Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Ex. 8. Pay attention to the sentences with «ing» forms, Participle II, analyse and translate them.



The Siberian State Academy of Geodesy (SSGA), the former (бывший) name NIIGAIK, was established in 1933 in Omsk but a year later it was moved to Novosibirsk. In Russia there is an impressive number of technician-level colleges1 specializing entirely in educating surveying and mapping technicians with a study duration of about four years. Most university-level (standard) surveying and mapping students are enrolled2 in MIIGAIK and SSGA. These institutions train specialists in surveying, photogrammetry, cartography, remote-sensing, geoecology, cadastre, earth-resources exploration, geoinformation systems and some other specializations in economics and management.

Academy Structure. The Governing Body3 of the academy approving the Charter is the Conference of scientific and teaching staff4 and representatives of employees and students. The consultative body is the Academy Council with the rector at the head. The scientific and teaching staff are readers, senior lecturers, assistant professors, professors with M.Sc. and Ph.D. degrees5. At present at the academy there are the following Institutes: – Institute of Geodesy and Management;

– Institute of Cadastre and Geoinformation Systems;

– Institute of Remote Sensing and Natural Resources Management;

– Institute of Optics and Optical technologies; and

– Institute of Distant Training (дистанционное обучение).

There are approximately 9 000 students at the academy at all departments (day, evening and correspondence). They are served by nearly6 300 members of the full-time academic staff and some part-time and visiting lecturers. Practically all the lecturers are professors and assistant Professors. Applicants become students of the academy on the basis of school test results mainly in Mathematics and Russian, but some specialities require test results in Information Science (информатика) and in Physics. The students are trained full-time, part-time, by correspondence and also according to individual plans (shortened course).

Tuition (обучение). The minimum training period at the academy is four years. A four-year programme leads to a (diploma) degree of Bachelor of Science, and a five-year programme leads to a specialist. The first degree is given after a period of 4 years of specialized study; a higher degree is given after one more year of specialization.

The first year is spent on a foundation course. The course consists of lectures, practical classes, seminars and laboratory works. The material of lectures and interesting topics are backed up7 and discussed at seminars. Seminars, practical and discussion classes are conducted in small groups. In accordance with the curriculum (programme) first-year students study Mathematics, Physics, History of Russia, a foreign language and some other subjects. Beginning with the second year students are taught special subjects which are necessary for a given speciality. From the third year the course becomes more specialized. The Special Studies course8 involves the study in depth the disciplines in a particular area and provides a theoretical as well as an applied knowledge.

There are two terms in each academic year. Except periodic assessment9 students pass tests and exams at the end of each term. Senior students have to prepare papers, course works and project reports (инд.задания) for discussion purposes with their supervisors. The whole training course is followed by state exams in some subjects and a final project.

Industrial Training. Senior students (at the end of the third and fourth years) have industrial (vocational) training during several months at some enterprises, research institutions, laboratories and expeditions in order to get some practical experience in a chosen specialization. The students of the Institute of Optics and Optical Technologies usually have their practice at instrument-making plants and big enterprises. The students of the Institutes of Geodesy and Remote Sensing have the practice in summer-surveying camps10, expeditions, and at various enterprises. If properly handled, the practice11 has the following advantages: – the student and instructor work together full time:

– the student learns that the theory he/she has been taught has application and is valuable;

– the student develops confidence (уверенность) in himself/herself;

– the instructor has an opportunity to observe the student closely; he can find and correct the student’s weaknesses, develop his/her strong points, stimulate and motivate him/her.

The academy has various well-equipped modern computer classes. Computing is an essential part of most of the major courses run by the Academy12, although emphasis is on the applications of computers rather than (а не…) on the technical aspects of computer science. The availability of an extensive amount of equipment in the academy laboratories enables students to spend sufficient time for thorough training at the instruments. The large number of devices is needed because all students specializing in surveying, mapping, photogrammetry, earth resources exploration, geodetic astronomy and optics are required to undergo practical training13.

Post-graduate course. Acquiring skill (experience) in research is very important for successful (advanced) students who are going to devote themselves to science, and concentrate on research project. Undergraduate research is usually conducted under the supervision of senior lecturers, assistant professors and professors. The Academy offers facilities for post-graduate research. The post-graduate students (science students) have a chance to extend and deepen their knowledge not only in good solid grounding in the fundamentals14 but in the latest technologies in a particular field. Advanced (prospective) students are given the opportunity, after a post-graduate course and defending the dissertation to obtain a “candidate” degree, the equivalent to a M.Sс. degree (Master of Science degree).

Library Service. Over a number of years the Library has built up a specialist collection of books and periodicals, directly related to the areas of study with which the academy courses are concerned.

Accommodation. Slightly under a half15 of full-time students live in a hall of residence (hostel), some in lodgings (rent a room), and the remainder live at home. In a hall of residence usually three or four students share a room.

