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Дневного и заочного отделений

Кировский филиал



Методическое пособие

По английскому языку

для самостоятельной работы студентов

Дневного и заочного отделений

Часть II


Раздел 3.My Family (Моя семья)


Family Members (Members of the Family) – Члены семьи

a relative - родственник

a husband - муж

a wife – жена

a kid – ребенок, дитя

a baby - младенец

a child (children) – ребенок ( дети )

a father = Dad = Daddy -папа

a mother = Mum = Mummy - мама

parents - родители

a son - сын

a daughter - дочь

a brother - брат

a sister - сестра

a grandfather - дедушка

a grandmother = a Granny - бабушка

grandparents - дедушка и бабушка

a grandson - внук

a granddaughter - внучка

grandchildren -внуки

an aunt - тетя

an uncle - дядя

a nephew - племянник

a niece - племянница

a cousin - двоюродный брат, двоюродная сестра

a boy-cousin - двоюродный брат

a girl-cousin - двоюродная сестра

a father-in-law - тесть, свекор

a mother-in-law - теща, свекровь

a son-in-law - зять

a daughter-in-law - невестка

a brother-in-law - зять, шурин, деверь, свояк

a sister-in-law - невестка, золовка, свояченица

a stepfather - отчим

a stepmother - мачеха

a stepson - пасынок

a stepdaughter - падчерица

a godfather - крестный

a godmother - крестная

a godson - крестник

a goddaughter - крестница

a pet – домашнее животное, любимец

2. Family Relations – Взаимоотношения в семье

united –сплоченный;

friendly – дружный;

to love smb.( each other ) dearly – очень любить кого-либо ( друг друга);

to miss smb.( each other ) – скучать по кому-либо ( друг по другу );

to be deeply attached to smb. ( each other ) – быть сильно привязанным к кому-либо            (друг к другу);

to be proud of smb.(each other) – гордиться кем - либо ( друг другом );

to have much (little) in common – иметь много ( мало ) общего;

to be different – быть разными;

to be alike – быть похожими;

to have the same interests (hobbies, tastes, …) – иметь одинаковые интересы ( хобби, вкусы, …);

to have good (bad, excellent, fine, …) relations with smb. – иметь хорошие ( плохие, отличные, замечательные, …) взаимоотношения с кем - либо;

to get on very well with each other – хорошо ладить друг с другом;

to understand smb. (each other) very well – понимать кого - либо ( друг друга ) очень хорошо;

to misunderstand smb. ( each other ) – недопонимать кого-либо (друг друга);

to agree with smb. – соглашаться с кем-либо;

to disagree with smb. – не соглашаться с кем-либо;

to ask smb. for advice – просить у кого-либо совета;

to give advice – давать совет;

to be ready to help to smb. ( each other ) – быть готовым помочь кому-либо (друг другу );

to rely on smb. ( each other ) – полагаться на кого-либо (друг на друга);

to trust smb. ( each other ) – доверять кому-либо (друг другу);

to respect smb. ( each other ) – уважать кого-либо (друг друга);

to quarrel – ссориться;

to make peace – мириться;

to spend time together – проводить время вместе;

to help smb.(each other) to do smth. ( about the house ) – помогать кому-либо (друг другу) делать что-либо (по дому);

to take smb ’ s opinion into consideration – принимать чьё-либо мнение во внимание;

to share domestic duties, joys and difficulties, views and opinions - разделять домашние обязанности, радости и трудности, взгляды и мнения;

PROVERBS: Extremes meet.

                 The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.

                 Like mother, like daughter.

                 = Like father, like son.

                Every family has a black sheep.




(After J. Greenwood)

    I was at Number Nineteen, Tummill Street, London. My mother died when I was five years old. She died fifteen minutes after my sister Polly was born.

    As my father worked from morning till night, he had no time to look after Polly and me, so he married again soon. He married Mrs. Burke, who was much younger and more good-looking than my mother.

