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All organizations, whether small or large, must be professionally managed. Management is universally necessary in any organization. Organizations differ in many ways. Some are large, and others small; some provide services and others are product-oriented. Organization is any structured group of people brought together to achieve certain goals that individuals couldn’t reach alone. Management is planning, organizing, leading and controlling the people working in an organization and the ongoing set of tasks and activities they perform. Management is the process involving coordinating of various ideas, activities and programmes in order to achieve a stated objective. Management is the force holding everything in an enterprise together1. Any managerial system at any managerial level is responsible for coordinating an enterprise’s resources – land, materials, equipment, capital and people to meet an objective2 in the interests of economic results. Effective management is essential to the effectiveness of an organization.

Managing change is an ongoing process3 whose objective is to enhance the ability of an organization to anticipate and respond to developments in its external and internal environments, and to enable employees at all levels to cope with the changes. Each job carries well-defined tasks and responsibilities. It is a responsibility of management to make it possible for people to recognize and develop their characteristics – the potential for development, responsibility, the readiness to direct behaviour toward organizational goals4. With respect to people5, management is a process of directing their efforts, motivating them, controlling their actions, modifying their behaviour to fit (meet) the needs of an organization. It is very important to employ both hard (firm) or soft and fair methods6. The essential task of management is to arrange organizational conditions and methods of operation so that people can achieve their own goals best. These methods are: rewards, promotion, good wages, good working conditions, excellent fringe benefits 7 and steady employment.

Managers achieve an organization’s or department’s objectives for the most part by arranging for others to do things – not by performing all the tasks themselves.

A manager is a person who allocates human and material resources and directs the operations of a department or an entire organization. The term manager covers many types of people. These include managers of small businesses, chief executive officers of multinational corporations, plant managers and production supervisors – generalists and specialists. Managers are also found in not-for-profit organizations, such as government agencies, religious groups, trade associations and universities. Managers generate key business strategies. A successful manager does a good job of carrying out four basic managerial functions: planning, organizing, leading and controlling. Managers are evaluated on how well others do their jobs. They must find ways to motivate employees and to increase their companies overall productivity efficiency, service, quality and innovativeness. Whatever the type or size of organization, managers must employ four basic kinds of skills – technical, interpersonal, conceptual and communication.

Technical skills 8 involve the ability to apply specific methods, procedures and techniques in a specialized field. Managers must often understand (владеть) “technical” i.e. managerial or administrative skills well enough to train workers in the jobs and to keep higher-level managers informed about the problems in an organization or any other enterprise and these skills may often be applied in a wide range of industries.

From data to decisions and actions. The number of raw facts and figures that can be collected from the environment and within the organization are endless. The challenge is to collect the appropriate data and analyze it properly to obtain useful information. Managers and other employees use information to help make decisions and take actions.


Interpersonal skills 9 focus on working with people, because every organization’s most valuable resource is people; interpersonal skills are a key part of every manager’s job, regardless of level (from supervisor to vice-president) or function (from production to marketing and finance). They include the abilities to lead, motivate, manage conflict and work with others. Managers need interpersonal skills in countless situations, because their main job is getting things done through people10. A manager with excellent interpersonal skills encourages participation and decision making and lets subordinates express themselves without fear of humiliation. A manager with good interpersonal skills likes other people and is liked by them. Managers who lack effective interpersonal skills can be rude, abrupt, and unsympathetic, making others feel inadequate and resentful. Interpersonal skills are important of all level of management, because management is the process of motivating other people in order to get something done.

Conceptual skills 11. Managers must be able to see the organization as a whole and understand the relationships among its parts. Managers use their conceptual skills to acquire and interpret information, analyse the information, infer the underlying principles, see relationships, find both problems and opportunities, come to conclusions, make decisions and formulate plans. A lot of time is spent on analysing information, about industry trends, economic climate and making decisions based on that information. The work of a manager is a hard job at any level on a variety of activities, because in decision making there is always some uncertainty and risk.

Managers with good conceptual skills are able to see how the organization’s various departments and functions relate to one another, how changes in one department can affect other departments. They use conceptual skills to diagnose and assess different types of management problems that might result. Conceptual skills are needed by all managers, but especially top managers. They must perceive changes in the organization’s environment and respond to them promptly by making the right decisions.

Whenever people work together to achieve a goal, someone must make decisions about who will do, what, when and what money and other resources are to be used. The decisions are connected with planning, organizing, directing and controlling the work to be done. Planning is the first management function and the one on which all other aspects of management depend. A manager engaged in planning establishes goals for the organization and tries to determine the best ways to accomplish them. A manager considers budgets, schedules, data about the industries and the general economy, the company’s existing resources. An important aspect of planning is the careful evaluation of basic assumptions.

Through the planning process, the company’s mission must be supported by statements of goals and objectives. Goals are the broad, long-range targets of the organization. Objectives are the specific short-range targets.

