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How to Write a Film Review (example)

How to Write a Film Review (example)

Posted on Март 31, 2016 by Татьяна Н.


Вы уже умеете писать рецензию на книгу на английском языке и сегодня мы будем учиться писать рецензию на фильм на английском языке, что является довольно-таки сложным заданием и вполне может встретиться вам на разных олимпиадах по английскому языку.

Рецензия на книгу и рецензия на фильм примерно одинаковы по сути, но немного отличаются в деталях (лексике). Вы можете использовать полезные выражения из этих двух заданий самостоятельно.

Итак, начнем.

I. Структура (план). The Plan.

  1. Введение (режиссер, название фильма, положительное или отрицательное мнение в общих чертах)
  2. Основная часть (краткое содержание, акцент на отдельных деталях)
  3. Заключение (суммирование вышеизложенного, рекомендации)

II. Фразы и выражения. Useful Vocabulary for a Film Review.

  1. the producer — режиссер
  2. The film ranks with … — Этот фильм стоит в одном ряду с
  3. The action of the film is set in…. — Действие фильма разворачивается в …
  4. The film starts with a scene — Фильм начинается со сцены…
  5. fast-moving / slow-moving plot — стремительный / затянутый сюжет
  6. be starring — играть в главной роли
  7. the brilliant acting of … — блестящая игра
  8. What impressed me most is … — Самое большое впечатление на меня произвело
  9. enhance the impression — усиливать впечатление
  10. There is another storyline — В фильме есть еще одна сюжетная линия

The Review on the Film «Avatar» by James Cameron

The main film of the year 2009 is «Avatar» by James Cameron, the producer of such films as «Terminator», «Titanic», «The Strangers». This film ranks with above-mentioned world-famous films and probably belongs to the science-fiction genre.

The action of the film is set on the planet Pandora in the year of 3000. The plot is rather simple: the super hero Avatar is to save the alien planet and to fulfill this mission he struggles with a lot of difficulties.

The main character, Jack Sally, is a disabled navy who has just come back from the war. The film starts with the scene when he is invited to take part in a secret expedition to the planet, inhabited by weird creatures. Thus, he becomes the part of the programme called Avatar. Being turned into a a three-metre giant with blue skin, he is sent to the planet with the help of special «drivers» that link his mind to the mind of Avatar.

What impressed me most is the spectacular world of aliens that we, the audience, see through the eyes of the main character. The special effects and 3D technologies enhance the impression of the bright and colourful world in contrast to the human one, which is grey and dying. The plot of the film is fast-moving with some amusing episodes.

For those who are indifferent to the computer graphics, there is another storyline that is love of «the dream worker» to a beautiful female alien, who, being hostile and suspicious at first, falls in love with him. Such love is forbidden and as a result the pair is chased by the aliens. Happily, they managed to escape in the end. To my mind, the brillant acting of Sam Worthingdon, who is starring in the film, is above all expectations.

To sum up, I can say that the film «Avatar» is that kind of film that takes us to a special world beyond imagination. More than that, it is the film that you want to watch over and over again. Definitely, the new film by Cameron couldn’t be missed.

Film Review

I'd like to speak about the film called " Ice Age". The director of the film is Chris Wedge. The producers are Christopher Meledandri and Lori Forte. The budget of the film is $60.000.000.

Now about the plot of the film. We transfers to the prehistoric age, when people can't speak. The Earth is ruling by the Mammoths. At then time appears the danger of Ice Age.

At the beginning of the film we see a lot of animals which are going to the south. But some animals, such as mammoths Manfred (the voice of Ray Romano) prefer to live in Ice. This mammoth is very kind, fairly, but lonely.

The second hero is stoat " горностай" Sid (the voice of John Leguizamo). He is very social, Manfred called him a terrible chatterbox. In spite of his small size, he survives in prehistoric age. Sid meets Manfred and the mammoth protects him. Sid becomes Manfred's friend.

People in this film use pictures as a communication method.

The next hero is Soto, the leader of tigers group. Soto orders Diego, which is one of the tigers, to bring him peoples baby.

After Diego's attack on the settlement, the mother of the baby with her child jumps to the waterfall. The mother dies, but her baby survives. Manfred and Sid shelter the baby and decide to carry him to the rest of the settlers. The tiger Diego goes with them, he leads them to the tigers group, but he feels sorry to the Manfred and Sid and becomes their friend. Later Diego protects friends from the Soto.

The end of the story is very sentimental. Friends bring the baby to his father and go back.

The film is full of humor. The main humor person is squirrel, but it has no communication with the main plot of the film. It makes a lot of funny situations. I think that this film is a real masterpiece of computer graphics. For my mind every family must see this kind film with children.