    But I did not like my stepmother and she did not like me. So we began to hate each other; but she did not show her hatred when my father was at home. She beat me very often and she made me work very hard. From morning till night she found work for me to do. I looked after the baby. When she was awake, I took her for a walk, carrying her in my arms, and she was very heavy. I cleaned the rooms, went shopping, etc. There was always work for me to do.

    One day a woman came to see my stepmother and they drank a lot of gin. All the money that my father had left for our dinner was spent. When the woman went home, my stepmother said to me in tears, “Oh, what shall I do, Jimmy, dear, what shall I do? Your father will come home soon, and there’s no dinner for him. He will beat me cruelly! What shall I do, what shall I do? ”

    I was sorry for her, she had tears in her eyes, and she called me “Jimmy, dear” for the first time. I asked her if I could help her and she said at once, “Oh, yes, you can help me! When tour father comes home in the evening, Jimmy, dear, tell him that you lost the money he left for our dinner.”

    “How could I lose it? ” I asked in surprise.

    “Уou can tell him that I sent you to buy some food. Suddenly a big boy ran against you and the money fell out of your hand and you could not find it. That will be very easy to say, Jimmy, dear, please, say it to your father! ”

    “But he’ll give me a good beating for it! ” “Oh, no, he won’t! I shall not let him beat you, you may be sure! Here is a penny for you, go and buy some sweets with it! ”

    So I went off and spent my penny on sweets. When I came back and opened the door, my father was at home waiting for me with his waist-belt in his hand. I wanted to run out of the room, but he caught me by the ear.

    “Stop a minute, young man! ” he said. “What have you done with the money? ”

    “I lost it, father, ” said I in fear and looked at my stepmother.

    “Oh, you lost it! Where did you lose it? ”

    “In the street, Father. Ask Mrs. Burke, she knows! ”

    I told him what my stepmother had asked me to tell him. I was not much surprised that he did not believe my story. But my stepmother’s words surprised me very much.

    “Yes, he told me the same thing, ” she said, “but he is a liar! He has spent your money on sweets. I can’t beat him, he is your child, but you can give him a good beating! ”

    And she stood by while my father beat me with his belt till the blood showed. I hated my stepmother so much now that I wanted to see her dead. 



Exercise 2. Перефразируйте словосочетания, используя предлог of.

1) the country’s economy; 2) Ted and Jane’s wedding; 3) her boyfriend’s photo; 4) last Saturday’s newspaper; 5) my mother and father’s nephews; 6) the Millers’ house; 7) my younger brother Nick’s wife; 8) Moscow’s underground; 9) my mother’s and my father’s parents; 10) the world’s best museum.

Exercise 3. Перефразируйте при помощи притяжательного падежа:

1) a daughter of my cousin; 2) events of this year; 3) worth of 5 dollars; 4) the skateboards of those boys; 5) mother-in-law of my elder brother John; 6) children of my brother and my sister; 7) a niece of my mother and father; 8) a godmother of my sons; 9) the capital of our country; 10) appearance of my daughter.

Exercise 4. Переведите на английский язык двумя способами, если это возможно.

1) У меня мамин характер.

2) Глаза моей дочери голубые.

3) Хобби моего брата и моей сестры – музыка.

4) Давайте сделаем пятиминутный перерыв.

5) Заветная мечта моей старшей сестры Джейн – стать переводчиком.

6) Я посетила самый красивый город мира.

7) Как зовут твою маму? - Мою маму зовут Хелен.

8) Это дети моих тёти и дяди. Они племянники моих родителей.

9) Родственники моего мужа живут в Киеве.

10) Где сегодняшняя газета?

11) Мне не нравятся взаимоотношения моих друзей.

12) А сейчас несколько слов о привычках моих сына и дочери.

13) Телевизор в углу комнаты.

14) День рождения моего отца 12-го июля.

15) Запомните название этой книги.



