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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate form of other or another .

1) This pen won’t write. Please, give me …. (singular)

2) If you are still thirsty, I’ll make … pot of coffee.

3) This dictionary has a page missing. Please, give me ….

4) He does not need those books. He needs ….(all the remaining)

5) There are thirty people in the room. Twenty are from Latin America and … are from … countries.

6) Six people were in the store. Two were buying meat; … was looking at magazines; … was eating a candy bar. … were walking around looking for more food. (notice the verbs)

7) This glass of milk is sour. … glass of milk is sour, too.

8) The army was practicing its drills. One group was doing artillery practice. … was marching; … was at attention; and … was practicing combat tactics.

9) These are seven students from Japan. … are from Iran, and … are from … places.

10) We looked at four cars today. The first two were far too expensive, but … ones were reasonably priced.


9.12. Translate into English using one, where possible.

1) Это очень интересная книга, но та ещё интереснее.

2) Мне не нравится это зелёное пальто. Покажите мне то синее.

3) Здесь нет чашки. Принесите чашку, пожалуйста.

4) Ты купил красные карандаши, а я чёрные.

5) Где можно взять кусок мела? – На моём столе лежит кусок мела, возьмите его.

6) Это платье красивее того.

7) Эти кресла удобнее тех.

8) Эта ручка очень плохая. Дайте мне хорошую.

9) Мой брат прислал мне несколько английских книг и несколько немецких.

10) Мои часы отстают, и мне пришлось купить новые.

11) Следует принять во внимание, что этот вопрос довольно сложный.

12) Никогда не следует откладывать на завтра то, что можно сделать сегодня.



Review Exercises

(Defining, Indefinite, and Negative Pronouns)

Change the following sentences and

a) make them positive:

1) Is there much ink left in my pen?

2) Did the storm do much damage to the house?

3) Is there much milk left in the jug?

4) Were many passengers see-sick?

5) We don't have much time to go to the station.

6) I don’t have many books in my library.

7) This train does not stop at any station.

8) We didn’t expect many people to visit us.

b) make them negative:

1) Both answers were correct.

2) There was somebody at the piano.

3) There is something unpleasant in his voice.

4) I want to speak to some of them.

5) We hear something interesting there.

6) We saw somebody working on the road.

7) Something is being done for her.


Complete the sentences choosing the correct word.

1) I can’t stand him. He disagrees with (all, everything, anything) I say.

2) This town isn’t very well known. And there isn’t much to see, so (few, a few) tourists come here. 

3) Where’s my grammar book? I need (one, it). – I don’t know. Did you lend (one, it) to someone? Ask Joy if she has (one, it).

4) This car is expensive to run. It uses (many, much) petrol.

5) I need a Korean-English dictionary. Where can I get (one, it)? – At the University bookstore.

6) I see you have a Korean-English dictionary. May I borrow (one, it)? – Sure. Here you are. I’m not using it right now.

7) I don’t think Jill will be a good teacher. She’s got (little, a little) patience with children.

8) Where did you get this photograph of a tiger? – I took (one, it) myself when I was in Nepal.

9) Have you ever seen a tiger in the wild? – Yes, I saw (one, it) when I visited the National park in southern Nepal.

10) I’ve phoned him twice, but he’s been out on (each, every) occasion.

11) I’ve been phoning him all week, but he’s been out on (each, every) occasion.

12) Do you have a bicycle? – Not yet, but I’ve been planning to get (one, it) for quite a while.

13) (Both, Every) front legs of the chair are shaky.

14) Do you mind which sandwich I take? – No, take (either, neither).


Translate into English

1) На столе есть масло? – Да, есть немного.

2) Такие простые вещи может понять всякий.

3) Если кто-нибудь пойдёт в магазин, купите мне, пожалуйста, кофе.

4) Ничего ещё не известно об этом.

5) Никто не ожидал, что он придёт.

6) Никто из детей ещё не спал.

7) Я получил много полезных советов по этому вопросу.

8) Многие из этих книг принадлежали ещё моему дедушке.

9) В моём кофе очень мало сахару. Я добавлю ещё.

10) Сейчас в школе мало детей. Сейчас каникулы.

11) Известно, что почти каждый ребёнок любит яблоки. Мы дали каждой девочке и каждому мальчику по яблоку.

12) Она видела, как он выходил из дома с чемоданами в каждой руке.

13) Оба ехали молча или обсуждали такие вещи, которые не интересовали ни того, ни другого.

14) Только два студента нашей группы сделали ошибки в тесте. Другие написали тест без ошибок.

15) У него два брата. Один живёт в Минске, а другой в Киеве.

16) Эта ручка очень плохая. Дайте мне хорошую.


9.4. Put in one, either, neither, other, others, the other or some . Retell the story.


     The (1)... day the Prime Minister appointed a new Minister of Transport. (2)... ministers like to travel everywhere by car; (3)... prefer to use public transport. (4)... of these means of transport is fine, but the new minister is (5)... of those who goes everywhere by bicycle. When he arrived at the House of Commons yesterday, he was stopped by two security guards. (6)... of them was sure he had seen him before. «I know you, don’t I? » asked one of the guards. «You’re (7)... of these messengers, aren’t you? » «Well, no, actually, » the minister replied. «I’m (8)... of the ministers.» «I knew you were (9)... or (10)...! » the guard replied.



Progress Test


Make a correct choice.

1) Despite her parents’ complaints, she decided to live by ___ in New York City.

a) her;                      b) herself;

2) I don't care ___ takes responsibility for this accident, but somebody should.

a) whoever;              b) who;

3) I lent him “The Old Man and the Sea”, ___ is really easy to read.

a) which;        b) that;

4) He should be ashamed of ___.

a) himself;      b) him;

5) Mary was worried about the children, so she convinced ___ husband not to accept the job abroad.

a) his;                       b) her;

6) We came across a friend of ___ at the mall yesterday.

a) ours;                    b) us;

7) I can't find ___ pencil. Can I use ___, Mary?

a) my, yours; b) mine, your;

8) I cut ___ when I was peeling the potatoes.

a) me;                       b) myself;

9) Neither Teresa nor _____ am responsible for this mess.

a) I;                           b) me;

10) Each plan has ___ merits.

a) it;                         b) its;

11) … us is going to do the washing up?

a) Which of;              b) Who of;

12) I do my work and they do ___.

a) their;                    b) theirs;

13) Give it back to ___. It's ___.

a) me, mine;    b) me, my;

14) We’ve got white and brown bread. __ will you have?

a) Which;        b) What;

15) - ___? – She is a doctor.

a) What is she? b) Which is she?

16) I’m not opening the door, ___ you are.

a) whoever;        b) whatever;

17) The politician from the third district tried to make a good impression on ________ was still sitting in the auditorium.

a) whomever; b) whichever;

18) I have two packs of cards. One is on the table, ___ is in my drawer.

a) another;              b) the other;

19) ___ of my parents could be there.

a) Neither;      b) None.



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