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Computer Support Specialists

Computer Support Specialists are responsible for providing technical assistance and many forms of computer-related support to a wide variety of potential customers, clients, and employers. The field is rapidly growing, due to the fact that nearly every company now uses computers (as do individuals) and needs specialists to support them. The explosion in the use of computers has created a big demand for specialists who provide advice to users, as well as those who troubleshoot problems and/or perform the day-to-day administration, maintenance, and support of computer systems and networks. Typical duties for a computer support specialist may include daily oversight of a firm’s computer systems, responding to calls for assistance from the organization’s computer users, repair of computer hardware and software, and training users in the use of new computer programs.

A computer support specialist analyzes problems by using automated diagnostic programs, helps clients with hardware/software installation, printing, word processing, e-mail, and operating systems; provides assistance when computers crash; provides advice to customers; trains users in the proper use of hardware and software.

 In a profession which involves a lot of interaction with customers and fellow employees, specialists are also susceptible to both the good and the bad consequences of dealing with the public. Specialists who work as consultants tend to spend a significant amount of time away from their offices, sometimes spending weeks or months working at a client’s locale. On the other hand, expansion of computer networks is allowing a growing number of support specialists to provide technical support from remote locations, reducing or eliminating the need to travel as often to the customer’s workplace.

Students interested in becoming computer support specialists need to have strong problem-solving, analytical, and (most especially) communication skills in order to effectively troubleshoot problems and help customers. The need to continually interface with customers, employees and other computer personnel requires a specialist to be able to communicate effectively in many different ways: in person, over the phone, via e-mail, and on paper. Strong writing skills are useful not only in communicating, but also in preparing manuals and instructions for employees and customers.


Role play

Discuss in groups of three.

       What’s more important: work experience or life experience?


In groups of four distribute the roles of Candidates and Interviewers.

Prepare to act out.



       You have 2 candidates for a role in your company (you decide the role) one candidate has a lot of work experience and the other has a lot of life experience. Interview them both and make a decision.


Grammar Tables


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