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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Действие закончено, завершено до конкретного момента


Have + 3 ф. смыслового глагола



Утвердительная форма





have asked, written. (I’ve asked)



He (she, it)



had asked, written. (I’d asked)



shall have asked, written

He (she, it)

has asked, written. (He’s asked)


He (she, it)


will have asked, written

Time indicators:

ever, never, just, yet, already, recently, lately (of late), this year (month, week) today, since, for. Чтобы подчеркнуть результат действия.

Time indicators:

by 2 o’clock yesterday, by 2001, before she came, when she came.

Time indicators:

by 2 o’clock tomorrow, by 2066, when you come tomorrow.


Прошедшее время совершенного вида (настоящее время несовершенного вида, если «since», «for»).

Прошедшее время совершенного вида

Будущее время совершенного вида

Вопросительная форма






asked, written? Yes, I have









asked, written?

Yes, he had.




have asked, written?




asked, written? Yes, he has Will






have asked, written?



I You We They

have not (haven’t) asked, written.








had not (hadn’t) asked, written

I We

shall not (shan’t) have asked, written.

He She It

has not (hasn’t) asked, written.

You He She It They

will not (won’t) have asked, written.


Таблица форм глагола в Continuous Tenses (процесс
в конкретный момент в настоящем, в прошедшем, в будущем)

Be + глагол (смысловой) + ing




Утвердительная форма

I am asking, writing

You are asking, writing.

He (she, it) is asking, writing.

We are asking, writing.

They are asking, writing.


he (she, it)

was asking, writing.



shall be asking, writing.




were asking, writing.


He (she, it)


will be asking, writing.

Time indicators: now, at present, presently, at the moment.

Time indicators:

Yesterday at 2 o’clock, all day long yesterday, from 2 till 5 o’clock yesterday, when she come yesterday

Time indicators:

tomorrow at 2 o’clock, all day long tomorrow, from 2 till 5 tomorrow, tomorrow when you come

Перевод: настоящим, прошедшим или будущим временем несовершенного вида.




Am I asking, writing?

Yes, I am.

Are you (we, they) asking, writing?

Yes, you are.

Is he (she, it) asking, writing?

Yes, he is.



he (she, it)

asking, writing?




be asking, writing?


Yes, I was.

Yes, I shall.






asking, writing?



He (she, it)


be asking, writing?


Yes, we were.

Yes, he will.

Отрицательная форма

I am not asking, writing

You are not (aren’t) asking, writing.

He (she, it) is not (isn’t) asking, writing.

We (they) are not (aren’t) asking, writing.


He (she, it)

was not (wasn’t) asking, writing.



shall not (shan’t) be asking, writing.




were not (weren’t) asking, writing.


He (she, it)


will not (won’t) be asking, writing.


Таблица форм глагола в Perfect Continuous Tenses

(процесс, который занял определенный интервал времени и идет в данный момент; интервал времени обязательно указывается)

Have been + глагол ( смысловой ) + ing




Утвердительная форма





have been asking, writing for 2 hours.



he (she, it)



had been asking, writing for 2 hours before the professor came.



shall have been asking, writing for 2 hours when you come.

He She


has been asking, writing for 2 hours.


He she



will have been asking, writing.

Time indicators:

for (в течение, в продолжение), since (с).



Перевод: настоящим, прошедшим или будущим временем несовершенного вида.









been asking, writing?









been asking, writing?




have been asking, writing?  

Yes, I have.

Yes, I shall.





been asking, writing?



he she



have been asking, writing?


Yes, she has.

Yes, he had.

Yes, she will.

Отрицательная форма





Have not (haven’t) been asking, writing?








Had not (hadn’t) been asking, writing?



shall not (shan’t) have been asking, writing.




Has not (hasn’t) been asking, writing?


He (she, it)


will not (won’t) have been asking, writing.


Exercise 1 9. Определите видо-временную форму сказуемого, переведите предложения на русский язык.

1. Energy demand grows more slowly than expected in the past decade. 2. Experiments led to new theories. 3. Lasers will be unlikely used in our everyday life soon. 4. The engineer has already been designing the device for three months. 5. The newest electronic-memory systems have been made possible by modern semiconductor technology. 6. The scientists will have done the research by the end of the year. 7. They had done part of the research by the end of 2011. 8. The scientist was doing the research when the American delegation came. 9. The scientists had been doing the research for 2 months when the American delegation came. 10. The scientists will be still doing the research when the French delegation comes next month. 11. The scientists will have been doing the research for 3 months when the French delegation comes next month.   a. Future Perfect Continuous. b. Simple Past. c. Present Perfect. d. Present Continuous. e. Future Perfect. f. Simple Future. g. Simple Present. h. Past Continuous. i. Future Continuous. j. Present Perfect Continuous. k. Past Perfect. l. Past Perfect Continuous.