        Артикль – это служебное слово, поясняющее существительное. В английском языке два артикля: неопределённый a / an и определённый the. Форма a употребляется перед существительными единственного числа, начинающимися с согласной, форма an – с гласной, например: a season, an apple. Артикль the употребляется с существительными как единственного, так и множественного числа.

    Артикль относится непосредственно к существительному, но если у существительного есть определители, то артикль ставится перед ними.

Например: a five-storeyed modern building

    Неопределённый артикль при существительном обычно обозначает, что имеется в виду какой-то неопределённый, любой предмет из класса однородных предметов. Например, в предложении “Give me a pen, please” речь идёт о любой ручке, а не о какой-то конкретной. Неопределённый артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык. Иногда ему могут соответствовать слова один, какой-то, любой.

    Определённый артикль при существительном обозначает, что имеется в виду определённый конкретный предмет или явление, выделяемое из ряда подобных ему предметов или явлений. Определённый артикль обычно не переводится на русский язык; иногда ему соответствует в русском предложении слова этот (эти), тот (те).

Употребление неопределённого артикля Употребление определённого артикля Отсутствие  артикля
1) если сущ. употребля-ется впервые (как пра-вило с глаголами to be, to have, to see, to become, there is/are). Например: I am a student. I have a sister. I’ll become a manager. 2)в выражениях, указы-вающих цену за единицу товара, удельный вес, частоту. Например: 30 roubles a kilo; 2 miles an hour; 3 times a day 3)в словосочетаниях: a lot of, a few, a little 4)со словами, обознача-ющими кол-во: a hundred, a thousand, a dozen 5)перед исчисляемыми сущ. в ед. числе, которые определяются наречиями quite, such, rather Например: He is such a good friend. 1) перед сущ. ед. и мн. числа, если речь идёт об уже упоминавшихся предметах. Например: I’ve got a book. The book is very interesting. 2) если есть уточнение. Например: I’ll give you the contracts we signed yesterday. 3)перед сущ., един-ственными в своём роде: the sun, the moon, the world, the earth, the universe. 4) если сущ. обозначает целый класс. Например: The tiger is a wild animal. 5) перед прил. В превосходной степени. Например: Jane is the best student. 6)перед порядковыми числительными. Например: I live on the second floor. 7) с названиями наций. Например: The Russians are very hospitable. 8)когда речь идёт о всей семье. Например: The Millers are a happy family. 9)с названиями океанов, рек, морей, озёр, горных цепей, островов. Например: the Atlantic ocean, The Black Sea, the Thames, the Urals, the British Isles 10)с частями света. Например: the north, the south, the east, the west 1)перед исчисляемыми сущ. во мн. числе. Например: We are students. 2)с абстрактными и неисчисляемыми сущ. Например: Time is money. 3)с названиями улиц, городов, стран. Например: I live in Lenin street. 4)с именами собственными, с должностями. Например: President Putin, Mrs. White, Dr. Green 5)перед притяжатель-ными и указательными местоимениями. Например: It is my book. Give me this book. 6) в словосочетаниях сущ.+числит. Например: Open your books at page 10. 7)с днями недели, месяцами, временами года. Например: Summer is my favourite season.


Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Friendship - Дружба

a friend = a mate- друг, товарищ

a school mate- школьный друг

a class mate- одноклассник

a group mate- одногруппник

a close friend – близкий друг

faithful – верный

devoted - преданный

to get acquainted with smb. – познакомиться с кем - нибудь

to make friends with smb. – стать друзьями с кем - нибудь

to know smb. ( each other ) since 1995 ( since the 10 th form, since childhood, …) – знать кого-нибудь (друг друга) с 1995 (с 10-го класса, с детства, …)

to have been friends for 8 years (for many years, for a long time, … ) – дружить 8 лет ( много лет, долгое время )

PROVERBS: A friend in need is a friend indeed. – Друг познаётся в беде.

                Friendship is stronger than steel. – Дружба крепче, чем сталь.

               One for all and all for one. – Один за всех, и все за одного.

Old friends and old wine are best. – Старый друг лучше новых                                         двух.