Physical Recreation. Whilst (while) at the Academy students are offered the chance to participate (принимать участие) in the following sporting activities: Basketball, Badminton, Table-Tennis, Volleyball, Hockey, Swimming and some others.

Medical Services. The Academy has a medical centre with a General Practitioner (терапевт). A nursing sister can give medical assistance, first aid, or generally discusses health worries. A strong emphasis throughout the whole training period is placed on a student’s intellectual development.




1. an impressive number of technician-level colleges – внушительное число средне-технических учебных заведений (техникумов)
2. Most university-level… students are enrolled in… – зд. большая часть студентов, занимающихся по программе вуза (на университ.уровне), обучаются в…
3. the Governing Body – орган управления
4. …scientific and teaching staff… – профессорско-преподавательский состав
5. M.Sc. (Master of Science) degree – степень магистра наук (русск. «кандидат наук»)
Ph.D. (Doctor of Philosophy) – доктор философии (наук)
Bachelor of Science (Bachelor’s degree) – первая степень диплома о высшем образовании (степень бакалавра)
6. They are served by nearly… – зд. их обучают (обслуживают) почти…
7. lectures… are backed up… – закрепляются (материалы лекций)
8. Special Studies course… – курс более узкой специализации
9. Except periodic assessment… – кроме промежуточной (периодической) аттестации
10. …the practice in summer-surveying camps – практика на учебном геодезическом полигоне
11. If properly handled, the practice – если организовать должным образом, практика…
12. …most of the major courses run by the academy – большинство основных курсов (дисциплин), предусмотренных учебн. планом академии
13. …all students… are required to undergo practical training… – всем студентам… необходимо проходить практику…
14. …good solid grounding in the fundamentals… – фундаментальная подготовка по основным (профилирующим) дисциплинам
15. Slightly under a half… – приблизительно половина…


Ex. 1. Pronounce correctly:

– special, specialist, speciality, specialize, specialization

– physics, physicist, physician, photography, photogrammetry

– theory, theoretical, thorough, thoroughly, through, throughout

– high, higher, height, slight, slightly; science, scientist, scientific

– term, firm, confirm, earth, earthing, earthly, research

– observe, observer, observed, observatory, observation

– survey, surveying, surveyor, surface, purpose

– subject, project, job, major, lodgings, advantage, agency,

geology, geodesy, engineer, engineering, technology

– due, during, duration, study duration; require, requirement; acquire, acquiring,


Ex. 2. Find the English equivalents in the text:

студент student (undergraduate) – студенты первого курса дневного отделения – успевающие (продвинутые) студенты – большая часть студентов геод. специальностей сосредоточены (зачислены, зд. обучаются) в МИИГАиКе и СГГА – научно-исследовательская работа студентов
выпускник graduate – лучшим выпускникам дается возможность продолжить учебу в аспирантуре – выпускникам присваивают или степень бакалавра или магистра
обучать, готовить teach (train) – академия готовит специалистов в области геодезии, картографии и фотограмметрии – студенты обучаются на дневном, вечернем и заочном отделениях – студентов учат работать с разными приборами
опыт (навык) experience (skill) – приобретение навыка работы с приборами (геодезическими, оптическими) – приобретение навыка научно-исследовательской работы очень важно для студентов
подготовка специалистов training (to train) – теоретическая (практическая) подготовка – глубокая (основательная) подготовка – институт готовит специалистов в области геодезии (оптики, фотограмметрии и картографии)
совершенствовать to improve – совершенствовать знания – совершенствовать приборы – совершенствовать технологии
на основе on the basis of – на основе результатов тестов – на основе результатов наблюдения – на основе результатов анализа
общежитие hall of residence (hostel) – большая часть студентов живет в общежитии – приблизительно половина студентов дневного отделения живет на квартирах – в общежитии обычно три или четыре студента живут в одной комнате

Ex. 3. a) Read, translate and learn:


advanced передовой, лучший – advanced students (technologies) – advanced students do (carry on) research under the supervision of experienced scientists
applied прикладной – applied sciences – applied mathematics (optics) – applied geodesy
research исследование, исследовательский – undergraduate research – take part in (be engaged in) research – do (carry on) research – research institution, laboratory – research centre
thorough глубокий, основательный – thorough knowledge – thorough training – to spend sufficient time for thorough training at the instruments – thorough analysis


b) Suggest the Russian for:


it takes a lot of time… – to get ready for seminars – to do (carry on) research – to prepare for exams – to get to the institute (to work)
to have an opportunity… – to receive thorough knowledge in the fundamental group of subjects – to spend sufficient time for thorough training at the instruments – to undergo practical training in a summer-surveying camp (laboratory, at the enterprise)
to enable students to specialize… – in optical electronic instrumentation – in general (applied) surveying – IT-technologies – remote sensing
advanced students are given an opportunity… – to acquire skill in research – to study at the post-graduate course – to participate in scientific conference

