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Name some data about Sustainable development from 1992 up to 2012

Name some data about Sustainable development from 1992 up to 2012

The primary nature protection law of Kazakhstan

3 . The main goal of Concept of Transition of the RK to sustainable development is:

Principles of Environmental monitoring

Environmental factors of the economic development of regions

The concept of natural resource assessment

Formation of the market of natural resources

The concept of externalities effects in wildlife management

Economic problems and rationally apply of land and water resources

Economical optimum of environmental pollution.

Damage from pollution: mechanisms of formation and its basic techniques calculation

Types on natural resources Natural Resources

Environmental policy of the republic of Kazakhstan

Legislative provision of state environmental policy

Economic aspects of the interaction of the environment and production

Optimum environmental pollution

Economic value of assimilation potential of environment

Basic economic factors of production placement

Carrying capacity of the environment

Basic Principles of Environmental monitoring

Give explanation to the basic administrative capacities of environmental management

Give some examples of the implementation of the economic mechanism of nature: payment for environmental management, the system of economic incentives of environmental activities.

Describe current market practices of environmental management.

Give explanation to funding for environmental protection.

Sources of funding for environmental activities.

Describe formation of environmental funds.

Give explanation to environmental insurance and licensing, selling the rights to pollute.

Give some examples of the selection of investment projects for funding: basic criteria and procedures, consideration of environmental aspects.

Give explanation to environmental management system (EMS)

Give explanation to economic aspects of environmental standards (ISO 14000)

Describe analysis of ecological indicators to determine the effectiveness of the company

Program “Zhasyl damu” and “Green Bridge” Initiative

What is the corporate social responsibility of organization?

Describe principles of corporate social responsibility

Describe basic principles of environmental politics of company Environmental politics:

Water resources management in Kazakhstan.

Waste management in Kazakhstan

What are the main legislative acts that regulate the matter of biological diversity conservation in Kazakhstan?

What is Sustainable society?

40. Environmental management system (EMS)

Name the main factors of desertification in Kazakhstan.

What is the primary body responsible for nature protection in Kazakhstan?

Name some data about the Aral Sea changes from 1960 up to 2015

Give analysis of a special protected territory that is completely removed from economical use in Kazakhstan

Give analysis of water resources in Kazakhstan

Name the main legislative acts in Kazakhstan

47. How do you understand term `sustainable society`?

Describe main principles of ecological audit

Give explanation to Global energy and environment strategy

50 From which parts contains the company’s report sustainable development!

Name the indicators of sustainable development

Formulate and give examples of economical causes of environmental pollution

Give examples of waste managment in Kazakhstan

Give explanation to National Action Plan for Environmental Protection (NAPEP)

Describe realization of Kyoto protocol' aims in Kazakhstan

Basic Principles of Atmospheric air monitoring

Sources of funding for environmental activities

Legislative provision of state environmental policy

The purpose of the Concept is to achieve balance between economic, social, environmental and political aspects of development of Kazakhstan as a basis for improving the quality of life and the country's competitiveness in the long run. To achieve this goal requires the implementation of the following tasks in the field of sustainable development.

The Concept sets down the basics for what will culminate in a deep systemic transformation: a successful transition to a Green Economy by improving welfare and living standards and entering the list of the top 30 most developed countries of the world, accompanied by minimization of the environmental footprint


4.Principles of Environmental monitoring

Environmental monitoring describes the processes and activities that need to take place to characterise and monitor the quality of the environment. Environmental monitoring is used in the preparation of environmental impact assessments, as well as in many circumstances in which human activities carry a risk of harmful effects on the natural environment. All monitoring strategies and programmes have reasons and justifications which are often designed to establish the current status of an environment or to establish trends in environmental parameters. In all cases the results of monitoring will be reviewed, analysedstatistically and published. The design of a monitoring programme must therefore have regard to the final use of the data before monitoring starts.

The purpose of this report is to provide general principles for the designand operation of monitoring programsconducted outside the boundary of in­stallations handling radioactive mate­rials. It was prepared by a Task Group j on Environmental Monitoring composedof international experts appointed bythe ICRP. The objectives of environ-mental monitoring are summarized andrecommended policy for achieving theseobjectives is presented in this brief 11-page document. One of the main principles cited in the report is the significance of identifying the critical radionuelide(s), pathway(s), and populationgroup(s) in the planning of a surveil­lance system for any installation.

Several features of this report make it particularly useful to public health personnel involved in establishing cri­teria for the planning, design, or opera­tion of surveillance systems. It is appli­cable to all radiation-source facilities in both routine and emergency situations. While the report does not focus on sur­veys for fallout from nuclear explosives, the guidance presented should prove helpful in the periodic reevaluation of all monitoring programs. Users of the report will find it refreshingly succinct and authoritative.



Starbucks Stores Go Green

Another company that has introduced principles of environmental sustainability and green supply chain management across the board is Starbucks. In addition to purchasing Fair Trade Certified™ and certified organic coffee, the company is setting out to achieve LEED® certification for all new company-owned outlets. By focusing on creating “green” stores, Starbucks has been able to reduce both operating costs and the environmental impact of its business practices. The company’s green building strategy includes adjusting the temperature in air-conditioned stores from the standard 72°F to 75°F, purchasing cabinetry made with 90% post-industrial material and incorporating low-flow water valves.

Name some data about Sustainable development from 1992 up to 2012


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