Exercise 20. Переведите с русского языка на английский, используя нужную видо-временную форму сказуемого to use transistors (использовать транзисторы).

1. Обычно они используют транзисторы

2. Они использовали транзисторы в прошлом десятилетии.

3. Они и сейчас используют транзисторы.

4. Они уже использовали транзисторы.

5. Они используют транзисторы уже десятилетие.

6. Они будут использовать транзисторы.



Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнения, следующие за ним


Electricity is a set of physical phenomena associated with the presence and flow of electrical charge. Electrical phenomena have been studied since antiquity. Ancient cultures around Mediterranean knew that certain objects such as rods of amber could be rubbed with cat’s fur to attract light objects like feathers. Electricity would remain little more than an intellectual curiosity for millennia until 1600, when the English scientist William Gilbert made a careful study of electricity and magnetism. Further work was conducted by many famous physicists in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. In the 19th and since the beginning of the 20th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout the industrial world.

Now it is impossible to imagine our civilization without electricity: economic and social progress will be turned to the past and our daily lives completely transformed. Electrical power has become universal. Thousands of applications of electricity such as lighting, electrochemistry and electrometallurgy are longstanding and unquestionable. With the appearance of the electrical motor, power cables replaced transmission shafts, gear wheels, belts and pulleys in the 19th century workshops. And in the home a whole range of various time and labor saving appliances have become part of our everyday lives. Other devices are based on specific properties of electricity: electrostatics in the case of photocopying machine and electromagnetism in the case of radar and television. These applications have made electricity most widely used.

The first industrial application was in the silver workshops in Paris. The generator – a new compact source of electricity – was also developed there. The generator replaced the batteries and other devices that had been used before. Electric lighting came into wide use at the end of the last century with the development of the electric lamp by Thomas Edison. Then the transformer was invented, the first electric lines and networks were set up, dynamos and induction motors were designed. Since the beginning of the 20th century the successful development of electricity has begun throughout the industrial world. The consumption of electricity has doubled every ten years.

Today consumption of electricity per capita is an indicator of the state of development and economic health of a nation. Electricity has replaced other sources of energy as it has been realized that it offers improved service and reduced cost. One of the greatest advantages of electricity is that it is clean, easily-regulated and generates no by-products. Applications of electricity now cover all fields of human activity from house washing machines to the latest laser devices. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent technological advances such as the laser and electron beams. Truly electricity provides mankind with the energy of the future.


Задание 1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим интернациональным словам:

Electron – electric lamp – electrostatics, electrical, electrical motor, electricity; physics – physicist – physical phenomena; to associate – association; culture – cultural; to attract – attraction; magnet – magnetic – magnetism; industry – industrial; image – to imagine; civil – civilization; economy – economic – economics; social – society; progress – progressive; to transform – transformer – transformation; to transmit – transmission lines; chemical – chemistry – electrochemistry; to generate – generator – generation; to induce – induction motors; to design – designer; to indicate – indicator; to serve – service; to produce – products – by-products; radar (radio detection and ranging); laser (light amplification by stimulated emission of radiation); television; to act – active – activity – action; technology – technological advances; to transfer – transfer; optical fiber; satellite communication; communication systems; to process – process – processing


Задание 2. Соотнесите английские и русские эквиваленты:

1. a set of phenomena a. электроприборы, экономящие время и труд -
2. a flow of electrical charge b. долгосрочное использование
3. to attract objects с. заменять другие источники энергии
4. throughout the industrial world d. компактный источник энергии
5. social and economic progress e. создавать сети
6. to turn to the past f. улучшать обслуживание
7. longstanding application g. технологические достижения
8. time and labor-saving appliances h. уменьшать затраты
9. to replace other sources of energy i. существенные преимущества
10. a compact source of electricity j. передавать энергию
11. to develop a generator k. во всем индустриальном мире
12. to invent the electric lamp l. обеспечивать человечество энергией
13. to set up networks m. ряд явлений
14. to consume – energy consumption per capita n. поток электрических зарядов
15. to improve service o. притягивать объекты
16. to reduce the cost p. разработать генератор
17. technological advances q. изобрести электрическую лампочку
18. essential advantages r. социальные и экономические достижения
19. to provide mankind with energy s. обращаться к прошлому
20. to transfer energy t. потреблять – потребление энергии на душу населения


Задание 3. Напишите исходную форму, по которой нужно искать слово в словаре

Lives, saving, properties, batteries, begun, doubled, improved


Задание 4. Образуйте с помощью

а) префикса un -  прилагательные с отрицательным значением и дайте их перевод на русский язык

1) important; 2) known; 3) usual; 4) equal; 5) used; 6) equal; 7) limited; 8) expected;

b) с помощью префикса in -

adequate, capable, complete, direct, experienced.


