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Текст (W.M. Thackeray Vanity Fair)

Some time after this interview, it happened that Mr. Cuff, on a sunny afternoon, was in the neighbourhood of poor William Dobbin, who was lying under a tree in the playground, spelling over a favourite copy of the Arabian Nights which he had – apart from the rest of the school, who were pursuing their various sports – quite lonely, and almost happy. If people would but leave children to themselves; if teachers would cease to bully them; if parents would not insist upon directing their thoughts, and dominating their feelings – those feelings and thoughts which are a mystery to all (for how much do you and I know of each other, of our children, of our fathers, of our neighbour, and how far more beautiful and sacred are the thoughts of the poor lad or girl whom you govern likely to be, than those of the dull and world-corrupted person who rules him? ) – if, I say, parents and masters would leave their children alone a little more, – small harm would accrue, although a less quantity of as in præ senti might be acquired.

Well, William Dobbin had for once forgotten the world, and was away with Sinbad the Sailor in the Valley of Diamonds, or with Prince Ahmed and the Fairy Peribanou in that delightful cavern where the Prince found her, and whither we should all like to make a tour; when shrill cries, as of a little fellow weeping, woke up his pleasant reverie; and looking up, he saw Cuff before him, belabouring a little boy.

It was the lad who had peached upon him about the grocer’s cart, but he bore little malice, not at least towards the young and small…

‘Hold out your other hand, sir, ’ roars Cuff to his little school­fellow, whose face was distorted with pain. Dobbin quivered, and gathered himself up in his narrow old clothes.

‘Take that, you little devil! ’ cried Mr. Cuff, and down came the wicket again on the child’s hand. – Don’t be horrified, ladies, every boy at a public school has done it. Your children will so do and be done by, in all probability. Down came the wicket again; and Dobbin started up.

I can’t tell what his motive was. Torture in a public school is as much licensed as the knout in Russia. It would be ungentlemanlike (in a manner) to resist it. Perhaps Dobbin’s foolish soul revolted against that exercise of tyranny; or perhaps he had a hankering feeling of revenge in his mind, and longed to measure himself against that splendid bully and tyrant, who had all the glory, pride, pomp, cir­cumstance, banners flying, drums beating, guards saluting, in the place. Whatever may have been his incentive, however, up he sprang, and screamed out, ‘Hold off, Cuff; don’t bully that child any more; or I’ll –’

‘Or you’ll what? ’ Cuff asked in amazement at this interruption. ‘Hold out your hand, you little beast.’

‘I’ll give you the worst thrashing you ever had in your life, ’ Dobbin said, in reply to the first part of Cuff’s sentence; and little Osborne, gasping and in tears, looked up with wonder and incredulity at seeing this amazing champion put up suddenly to defend him: while Cuff’s astonishment was scarcely less. Fancy our late monarch George III when he heard of the revolt of the North American colonies: fancy brazen Goliath when little David stepped forward and claimed a meeting, and you have the feelings of Mr. Reginald Cuff when this rencontre was proposed to him…

Yes, when the hour of battle came, little Osborne was almost ashamed to say ‘Go it, Figs; ’ and not a single other boy in the place uttered that cry for the first two or three rounds of this famous combat; at the commencement of which the scientific Cuff, with a contemptuous smile on his face, and as light and as gay as if he was at a ball, planted his blows upon his adversary, and floored that unlucky champion three times running. At each fall there was a cheer; and everybody was anxious to have the honour of offering the conqueror a knee.

… Figs, all whose limbs were in a quiver, and whose nostrils were breathing rage, put his little bottle-holder aside, and went in for a fourth time.

As he did not in the least know how to parry the blows that were aimed at himself, and Cuff had begun the attack on the three preceding occasions, without ever allowing his enemy to strike, Figs now determined that he would commence the engagement by a charge on his own part; and accordingly, being a left-handed man, brought that arm into action, and hit out a couple of times with all his might – once at Mr. Cuff’s left eye, and once on his beautiful Roman nose.

Cuff went down this time, to the astonishment of the assembly. ‘Well hit, by Jove, ’ says little Osborne, with the air of a connoisseur, clapping his man on the back. ‘Give it him with the left, Figs my boy.’

