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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Now, therefore it is agreed:

The intending parties hereby legally, and irrevocably bind themselves into guarantee to each other that they shall not directly or indirectly interfere with, circumvent or attempt to circumvent, avoid, by-pass or obviate each other’s interest or the interest or relationship between the "parties" with the procedures, sellers, buyers, brokers, dealers, distributors, refiners, shippers, financial institutions, technology owners or manufacturers, to change, increase or avoid directly or indirectly payments of established or to be established fees, commissions, or continuance of pre-established relationship or intervene in any contracted relationships with manufacturers or technology owners with intermediaries entrepreneurs, legal counsels, or initiate buy/sell relationship or transactional relationship that by-passes one of the "parties" to one another in connection with any ongoing and future transaction or project.
Furthermore, the "parties" irrevocably agree that they shall not disclose or otherwise reveal directly or indirectly to a third party any confidential information provided by one "party" to the other or otherwise acquired, particularly, contract terms, product information or manufacturing processes, prices, fees, financial Agreement, schedules and information concerning the identity of the sellers, producers, buyers, lenders, borrowers, brokers, distributors, refiners, manufacturers, technology owners, or their representative and specifically individuals names, addresses, principals, or telex/fax/telephone numbers, references, product or technology information and/or all other information advised by one "party(s)" to be one another as being confidential or privileged without prior specific written consent of the "party(s)" providing such information.


This Agreement shall be valid for one year commencing from the date of this Agreement and expires in October, 2017. This Agreement has an option to renew for a further period of five (5) years subject to and upon the terms and conditions agreed between both parties.
Declaring such breach, In the event that an amicable settlement cannot be agreed to by mutual discussion and/or arbitration by a third party each of the parties subject to the declared breach shall be responsible for their own legal expenses until a settlement or judgment is reached, provided however, that the "party" found in default by a judgment shall compensate in full the aggrieved "party" for all its legal expenses, notwithstanding any other provisions of the judgment.

Commissions, fees, compensation or remuneration to be paid as part of transaction covering the "parties" to this Agreement, shall be agreed upon by separate written Agreement by the "parties" concerned and shall be paid at the time such contract designated, concluded or monies changing hands between buyers and sellers, unless otherwise agreed among the "parties", the "parties" hereby irrevocably and unconditionally agree and guarantee to honor and respect all such fees and remuneration, arrangements made as part of a commission transaction even in the event that the "party(s)" is not an integral member to a specific commission and fee / remuneration Agreement.


In specific deals where this office allows the buyers or buyers mandate, and the seller to deal directly with one another, this office and all parties shall be informed of the development of the transactions by receiving copies of the correspondence made between the buyer or buyer's mandate and the seller.

In witness whereof the "parties" hereto have executed and delivered these covenants by mutual Agreement the day and year written on all faxes are to be considered original, legal and binding.

Each representative signs below guarantees that he/she is duly empowered by his/her respectively named company to enter into and be bound by the commitments and obligations contained herein either as individual, corporate body or on behalf of a corporate body.

PRINCIPALS’ BANKING : (Banking information may change with notice if required)


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