Communication skills. One human relations skill, that all managers must have, is communication skill – that is skill at exchanging information. Such skills enable managers to lead and motivate and to make changes in the organization’s goals. Communication skills are the abilities to send and receive information. Managers have at least basic written, oral, and nonverbal (facial expressions, body posture) communication skills. Because managers spend a large portion of their time communicating, recruiters look for people who can communicate effectively (плодотворно). At a time when organizations increasingly expect employees to work with minimal supervision and to show more initiative, competent communication skills are becoming a must.

Within the firm, there are meetings, presentations, conferences and informal chats among employees at all levels – these are oral communications. Memos, letters, progress reports, policy statements, job descriptions – are written communications, they are essential in presenting an organization to the outside world. Letters, press releases, annual reports, sales brochures, advertisements – all play a direct role in shaping a company’s public image.

When it comes to managing people, all managers must be concerned to some degree with the following five activities: staffing, retention, development, adjustment.

Good management means getting things done not doing things.




1. … the force holding everything in an enterprise together 2. … to meet an objective… 3. Managing change is an ongoing process   4. the readiness to direct behaviour toward organizational goals 5. With respect to people… 6. both hard (firm) or soft and fair methods   7. … excellent fringe benefits… 8. Technical skills 9. Interpersonal skills   10. their main job is getting things done…   11. Conceptual skills – механизм (инструмент), координирующий все виды деятельности предприятия – соответствовать поставленной цели – совершенствование управления – это непрерывный процесс – готовность формировать стиль поведения в соответствии с целями организации – в отношении сотрудников – как жесткие так и мягкие (щадящие), но справедливые методы – ощутимые дополнительные льготы – организационные навыки (умения) – умения формировать деловые взаимоотношения в коллективе – их основная работа – эффективно организовать работу коллектива (добиться, обеспечить хороший конечный результат выполнения определенной работы) – теоретические знания, умения; аналитические способности принимать грамотные управленческие решения


Ex. 1. Pronounce correctly:

management, manager, managerial, managing, managed;

employ, employed, employment, employee, employer;

equip, equipped, equipment; environment, environmental;

object, objective, object to; strategy, strategies, strategic;

technical, technician, technique, technology;

apply, applied, application; concept, conceptual;

through, throughout; though, although;

relate, relation, relative, relatively, relationship;

identify, identifying, identified, identification;

budget, brochure, behaviour, schedule; assume, assumption, assuming.

Ex. 2. Pay attention to the nouns in the function of an attribute:

enterprise resources coordination; enterprise objective; business organization; key business strategy generation; one-person business; skills mix; human relations policy; human relations skills; communication skills; high-level manager; sales brochure; decision-taker; industry trends; management aspects; work requirements; work environment; enterprise tasks and responsibilities; market conditions.


Ex. 3. Form pairs of synonyms in written form:

a) method, use, employ, increase, anticipate, infer, include, purpose, skill, ensure, accomplish, employee, manufacture

b) involve, approach, enhance, conclude, objective, guarantee, finish, industry, hire, worker, apply, predict, qualification


Ex. 4. Find in the text the corresponding English equivalents:

поставленная цель; любая управленческая система на любом уровне; координирование ресурсов предприятия; организационные навыки; теоретические знания и умения (аналитические способности); управленцы высшего звена; эти навыки могут использоваться широко на разных предприятиях; навык (опыт) по обмену информацией; формирование имиджа компании; взаимоотношения (взаимодействие) между подразделениями (звеньями) предприятия; грамотная оценка основных положений; доброжелательные отношения между сотрудниками; политика управления человеческими ресурсами; готовность формировать стиль поведения в соответствии с целями организации; основная задача менеджмента.


Ex. 5. Translate the following word combinations:

– in order to achieve a stated objective; to meet an objective (goal, demands);

– to keep higher-level managers informed; to acquire and interpret information;

– these skills may be applied in a wide range of activities;

– to consider budgets, schedules, the company’s existing resources;

– long-range targets (specific short-range targets);

– all managers must be concerned to some degree with;

– skills mix necessary to do the work; excellent fringe benefits;

– working relations among the employees and managers;

– through improving the knowledge and skills;

– to cope with the works; both hard (firm) or soft and fair methods;

– to arrange organizational conditions and methods of operation (work).

– managing change is an ongoing process; it is a responsibility of management;

– to anticipate and respond to developments in the organization’s external and internal environments;


Ex. 6. Finish the following sentences:

1. Management is the process…

2. Any managerial system at any managerial level is responsible for…

3. Managers need human relations skills in countless situations, because…

4. Managers use their conceptual skills…

5. A lot of time is spent on …

6. The managers’ decisions are connected with…

7. Goals are…

8. Objectives are…

9. Each job carries…

10. All managers must be concerned to some degree with the following five activities…

11. It is a responsibility of management…

12. With respect to people, management is a process of…

13. The essential task of management is…

14. Adjustment comprises activities intended to…


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