Ex. 4. Complete the following sentences:

1. Full-time first-year students learn the fundamental group of subjects…

2. Slightly under a half of full-time students live in lodgings and …

3. Most university-level surveying and mapping students are enrolled in …

4. These faculties are headed by …

5. Applicants are admitted to the Institute on the basis of the results of school examinations in…

6. The academic year is divided into two…

7. The students have their practice in (at)…

8. Undergraduate research is usually conducted under the guidance (supervision) of…

9. SSGA graduates find jobs in (at)…

10. A five-year programme leads to a diploma degree of an…

11. In a hall of residence (hostel) usually three or four students…

12. All students specializing in surveying, mapping, photogrammetry and optics are required to undergo…


Ex. 5. Pay attention to the nouns in the function of an attribute:

academy council, academy structure, academy courses, academy students, university teachers, study duration, earth-resources exploration, assistant professor, correspondence student, foundation course, discussion groups (classes), course work, project report, state exams, instrument-making plants, summer-surveying camps, computer class, computer science, computer centre, undergraduate research, post-graduate course, post-graduate research, post-graduate student, research project, a specialist collection of books, health worries

Ex. 6. Form pairs of synonyms:

a) thorough, all over, subject, opportunity, diploma, paper, surveying, research, undergraduate, teach, assistant professor, purpose, involve, area, test, according to, college, lessons, important, programme, assistance

b) chance, geodesy, senior lecturer, classes, in accordance with, investigation, field, discipline, degree, essential, assessment, aid, curriculum, report, student, train, aim, deep, throughout, technician-level institution, include


Ex. 7. Useful English:

– to specialize in; test results; curriculum (programme);

– in accordance with; to participate in;

– in a particular area; a number of disciplines (courses);

– has some advantages; to develop strong points;

– to spend sufficient time for; under the supervision;

– an essential part of; computing is an essential part;

– to extend and deepen knowledge; applied knowledge (disciplines);

– a good solid grounding in the fundamentals;

– medical assistant; first aid; health worries;

– the vocational (industrial) training; throughout the whole training period.



Ex. 1. Pronounce correctly:

preoccupy, preoccupation, preoccupied;

store, storage, data storage, stored data; medium, media, multimedia;

source, resource, material resources, energy resources;

produce, reproduce, producer, produced;

particular, particularly; apply, applied, application;

exist, existence; process, processes, processing, processed data;

technique, technical, technology, technologies, technological;

first, firm, prefer, verse, versatility, versatile;

analyse, analyses, analysis, analyst, analytic(al);

mean, means, meaning, meaningful, meaningless, by means of;

system, subsystem, information systems, computer-based information systems;

able, available, availability, ability, capability, human problem solving capability.


Ex. 2. Pay attention to the nouns in the function of an attribute:

energy resources; information phenomena; information service industries; information-transforming technologies; information systems applications; human know-how; interoffice mail; telephone links; data storage; on-line methods; expert software systems; human problem-solving capabilities; off-the-shelf software; manufacturing activities.


Ex. 3. Translate the following word combinations:

– great advances; all the technological advances together;

– to reproduce information; the information service industry;

– a new basic resource; pervasive systems;

– a set of components; a computer-based information system;

– at a soaring rate; interoffice mail; during the course of daily life;

– maintain files of data; engineering calculations;

– custom-built programs; an extremely efficient means of;

– a cost-effectiveness of societal investments;

– powerful information-transforming technologies;

– at levels of complexity and efficiency far exceeding human capabilities;

– the most important aspect of any system; to process data using on-line methods.


Ex. 4. Form pairs of synonyms:

a) advance, important, to use, to begin, purpose, to generate, progress, programme, to do, on-going, manufacturing, tool, process, data, software, essential, aim, equipment, to provide, to locate, to assist, on-line, produce

b) application, milieu, domain, instrument, to find, to give, apparatus, procedure, information, to generate, field (sphere), environment, application, to harness, to accomplish, production, to apply, essential, to help, to perform, continuous, real-time.


Ex. 5. Finish the following sentences:

1. Great advances have been made in the human capability to…

2. All the technological advances together have made information…

3. The information service industry has become…

4. In the broadest sense a system is simply a set of…

5. The most important aspect of any system is…

6. To be of any use, a computer-based information system must…

7. Information system is a means by…

8. Information systems link together…

9. The purposes of information systems are to…

10. Information systems consist of subsystems…

11. Information systems are an extremely efficient means of…

12. Information systems are able to carry out diverse tasks…

13. Powerful information transforming technologies broaden…

14. Interactive applications of networked multimedia computers may replace…

15. Information services provide mechanisms…

Ex. 6. Translate the following word combinations using the text:

– новый основной ресурс по важности наряду с материальными и энергетическими ресурсами;

– система – это совокупность (определенный набор) составляющих элементов;

– наиболее важный аспект любой системы – это человеческие знания;

– высоко-развитая система слов условных обозначений (символов), которые

несут (имеют) определенные значения;

– информационная система может охватывать все от…;

– многие информационные системы обеспечены готовыми программами;

– многосторонность (универсальность) современных информационных систем связана с …;

– информационные системы способны (могут) выполнять разнообразные задачи;

– …по уровню сложности и эффективности, намного превосходящие возможности человека;

– практически мгновенно;

– новые стандарты (параметры) для будущего образования и воспитания всех слоев общества;

– информационные системы являются основным инструментом повышения прибыльности инвестиций;

– информационные системы постоянно совершенствуются (развиваются).

