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Ex.14. Use Present Simple, Present Progressive or Past Simple.

Mary (be) born in Peru. She (grow) up in a small town. She (go) to school when she (be) six years old. She (finish) elementary school, but she (not, study) at high school. Her family (be) very poor, and she (have) to go to work when she (be) 13 years old. She (work) at a shoe factory.

When Mary (be) 17 years old, her family (move) to the United States. First they (live) in Los Angelos and then they (move) to San Francisco.

When Mary (arrive) in the USA she (be) very unhappy. She (miss) her friends back in Peru, and she (not, speak) a word in English. She (begin) to study English at night, and she (be) busy in a factory during the day.

Mary (study) very hard and now she (speak) English well. She (learn) how to type now. She (want) to become a secretary. Mary still (miss) her friends back home. But she (be) very happy now and she (look) forward to her future in her new country.


Ex.15. Do the multiple choice test.

1. It (be) Tuesday yesterday.

A. was B. is C. were

2. She (earn) her living by selling fruit before she (move) here.

A. earns; moves B. earned; moved C. earns; moved

3. He (write) his first poem at the age of five.

A. wrote B. writes C. is writing

4. She (fall) in love with a young painter when she (be) 16.

A. falls; is B. fell; were C. fell; was

5. It (not, take) him long to learn to drive.

A. don’t take B. isn’t taking C. didn’t take

6. There (be) a lot of disasters in the 20th century.

A. were B. was C. are

7. She (have) nothing to do last weekend.

A. is having B. has C. had

8. When he (leave) the city? – The other day.

A. did … leave B. is … leaving C. does … leave

9. He … have a beard.

A. would B. wouldn’t C. used to

10. Who (let) that cat into the house yesterday?

A. let B. is letting C. lets

11. I (see) this film when I (be) a teenager.

A. saw; am B. see; am C. saw; was

12. They (meet) each other many years ago.

A. are meeting B. met C. would meet

13. Anybody (help) you to redecorate the flat?

A. Did … help B. Do … help C. Helped

14. Who you (go) shopping with the day before yesterday?

A. went B. did … go C. do... go

15. How long (be) you at your previous job?

A. are B. was C. were

16. When she first (travel) to England?

A. did … travel B. travelled C. does... travel

17. She said to us that she (not, like) ice-cream very much.

A. doesn’t like B. didn’t like C. don’t like

18. She … (be) fat but she (be) thin now.

A. would be; is B. were; is C. used to be; is

19. It (rain) often last summer, … it?

A. rained; did B. rained; didn’t C. rains; doesn’t

Ex.16. Translate into English.

1. Вчера шел сильный дождь. 2. Когда она вошла в комнату, все студенты встали. 3. В 1999 году эти ребята еще не учились в университете. 4. Вчера вечером мы встретили Дорис в театре. 5. Утром погода была хорошая. 6. Я не знала, когда Роберт вернется из командировки. 7. В детстве он часто дрался с одноклассниками. 8. Когда закончилось собрание первокурсников факультета? 9. Кейт начала изучать английский в четырехлетнем возрасте. 10. Они жили в разных городах до того, как поженились. 11. Когда ты в последний раз был в музее? 12. С кем ты познакомилась на днях? 13. Майк теперь ходит на работу пешком, потому что продал машину на прошлой неделе. 14. С кем она ходила на дискотеку? 15. Кто перевел весь текст? 16. Сколько ты заплатил за обед? 17. В каком году Вы родились? 18. В комнате было много людей. 19. Я не смотрела телевизор вчера, у меня было много дел. 20. Раньше он был очень нервным. 21. Какие языки изучали твои родители в школе? 22. Почему ты так рано ушел с вечеринки? 23. Ты был в Москве летом? – Нет, я ездил на юг. 24. Где ты был вчера вечером? Я звонил тебе несколько раз. 25. Ты получил хорошую оценку на экзамене? – Да, я получил пятерку.


Ex.17. Put the verbs into Past Simple or Present Perfect.