They are rich that have friends. – Не имей сто рублей, а имей сто друзей.


My Friend

    Friendship is a very important thing in people’s lives. It is so nice to have a person you can rely on. Close friends usually have similar ideas and beliefs. They understand, respect and trust each other. Your best friend always helps you when you have problems or troubles. As the English proverb says: « A friend in need is a friend indeed». I fully agree with it.

    As for me, I can’t say I have many friends, though I’m rather sociable and communicative and easy going. The fact is, I have many acquaintances, but the most of them can’t be called friends. I think it’s normal. Friends can’t be many (I mean real friends). So, I have some friends. They make my life more interesting and enjoyable.

    Now I would like to tell you about my best friend. Her name is Helen. We made friends five years ago. We are not of the same age. She is two years younger then I. She is not of age yet. She is only sixteen. I think she looks her age. Helen is a pupil of the tenth form.

    Now some words about Helen’s appearance. She is neither tall nor short. I would say, she is of average height. Helen is fond of dancing. That’s why she has a nice figure. She is slim and stylish. Besides, she has a nice gait and holds herself upright. She never stoops. She looks after her body and figure. If only she puts on some weight, she goes on a diet at once. What a strong will she has! I envy her, to tell the truth.

    It’s common knowledge, that the face is the index of mind. As for Helen, she has rather small features, a snub nose and a fair complexion. Her face is round and her small hazel eyes are deeply-set. Her eyebrows are bushy, but beautifully shaped. Her lashes are long. Helen has thin lips and a small chin. The peculiar thing about her face is that she has freckles. She always worries about it. But I think, they don’t spoil her. Helen is a great fusser and exaggerates everything. Besides, there’s one more thing that makes her charming and pretty. I mean her dimples on her cheeks.

    One more peculiarity about Helen’s appearance. You see, she always pays much attention to her hair. That’s why she always has her hair done. She wears her hair shoulder length. She has a fringe and parts her hair sometimes on the right or on the left and sometimes in the middle. As for its colour, it’s really difficult to say, because she changes it very often. Helen doesn’t like to be the same.

    Helen uses make-up. It makes her even more pleasant-looking. I always say to her that she is as pretty as a picture. You see, her mother is a very attractive woman. And Helen is the living image of her mother. They are as like as two pears.

    The English proverb says: “Appearances are deceptive.” I disagree with it, because in the case with my friend Helen, for example, this proverb doesn’t work. Helen has a brilliant appearance and a fine character.

    Helen is an active and energetic person. She can’t bear just sitting and doing nothing. It makes her impatient and restless. She always knows, what she wants. Besides, Helen is hard-working, organized and does well at school. She is very honest, just and kind. These are her strong points. I trust her a lot and I’m sure that I can rely on her in any situation. She never lets people down. This is the main advantage of her character.

    But as any person Helen has not only advantages, but disadvantages as well. The main drawback of her character is that she is stubborn sometimes. The fact is, she was born under the zodiac sign of the Scorpion. It explains much in her character.

    According to the horoscope, Helen is a very energetic person. That’s why she has a wide range of interests. As I’ve already mentioned, she is fond of dancing. Besides, she is interested in music. That’s why whenever she has an opportunity she visits concerts of her favourite singers. Helen is fond of sports. Sometimes I don’t understand how she manages to do all these things.

    My best friend and I have much in common. We have the same interests, the same tastes, the same likes and dislikes and even hobbies.

    We both like to wear jeans and sweaters. We hate skirts. Helen as well as I has a sweet tooth. We are fond of cakes, chocolates, sweets and so on and so forth. As for me, I am not an early riser. Helen is a good sleeper too. We both prefer pop-music. Our favourite season is summer. I like it because my birthday is in summer. As for Helen, she is crazy on the village, where her Granny lives, on the river, where she is ready to spend hours, on the forests, where she likes to gather berries and mushrooms. To make the long story short, everything I like she, enjoys too; everything she hates, irritates me as well.  

