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Unit I   

Grammar Conversion N→ V / V→N

Reading: City Garbage: Problems and Solutions

Speaking: Tech Achievements Advance Non-Waste Technologies

Study the active vocabulary.

utilize retrieve garbage
extract n, v get rid of tip
smelt upset n,v dump
penetrate process n,v ferrous
saturate refuse n,v , adj carbonaceous
rotate substitute n,v bituminous
handle disintegrate noxious 
sift subsequent infectious

2. Read and translate the international words. Mind the stress:

Horde n, con´veyer n, bri´quette n, ´cylinder n, di´ameter n, ´vertical a, auto´matic a, ´hectare n, ´fragment n, tonne/ton n, ˏcircul´ation n, ´ballast n, ´compost n, ˏbio´thermal a.

3. Match the phrases in A with the corresponding word-combinations in B:

1. waste disposal 1.ленточный конвейер
2. decomposition product 2. битумные смолы
3. consumer goods 3. компостная масса
4. belt conveyer 4. биотопливо
5. compost mass 5. продукты разложения
6. bituminous resins 6. биотермические барабаны
7. biological fuel 7. потребительские товары
8. biothermal drums 8. удаление отходов

Define the parts of speech and translate them without a dictionary.

Convert – reconvert, retrieve - retrievable - irretrievable – irretrievably; smelt – resmelting – smeltery, calculation – calculated – incalculable –   calculating; saturation-saturated - unsaturated; separation – inseparable – separator – separated.


Read and translate these pairs of words. Mind the stress Look through the sentences below and define the part of speech of the words in bold. Read these sentences aloud and translate them into Russian.

´upset n – to up´set v ´processes n  –  pro´cesses  v
´extract n - to ex´tract v ´product n  – to pro´duce  v
´content n – to con´tent v ´control n  – to con´trol v

1. Magnetic separators extract ferrous metals from garbage but until recently they were extracted only in the metallurgical plants. Nowadays yeast extract is typically added into almost all the variety of bread. Fluid extract should be kept in a vessel with ground stopper.

2. Engineers designed many industrial processes which make it possible to reconvert mountains of garbage into useful substances. Modern automatic plants process solid domestic wastes without the water consumption. The process of decomposition is going on for some days.

3. The processing of garbage is controlled automatically in almost all the stages of waste treatment. These sensitive device allows to control unsufficient atmospheric pressure waive. Aerochemical pest control can be performed in the vast agricultural regions.

4. A number of valuable products such as fuel gas, bituminous resins are obtained in the course of the garbage processing. Graphite substitute produced by pyrolysis is of great benefit to metallurgy. Such plants produce compost as a final product of organic matter decomposition.

5. Organic contents go through biothermal treatment. This process isn’t contented by biothermal treatment only, but mechanical extracting and further removing of fragments. Physical content of a test-sample is determined by gravimetric method.

6. This can seriously upset the ecological balance in a local area. Ecological balance upset is fraught with unexpected developments.

Read the text and replace the underlined phrases with the suitable ones given bellow.


Part I


Almost everything that is produced for human needs with time becomes garbage. All sorts of methods have been tried to get rid of refuse. It has been buried, removed as far as possible from population centers. Nevertheless, even in antiquity Rome lost the “battle”: garbage filled its famous Forum.

In our time the problem of domestic waste disposal has acquired a global nature. Cities with populations of several million form “Everests” of garbage. Every urbanite throws away nearly a tonne of unwanted things annually. They wind up in the city garbage dumps which take up hundreds of hectares of land, putting it out of useful circulation. Moreover, all such dumps are unsanitary. The mountains of garbage attract incalculable hordes of rodents and birds, which spread decomposition products and infectious diseases. Rain water becomes saturated with noxious substances which subsequently penetrate into underground waters and poison them. Even grass does not grow on the sites of former dumps, moreover the construction works and the laying of supply lines in these areas is to be banned for 50 to 100 years.

Many useful elements including those of organic origin are irretrievably lost in garbage dumps. While taking them in enormous quantities from nature man gives nothing back to it. On the contrary, he keeps on taking in order to turn new consumer goods. Eventually, this can seriously upset the ecological balance.

The most effective method of waste disposal is to utilize it, in other words to process it industrially.

great amount of, get into, full of injurious impurities, tip, disrupt, in a large scale, in ancient times, citizen, approximately, every year, occupy, global character.


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