Fig’s left made terrific play during all the rest of the combat. Cuff went down every time. At the sixth round, there were almost as many fellows shouting out, ‘Go it, Figs, ’ as there were youths exclaiming ‘Go it, Cuff.’ At the twelfth round the latter champion was all abroad, as the saying is, and had lost all presence of mind and power of attack or defence. Figs, on the contrary, was as calm as a quaker. His face being quite pale, his eyes shining open, and a great cut on his under lip bleeding profusely, gave this young fellow a fierce and ghastly air, which perhaps struck terror into many spectators. Nevertheless, his intrepid adversary prepared to close for the thirteenth time.

If I had the pen of a Napier, or a Bell’s Life, I should like to describe this combat properly. It was the last charge of the Guard – (that is, it would have been, only Waterloo had not yet taken place) – it was Ney’s column breasting the hill of La Haye Sainte, bristling with ten thousand bayonets, and crowned with twenty eagles – it was the shout of the beef-eating British, as leaping down the hill they rushed to hug the enemy in the savage arms of battle – in other words, Cuff coming up full of pluck, but quite reeling and groggy, the Fig-merchant put in his left as usual on his adversary’s nose, and sent him down for the last time.

‘I think that will do for him, ’ Figs said, as his opponent dropped as neatly on the green as I have seen Jack Spot’s ball plump into the pocket at billiards; and the fact is, when time was called, Mr. Reginald Cuff was not able, or did not choose, to stand up again.

And Dobbin’s spirit rose with his altered circumstances. He made wonderful advances in scholastic learning. The superb Cuff himself, at whose condescension Dobbin could only blush and wonder, helped him on with his Latin verses; ‘coached’ him in play-hours; carried him triumphantly out of the little-boy class into the middle-sized form; and even there got a fair place for him. It was discovered, that although dull at classical learning, at mathematics he was uncommonly quick. To the contentment of all he passed third in algebra, and got a French prize-book at the public Midsummer examination… All the boys clapped hands in token of applause and sym­pathy. His blushes, his stumbles, his awkwardness, and the number of feet which he crushed as he went back to his place, who shall describe or calculate?...

Dobbin was much too modest a young fellow to suppose that this happy change in all his circumstances arose from his own generous and manly disposition: he chose, from some perverseness, to attribute his good fortune to the sole agency and benevolence of little George Osborne, to whom henceforth he vowed such a love and affection as is only felt by children – such an affection, as we read in the charming fairy-book, uncouth Orson had for splendid young Valentine his con­queror. He flung himself down at little Osborne’s feet, and loved him. Even before they were acquainted, he had admired Osborne in secret. Now he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday. He believed Osborne to be the possessor of every perfection, to be the handsomest, the bravest, the most active, the cleverest, the most generous of created boys. He shared his money with him: bought him uncountable presents of knives, pencil-cases, gold seals, toffee, Little Warblers, and romantic books, with large coloured pictures of knights and robbers, in many of which later you might read inscriptions to George Sedley Osborne, Esquire, from his attached friend William Dobbin – the which tokens of homage George received very graciously, as became his superior merit.

Задание 1. Краткая характеристика содержания отрывка.

В отрывке представлены два героя-антипода: надменный задира, богач Реджинальд Кафф, и благородный бедняк Уильям Доббин. Доббин вступает в драку с Каффом, чтобы защитить школьника Джорджа Осборна, и побеждает негодяя. Эта победа меняет к лучшему многое в его жизни.

Задание 2. Функциональная характеристика текста.

Текст представляет собой авторскую речь с вкраплениями прямой речи персонажей. Речь автора носит книжный характер. В ней широко представлены общелитературная лексика и слова высокого стилистического регистра (dominating, tyranny, reverie, commencement, intrepid adversary, benevolence и т.п.). Коннотативная возвышенность и тривиальная референциальная отнесенность многих из них (напр., уличная драка именуется «выдающимся сражением» - famous combat) подчеркивают иронический тон повествования. Для авторской речи характерны богатая образность (см. примеры ниже) и сложность синтаксической структуры предложений с многочисленными придаточными и вводными конструкциями (напр., If people would but leave children to themselves; if teachers would cease to bully them; if parents would not insist upon directing their thoughts, and dominating their feelings – those feelings and thoughts which are a mystery to all (for how much do you and I know of each other, of our children, of our fathers, of our neighbours … и т.д.).

Речь персонажей носит разговорный характер, признаками которого являются стяженные формы (I’ll), фамильярные обращения (you little devil, you little beast, my boy), подбадривающие выкрики зевак, наблюдающих за дракой (Go it); эмфатическое ударение, передаваемое на письме курсивом (I think that will do for him).

