Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Husband / wife / son / daughter / grandson / granddaughter / cousin / uncle / aunt / niece / nephew / brother-in-law / sister-in-law


MARIA + ADAM                                 ANNA + THOMAS

LUCAS OLGA                               MARCOS JULIA

1.9. A FAMILY TREE. Look at the following family tree and then fill in the missing words in the sentences below. Look at the example first.


Brian Jones

m. Pamela Smith

David Jones                Pat Jones               Charles Jones

m. Rita Grey      m. Jonathan Banks         m. Bronwen Price

Patsy Jones  Helen Jones                    Guy Jones      Mary Jones


Samantha Banks


1. Brian is David’s ………father……………....

2. Patsy and Samantha are …………………..

3. Charles is Pat’s……………………………....

4. Bronwen is Guy’s …………………………....

5. Pamela is Helen’s …………………………...

6. Rita is David’s ………………………………..

7. Jonathan is Patsy’s ………………………….

8. Charles is Jonathan’s …………………….…

9. Pamela is Bronwen’s ………………………..

10. Rita is Mary’s ………………………………..

11. Jonathan is Pat’s ……………………………

12. Guy and Mary are Brian’s ………………….

13. Brian is Bronwen’s ………………………….

14. Patsy is Helen’s ……………………………..

15. Jonathan is Brian’s ………………………….

16. Guy is David’s …………………………….....

17. Guy is Bronwen’s ………………………..….

18. Pat and Jonathan are Samantha’s ………..

19. Mary is Rita’s ……………………………......

20. Rita is Brian’s ……………………………......

1.10. Draw your own family tree. Are there any relationships you cannot describe in English?


1. If Dick’s father is Tom’s son, who is Dick to Tom?

2. A man is looking at a portrait and says, ‘I have no brothers, I have no sisters. But this man’s father is my father’s son.” Whose portrait is it?

3. If your aunt’s brother is not your uncle, what relation is he to you?

4. My Father’s Son.

A person looking at a portrait said:

“Sisters and brothers have I none,

But the man in the portrait

Is my gather’s son.”


1.12. Put the sentences in the right order to make a story.

She’s a journalist for the international page of a daily newspaper

She’s a dark, slim, pretty woman, and very intelligent.

My friend Solange is from Paris.

She speaks English, German, Spanish and a little Italian.

Her holiday home has got a swimming pool,

He is quite tall and fair, and a good swimmer.

she and her ex-husband have got one son, Julien.

and a good tennis player.

Solange is divorced;

and it is near a tennis court.

Solange is a good swimmer, too,

He is fifteen.

1.13. Look at the passage. Two texts are mixed up. Separate the description of the two families and read the description of family A.

Jenny is thirty-two years old and has got a job in a post office in a small village. Peter is thirty nine years old and he is an architect in London He is married to Elizabeth and they’ve got four children: three sons and a daughter. She’s divorced and has got an eight-year-old daughter Cilia, and a three-year-old son, Jamie. She’s got a small house with a big garden in the village. They live in a big house near London. She’s got a lot оf friends in the village. Elizabeth looks after the children and has a part-time job in a school near her home. Jenny’s mother, Kate, lives in the same village. Peter’s parents, Fiona and Michael, live in the country and come to stay with the family in the holidays. They have a comfortable life and they are a happy family. She helps Jenny with the children when she’s at work.

1.14. Remember the use of prepositions.

1. The Prime Minister of the UK lives at 10 Downing Street.

2. My sister lives in Surgut.

3. “Where do you live, Oleg?” – “In Respubliki Street”.

4. “What is your address?” –“129 Respubliki Street”.

5. I live in a small flat on the fifth floor.


● Now put in the correct preposition (at, in or on).

1. I live …… 14 St Andrew’s Place, Dundee.

2. My father lives …… a small house …… North London.

3. My girlfriend’s flat is …… the seventh floor.

4. Do you live …… a house or a flat?


5. “Where’s the toilet, please?” – “…… the second floor.”

6. “Is there a doctor near here?” – “Yes, …… 37 High Street.”

7. I lived …… America from 1976 to 1978.

8. She lives …… Pentonville Road.

9. He lives …… 53 Pushkin Street.

10. “Where do you work?” – “ …… Paris”.

11. My office is …… the tenth floor.

12. My grandmother lives ...... an old house ...... a village.

13. “Where do you live?” – “...... 140 New Street”.

14. I work ...... the seventh floor.


1.15. Dialogues. Read and practice.

1) – What’s your name?

 – My name’s John.

 – Where do you live?

  – I live in Main Street.

 – What’s your phone number?

 – It’s 741-8906.

 – Where are you from?

 – I am from New York.

 – Really? So am I.

