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Mate by elephant and general


If the opponent king is hanging at his last rank, the operation is a lot easier. It can be seen in the below position.



It is also possible to check mate the opponent king who is trying hard to escape in the back of the elephant. It needs accurate calculation as well as patience.




Mate by elephant and knight


It looks not difficult to do, but it is necessary for moving the knight precisely to restrict the area of the opponent king. Once the king’s moves are limited, the final curtain is not far away.




Mate by knight and general


Even in international chess where the bishops are able to move many squares diagonally, the experiences have shown us that many players are not able to check mate the opponent king within 50 moves. So the difficulty can be guessed how to get it done in Myanmar Traditional Chess where the general has only one diagonal move. But with the help of beautiful knight moves, the opponent king has to walk into the dead-end road of no return. 



Mate by two knights


In fact, it is impossible to force the check mate against the lonely king by two knights. It cannot be found at the high level tournaments, but it can still happen at the low level games as well as blitz games.




Mate by pawn


Supported by the other piece or pieces, pawn can also check mate the opponent king. It may not happen many times in actual play, it has the chances to appear depending on the positions. The king may be sad to get killed by the weakest piece on the board. Chess in a part of the human life and sometimes it can reflect the nature of the world.



They are the basic check mate positions and just to show as the examples. It can vary a little while playing the game. But it is useful for the players to know such samples so that they can drive or avoid on the board depending on which side they are standing



Summary of Check Mate Positions


















































Chapter 9: Construction of The Check Mates


At a glance, check mates look easy to be performed. But under the time pressure, it is a hard work to do so within the limited number of moves. Even in the international chess on many occasions, bishop and knight cannot mate the opponent king within 50 moves and many games of this kind end up in draw. So it is definitely uphill-task for the players to check mate the opponent king with less powerful pieces of Myanmar Traditional Chess.


Then it is essential to learn and practice to mate with various forces. Some techniques are shown here as the examples and they are useful for the players to save the time as well as the moves.



Mate by a rook



1.Ke3 Kd5 2.Rc2 Kd6 3.Ke4 Ke6 4.Rc6+ Kd7 5.Kd5 Ke7 6.Ra6 Kf7 7.Ke5 Kg7 8.Kf5 Kh7 9.Rg6 Kh8 10.Rg1 Kh7 11.Kf6 Kh8 12.Kf7 Kh7 13.Rh1#




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