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The process of mummification:


1. They took a sharp, red-hot poker, stick it up the nose and scramble thing about a bit and then rip it all through the nostrils in order to take out the brains.

2. They took out your heart as well.

3. They ripped out the guts and stuffed them in jars.


4.3 Fill in the gaps with the missing nouns:

The sign on the chest:

    (1)............... will come on swift (2)............to whomsoever opens this (3)............. There is one the undead who if brought back to (4)............, is bound by sacred (5)............ to consummate this (6)................. It means he will kill all who open this chest and assimilate their (7)................ and (8)............. . Then he will regenerate and no longer be the undead but a (9).............. upon this (10)............. .

4.4 Match these phrases with their equivalents:

1. проливать кровь                               a) beware of the curse

2. быть соблазнительной                   b) to combine forces

3. потайная комната                            c) to unleash a creature

4. ради бога                                           d) to be templing

5. объединиться                                   e) for goodness’ sake

6. берегитесь проклятий                     f) to shed blood

7. освободить создание                               g) a secret compartment             

4.5 Translate from Russian into English:

1. питаться человеческими трупами     

1. вырывать кишки

2. острый раскалённый прут (кочерга)

3. вырвать язык

4. жизнь после смерти

5. быть погребенным у подножия статуи


4.6 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. Who can be buried at the base of the statue of Anubis?

2. What does Sah-netjer mean?

3. What does the mummification mean?

4. Where is the sarcophagus buried?

5. What do desert people protect?

6. What was the sign on the chest?

7. What was the sign in the sarcophagus?

8. Who are the scarab skeletons?


Ford Brydon – Cairo

Vocabulary notes:

to swear at manhood – поклясться человечеству

to stretch forth the hands – протянуть руки

to be terminated – быть завершённым

to have a single challenge – быть вызванным единожды

to chuck (in) – погибнуть

to rot of boredom – умирать от скуки

to consummate the curse – привести в исполнение

to choose human sacrifice – выбрать человека, которого принесут в жертву

on the contrary – напротив

she is an old carpetbag – она старая тряпка

to be immune – быть невосприимчивым; ничего не грозит

to get in gear – трогаться

to spare friends – пощадить друзей

to reconnoiter – произвести разведку

to justify the killing – оправдать убийство


5.1 Decide whether these statements are true or false:

1. His curse is going to spread until the whole of the Earth is destroyed.

2. The rivers and waters of Egypt ran orange and were as blood.

3. Ancient secret society have guarded the City of the Dead and sworn at manhood to do nothing in their power to stop the High Priest Imhotep from being reborn into this world.

4. Dogs are the guardians of the underworld.

5. The creature will fear the cats until he is fully regenerated.

6. He will get fully regenerated by killing everyone who opened that chest. 

7. He stretched forth his hand towards the heavens and there was lightness throughout the land of Egypt.

8.  The Black Book which was found at Hamunaptra is supposed to bring people back from the dead.

9. The Gold Book is supposed to kill Imhotep.

10. According to Bembridge scholars the Gold Book of Amun-ra is located inside the statue of Anubis.

11. The Black Book is located inside the statue of Anubis.

12.  The Gold Book of Amun-ra is inside the statue of Horus.


5.2 Look at the sentences and decide who says the following. Give an appropriate translation: (Beni, Rick, Evy, Ardeth, Jonathan)

1. “Tail set firmly between your legs.”

2. “It’s better to be the right hand of the devil than in his path.”

3. “My favorite plague boils and sores.”

4. “You’re gonna get yours, Beni! ”

5. “Patience is a virtue.”

6. “Live today, fight tomorrow.”

5.3 Translate from Russian into English:

1. невиновные люди 2. воскрешать из мёртвых 3. спасти кого-либо 4. чучело 5. держаться за 6. труп 7. превращать в

5.4 Watch again and answer the questions. Try to give some more details:

1. How many plagues do you know? Can you enumerate them?

2. What is the Black Book supposed to do?

3. What is the Golden Book supposed to do?

4. Where is the Black Book located?

5. Where must the Golden Book be?



a) At Royal Air Corps – Giza ( королевские воздушно - военные силы )

b) Hamunaptra again

Vocabulary notes:

to live through it – выживать

to bump into – участвовать

What’s the challenge? – в чём состоит дело?

to rescue the damsel – выручить, спасти заложницу

to be in distress – быть в беде

to be at your service – быть к вашим услугам

pedal faster – давай быстрее

keep him busy – отвлеки его

it’s your turn – твоя очередь

look out – берегись

stay out of trouble – берегите себя

to get comeuppance – не остаться безнаказанным

a) At Royal Air Corps – Giza

6.1 Imagine a story ending with this sentence:

Rescue the damsel in distress, kill the bad guy and save the world!

b) Hamunaptra again


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