Ex. 7. Useful English (read, translate and learn):

during the past few centuries; during the course of daily life;

all the technological advances together; interest to information phenomena;

a computer system generates information for various users;

are able to perform calculations at a very high speed;

information systems are a major tool; an extremely efficient means;

to carry out diverse tasks; in the broadest sense;

information systems are on-going; the information service industry.


Ex.1. Pronounce correctly:

achieve, achievement, accurate, accurately, accuracy, arbitrary;

process, processing, processed; concept, conceptual;

quantity, quality, qualify, qualified, qualification;

use, user, uses, used, using, useful, useless;

exist, existing, existence; equip, equipped, equipment;

object, objective, objectives; space, spatial, non-spatial;

analyse, analyser, analysing, analysis [s], analyses, analyst;

special, spatial; specify, specified, specifying, specification;

geodesy, geodetic, geography, geographically; hardware, software


Ex.2. While translating pay attention to the nouns in the function of an attribute:

data handling; data quality; data category; a data input subsystem; data storage and retrieval subsystem; computer system; coordinate system; large-scale space; small-scale space; “table-top” space; landscape features; soil type; stream intersections; eagle nets; computer-based map analysis program; analysis subsystem; fish population sizes; bottom contour; productivity level; spatial data base; user community; business or government organization

Ex.3. Form pairs of synonyms:

a) objective, different, effective, means, personnel, assist, perform, industry, quantity, include, handle, method, data, deal with, explore, accuracy, software, basic, to use, object, to acquire, to change, feature, rapid

b) be concerned with, efficient, process, goal, contain, program, entity, staff, information, quick, to get, dimensions, precision, to transform, peculiarity, implement, various, facilities, to make use of, fundamental, business, investigate (study), help, technique


Ex.4. Complete the sentences:

1. GIS technology is the “whole body” of…

2. GIS is a computer system…

3. Geographic space is the space…

4. Geographic information technology is used to…

5. Geographic information is a unity of…

6. GIS is a powerful set of tools (resource) for…

7. Spatial data are data which…

8. To use computers for handling spatial data, we…

9. The fundamental components of a GIS and its environmental are…

10. As new information is required, it…

11. The power of GIS is most apparent when…

12. The GIS offers a practical means to manage…

13. To be successful GIS must exist within…

14. To be useful to the client, information must be of…

15. The most important aspects of data quality are: …

16. GISs are a powerful resource that provide…

Ex.5. Translate the following sentences into Russian:

1. GISs is one of the most powerful systems for the effective use of geographic information.

2. This research team is one of the most effective groups developing computer-based maps analysis programs.

3. The ability to perform complex spatial analysis in a period of time is very important nowadays.

4. A GIS makes the production and analysis of geographic data more efficient.

5. A GIS cannot exist on its own (doesn't operate in a vacuum).

6. The information must be presented in an appropriate format to the client to use and to be available at the right time.

7. The most important aspects of data quality are: accuracy, precision, time, currency and completeness.

8. GISs are a powerful resource that provide flexible methods for exploring relationships among geographic data and assisting experts from diverse fields, in pooling knowledge to solve complex problems.

9. The ability to integrate georeferenced data distinguishes a GIS from other systems.

10. Sciences and technologies that deal with spatial data handling.


Ex.6. Translate into English using the text:

1. Технология – это (весь) комплекс методов и средств.

2. Обработка пространственных данных.

3. Все типы (виды) геопространственной информации.

4. Геопространственная связь объекта с особенностями (элементами) местности.

5. ГИС технологии используются для выбора и анализа (to manipulate) объекта в геопространстве.

6. ГИС – это технология, которая делает данные более гибкими (в зависимости от их назначения).

7. Как пространственная, так и атрибутивная информация, описывают характеристики объекта.

8. Реальная действительность (объект) – это то, что существует в реальном мире независимо.

9. Получать информацию из пространственных данных.

10. Привести данные в соответствующую компьютерную программу.

11. Группа, разрабатывающая программы анализа цифровых карт.

12. Быстрая и точная обновленная редакция и корректирование.

13. Объем (массив) данных слишком большой для обработки вручную.

14. Как количественное, так и качественное преимущество.

