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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Match the words and their translations

1. repair injuries 2. replace normal tissue 3. get into the bloodstream 4. remove cancer cells 5. cure cancer 6. relieve the symptoms 7. environmental factors 8. lead to cancer 9. environmental pollution § факторы окружающей среды § излечить от рака § облегчить симптомы § вылечивать травмы (повреждения) § приводить к раку § загрязнение окружающей среды § замещать здоровую ткань § удалять раковые клетки § проникать в поток крови


Study the new words


1. abnormal growth – аномальный рост

2. divide – делиться

3. become an adult – становиться взрослым

4. worn-out or dying cells – старые или умирающие клетки

5. invade - проникать

6. tumor – опухоль

7. undergo a minor operation – подвергаться небольшой операции

8. sample – образец

9. mean – означать, значить

10. destroy – уничтожать

11. damage – повреждать

12. get rid of – избавляться от чего-либо

13. heredity – наследственность

14. obesity – тучность, ожирение

15. lack of – отсутствие чего-либо

16. enhance abnormalities – увеличивать аномалии


Say into English using the new words and the text

Аномальный рост клеток / клетки растут, делятся и умирают / человек становится взрослым / замещать старые и умирающие клетки / проникать в другие ткани / растут и образуют новые опухоли / подвергаться небольшой операции под названием «биопсия» / маленький образец рака для анализа / химиотерапия означает лечение лекарственными средствами / повреждать клетки / избавляться от раковых клеток / болезнь вследствие наследственности / отсутствие физической активности / увеличивать аномалии в генетическом материале клеток.


1.Cancer is characterized by an abnormal growth of cells. The body is made up of hundreds of millions of living cells. Normal body cells grow, divide and die. During the early years of a person's life, normal cells divide faster to allow the person to grow. After the person becomes an adult, most cells divide only to replace worn-out or dying cells or to repair injuries.


2.Cancer starts when cells in a part of the body start to grow out of control. Cancer cell growth is different from normal cell growth. Instead of dying, cancer cells continue to grow and form new, abnormal cells. Cancer cells can also invade other tissues, something that normal cells cannot do.


3.Cancer cells often travel to other parts of the body, where they begin to grow and form new tumors that replace normal tissue. This process is called metastasis. It happens when the cancer cells get into the bloodstream or lymph vessels of our body.


4.There are more than 100 types of cancer, including breast cancer, skin cancer, lung cancer, colon cancer, stomach cancer and so on. Cancer symptoms depend on the type of cancer. Untreated cancers can cause serious illness and even death. Cancer treatment includes chemotherapy, radiation, and surgery.


5.The first is surgery, normally an operation to remove the cancerous growth, and (depending on its type) nearby tissues and organs. A cancer patient may first undergo a minor operation called a biopsy to take a small sampleof the cancer for analysis. The surgeon will try to remove as much of the cancer as possible, but sometimes extra treatment will be needed.


6.Chemotherapy(sometimes called chemo) simply means drug treatment and aims to cure cancer or relieve any symptoms that cancer can cause. Chemotherapy either kills cancer cells or stops them dividing. Chemo reaches the cancer cells through the bloodstream and destroys them as they’re in a dividing phase.


7.Radiotherapy is a way of treating cancer using radiation. It damages cells in the area being treated. Radical radiotherapy is used to try to completely get rid of cancer cells. The radiotherapy is given in small doses five days a week, often for four to five weeks. Prophylactic radiotherapy is given to stop cancer coming back in the same area after surgery and to reduce the risk of the cancer spreading (metastasis) to other organs. The radiotherapy is given in small doses five days a week for several weeks. Palliative radiotherapy is used when cancer can’t be cured and is given to treat symptoms from cancer or to control the growth of the cancer. It is given in a single dose or a few doses over a much shorter period of time.


8.Cancer is a disease due environmental factors such as lifestyle and due to heredity. Common environmental factors leading to cancer include: smoking, diet and obesity, infections, radiation, stress, lack of physical activity, and environmental pollution. These environmental factors cause or enhance abnormalities in the genetic material of cells.


Look through the text and say what every passage is about. Choose the right variant.

The first passage The second passage The third passage The fourth passage The fifth passage The sixth passage The seventh passage The eighth passage   is about   § possible causes of cancer § surgery § normal body cells growth § chemotherapy § the process called metastasis § types of cancer § radiotherapy § cancer cell growth

Translate the text into Russian

Answer the questions.

1. What is cancer?

2. When does cancer start?

3. What is the difference between cancer cell growth and normal cell growth?

4. How does the process of metastasis go on?

5. How many types of cancer are there?

6. What does cancer treatment include?

7. What factors can lead to cancer?


Fill in the table

Types of cancer treatment Means of cancer treatment Aim of cancer treatment
1.____________________ a……… 2.____________________ 3.____________________ a………. b……… c………




The knowledge and understanding the nature of hepatitis is the way to defend yourself. This lesson will help you.


