk. In fact, only professionals could this.

In 1984, Apple produced the Macintosh, the first computer with a mouse and graphical user interface (GUI). A few years later, Microsoft launched Windows, another operating system based on graphics. Nowadays computers are used by all kinds of people and as a result, there is a growing emphasis on user-friendly systems.

Typically, a GUI includes w indows, i cons, m enus and p ointer or WIMP. The background of the screen is called the desktop, which contains icons that represent files or folders. When you are in a folder, you can launch a program or a document. When you run a program, your PC opens a window that lets you work with different tools. A modern OS also provides access to networks and allows multitasking, in other words you can run several programs and do various tasks at the same time. The most popular operating systems are the Windows family, Mac OS, Unix, and Linux. These computer platforms differ areas such as device installation, network connectivity or application software.

The most common user interface in computing today is a graphical user interface but with the development of virtual reality (VR) techniques, a different type of interface has emerged a virtual interface. VR uses 3-D graphics and computer simulation to generate an imaginary world in which the user can move.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What kind of OS was used in the early 80s: text-based or graphic-based?

2. What does the acronym WIMP stand for?

3. How do you run a program on a computer with graphical interface?

4. What is multitasking?


1) Complete each sentences using the word in brackets and one of these suffixes.
Adjective suffixes: -full, -less, -ive, -ed, -al, -y, -ic

Noun suffixes: -tion, -er, -ing, -logy, -ness

1. We are the world’s leading ______________ of digital cameras for professional photographers. (manufacture)

2. We offer the most advanced ______________ in printing services. (techno)

3. The amount of light produced by an LCD screen is called ______________, or luminance, measured in cd/m2. (bright)

4. A ______________ mouse has no cable, and an optical mouse has no ball. (wire)

5. This camcorder will give you rich, ______________ pictures, thanks to its CMOS sensor. (colour)

6. A digital cameras offer ______________ features such as Bluetooth connectivity. (innovate)

2) Complete the definitions 1-5 using relative pronouns (who, which, that) and the information in a-e.

1. The CPU is a chip

2. A hacker is a person

3. A modem is an electronic device

4. A software engineer is someone

5. The mobile phone is a device

6. it enables a computer to communicate with another over telephone lines

7. he/she writes computer programs

8. people use for communicating with each other

9. it acts as the brain of a computer

10. he/she invades a network’s privacy

3) Choose the correct words in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. We need more money to (compute / computerize / computational) the school library.

2. Today, most of the information we produce is stored (digital / digitizing / digitally).

3. Information is stored on a magnetic disk in the form of (magnetized / magnetically / magnetizable) spots, called bits.

4. As you use your PC, the hard disk becomes (defragmented / fragmenting / fragmented) – files are broken up into small pieces that are stored at different locations across the drive.

4) Complete the text with the best option a-c.

some / any / a / much / many / a lot of

Nowadays, people are rich. However, the rich are not always happy. People who have money do not want to be without it, but they can have_____ big problems sometimes. They often do not have ____ close relationships.

Sports stars and entertainers may have ______ hard life because they spend _____ time away from friends and family. Twenty-nine-year-olds in Silicon Valley who do not need to work any more often feel that there is not ____ purpose to their life. It may sound strange, but there are not ____ young people who want to spend their whole life playing games.

a b c
1. a lot of much any
2. many much a lot of
3. any some much
4. some many much
5. some any a
6. a lot of many any
7. a some many
8. much many some

5) Plans and intentions.
Complete the dialogue with the appropriate form of the verbs in brackets: going to, will or the present continuous.

A: Hi, Richard. I am afraid I have got some bad new I (not come) _______ to Bahrain tomorrow.

В: But we (meet) _______ Ahmed on Wednesday to discuss the sales figures!

A: I know. I am sorry but we have problems will the launch of the G42. I have decided I (stay) ______ at head office to put things right.

В: (you, come) _______ next week instead?

A: I do not know yet. I (phone) _____ you оn Friday. We (talk) _____about it then.

В: OK. But you know Ahmed (travel) ______ to Singapore the week after, so he (not be) ______ free to meet with us then.


Adapted from Infotech “English for computer users” by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.63-67



geometric objects – геометрические объекты

raster graphics – растровая графика

resolution – разрешение

vector graphics – векторная графика

Computer graphics are pictures and drawings produced by a computer. There are two main categories: Raster graphics and Vector graphics. Raster graphics or bitmaps are stored as a collection of pixels. Popular raster formats are JPEG, GIF and TIFF.

The sharpness of an image depends on the resolution. Vector graphics represent images using geometric objects based on mathematical formulae. Vector data can be handled by drawing programs like Adobe Illustrator, Corel Draw and EPS is the most popular format.