Рецензии на книгу

The Daily News Book of the Month!

by Samuel Jones
A _ A Journey to the Centre of the Earth is an exciting story. The descriptions of the adventures are wonderful and the story is thrilling. It's a brilliant book for all ages.
В _ A Journey to the Centre of the Earth by Jules Verne is a classic science-fiction story. It is an excellent adventure story about a strange journey to the heart of our planet.
С _ The story begins when Professor Lidenbrock finds a piece of paper inside an old book. It tells him how to get to the centre of the earth. The professor and his assistant Alex, with a guide, leave Germany, and go to Iceland to find the secret entrance to the centre of the earth. Their journey is adventurous and exciting. There is a whole new world inside the earth that nobody knows about. In the end they manage to go back home.

Robinson Crusoe by Daniel Defoe is a very famous story. It is an excellent adventure story about a young man’s adventures on an island.

The story begins when Robinson Crusoe leaves England to become a sailor. His ship sinks and he swims to a desert island. His life is very difficult there, but he meets a man, Friday, a dog and a parrot. After many exciting adventures, they leave the island and go back to Europe.

Robinson Crusoe is a great story. The descriptions of the adventures are wonderful. It is an excellent story for everyone.


Romeo and Juliet and some other plays by Shakespeare were performed for the first time on this stage

The Best Film I Have Ever Seen (" Romeo and Juliet" )

Last Tuesday I saw the film " Romeo and Juliet" by Shakespeare. The starring was perfect. Romeo was played by Leonardo DiCaprio.

And I'll try to tell you about this film. In the town of Verona there were two rich families, the Capulets and the Montagues. There was an old quarrel between those two families. One day Capulet made a great supper. At that supper Romeo saw Juliet and fell in love with her at ones.

Juliet had the same feelings. Romeo asked Juliet to marry him. She agreed, but nobody knew about their plan. The next day Romeo and Juliet came to friar and he married them.

Some days passed and Juliet's father told her that she was to marry a young man whose name was Paris. Juliet didn't know what to do. But the friar helped her. He gave her medicine and told her to go home and be ready to marry Paris. But when she drinks that medicine she will sleep for forty — two hours.

Juliet did as the friar told her. Juliet's parents thought that she was dead and put her into the family tomb. When Romeo heard that Juliet was dead he bought some poison and went to the tomb of the Capulets. Paris was there and Romeo killed him.

Then Romeo kissed Juliet on the lips and drank his poison. At this moment Juliet woke up and saw that the young man was dead. Juliet took a dagger that was on the floor and killed herself.

Лучший фильм, который я видел (" Ромео и Джульетта" )

В прошлый вторник я смотрела фильм " Ромео и Джульетта" по Шекспиру. Игра актеров была отличной, Ромео сыграл Леонардо ДиКаприо.

Я попытаюсь рассказать об этом фильме. В городе Верона были две богатые семьи, Капулетти и Монтекки. Те две семьи были в давней ссоре. Однажды Капулетти организовал большой ужин. На этом ужине Ромео увидел Джульетту и сразу же влюбился в нее.

У Джульетты были такие же чувства. Ромео предложил Джульетте выйти за него замуж. Она согласилась, но никто не знал об их плане. На следующий день Ромео и Джульетта пришли к монаху, и он их поженил.

Прошло несколько дней, и отец Джульетты сказал, что ей нужно выйти замуж за молодого человека по имени Парис. Джульетта не знала, что делать. Но монах помог ей. Он дал ей снадобье и сказал идти домой и дать согласие выйти замуж за Париса. Но когда она выпьет снадобье, она будет спать 42 часа.

Джульетта сделала, как сказал монах. Родители Джульетты подумали, что она мертва, и положили ее в фамильный склеп. Когда Ромео узнал, что Джульетта мертва, он купил яд и пошел к склепу Капулетти. Парис был там, и Ромео убил его.

Потом Ромео поцеловал Джульетту в губы и выпил яд. В этот момент Джульетта очнулась и увидела, что молодой человек мертв. Джульетта взяла кинжал, который лежал на полу, и убила себя.


How to Write a Film Review (example)

Posted on Март 31, 2016 by Татьяна Н.


Вы уже умеете писать рецензию на книгу на английском языке и сегодня мы будем учиться писать рецензию на фильм на английском языке, что является довольно-таки сложным заданием и вполне может встретиться вам на разных олимпиадах по английскому языку.

Рецензия на книгу и рецензия на фильм примерно одинаковы по сути, но немного отличаются в деталях (лексике). Вы можете использовать полезные выражения из этих двух заданий самостоятельно.

Итак, начнем.

I. Структура (план). The Plan.


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