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Employees feel like their work has a big impact on the world.

Employees feel like their work has a big impact on the world.

The biggest perk of working at Apple, at least based on the number of reviews that mentioned it, is a feeling that your work really matters and has an impact on the world. We saw this point made in dozens of reviews from current and former Apple employees from departments throughout the company.

"Engineers at Apple get to make real contributions that will benefit tens or hundreds of millions of people everyday. That's awesome," one software engineer wrote. Likewise, a store manager said, "I joined Apple because I wanted to be part of something bigger than myself."

Others described the thrill of being part of the cutting edge and the pride that comes with doing meaningful work. Apple, for its part, clearly tries to hammer this point home for employees starting on day one by handing out this inspirational quote about doing meaningful work.

You get to work with really, really smart people.

Steve Jobs was fond of saying he only wanted A-level people on his staff, and plenty of current and employees seemed to appreciate having the opportunity to be surrounded by really, really smart people.

As one employee based in Cupertino put it, there are "bright and talented people everywhere" at Apple. Others noted that this can make things competitive, but ultimately it brings out your best work.

Apple feels more like a startup than a giant corporation.

Apple may be the most valuable company in the world, but that doesn't mean it functions like a big company. Several employees wrote that one of the best things about Apple is that it operates more like a cluster of startups under the umbrella of a larger company. As a result, you get the job security of a big company with the career flexibility that comes from working at a smaller operation.

"Apple is run like a bunch of small companies (work groups)," one senior software engineer wrote. "When your job gets old and boring - and they all eventually do - it is easy to move within the company to get a fresh outlook without having to change employers completely. Likewise, if you need to stretch or improve your skill set, there are plenty of opportunities for advancement."

The salaries are pretty good for many positions.

Many employees ranging from engineers to managers praised the compensation and benefits that Apple provides. (The notable exception being employees who work in Apple's retail stores, though the company is reportedly planning to give these workers a raise this month so maybe they'll stop complaining.) In fact, an analysis of Apple salaries on the salary comparison website Payscale.com shows that many positions at the company earn well above the industry average.

Even part-time workers get benefits at Apple.

While some retail workers complained about their salaries, many praised Apple for providing them with benefits - even if they only worked part-time. At the moment, Apple offers all employees who work 20 hours or more a week with health and 401k benefits

Working at Apple makes it much easier to get a job elsewhere.

Working at Apple is a bit like living in New York. If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere.

As one software engineer explained, Apple employees "Receive broad and career changing visibility if you are able to do something great." Another engineer noted that the "experience makes you hirable anywhere else."

There is some really good food available on campus (though you'll have to pay for it.)

Apple may not offer as many insane perks as Google and Facebook, but there are still some. Several employees raved about the great food at Caffe Mac at Apple's main headquarters in Cupertino. The dining options should only continue to improve in the coming years as Apple is now working on building a new campus cafeteria .

A few employees also noted Apple's commuting options as a positive of working at the company, including the company's shuttle service that transports employees from parts of the Bay Area to campus in Cupertino. Apple also provides a stipend to help cover the cost of employees commuting by bus, train and other means.

Employees feel like their work has a big impact on the world.

The biggest perk of working at Apple, at least based on the number of reviews that mentioned it, is a feeling that your work really matters and has an impact on the world. We saw this point made in dozens of reviews from current and former Apple employees from departments throughout the company.

"Engineers at Apple get to make real contributions that will benefit tens or hundreds of millions of people everyday. That's awesome," one software engineer wrote. Likewise, a store manager said, "I joined Apple because I wanted to be part of something bigger than myself."

Others described the thrill of being part of the cutting edge and the pride that comes with doing meaningful work. Apple, for its part, clearly tries to hammer this point home for employees starting on day one by handing out this inspirational quote about doing meaningful work.


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