15. Проводить (выполнять) сложный анализ геопространственных данных.

16. ГИС – эффективное средство для понимания геореляционных связей между различными явлениями.

17. ГИС должна функционировать (существовать) в рамках соответствующей организационной, интегрированной системы.

18. Должен быть штат сотрудников, помещения, оснащение, средства для функционирования и эксплуатации ГИС.

19. Информация должна быть грамотной, качественной и своевременной.

20. Основной характеристикой ГИС является способность объединения (слияния) геопространственных данных.

21. Специалисты из различных областей.


Ex.7. Answer the questions:

1. What is a GIS?

2. What is a technology?

3. What is a GIS designed for?

4. What sciences is GIS technology often confused with?

5. What is geographic space?

6. What is geographic information used for?

7. Is geographic information a unity of spatial and attribute information describing an entity (object)?

8. What do spatial and attribute information describe?

9. What are spatial data?

10. In what three forms are spatial data presented on a map?

11. What are the main three things do we have to specify for the computer?

12. What is a history of a GIS?

13. What are the fundamental components of a GIS and its environment?

14. When is the power of a GIS most apparent?

15. What is necessary for a GIS to be successful?

16. What are the most important aspects of data quality?

17. In what two basic forms is the information presented?

18. What distinguishes a GIS from other systems?

19. What are the main functions of a GIS?

Ex.8. Useful English (read, translate and learn by heart):

– to handle data (information); to acquire knowledge (information)

– to achieve the stated objective; to deal with; with respect to…

– to manipulate objects in geographic space; large-scale space; small-scale space;

– the research group developing computer-based map analysis programs

– the most important aspects a data manipulation and analysis subsystem performs a variety of tasks; experts from diverse fields; flexible methods

– to produce new information; information needed by the user;

– to solve complex problems; the ability to perform complex spatial analysis

– GIS technology makes geographic data more malleable

– relationships among geographic data; the relationship among diverse phenomena


Cartography (or mapping) is the art and science of making maps and charts. Cartography is an ancient discipline that dates from the prehistoric depiction of hunting and fishing territories. The map is perhaps the most familiar form in which geographic data is represented. The earliest maps have been based on personal experience and familiarity (хорошее знание) with local features and showed routes to neighbouring tribes; where game (дичь), water, salt, the locations of enemies, dangers and other necessities might be found. Navigators land surveyors, and the military used maps to show the spatial distribution of important geographic features1.

From the earliest civilizations maps have been used to portray information about the earth’s surface. A map is a graphical representation of features of a portion of the surface of the earth, drawn to some definite scale on a flat surface (a sheet of paper) and generally shows the physical features of the country: roads, rivers, mountains, lakes, land cover types2, political boundaries, the situation of towns and cities. The map itself serves both to store the data and to present the data to the user. It is a relatively inexpensive means of storing a considerable amount of spatial information3.

In the twentieth century the progress of science and technology accelerated. This increase created the demand for ever greater volumes of geographic data to be presented in map form more quickly and more accurately. With the development of reconnaissance technologies, such as aerial photography and satellite-based remote sensing, there has been an explosion of geographic data production, wider use and more sophisticated analyses. On the base of aerial photographs different kinds of maps are made.

Major types of maps include topographical maps, showing features of the Earth’s land surface, they provide a complete inventory of the terrain and important information for all activities involving the use and development of the land, and they are the base for specialized maps; nautical charts, representing coastal and marine areas; hydrographic charts, which specify ocean depths and the directions and intensities of oceanic currents; and aeronautical charts, which detail surface features and air routes. The information for a geographic feature has four major components: its geographic position, its attributes, its spatial relationships and time4. More simply, the four components are: where it is, what it is, what is its relationship to other spatial features, and when did the condition or feature exist.

Every geographical phenomenon can be represented by a point, line or area, that’s why a map is a set of points lines and areas that are defined both by their location in space with reference to5 a coordinate system (i.e. geographical data are referenced to locations on the earth’s surface by using a standard system of coordinates). The coordinate system may be purely local, as in the case of a study of a limited area, or it may be that of a national grid or an internationally accepted projection such as the Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate System (UTM)6. The group of lines, points, and areas are coded using symbols, textures and colours, that are explained in the map legend. The map legend links the non-spatial attributes to the spatial data. A legend explains the meaning of colours and symbols used on a map. The title of a map identifies what the map is about and what parts of the earth it shows. The contour lines indicate the shapes of the various land forms that make up the earth’s surface (hills, valleys, ridges and so on).

Now different kinds of maps are widely used. General purpose maps show the topography of the land and boundaries of national or administrative units. As the study of natural resources developed, thematic maps were used to put down the spatial distribution of such features as geology, geomorphology, soils and vegetation. Maps are, of course, essential to geologic and mineral resource surveys, to marine geology and hydrography, to water-resource inventories, land utilization studies, urban planning, highway location studies, and countless other activities.