Review the given words.

Inflammation / liver / cells / tissue / occur / jaundice / loss of appetite / malaise / acute / cause / cases / transmit / contaminated food / fatigue / fever / abdominal pain / nausea / itching / dark urine / prevent / avoid / needles / syringes / spread / cure.

Study the words

1. ingestion - приём пищи

2. exhibit – обнаружить, проявлять

3. sanitation – улучшение санитарных условий

4. exposure – подвергание внешнему воздействию

5. clear the infection – устранять инфекцию

6. replicate – воспроизводиться путём клеточного деления

7. scarring – появление рубцов


Read and translate the text.


Hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver characterized by the presence of inflammatory cells in the tissue of the organ. The condition can be healing on its own or can progress to fibrosis (scarring) and cirrhosis. Hepatitis may occur with limited or no symptoms, but often leads to jaundice, loss of appetite and malaise. Hepatitis is acute when it lasts less than six months and chronic when it persists longer. A group of viruses known as the hepatitis viruses cause most cases of hepatitis worldwide, but it can also be due to toxins (alcohol, certain medications), other infections.

Hepatitis A virus (HAV) is transmitted person-to-person by ingestion of contaminated food or water or through direct contact with an infectious person. The incubation period is between two and six weeks and the average incubation period is 28 days.

Early symptoms of hepatitis A infection can be mistaken for influenza, but some people exhibit no symptoms at all. Symptoms of hepatitis A infection include fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, jaundice, weight loss, itching, dark urine. Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and sanitation.

There is no specific treatment for hepatitis A. Patients should rest, avoid fatty foods and alcohol, eat a well-balanced diet.

Hepatitis B virus (HBV) results from exposure to infectious blood or body fluids. Possible forms of transmission include sexual contact, blood transfusions, re-use of contaminated needles and syringes, and vertical transmission from mother to child during childbirth.

The acute hepatitis B infection causes liver inflammation, vomiting, jaundice and rarely, death. Chronic hepatitis B may cause liver cirrhosis and liver cancer. The infection is preventable by vaccination.

Acute hepatitis B infection does not usually require treatment because most adults clear the infection spontaneously. Treatment of chronic infection may be necessary to reduce the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer. Although none of the available drugs can clear the infection, they can stop the virus from replicating, thus minimizing liver damage.


The hepatitis C virus (HCV) is spread by blood-to-blood contact. The infection is often asymptomatic, it is mostly discovered accidentally. Persistent infection can be treated with medication. 51% are cured overall. No vaccine against hepatitis C is currently available. Chronic infection can progress to scarring of the liver (fibrosis), and advanced scarring (cirrhosis) which is generally apparent after many years.


Say into English


1. передаётся от человека к человеку

2. приём зараженной пищи и воды

3. инкубационный период

4. не обнаруживать симптомы

5. можно предотвратить путём вакцинации

6. избегать жирной пищи

7. зараженная кровь

8. повторное использование зараженных игл и шприцов

9. быть причиной цирроза и рака печени

10. острый и хронический гепатит

11. устранять инфекцию

12. уменьшать риск цирроза печени

13. имеющиеся в наличии лекарства

14. остановить вирус от самовоспроизведения

15. бессимптомный

16. обнаружить случайно

17. лечить лекарственными средствами


5.Fill in the table using the text “Hepatitis”

The Types of the Disease The Cause of the Disease The Symptoms of the Disease The Treatment of the Disease The Preventive Measures
Hepatitis A        
Acute Hepatitis B        
Chronic Hepatitis B        
Hepatitis C        

Answer the questions

1. What is hepatitis?

2. When is hepatitis acute and chronic?

3. What are the causes of hepatitis?

4. What should the patient with hepatitis A do to get well?

5. What may chronic hepatitis B and C cause?

7.Fill in the gaps using the given words.



vaccination / an inflammation / liver cirrhosis and cancer / viruses / infectious blood / reduce / sanitation / treatment / avoid fatty foods / acute / jaundice / replicating / contaminated


Hepatitis is 1________________of the liver. Hepatitis may be 2______________ and chronic. Most cases of hepatitis are caused by a group of 3______________, alcohol, certain medications, other infections. Hepatitis can be transmitted by ingestion of 4_____________________food or water, through direct contact with an infectious person, by exposure 5_______________________________________ to or body fluids. Symptoms of acute hepatitis include fatigue, fever, abdominal pain, nausea, diarrhea, appetite loss, 6__________________, weight loss, itching, dark urine. Chronic hepatitis can cause 7__________________________________. Hepatitis A can be prevented by vaccination, good hygiene and 8___________________. Hepatitis B is preventable by 9__________________. Acute hepatitis doesn’t usually require 10_________________. Patients should rest, and 11________________________alcohol, eat a well-balanced diet. Treatment of chronic infection may be necessary to 12_______________ the risk of cirrhosis and liver cancer and to stop the virus from 13 _____________________.




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