Задание 3. Стилистическая интерпретация отдельных приемов и фрагментов текста.

В первом, вводном, абзаце авторские размышления о не всегда благоприятной роли взрослых в воспитании детей представлены в форме риторического вопроса (псевдо-отрицательного предложения): … for how much do you and I know of each other, of our children, of our fathers, of our neighbours, and how far more beautiful and sacred are the thoughts of the poor lad or girl whom you govern likely to be, than those of the dull and world-corrupted person who rules him?

Особенностью авторского стиля является обилие перифразов, образно характеризующих героев и их поступки – that splendid bully and tyrant (Cuff), that exercise of tyranny (Cuff bullying little Osborn), this amazing champion (Dobbin), и перифрастических аллюзий в конвергенции с гиперболой и анафорой: Fancy our late monarch George III when he heard of the revolt of the North American colonies: fancy brazen Goliath when little David stepped forward and claimed a meeting, and you have the feelings of Mr. Reginald Cuff when this rencontre was proposed to him

Автором неоднократно используются синонимы-уточнители: (а) wonder and incredulity - при описании изумления маленького Джорджа Осборна, когда на выручку ему пришел У. Доббин; (б) reeling and groggy - в описании побежденного Доббином Каффа; (в) love and affection – в описании чувств Доббина к Дж. Осборну.

Преданность Доббина своему новому другу характеризует выразительно метафора, усиленная асиндетоном (he was his valet, his dog, his man Friday) и сравнение в конвергенции с гиперболой (such an affection, as we read in the charming fairy-book, uncouth Orson had for splendid young Valentine his con­queror).

Задание 4. Найдите в тексте:

1) 7 заимствованных слов (из разных языков), установите их этимологию, укажите степень ассимиляции:

stumble – (Sc) – полностью ассимилированное;

connoisseur – (Fr) – не ассимилированное фонетически и графически;

devil – (Lat-Gk) – полностью ассимилированное;

knout – (Russ) – не ассимилированное семантически;

mystery – (Lat-Gk) – не ассимилированное графически;

monarch – (Lat-Gk) – не ассимилированное графически;

algebra – (Arabic) – полностью ассимилированное;

2) примеры этимологических гибридов (2):

ungentlemanlike – un (Native) – gentle (Fr-Lat) – man (Native) – like (Native);

school­fellow – school (Lat-Gk) – fellow (Sc);

3) примеры этимологических дублетов (2):

master (Lat) – magistrate (Lat);

gentle (Fr-Lat) – genteel (Fr);

4) интернациональные слова (2):

tyranny – (Fr-Lat-Gk);

opponent – (Lat).

Задание 5. Выделите5 слов, иллюстрирующих различные способы словообразования. Прокомментируйте их морфологическую структуру:

roar – звукоподражание; корневое слово;

left-handed – словосложение; сложно-производное слово;

neighbour – словосложение; опрощение морфологической структуры;

belabour – префиксация; производное слово;

breath – (to) breathe – смешанное чередование (чередование гласных и согласных);

cut (n) – конверсия; производное слово; модель V→ N; тип семантических отношений: действие – результат действия.

Задание 6. Найдите в тексте:

1) 5 слов, значение которых является результатом расширения, сужения, ухудшения, улучшения значения, метафорического, метонимического переноса:

knight – улучшение значения; OE «слуга»;

girl – сужение значения; ME «ребенок любого пола»;

teach – расширение значения;

to hug the enemy – метафора;

the arms of battle – метафора;

2) 2 примера полисемантических слов (определите тип организации семантической структуры):

hand – 1. either of the movable parts at the end of a person’s arm, including the fingers; 2. a pointer or needle on a clock, machine, measuring instrument; 3. handwriting; 4. a) a game of cards; b) a set of playing cards held by one person in a game; 5. a unit equal to 0, 1 metres, used in measuring a horse’s height at the shoulder; 6. a sailor on a ship; 7. a worker; 8. someone with skill, knowledge, or experience of the stated kind; 9. encouragement given by clapping the hands, a burst of applause; 10. help; 11. an influence or share in some action or event; 12. control, power or responsibility. Тип организации семантической структуры – радиально-цепочечная полисемия;

3) подберите синонимы к 2 словам из текста, укажите тип и источник синонимии:

rage (Fr-Lat) – anger (Sc) – indignation (Fr-Lat) – fury (Fr-Lat) – ire (Fr-Lat) – wrath (native); семантико-стилистические синонимы; источник – заимствование из других языков;

4) подберите омонимы к 2 словам из текста, укажите тип и источник омонимии:

seal (Fr-Lat) – the official mark of a government, company, made by pressing a pattern into red wax, which is fixed to certain formal and official writings; seal (CGmc) – a large fish-eating animal living mostly on cool seacoasts and floating ice; полные лексические омонимы; источник – звуковая конвергенция.