Задание 5. Переведите 1, 2 и 3 абзацы текста


Задание 6. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. What is electricity according to the text?

2. How long have electrical phenomena been known to mankind?

3. When did William Gilbert first begin to make a careful study of electricity and magnetism?

4. When did electrical power become universal?

5. What industries did electricity transform?

6. How is electricity used in our everyday life?

7. Could we watch TV without electricity?

8. When was the first generator developed?

9. Why is the generator better that the batteries and other devices?

10. What is Thomas Edison known for?

11. What were other achievements in electricity in the following years?

12. What are advantages of electricity?

13. Why do we say that electricity provides mankind with the energy of the future?


Задание 7. Составьте предложения согласно английскому порядку слов

1. imagine, life, our, we, now, without, electricity, can not

2. electrical, since, ancient, phenomena, times, been, studied, have

3. yesterday, we, the, topic, started, of, electricity

Задание 8. Образуйте степени сравнения следующих прилагательных: active, necessary, high, available, variable, careful, many, short, long, good, bad, little.


Задание 9. Переведите с английского на русский язык, учитывая времена глагола в английском языке

1. Electrical phenomena have been studied since antiquity.

2. Mediterranean knew that certain objects could be rubbed with cat’s fur to attract light objects like feathers.

3. The English scientist William Gilbert made a careful study of electricity and magnetism.

4. The first industrial application of electricity was in the silver workshops in Paris.

5. The generator replaced the batteries and other devices that had been used before.

6. Applications of electricity now cover all fields of human activity from house washing machines to the latest laser devices.

7. Electricity is the efficient source of some of the most recent technological advances such as the laser and electron beams.

8. Electricity provides mankind with the energy of the future.

9. The use of electricity gives a very convenient way to transfer energy and because of it has been adapted to a huge and growing number of uses.

10. Mankind is using and will be using electricity as a main source of energy in the near future.

11. Electricity will have provided mankind with the energy by the time when other sources of energy are discovered.

12. We shall use the term dielectrics to refer to a much wider class of materials than those used technically for this purpose.

13. Scientists define a dielectric as “Any substance that transmits electrical forces or effects by induction rather than by conduction.

14. There will undoubtedly be some unusual applications for this phenomenon in the future.

15. It is clear that titanium-nickel-based alloys will be useful in many areas.




Прочитайте текст и выполните упражнения, следующие за ним.



Amplifier is an electronic device used for increasing the power of a signal. It does it by taking energy from a power supply and controlling the output to match the input signal shape but with larger amplitude. In this sense, an amplifier may be considered as modulating the output of the power supply. There are numerous types of electronic amplifiers specialized to various applications. The basic types of amplifiers are: voltage, current, transconductance and transresistance amplifiers.

Voltage amplifier is the most common type of amplifier. An input voltage is amplified to a large output voltage. The amplifier’s input is high and the output is low.

Current amplifier changes the input current to a larger one. Amplifier’s input impedance is low and output impedance is high.

Transconductance amplifier responds to a changing input voltage by delivering a related changing output current.

Transresistance amplifier responds to a changing input voltage. Sometimes this type of an amplifier is called transimpedance amplifier or current-to-voltage converter.

Until the invention of the transistor in 1947, most practical high-frequency electronic amplifiers were made using thermionic valves. The simplest valve was invented by John Fleming in 1904. He named this valve the diode, as it had two electrodes. The diode conducted electricity in one direction only and was used as a radio detector and a rectifier. In 1906 Lee Forest added the third electrode and invented the first electronic amplifying device, the triode, which he named audion. World War II stimulated dramatic technical progress and advanced the development of the design of amplifier circuits. Beginning in the 1970s, more and more transistors were connected on a single chip creating integrated circuit.

Amplifiers can be specified according to their input and output properties. They have some kind of gain or multiplication factor relating the magnitude of the output signal to the input signal. The gain may be specified as the ratio of output voltage to input voltage (voltage gain), output power to input power (power gain), or some combination of current, voltage and power. The power gain of an amplifier depends on the source and load impedances used as well as its voltage gain. RF amplifier may have its impedances optimized for power transfer. Audio and instrumentation amplifiers are normally employed with amplifier input and output impedances optimized for least loading and highest quality. The quality of an amplifier can be characterized by such specifications like gain, bandwidth, efficiency, linearity, noise, slew rate and rise time.

In most cases an amplifier should be linear, that is the gain should be constant for any combination of input and output signals. If the gain is not constant, e.g. by clipping the output signal at the limits of its capabilities, the output signal will be distorted. Many types of electronic amplifiers are commonly used in radio, television transmitters and receivers, high-fidelity (“hi-fi”) stereo equipment, microcomputers and other electronic digital equipment.