Digital mapping and interactive editing are important tools for the efficient management of cities and regions. Maps may be classified according to their scale and content. Line maps differ greatly in their production scale, depending on a client requirements. A scale of 1: 1, 000 is widely used by regional and local governments and by public utility companies7 to show urban development, land use and public services. But areas can also be mapped in much greater detail, down to a scale 1: 200 for example, to meet the precise requirements of utility mapping8. This scale shows public services (зд. подземные коммуникации) in great detail, including gas, water, electricity and telephone installations, drains, and access points for maintenance personnel9.



1. the spatial distribution of important geographic features   2. …land cover types… 3. …a considerable amount of spatial information 4. …its spatial relationships and time   5. …with reference to… 6. …the Universal Transverse Mercator Coordinate System (UTM) 7. …public utility companies… 8. …utility mapping   9. …access points for maintenance personnel – пространственное распределение важных географических особенностей (элементов местности) – типы ландшафтов – значительный объем пространственной информации – взаимосвязи объектов и явлений в пространстве и времени – относительно чего-либо… – Универсальная Поперечная Проекция Меркатора в общеземной системе координат – предприятия общественного пользования – карты инфраструктуры коммунального хозяйства – пункты предприятий сотрудников ремонтно-эксплуатационных служб


Ex.1. Pronounce correctly:

cartography, cartographer, cartographic; hydro, hydrograph, hydrography; survey, surveyor, surveying; civil, civilization, civilize, civilian; cover, coverage, covered; space, spatial, spacing, spacious, spacecraft, spaceship; inform, informed, information; geography, geographer, geographic, geographical; suit, suitable, unsuitable; force, forceful, forceless, forcefully; count, countless, countable, countdown.


Ex.2. Find the following word combinations in the text:

границы административных образований; рельеф местности; пространственное распределение; исследование геологических и минеральных ресурсов; исследование водных ресурсов; относительно просто; изучение использования земельных угодий; тематические карты; карты общего назначения.

Ex.3. Give the Russian equivalents:

a means of; general purpose map; thematic map; topography of the land; boundaries of the administrative units; spatial distribution; geographic and mineral resource surveys; marine hydrography; water resource inventories; studies; sophisticated analyses.


Ex.4. Translate the following word combinations:

- spatial distribution; mineral resources; water resources

- component value; computed value; coded symbols;

- general purpose map; thematic map; hydrographic map

- reconnaissance survey; reconnaissance system

- aerial photography; satellite-based remote sensing

- mineral resource survey; hydrographic survey; aerial survey; satellite survey

- geomorphologic characteristic; geomorphological level; geomorphological map


Ex.5. Form pairs of synonyms:

1) boundary a) strength
2) mapping b) up-to-date
3) modern c) geographical
4) form d) cartography
5) geographic e) have to
6) force f) border
7) must g) precise
8) accurate h) shape


Ex.6. Fill in the blanks:

1. Cartography is the art and science of ….

2. A map is a graphic representation drawn to … and usually on a … of … of the Earth or of … body.

3. Now different kinds of maps are ….

4. Geographic data have traditionally been presented in … of a map.

5. Geographic data are now being … faster than they … analyzed.

Ex.7. Translate into English:

1. Карта – это графическое представление характерных особенностей части земной поверхности, выполненное в соответствии с масштабом и, обычно, на плоской поверхности.

2. Сейчас широко используются разные виды карт.

3. Карты необходимы при сборе геологической информации и поиске полезных ископаемых, инвентаризации водных ресурсов, изучении использования земельных угодий.

4. В 20 веке произошло существенное ускорение научного и технического прогресса.

5. Информация о координатах (местоположении объекта) включает четыре вопроса: что это такое, где оно находится, каковы его взаимосвязи с другими объектами, и когда конкретное условие или особенность имели место (существовали).

Ex.8. Answer the questions:

1. What is cartography?

2. What is a map?

3. What do you know about the history of mapping?

4. When did the modern principles of making maps start to develop?

5. What kinds of maps do you know?

6. What are maps used for?

What are the most recent methods of mapping?




Ex.1. Pronounce correctly:

angle, triangle, triangulation, tripod; apply, applicable, application; survey, surveying, surveyor; technique, technical, technology; space, spatial; observe, observation, observer, observatory; precise, precision; geodesy, geodetic, geodesist; determine, determination; local, locate, location; theory, theoretical, theoretician, theodolite; satellite; Earth, Earth’s surface, engine, engineer, engineering; sense, sensing, remote sensing


Ex.2. Find English equivalents in the text:

трёхмерное пространственное положение; использование данных съёмки; местоположение точек на земной поверхности; разность высот; землевладение; густо растущие деревья; редактирование данных; поверхность Земли; гравитационное поле; в глобальном масштабе; путём наблюдений

Ex.3. Complete the sentences:

1. Geodesy is a science that deals with ….

2. Nowadays land surveys are done in conjunction with …

3. … is a technique of determining the position of points and distances and angles between them.