 – Wow! That’s interesting.

2) – What’s your name?

 – My name’s Betty Hansen.

 – What’s your address, Ms.Hansen?

  – My address is 46 Oxford Street.

 – And you phone number?

 – It’s 251-8347.

– Where are you from?

 – I’m from Chicago.

 – Thanks, for answering my questions.

– You’re welcome.


1.16. Read the following interview with a student from Greece. Fill in the column of the Student Profile questionnaire below.

S = student D = Dimitris

S: Hello. May I ask you some questions?

D: Yes, of course.

S: OK. What’s your name?

D: Dimitris.

S: Can you spell that please?

D: Yes. D-i-m ... no, ‘m’, not ‘n’... i-t-r-i-s.

S: And how old are you?

D: Sixteen.

S: Where are you from?

D: From Athens. I live in Athens .. in Zographou.

S: And how many brothers and sisters have you got?

D: I have one brother, Petros, and two sisters, Zoe and Poppy.

S: Do they all live with you?

D: Yes, with me and my mother and father.

S: You are single of course?

D: Yes.

S: How long have you been studying English?

D: Er ... for about three years. I study it at high school. I also study German. But I don’t speak German very well.

S: Why are you studying English?

D: In high school everyone must to study English. I study English in evening class for FCE. Also, I want to study law in the university so English is important for me.

S: What things do you most like about yourself?

D: Mm ... that is difficult question. My friends say to me ... er ... I think I am good friend, I listen to their problems and, er, I try to help them.

S: OK. And what thing do you not like about yourself?

D: Oh ... that is more easy. I am very lazy, everybody says me this. And also I always spend money ... too much money. When I have money I spend it!

S: How do you think your friends would describe you?

D: Wonderful! Ha-ha. Very funny person. I go out often with my friends and I think I am a nice person to be with. Usually good company. But many times I am not these things.

S: OK. Last question. What is your ambition?

D: Well, I said you I want to be a lawyer ... to go to university. But really I like very much to play football and I would like to play... to play for my favourite team, Panathinaikos.

S: Good luck!

Student Profile Student
Name Dimitris
Marital status  
Length of time spent studying English  
Languages spoken  
Reason for studying English  
Things you most like about yourself  
Things you least like about yourself  
How you think other people see you  

(Joseph Fiona, Travis Peter. Candidate for FCE.)


1.17. Now read the following profile of the same student, which was written in a hurry by a classmate. There are some factual (5) mistakes. Work with a partner and try to find and correct them.

Dimitris has 17 years old and live in Zographou near the centre of Athens. He’s single and lives with his parents, his brother and two sisters. He’s a student at high school and has spent three years study English. He speaks also little German and French. He’s studying English for to pass FCE but he’s not sure if he’ll need in the future because he doesn’t know yet what job he wants to do.

Dimitris describes himself as be rather lazy and likes to spend most of time talking rather than working. However, he also thinks he’s good friend and is happy always to listen people if they will have any problems. He spends usually his spare time to go out with friends and have a good time. He really likes playing and watching football and his ambition is play football for Panathinaikos, although he doesn’t think this will happen.

(Joseph Fiona, Travis Peter. Candidate for FCE.)



1.18. Look through the description of a typical English family below. Put the topics in the right order and answer the questions.

a) Children

How many children are there? What are their names?

How old are they? What are their hobbies?

b) Family pet

Is there a family pet? What is it? What is it called?

c) Food

When does the family eat together? What is their favourite food?

d) Weekends and holidays

What does the family do at the weekend? What do they do in the holidays?

e) Parents

What are the parents’ names? How old are they?

What are their jobs? What are their interests?

f) TV

What are the family’s favourite TV programmes?


The Joneses are a typical English family. Mother Sally is 35 and she is a part-time secretary. Father Mike is 37 and works in an office. Sally is very busy with her job and the housework, so she doesn’t have time for any hobbies. Mike likes doing things in the garden and repairing things in the house, but he sometimes goes to the pub with his friends. They have two children: Jason, who is seven and likes football and video games, and his sister, Jane, who is six, and likes playing with her Barbie dolls. They have a cat called Snowy.

There is no work or school on Saturdays and the family usually goes somewhere for the day – a walk in the country or a day at the beach. On Sundays, they visit friends and family. In the summer, they go on holiday to Spain for two weeks.

The family has dinner together at half-past six. The children’s favourite dinner is chicken and chips, but Sally prefers spaghetti. On Sundays, they always have traditional roast beef or roast lamb. Sally cooks and Mike cuts the meat.

After dinner, they watch TV. They enjoy comedy programmes and soap operas and they always watch the Lottery results. One day they will win and move to a bigger house.


1.19. Work in pairs. Think about a typical family in your country.


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