Задание 1. Дайте русские эквиваленты следующим английским словам и словосочетаниям

Electron- electronic- electronics, signal- signalize, control-controller, amplitude, modulate-modulation-modulator-modulator types, specialize-specialization-specialized, apply-application, active-activity, amplify-amplification-amplifier-audio hi-fi amplifier- transconductance amplifier, transistor, detect-detection-detector-radio detector, triod


Задание 2. Определите по суффиксу, к какой части речи относятся следующие слова:

supply, active, component, including, total, width, application, impedance, delivering, factor, capability, constant, measure.

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте цепочки существительных-определений, состоящих не менее чем из трех компонентов, выделите основное слово, переведите

Задание 4. Укажите недостающие степени сравнения:

Least, most, highest, lower, largest, smallest, larger

Задание 5. Переведите следующие слова и словосочетания:

In this sense, such as, although, some kind of, the same, as well as, ten times greater, much more than, for example, that is, e.g., .


Задание 6. Запишите глаголы, образованные от следующих существительных, и переведите их:

Specification, consumption, application, impedance, multiplication, combination, conductance, equipment, component.


Задание 7. Укажите прилагательные, от которых образованы следующие существительные:

 Stability, ability, width, proportionality, property, capability


Задание 8. Составьте предложения согласно английскому порядку слов

1. Numerous, amplifiers, are, types, there electronic of

2. He, valve, this, diode, named, the.

3. The, conducted, diode, electricity, direction, only, in, one.


Задание 9. Соотнесите русские и английские эквиваленты:

1. Electronic device used for increasing the power of a signal а) Лампа с термокатодом
2. To match the input signal shape b) Передача энергии
3. Numerous types of electronic amplifiers с) Входная мощность
4. Input and output properties d) Коэффициент усиления напряжения
5. The ratio of output voltage to the input voltage е) Электронные приборы, используемые для повышения мощности сигнала
6.Thermionic valve f) Полное сопротивление источника
7. Transconductance amplifier g) Выходная мощность
8. Input power h) Усилитель активной междуэлектродной проводимости
9. Output power i) Коэффициент усиления по мощности
10. RF amplifier j) Радиочастотный усилитель
11. Source impedance k) Полное сопротивление нагрузки
12. Load impedance l) Усилитель должен быть линейным
13. Voltage gain m) Посредством ограничения выходного сигнала
14. Power transfer n) Сопротивление, оптимизированное для наименьшей нагрузки и самого высокого качества
15. Power gain о) Для любой комбинации входных и выходных сигналов
16. Impedances optimized for least loading and highest quality р) Согласовывать форму входного сигнала
17. An amplifier should be linear q) Свойства входа-выхода
18. For any combination of input and output signals r) Выходной сигнал будет искажаться
19. By clipping the output signal s) Многочисленные типы электронных усилителей
20.The output signal will be distorted t) Отношение напряжения на выходе к напряжению а входе


Задание 10. Переведите на русский язык 1, 2, 3 абзацы текста.


Задание 11. Переведите предложения на русский язык, учитывая видо-временную форму английского глагола.

1. Titanium and its alloys are coming out in the commercial field- they have already made quite a name for themselves as structural materials.

2. What scientists will have developed by 2050 is incredible!

3. Scientists have been studying the behavior of various bacteria in space for a long time

4. It is almost impossible to imagine what scientists will be investigating in 50 years’ time?

5. Electronics has been developing at a great speed recently.

6. What fundamental physical laws the physicists will have revised by the end of the 21st century is difficult to predict nowadays.

7. When he started to understand the phenomenon of superconductivity he had been performing numerous experiments for more than 10 years.

8. They will have developed the project by the end of the century.

9. The scientist was working in the laboratory when this breaking news came.

10. After Becquerel had made a number of experiments, he discovered the phenomenon of radioactivity.

11. The scientists are still working at the problem of global warming.

12. We are still learning how to exploit the potential of the integrated circuits by developing new theories and designing new circuits whose performance may yet be improved by another order of magnitude.

13. The number of applications for microprocessors is growing daily in industry, in banking, in power generation and distribution and in telecommunication.


Задание 12. Ответьте на вопросы по тексту

1. What is an amplifier used for?

2. How does an amplifier increase the power of a signal?

3. What are the basic types of amplifiers?

4. When was the simplest valve invented?

5. How many electrodes had this valve?

6. How can amplifiers be specified?

7. What does the power gain of an amplifier depend on?

8. In what cases an amplifier should be linear?

9. When will the output signal be distorted?

10. Where are electronic amplifiers commonly used?


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