    Helen and I are very close friends. She is my twin soul. It’ s no wonder, that we spend much time together, help each other to do our homework, go to discos, walk in the park and so on. We like to spend our time going for a walk in the evenings, listening to music, watching video looking through fashion magazines. Sometimes we go to the cinema walk around the centre of our town, visiting small cafes or shops. We can talk for hours about all sorts of things: politics, love, boys, teachers and school. We discuss everyday problems, films, television programmes, books and what not.

    As for our relations, I must say we don’t quarrel with each other. Well, perhaps, it is not at all true. Certainly it’s not as good as all that. Sometimes we do quarrel. But it happens very, very seldom. And, if there is some misunderstanding between us we try to make peace as soon as possible, because both of us can’t live without each other. No wonder! It’s rather difficult to live without a person, whom you can trust, whom you can rely on, who respects you.

    Unfortunately, we are far from each other now. You see, I live in another city now, because I have entered a University this year. So we don’t see each other very often. Of course, we write letters to each other, but in spite of it I miss Helen very much. Without her I feel lonely. As I’ve said, Helen is a very cheerful, talkative and energetic person. Now, being far from her, I miss her jokes, her stories and energy. She is just like my sister. She knows everything about me and she is always ready to help.

    I’m sure Helen and I are friends forever. Nothing and nobody can destroy our friendship.  


Сравнительные конструкции

1) П (ср) than - … чем

Например: This book is more interesting than that one. – Эта книга интереснее, чем та.

       My exercise is bigger than yours. – Моё упражнение больше, чем твоё.

2) as П (+) as – такой же … как

Например: This book is as interesting as that one. – Эта книга такая же интересная, как та.

       My exercise is as big as yours. – Моё упражнение такое же большое, как твоё.

3) not so П (+) as – не такой … как

Например: This book is not so interesting as that one. – Эта книга не такая интересная, как та.

       My exercise is not so big as yours. – Моё упражнение не такое большое, как твоё.

4) the П (ср) the П(ср) – чем …, тем …

Например: The more interesting is a book the quicker I read it. – Чем интереснее книга, тем быстрее я её читаю.

       The bigger is an exercise the more difficult it is.

5) П (пр) of - … из

Например: This book is the most interesting of all books for children. – Эта книга самая интересная из всех детских книг.

       My exercise is the biggest of all in this textbook. – Моё упражнение самое большое из всех в этом учебнике.

6) П(пр), ( that ) I have ever V (3 форма) - …, которого/ что я когда-либо…

Например: This is the most interesting book that I have ever read. – Это самая интересная книга, что я когда-либо читал.

       My exercise is the biggest I have ever seen. – Моё упражнение самое большое из тех, что я когда либо видела.

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Предлоги времени.

after – после (after dinner – после обеда); через (after a week – через неделю);

before – до (before ten o’clock – до десяти часов); перед (before the war – перед войной);

by – к (by three o’clock – к трём часам);

during – в течение (during my holidays – во время моих каникул);

for – в течение (for two hours – в течение двух часов); на (for a week – на неделю);

from … till – от (с)…до (from 1990 till 1999 – с 1990 до 1999);

in – в (in 1998 – в 1998); через (in a month – через месяц);

on – в (какой-то день) (on Monday – в понедельник);

since – c (since 1994 – с 1994 года);

at – в (at 5 p.m. – в 5 вечера)

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Таблица неправильных глаголов

