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Choose the best answer (or answers) for each question.

Choose the best answer (or answers) for each question.


Did William Randolph Hearst graduate from Harvard University?






True or False: Joseph Pulitzer bought The New York World, after William Randolph Hearst bought the New York Morning Journal.






Which of these did William Randolph Hearst NOT own?


recording studios


television channels






True or false: People probably began to lose trust in newspapers because of yellow journalism.


True   False



Choose the best definition for each principle of journalism.

1. verification


entire, full, not missing anything out


just and reasonable behavior


the process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something

2. originality


the quality of being novel and new


the act of keeping something under control


being responsible for your actions

3. objectivity


a lack of bias, judgement or prejudice


the process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something


compassion and consideration for others

4. completeness


the quality of being novel and new


entire, full, not missing anything out


to give power to those who do not have it

5. transparency


a lack of bias, judgement or prejudice


being responsible for your actions


an honest way of operating that allows other people to see what you are doing

6. fairness


just and reasonable behavior


the quality of being novel and new


compassion and consideration for others

7. restraint


the process of establishing the truth, accuracy, or validity of something


an honest way of operating that allows other people to see what you are doing


the act of keeping something under control

8. humanity


a lack of bias, judgement or prejudice


compassion and consideration for others


entire, full, not missing anything out

9. empowerment


just and reasonable behavior ng


giving power to those who do not have it


an honest way of operating that allows other people to see what you are doing

10. accountability


giving power to those who do not have it


entire, full, not missing anything out


responsibility for your actions



Principles of Journalism

Think about the ten principles of journalism that you have learned about from the text.


Which two principles do you think are the most important? Why?


Media freedom is important. Here’s what you can do.

A free press:

· Spreads facts and ideas that keep people informed.

· Helps people talk with their governments.

· Gives people a way to point out when their rights are taken away or ignored.

· Helps lawmakers understand what people think about their actions.

One study says that the world has seen a drop in the freedom of the press. If this is true, it is important for everyone to work to restore press freedom. Solutions to solve this problem revolve around money, technology, and the law.

Keeping a free press

The press can only be free when its money is safe and when the people who give money do not control what is reported. So where does one find this money?

Groups like the Global Investigative Journalism Network and the Fund for Investigative Journalism give plenty of gift money. Knight International is a program that gives money to reporters. It gave Rahma Muhammad Mian money. Mian created a media lab in Pakistan. Mian is finding ways to help the government and the press work together.

Some reporters have turned to regular citizens for money. In 2013 people gave reporters in the Netherlands $1.7 million to start a news website called De Correspondent. Krautreporter is a German online website magazine. It raised money from many people through crowd-funding to get started in 2013.

The Texas Tribune is a U.S. news website. It reports news about the Texas state government. It gets money from many different sources. Some of its funding comes from businesses or from charity foundations. Still, the Texas Tribune's reporting does not take sides. It stays independent and looks for stories no one else is reporting.

Malaysiakini is a news website in Malaysia. Malaysiakini avoids taking money from government groups and businesses. It does not want them to use their power to control what it writes. Instead, people pay to read Malaysiakini. It also gets money from ads and gifts from nonprofits and foundations.

Keeping reporters safe

No press is free if reporters fear for their safety.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) says more than 72 reporters were killed in 2015. They were killed because of their work. This happens in countries on almost every continent.

One important way to protect the press is a strong court. Agnes Callamard runs Columbia University's Global Freedom of Expression action group. Callamard says courts usually protect free speech rights. Her action group has honored courts in Norway, Turkey and Zimbabwe for protecting a free press.

Freedom of the press takes teamwork. People, groups and governments need to come together. When this happens, everyone wins.


Sustaining a free press

Media can be truly independent only when their financing is secure and backers refrain from editorial interference. So where does one find this kind of backing?

Organizations like the Global Investigative Journalism Network and the Fund for Investigative Journalism offer significant fellowship grants. Current Knight International Journalism Fellow Rahma Muhammad Mian, for example, created a citizen-engagement lab in Pakistan to gather data for media projects and built networks to improve collaboration between media and government.

Some journalists have turned to crowd funding to help finance their reporting. For example, in 2013 journalists in the Netherlands raised $1.7 million via crowdfunding to found De Correspondent, an online platform that offers background, analysis and investigative reporting in Dutch and English. And Krautreporter, a German news website, launched in 2013, used crowdfunding to create its online magazine.

In the U.S., the Texas Tribune, a nonprofit news site supported by money raised from across the donor spectrum — political, corporate, foundation and government — publishes nonpartisan reporting on Texas state politics. Its success has led to news partnerships with the New York Times and, more recently, the Washington Post. Tribune editor Emily Ramshaw told NiemanLab, “If our readers can’t get a story somewhere else, that’s a story for The Texas Tribune.”

For Malaysiakini, an independent, multimedia online news outlet in Malaysia, creative financing goes hand in hand with editorial independence. “We are like pesky schoolkids who poke the bully in the eye and refuse to go away,” co-founder and editor Steven Gan told guests at Malaysiakini’s 15th anniversary celebration. To remain independent in Malaysia’s restrictive media environment, Malaysiakini relies on subscriptions, online advertising and foundation grants, avoiding political party or corporate sponsorship. Its core incentive: “Without a vigilant media, those in power are tempted to use their financial powers to bribe the influential and their policing authority to limit dissent. Acting in the interest of a few, such actions lead to disunity of the nation and decay of society.” Malaysiakini’s funders include theInternational Center for Journalists and the National Endowment for Democracy.

Keeping journalists safe

Funding and Internet savvy go only so far. No press is truly free if professional and citizen journalists must fear for their physical safety.

The Committee to Protect Journalists (CPJ) counts more than 72 journalists killed because of their work in 2015. Countries on nearly every continent are represented on CPJ’s annual Impunity Index, “Getting Away with Murder.”

ne key protector of a free press is a free and strong judiciary. Agnes Callamard, director of Columbia University’s Global Freedom of Expression initiative, observes that courts have upheld free speech rights even in nations whose governments do not generally protect free speech, or journalists. Her organization has honored courts and legal groups in Norway, Turkey, Zimbabwe, and Burkina Faso for protecting a free press though the courts.

Freedom of the press is a group effort, and when individuals, organizations and governments come together to preserve it, everyone benefits.



Choose the best answer for each question below.


1. True or False: Samantha Power, U.S. Permanent Representative to the United Nations, thinks that it’s important for journalists to tell the truth.


 a) true                 b) false


Choose the best answer (or answers) for each question.


Did William Randolph Hearst graduate from Harvard University?






True or False: Joseph Pulitzer bought The New York World, after William Randolph Hearst bought the New York Morning Journal.






Which of these did William Randolph Hearst NOT own?


recording studios


television channels






True or false: People probably began to lose trust in newspapers because of yellow journalism.


True   False



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