4. A level is used for determining …

5. … is a theodolite with EDM.

6. GPS stands for …

7. With the use of … geodesists can locate the exact position of any object on the surface of the Earth.

8. … are involved whenever there are roads, railways and dams.


Ex.4. Answer the questions:

1. What is geodesy?

2. What was all work in geodesy based on in the past?

3. What is surveying?

4. What sciences should surveyors be good at to accomplish their objective?

5. In what fields is surveying most frequently used nowadays?

6. What are the traditional surveying instruments?

7. How are short distances measured?

8. What instrument measures height or elevation difference?

9. How do surveyors measure angles?

10. What modern instrument is used instead of the theodolite?

11. What is GPS?

12. What kind of information does GIS contain?

13. What do geodesists do?


Ex.5 Translate into English:

1. Геодезия – это наука, которая изучает размер и форму Земли.

2. Съёмка включает методы точного определения пространственного положения точек на земле, а также расстояний и углов между ними.

3. Наиболее распространёнными сферами применения съёмки являются транспорт, строительство, связь, картография и определение границ.

4. Классические геодезические инструменты – это мерная лента, уровень и теодолит.

5. Более современным геодезическим инструментом является электронный тахеометр.

6. Система глобального позиционирования помогает определять местоположение (координаты) точки (пункта) и её положение относительно других пунктов на Земле.

7. ГИС – информационная система, которая хранит, анализирует и представляет данные о местоположении объекта (т.е. геопространственную информацию).

8. Геодезисты изучают форму Земли и её гравитационное поле.


Ex.6. Translate into Russian:

Knowledge required by the position of a geodesist. Expert knowledge of the theories, principles, and practices in theoretical geodesy and the ability to apply this knowledge to the solution of major problems which are constantly arising as new satellite technology progresses and geodetic practices enter new and more complex areas. The geodesist must have a working knowledge of computer technology as it applies to geodesy; to effectively apply mathematical techniques regarding large blocks of data. This involves the control languages of many computers, the data filing systems of direct-access devices, as well as the master data base storage media, and the programming languages applicable to mathematical geodesy. He must be able to communicate on a professional level with other members of the surveying and geodetic community to effectively represent the organization at local, national, and international meetings to explain geodesy and to take an active part in scientific and mapping organizations.



In both the private and public sectors, land information is a primary resource for making investment and management decisions. Those who have access to land information have an additional capacity to evaluate situations, to analyze past conditions and to plan for the future.

A land Information System(LIS) is a special type of GIS, that is designed to handle detailed land ownership information. The cadastre is normally a parcel-based and an up-to-date information, and a subset of LIS that has been defined as a record of interests in land, encompassing both the nature and the extent of these interests1. The cadastre is an official, public record in which complete, up-to-date information for all parcels within a given geographical region is maintained. A cadastre is a comprehensive register of the real property of a country and commonly includes details of ownership, the tenure, the precise location (some can include GPS coordinates), the dimensions (and area), the cultivation if rural and the value of individual parcels of land.

The cadastral parcel is a continuous area or volume of land2 in which unique, homogeneous interests or rights are recognized. The need for cadastral information is common to all societies. Parcel-based information3 is required in a wide variety of activities and frequent users range from the individual landowner (current or prospective), to lawyers, surveyors, real estate managers, and agencies at all levels of government.

The cadastre consists of three basic components:

– the cadastral parcel as the basic unit for organizing information in the system;

– cadastral record(s) which may contain both textual and graphical information;

– parcel identifiers or index codes, that serve as the primary spatial reference4 for information.

The creation (зд. определение участка) of the parcel also requires specification of boundaries. A boundary is defined as a separation, natural or artificial, that delimits the extent of the parcel and distinguishes it from all other parcels. The Cadastre often describes the value of the parcel and its improvements5. There are three categories of cadastres:

– fiscal cadastres developed primarily for property valuation and equitable taxation;

– juridical cadastres which serve as a legally recognized record of land tenure;

– multipurpose cadastres that can encompass both fiscal and juridical cadastres and contain a variety of other parcel-related land information.

The multipurpose cadastre offers several improvements6 of a traditional parcel-based systems, including:

– the provision of a geodetic spatial reference system7 and large-scale mapping which have wide economic and social benefits;

– the coordination (зд. упорядочение) of existing fiscal and juridical records to reduce duplication and to provide an improved information base (e.g., completeness and reliability of records, indexing and graphical display) for both property assessment and land registration;

– linkage mechanisms to allow integration of cadastral information with information in other LIS and GIS for planning and resource management.

Cadastres are parcel-based land information systems that manage information about the land, its use, and its ownership at the parcel level to support administrative functions. All land administrative functions depend on this information. This figure illustrates the relationship of cadastral systems to land tenure and resource management.