Almost all computer users use some form of graphics.

Home users and professional artists use image-editing programs to create and work with images.

Graphic artist and designers use drawing programs to create freehand drawings and illustrations for books or for the Web. Businesspeople use presentation graphics to make information more interesting visually because graphs and diagrams can be more effective ways of communicating with clients than lists of figures. Engineers use graphics to design in order to present data in a more understandable form or use CAD (C omputer A ided D esign) software to develop, model and test car designs before the actual parts are made. CAD is also used in the aerospace, architecture and industrial sectors to design everything from airplanes and buildings to consumer products. This can save a lot of time and money. Computer art is used in adverts and TV programs. Artists and scientists use special graphic applets to create amazing fractals. Government agencies use G eographical I nformation S ystems (GIS) to understand geographical data, predict natural disasters and make detailed maps. Animators apply computer animation software to create animated cartoons or add effects in movies and video games.

Answer the questions according to the text:

1. What is the difference between raster and vector graphics?

2. Why do people use graphics? What are the benefits of using graphics?

3. What does CAD stand for?


1) Complete the sentences with words from the box.

raster graphics wireframe filters attributes vector graphics rendering primitives toolbox

1. Graphics programs have a _____________________ that enables you to draw, paint and edit images on the computer.

2. Bitmaps, or _____________________, are stored as a series of tiny dots called pixels.

3. _____________________ are created using mathematical formulas describing shapes, lines and curves. They are used by drawing programs to create images that can be scaled without loss of quality.

4. The basic elements used to construct graphical objects are called _____________________; they include lines, circles, polygons and text.

5. Line objects can have different kinds of_____________________, such as thickness, color, etc.

6. CAD designers often start a project by making a _____________________, a drawing showing the edges and vertices of a 3-D model.

7. _____________________ is the technique used to make a graphic object look realistic, by adding reflection, shadows and highlights.

8. In image-editing programs, _____________________ are special effects that can be applied to pictures.

2) Choose the correct connectors in brackets to complete these sentences.

1. A virus entered my computer. (As a result / On the other hand), many files have been destroyed.

2. DVD-R and DVD+R can record data once, (therefore / whereas) DVD-RW and DVD+RW can be rewritten thousands of times.

3. Many software companies support the Business Software Alliance, an anti-privacy group, (besides / because) software piracy is a problem that costs the industry millions of pounds a year.

4. (Moreover / Although) Blu-ray and HD-DVD players are backward compatible with all CD and DVD formats, they are not compatible with each other.

3) Put the verbs into the present perfect simple or past simple.

1. IBM (develop)____________________Fortran in the mid-1950s to create scientific and engineering applications.

2. John (be) ________________________ a software engineer since May 2006.

3. Once I (realize) _______________________that I had a virus, I ran my virus protection program.

4. (you ever work) __________________________ as a web designer?

5. They (make) ________________________presentations for the conference. – Certainly. Everybody (do) ________. – When they (finish) _____them? – They (be) _______ready last week.

4) Choose the correct form of the word or phrase in italics.

In the past, Britons mainly drank / have drunk tea; but in recent years, coffee became / has become increasingly popular. Chains of coffee shops, such as Starbucks, opened / have opened in city centres across the country and now more than 80 per cent of Britons visit a coffee shop at least once a week. Spending on coffee rose / has risen by 15 per cent since last year. A recent / recently report shows that Starbucks is the chain that is growing most rapid / rapidly and has a market share of 25 per cent. Costa Coffee is a close / closely competitor with a 21 per cent market share. The number of coffee shops in city centres now reached / has now reached a maximum level, and the chains are trying to expand into small towns. This could be bad news for small cafes: if the chains continue to expand, many small outlets would / could go out of business.

We asked two consumers for their opinions on coffee shops. Matt Wingford, an accountant, says: ‘I like the coffee - it’s excellent. But my local coffee j shop is often very noisy / noisily. I went / would go more often if it would be / was quieter.’ Cathy Mansfield, a student, says: ‘It’s great. My friends and I go there regular / regularly. But the coffee is quite expensive. I will / would drink more coffee if it is / was cheaper.

5) Choose the correct answer (a-c) to complete the sentences.

1. It is important ______ programming languages with markup languages.
a) not confuse b) not to confuse c) don’t confuse

2. Markup languages are used ______ the structure of web documents.
a) for describe b) describe c) to describe

3. You must learn ______ effective business letters.
a) to write b) write c) writing

4. Mr. Keller has asked me ______ you these files.
a) send b) sending c) to send

5. This program will make this old PC ______ faster.
a) running b) run c) to run


Adapted from Infotech «English for computer users» by Santiago Remacha Esteras., p.100-102.


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