Задание 7.

1. Выпишите по 2 примера синтетических и аналитических форм, выражающих:

а) глагольные категории (время, временная отнесенность, вид, залог, наклонение):

would accrue (small harm would accrue) – аналитический способ образования наклонения (условное наклонение);

had admired – аналитический способ образования категории временной отнесенности (перфектная временная отнесенность);

had (If I had the pen of a Napier) – синтетический способ образования наклонения (сослагательное II, настоящее время);

б) падежи имени существительного:

grocer’s cart – синтетический способ образования родительного падежа;

а feeling of revenge – аналитический способ образования родительного падежа (предлог of);

inscriptions to George Sedley Osborne – аналитический способ образования дательного падежа (предлог to);

в) степени сравнения имени прилагательного:

handsomest, bravest, cleverest – синтетический способ образования превосходной степени сравнения;

most active, most generous – аналитический способ образования превосходной степени сравнения.

2. Выберите одну форму и объясните ее проблемный статус:

had (If I had the pen of a Napier) – не имеет однозначного толкования;

А.И. Смирницкий – сослагательное II, настоящее время;

Л.С. Бархударов – форма прошедшего времени в особом синтаксическом окружении;

Б.А. Ильиш – нереальное условие.

3. Выпишите ing-форму, идентифицируйте ее (причастие, герундий, отглагольное существительное), приведите аргументы в пользу Вашей трактовки, укажите именные и глагольные черты данной формы:

offering (the honour of offering the conqueror a knee) – герундий, действительный залог, неперфектная временная отнесенность, общий вид; это герундий, т.к. имеет следующие именные характеристики:

· употребляется с предлогом;

· выполняет функцию постпозитивного предложного определения;

глагольные характеристики герундия:

· имеет категорию залога (offering – being offered);

· имеет категорию временной отнесенности (offering – having offered);

· имеет глагольную сочетаемость (принимает прямое дополнение – a knee).

Задание 8. Проиллюстрируйте материалом текста (по два примера):

а) морфологическую классификациюсловосочетаний (по характеру стержневого компонента):

quite lonely, almost happy – адъективные словосочетания;

struck terror, dropped neatly – глагольные словосочетания;

our children, romantic books – именные словосочетания;

б) классификацию по типу синтаксической связи между компонентами сочинение, подчинение (укажите подвид: согласование, управление, примыкание, замыкание), предикация:

shall describe or calculate, blush and wonder – сочинение;

this time, that arm – согласование;

to him, rules him – управление;

his circumstances, wonderful advances – примыкание;

the middle-sized form, a great cut – замыкание;

Dobbin started up, ball plump (I have seen Jack Spot’s ball plump into the pocket at billiards) – предикация;

в) классификацию Л. Блумфильда (эндоцентрические/ экзоцентрические):

uncountable presents, reeling and groggy – эндоцентрические;

George received, for him – экзоцентрические.

Задание 9. Выпишите из текста предложенияразличных структурных типов:

а) простое (эллиптические/ односоставное) (2):

It would be ungentlemanlike (in a manner) to resist it – простое двусоставное полное предложение;

б) осложненное с различными осложняющими элементами (3):

Dobbin quivered, and gathered himself up in his narrow old clothes – предложение, осложненное сочинением (однородные сказуемые);

He believed Osborne to be the possessor of every perfection, to be the handsomest, the bravest, the most active, the cleverest, the most generous of created boys. – предложение, осложненное подчинением (конструкция вторичной предикации, the objective-with-the infinitive).

Задание 10.

1. Выпишите из текста пять слов индоевропейского происхождения:

tree; love; do; eye; young; light.

2. Для трех слов дайте параллели в негерманских языках индоевропейской семьи – русском, латинском, греческом (по хрестоматии А.И. Смирницкого или другим хрестоматиям из списка литературы); прокомментируйте фонетические соответствия между родственными словами (законы Гримма и Вернера, германское преломление, независимые изменения гласных):


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