The relationship of cadastral systems to land tenure and resource management

Land Cadastre encompasses such information as land resource capacity8, land tenure, land ownership and different land uses. The Cadastre provides:

– information identifying those people who have interests in parcels of land;

– information about those interests, e.g. duration of land rights, restrictions and responsibilities;

– information about the parcel, e.g. location, size, improvement, value.

Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to the land. The Cadastre may record different forms of land tenure such as ownership, leasehold, easements and mortgages.

Urban cadastre is a physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city. It contains graphic and textual information. Graphic information includes the description of each individual parcel and building, topographic features such as roads, rivers, contour lines, additional information such as cartographic grids, geodetic benchmarks, etc. Textual information includes names of owners or occupants, names of streets or areas of specific interest, main characteristics of each parcel or building such as the area, the fiscal value, the associated certificates9, etc. Both types of information are linked together and managed in a system known as a cadastral information system.

Most of the time, the cadastre is integrated with the property registry, the legal registration of land and real estate property. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates a parcel-based registry or a legal cadastre. This guarantees the exact correspondence between physical and legal ownership. In other words, wherever there is a parcel or building, there are the corresponding titles or “legal tenure documents” registered in the property registry, and respectively, wherever there are registered titles, there is a unique parcel corresponding to it. This is technically permitted by a unique identification number that links the parcel or the building to the title. In different countries the Surveyor undertakes different roles in relation to the establishment and maintenance of the Cadastre. The Sur­veyor may be responsible for: – cadastral surveying and mapping;

– cadastral information recording;

– land valuation;

– land use planning;

– management of both the graphic and textual cadastral data bases;

– resolving land disputes;

– custody and supply of cadastral information.

Modern technologies, such as up-to-date survey instruments, satellite position fixing (Global Positioning System – GPS), aerial photography and photogrammetry can offer new possibilities to increase the speed and lower the costs for cadastral reform. Computer technologies can usu­ally provide better access to information, better manipulation of cadas­tral data, better quality, and better legal and physical security. To fully utilize modern technologies it is important to have trained personnel and facilities to maintain the equipment.



1. …extent of these interests… 2. …continuous area or volume of land…     3. Parcel-based information… 4. spatial reference 5. …the value of the parcel and its improvements 6. several improvements 7. …geodetic spatial reference system… 8. …land resource capacity… 9. …associated certificates… – степень этих интересов – часть поверхности земли с установленными и закрепленными границами законодательно – кадастровая информация – исходные координаты – назначение (потенциал) участка и его инфраструктура – ряд усовершенствований – исходные геодезические координаты – потенциал земельных ресурсов – соответствующие документы паспорта (межевого дела)


Ex.1. Pronounce correctly :

cadastre, cadastral, cadastral survey; surveying, surveyor;

restriction, description, describe, responsible, responsibility;

establish, establishment; tax, taxation; tenure;

value, valuation, valuable; equitable;

convey, conveyancing; environment, environmental;

identity, identify, identification; maintain, maintenance; mortgage;

ease, easement, easy; lease, leasehold;

urban, urbanization; occupy, occupant, occupation.


Ex.2. Find English equivalents in the text :

регистрация земельных прав; стоимость участка; устойчивое развитие; защита окружающей среды; увеличить скорость; снизить стоимость; квалифицированный персонал; регистрация собственности; определение местоположения с помощью спутников; идентификационный номер участка; справедливое налогообложение; разные формы землепользования


Ex.3. Complete the sentences:

1. A cadastre is normally a parcel-based ….

2. … enables environmental protection.

3. Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have with respect to ….

4. The surveyor undertakes different roles in relation to … in different countries.

5. Computer technologies provide better access to ….

6. … is a physical description of the land and real estate tenure in a city.

7. Wherever there are registered titles there is ….


Ex.4. Say whether the sentences are true or false:

1. The cadastre doesn’t describe the value of the parcel.

2. Land tenure is concerned with the rights, restrictions and responsibilities that people have to the land.

3. The surveyor is not responsible for cadastral information recording.

4. Textual information includes topographic features.

5. Integration of the cadastre with the registry creates legal cadastre.

6. A unique identification number links the parcel to its value.


Ex.5. Translate into English :

1. Кадастр – это свод сведений о земельных участках, их местоположении, правовом положении и целевом назначении.

2. Кадастр способствует устойчивому развитию и защите окружающей среды.

3. В разных странах геодезисты выполняют разные функции, связанные с кадастром.

4. Благодаря современным технологиям создаются новые возможности для ускорения проведения кадастровых реформ.

5. Городской кадастр даёт описание земли и недвижимости на территории города.

6. Кадастровая информационная система включает в себя графическую и текстовую информацию.

7. Каждый участок земли и каждое здание имеет соответствующий идентификационный номер.


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