Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Look at the business cards and read the following introductions. Match the speakers to their business cards.

  BALTPROF Consulting Group          Nikolai Denisov              Accountant _____________________________ PO Box 102,     Tel: (495) 275-4604 Moscow,     Tel/Fax: (495) 102-5087 243570 RUSSIA E-mail:[email protected]                                                                       Habermos GmbH Erika Schulz Product Manager    Steintwiete 35 20315 Hamburg Germany Tel: +49(0) 4056916556 Fax: +49(0) 4056916556 Mobile: +49(0) 777469435 E-mail:[email protected]
Baires Seguros S.A.                            Eva Rosado                                 Senior Manager     Cervino 4924 (B1765ELT) Isidro Casanova Buenos Aires, Argentina Tel: +(5412) 4625-1786 E-mail: [email protected]                Bo Cheng   87 Xue Yuan Road, Hangzhou,   Zhejiang Province, P.R. China 310012   Tel: (0086-571) 2152433 E-mail: [email protected]   ***************************************    



Introduction 1.

Good morning. My name is Erika Schulz. I’m a product manager from Germany. I’m in marketing.


Introduction 2.

Hello. I’m Nikolai Denisov. I’m from Russia. I’m an accountant.


Introduction 3.

Hi. I’m Bo Cheng from China. I’m a university student.


Introduction 4.

Hi. I’m from Argentina. I’m a senior manager. My name’s Eva Rosado.



Complete the following introductions with the suitable words.

1. Good morning. My .................. is Mario Beni. I’m a sales manager. I’m from Italy.

2. Hello. I’m John Edwards. I’m from Great Britain. .................. an accountant.

3. Hi. I’m Galina Tarasova ...................... Russia. I’m a school teacher.

4.  Hi. I’m from Spain. I’m an engineer. .................. name’s Pablo Rodrigez.


Talk about yourself in a similar way.

Vocabulary 1

Write the words from the box under the correct heading.

Accountant finance marketing manager technician engineer cashier    production director doctor telephone operator  human resources receptionist lawyer sales assistant personal assistant


JOB                                                                     DEPARTMENT

Work in pairs. Talk about your job or studies.

Example: I’m a technician. / I’m a student. / I’m in finance.

Vocabulary 2

Complete the chart of countries and nationalities. Use the following words:

Brazilian Polish Germany French Italian Spain Russia Turkey Japanese Swedish China Greece British American

COUNTRY                                                        NATIONALITY

Brazil                                                                       ...............................

...............................                                                                German

Italy                                                                                 .................................

...............................                                                                Russian

Japan                                                                                .................................

................................                                                               Chinese

the UK                                                                            ..................................

Poland                                                                             ..................................

................................                                                                Spanish

Sweden                                                                          ...................................

................................                                                                Turkish

France                                                                           ....................................

..................................                                                              Greek

the USA                                                                        ....................................


2. In pairs ask each other questions about the nationality of the following companies:

Example: A: Is Sony Japanese?              A: Is Givenchy Swedish?

          B: Yes, it is.                            B: No, it isn’t. It’s French.

Sony-Japanese                                            Aeroflot-Russian

Givenchy-French                                        Siemens-German

Volvo-Swedish                                           Olympic Airways-Greek

Zara-Spanish                                               Michelin-French

Gucci-Italian                                                 McDonald’s-American


Think or three companies you know. Give their nationalities.


Read the text. Then complete the chart.


    Phil Night is the founder and CEO (Chief Executive Officer) of Nike, a famous sports and fitness company. He is from Oregon, USA. He is 65 and is a very reach man. He is married and his wife’s name is Penny. They have two sons and one daughter. Knight loves sport, including tennis, running and golf. He also loves fast cars. He often says that he loves the fact that Nike is about sports. He has a tattoo of the Nike logo on his left leg.

    Knight’s advertising agency is Wierden & Kennedy. At his first meeting with Wierden Knight said, ‘Hi, I’m Phil Knight. And I hate advertising.’ But they are still partners after 21 years. At meetings with Wierden, Knight is

relaxed and tells jokes. He wears blue jeans, a T-shirt and suit jacket, and a pair of Nike shoes.

    Knight is interested in Asia, especially Japan. His office is full of objects from Asia. It is in Nike’s World Headquarters in Beaverton, Oregon.


Phil Knight

Age                                                                      Job

Nationality                                                          Type of company

Family                                                                 Interests


Mark each of the statements true or false. Correct the false ones.

1. Phil Knight is the head of Nike.

2. He isn’t rich.

3. Knight is married and has two children.

4. His wife’s name is Penny.

5. Knight’s tattoo is on his right leg.

6. Wierden is in advertising.

7. Knight’s office is full of objects from Austria.

8. Knight’s office is in California.


Ask and answer questions about Phil Knight and his office.



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