Infinitive Past Indefinite Past Participle (Participle II) Translation
be was, were been быть, находиться
bear bore born рожать
become became become становиться
begin began begun начинать(ся)
blow blew blown дуть
break broke broken разбивать(ся)
bring brought brought приносить
build built built строить
buy bought bought покупать
catch caught caught ловить, хватать
choose chose chosen выбирать
come came come приходить
сost cost cost стоить
сut cut cut резать, рубить 
do did done делать
draw drew drawn рисовать
drink drank drunk пить
drive drove driven ехать, вести автомобиль
eat ate eaten есть
fall fell fallen падать
feed fed fed кормить
feel felt felt чувствовать
fight fought fought бороться, драться
find found found находить
fly flew flown летать
forget forgot forgotten забывать
freeze froze frozen замерзать
get got got получать, добираться
give gave given давать
go went gone идти
grow grew grown расти
have had had иметь
hear heard heard слышать
hide hid hidden прятать(ся)
hit hit hit ударять
hold held held держать
keep kept kept хранить
know knew known знать
lead led led вести
learn learnt/learned learnt/learned учить, узнавать
leave left left оставлять
lend lent lent одолжить
let let let позволять
lie lay lain лежать
lose lost lost терять
make made made делать
mean meant meant означать
meet met met встречать(ся)
pay paid paid платить
put put put класть, ставить
read read read читать
ride rode ridden ехать верхом
ring rang rung звонить
rise rose risen подниматься
run ran run бежать
say said said сказать
see saw seen видеть
sell sold sold продавать
send sent sent посылать
set set set ставить; заходить (о солнце)
shake shook shaken трясти
shine shone shone светить
shoot shot shot стрелять
show showed shown показывать
sing sang sung петь
sit sat sat сидеть
sleep slept slept спать
smell smelt smelt нюхать; пахнуть
speak spoke spoken говорить
spend spent spent проводить
stand stood stood стоять
steal stole stolen красть
strike struck struck ударять
swim swam swum плавать
take took taken брать
teach taught taught обучать
tell told told cказать (кому-л.)
think thought thought думать
throw threw thrown бросать
understand understood understood понимать
upset upset upset опрокинуть; перевернуть
wake woke woken просыпаться
wear wore worn носить (об одежде)
weep wept wept плакать
win won won побежать, выигрывать
write wrote written писать

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Отрицательные местоимения.

 Неопределённые местоимения Отрицательные местоимения 2 способа отрицания
some / any no (нет) + There are some books on the table. - 1) There are no books on the table. 2) There aren’t any books on the table.
somebody / anybody (someone / anyone) nobody (no one) (никто) + I met somebody in the street. - 1) I met nobody in the street. 2) I didn’t meet anybody in the street.
something / anything   nothing (ничего) + I found something in my bag. - 1) I found nothing in my bag. 2) I didn’t find anything in my bag.
somewhere / anywhere   nowhere (нигде) + She is somewhere in the garden. - 1) She is nowhere. 2) She isn’t anywhere.

Упражнения для закрепления грамматики:

Контрольная работа № 2

1. Выучите слова по теме «Моя семья».

2. Прочитайте текст «Kate Brown About Her Family» и выполните следующие задания по тексту:

· Выпишите незнакомые слова;

· Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

My dearest and nearest; an average family; as like as two pears; for example; in spite of everything; to discuss everyday problems; to happen very seldom.

· Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

Можете звать меня просто Кейт; как у любого человека у меня есть родственники; нас четверо; они женаты 19 лет; мы любим собирать родственников у себя дома.

· Закончите предложения и переведите их на английский язык:

I go home not very often, that’s why…

As any other person, I…

There are so many of them, that…

First of all…

As for my father…

They have much …

No wonder! …

Now some words…

And in conclusion…

It is nice to have…

· Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

Is Kate’s family united and friendly?

Have they good or bad relations?

Whom can Kate rely for and ask for advice?

Why does Kate respect her father?

With whom does Kate quarrel sometimes?

What do they do in the evening?

Where do they like to spend their week-ends?

3. Составьте рассказ о своей семье и выучите его к зачету.

4. Выучите фразы для пересказа текста.

5. Прочитайте и переведите текст «Stepmother». Подготовьте пересказ этого текста письменно.

6. Изучите слова по теме «Мои друзья».

7. Прочитайте и переведите текст “My Friend и выполните следующие задания по тексту:

· Выпишите незнакомые слова.

· Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

Similar ideas and believes; of the same age; two years younger than I; one more peculiarity; to let somebody down; my twin soul; friends forever.

· Дайте английские эквиваленты следующим выражениям:

Человек, на которого ты можешь положиться; как гласит английская пословица;

но многих из них нельзя назвать друзьями; друзей не может быть много; разговаривать часами о разного рода вещах; как моя сестра; никто и ничто; разрушить дружбу.

· Закончите предложения и переведите их на английский язык:

Friendship is…

Your best friend always…

We made friends…

We have the same…

We both like…

It’s no wonder, that…

As for our relations…

If there is some misunderstanding…

I am sure, Helen and I…

· Ответьте на следующие вопросы:

What is friendship?

Has the narrator many friends? Why?

Have the girls much in common? Prove it.

How do the girls spend their time together?

What are the relations between them?

What do you think? Can anything destroy their friendship? Why?

8. Составьте рассказ о своём лучшем друге и выучите его к зачету.

9. Выучите слова по теме «Моя квартира».

10. Прочитайте текст «Nick Nelson About His Family» и выполните следующие задания по тексту:

a) Выпишите предложения с оборотом “there + to be”, замените их предложениями с глаголом “to have” и конструкцией “you can see”.

1) Вставьте пропущенные слова:

· We live in a new … block of flats in London.

· There are 5 …in the building.

· Near the house, in the… you can see the ….

· There are…, …, … and … on the playground.

· On the right of the house you can see our….

· We live in the second …. Our flat is on the fifth ….

· There are four … in our flat. We have …, …, …, …, and ….

· The largest room in our flat is … and we use it as … and as ….

· Our bedroom is not … but very ….

· My study is the … room in our flat.

· Our kitchen is … and …. It is very ….

· We have all modern conveniences in our flat, such as …, …, …, … and ….

· We have a … and … in our house. It is very convenient.

c) Опишите в нескольких предложениях:

· Describe the house, where the Nelsons live.

· Describe the yard.

· Describe the flat.

d) Перечислите:

· Furniture in the living room.

· Furniture in the bedroom.

· Furniture in the children’s room.

· Furniture in the study.

· Electrical appliances in the kitchen.

· Modern conveniences.

11. Письменно составьте рассказ о своей квартире.

12. Выучите таблицу неправильных глаголов.

13. Повторите грамматику и выполните следующий тест:


Дайте антонимы

    To disagree; to quarrel; a husband; a daughter; to understand; to be alike.


2.Вставьте пропущенные предлоги

1. I have good relations … my Mum.

2. She is always ready … help me.

3. I know, I can always rely … my elder sister.

4. My younger brother often asks me … advice.

5. I respect my father … his sense … humour.

6. He can always cheer me ….

7. We are deeply attached … each other.

8. My aunt and I get … very well.

9. My parents try … take my opinion … consideration.

10. I have entered … the University. Now I live far … my parents. I miss …them.

11. All the members … our family are very friendly.

12. There are 4 … us. I mean our family consists … 4 members.

13. My parents have been married … 18 years.

14. My sister and I have much … common.

15. I am proud … my parents.

16. The apple doesn’t fall far … the tree.

17. My parents are always interested … what I do.

18. I help my mother … the house.

19. … the evening I like … listen … music.

20. We like … spend week-ends out … town.

21. Usually I gather all my friends … my birthday party.

22. I got acquainted … Nick when we studied… college.

23. We have been friends … many years.

24. I have known her … childhood.


3. Дайте развернутые ответы на вопросы двумя способами (при помощи родительного падежа и с использованием притяжательного падежа)

1) Whose relatives are they? (my husband)

2) Whose nephew is he? (my father and my mother)

3) Whose rooms are these? (her children)

4) Whose flat is that? (my elder sister Helen)

5) Whose grandchildren are they? (my grandparents)


Кировский филиал



Методическое пособие

По английскому языку

для самостоятельной работы студентов

дневного и заочного отделений

Часть II


Раздел 3.My Family (Моя семья)



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