1. You (hear) about Bob? He (break) his leg. – Really? How that (happen)? 2. I just (return) from Yalta. – You (go) there alone? – Together with my son. – How long (stay) there? – Three weeks. 3. Your hair looks different. You (have) a haircut? – Yes. You (cut) it yourself? – No. Ann (cut) it for me. 4. Look! Somebody (spill) milk on the carpet. – Well, it (not, be) me. – I wonder who it (be) then. 5. You (see) the film on TV last night? 6. I (eat, not) anything yesterday because I (not, feel) hungry. 7. Why Jim (not, want) to play tennis last Friday? – He (be) busy. 8. My book isn’t here any more. Somebody (take) it. 9. Was it after you (write) that letter to me. – What letter? I never (write) any letter. 10. For many years I (travel) in many parts of the world. 11. He (change) a lot since I last (see) him. 12. We (forget) Spanish since we (leave) Spain. 13. Years ago he (be) very poor and (not, know) how to live. He (become) rather rich now. 14. I can reach my work easily now as I (buy) a car. 15. The man you see there is the man to whom I (lend) the money. – When you (lend) it to him? – I (do) it yesterday. 16. I (lose) my keys and cannot remember where I (put) them last. 17. What they (do) last night? What you (do) since we last (meet)?




Past Progressive обозначает незаконченное длительное действие, происходившее в определенный момент или период в прошлом. Глаголы в Past Progressive на русский язык переводятся прошедшим временем глагола несовершенного вида.

Временные указатели: at 3 o’clock yesterday, from 3 to 4 o’clock yesterday, at that time last month, the whole evening yesterday, all day long, still, when, as, while.

Past Progressive образуется при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be в прошедшем времени ( was, were ) и формы причастия настоящего времени смыслового глагола ( Ving ): I was reading. She was having dinner. You were watching a film.

Спряжение глагола в прошедшем продолженном времени

  Лицо Число
единственное множественное
Утвердительная форма was working were working was working were working were working were working
Отрицательная форма was not working were not working was not working were not working were not working were not working
Вопросительная форма Was I working? Were you working? Was she working? Were we working? Were you working? Were they working?

Отрицательная форма образуется при помощи частицы not, которая ставится после вспомогательного глагола: David was not listening to music at 5 o’clock yesterday. We were not telling them the stories at that time. Сокращенные формы: wasn’t Ving и weren’t Ving.

В вопросительной форме вспомогательный глагол ставится перед подлежащим, смысловой глагол – Ving употребляется после подлежащего.

Общие вопросы: Was Kate having dinner when I phoned? – Yes, she was. / No, she wasn’t. Were the children sleeping at that time yesterday? – Yes, they were. / No, they weren’t.

Альтернативные вопросы: Was Helen reading a journal or a book? Were they talking over the telephone or playing at 7 p.m. yesterday?

Специальные вопросы: Where were you going at 6 o’clock in the morning? What was Victor doing from 8 to 9 o’clock yesterday? When were you working for that company? Why was Ann crying when I met her? Who was answering the teacher’s questions when we came? – Helen was. / They were.

В вопросительно-отрицательной форме частица not ставится непосредственно после подлежащего: Was she not showing you the photos? Were they not walking in the park at 6 o’clock yesterday?

Глаголы чувственного и умственного восприятия, обозначающие состояния, а также глаголы обладания в Past Progressive не употребляются. We knew him well. They had a big house. What did you think of the idea? But: What were you thinking about when we came in?

Модели употребления

Past Progressive употребляется:

1. Для выражения действия, происходившего в определенный момент в прошлом: You were still sleeping when I left. She was having tea at 5 o’clock.

2. Для выражения действия, происходившего в определенный период в прошлом: This time last year I was travelling to Spain. They were building a house at that time.

3. Для выражения эмоционально окрашенных действий (обычно негативного характера): He was constantly talking about football. The boys were fighting all the time!

4. Для выражения длительного действия, прерванного другим (кратковременным или обычным) действием, употребленным в Past Simple: I was driving along when suddenly a child ran across the road. We were walking in the park when it started to rain. He never talked when he was driving.

5. Для выражения одновременных длительных действий: He was working in the garden while they were having breakfast.

6. Для описания окружающей обстановки при изложении ситуации в прошлом: It was a fine day. The sun was shining, the birds were singing.

7. В придаточных времени и условия: She promised to look after the child while I was doing shopping.

8. Для выражения запланированных или ожидаемых действий (с глаголами движения): He explained that he was leaving the following week. I had to hurry home because the Simons were having tea with us.

9. Для выражения запланированного, но не совершившегося действия в прошлом: They were coming to dinner yesterday, but couldn’t leave the sick child.


Grammar Practice



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