Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

II. Propedeutics of children diseases. Periods of children age.

Перечень вопросов

для подготовки к государственным экзаменам

I. Polyclinic pediatrics

The estimation of the preparedness to children preschool institutions. Medical indications for delaying of studying from 6 years old.

The role and importance of the sanitary-prophylaxis work among adults and children.

Main principles of the organization of children health service in out-patient conditions. Home-visiting of newborns.

The concept of rehabilitation, restorative treatment in children. Dispanserisation and rehabilitation of children after acute respiratory disease. Rehabilitation of children with chronic pathology of respiratory system, blood and circulatory system, GIT, urinary and central nervous system.

The prophylaxis of children infection. The schedule of vaccinations. The prophylaxis of tuberculosis.

Groups of health. The healthy child. Uninterrupted observation of children in polyclinic.

Main reasons of infants and children mortality. The estimation of indexes. The antenatal protection of the fetus. Combined work of obstetrician and pediatrician.

II. Propedeutics of children diseases. Periods of children age.

Age peculiarities of the blood in children. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of cardiovascular system in children. Methods of the investigation. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of respiratory system. Peculiarities of the investigation in diseases of the respiratory system Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of GIT in children. Peculiarities of the investigation of GIT in children, features of diseases. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of urinary system in children. Peculiarities of the investigation of urinary system in children, features of diseases. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of skin, musculoskeletal system, lymphatic nodes. Features of diseases. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of endocrine and central nervous systems. Methods of investigation, features of diseases.

Psychomotor development of infant. The making of speech.

Diathesis, clinical manifestation. The formation of immune system, antibody genesis.

III. Neonatology

Newborn baby. Prematurnity.

Features of premature baby. Apgar score, definition.

Hemorrhagic disease of newborns. Primary examination of newborns. Transitional conditions.

Sepsis and localized infections of newborns: pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis. Intrauterine infections: clinical syndromecomplex. Treatment. Prophylaxis. Pneumonia in newborns. Asphyxia in newborns, methods of the resuscitation, consequences.

Conjugational jaundice in newborn. Classification, diagnostics, treatment. Hemolytic diseases of newborns: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis.

Natal trauma of the central nervous system, interbrain hemorrhages. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment. Natal trauma of the nervous system, bones, soft tissue, inner organs. Clinical manifestations of the natal trauma of spinal cord.

Respiratory distress syndrome in newborns. Emergency management. Hyaline membrane disease.

Prenatal dystrophy. Etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment. Anemia in newborns.

IV. Feeding

Hypogalactia. Prophylaxis and treatment.

Principles of the calculation of feeding. The estimation of necessary volume of feeding. The calculation of feeding in breast, mixed and formula feeding. Formula feeding, types of formula feedings. Breast feeding, time for introduction new types of food. Organization of feeding of healthy infants. Feeding of ill child. Chronical disturbances of feeding in children. Classification, clinical picture, treatment.

V. Pulmonology

Dispanserisation of children with bronchopulmonary diseases. Pneumonias: classification, diagnostics, pathogenesis, treatment. Lobar pneumonia, peculiarities of clinical picture, treatment. Bronchial asthma. Classification, pathogenesis, treatment, management of attack. Chronical bronchopulmonary diseases in children. Bronchitis, bronchiolitis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment. Plevritis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment. Etiologic structure, epidemiologic peculiarities and ways of prophylaxis of acute respiratory viral infections.

VI. Cardiorheumatology

Dispanserisation of children with diseases of cardiovascular and connective tissues. JRA, etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, clinical manifestations and treatment. Nodular periarteriitis, etiopathogenesis, clinical peculiarities and treatment. Rheumatic fever, etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, clinical manifestations and treatment. Arterial hypo- and hypertension in children. Congenital defects of the heart. Dermatomyositis in children. Clinical peculiarities, diagnostics and treatment. Disturbances of cardiac rhythm in children. Lupus erythematosis. Diagnostics, clinic manifestations and treatment. Carditis, etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations and treatment. Pericarditis in children. Bacterial septic endocarditis. Systemic scleroderma. Vegetal- vascular dystonia.

VIII. Diseases of the GIT

Dispanserisation of children with diseases of the GIT.

Peptic ulcer and ulcer of duodenum. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinic manifestations and treatment. Gastritis’s in children. Chronic hepatitis and cirrhosis of the liver. Pancreatitis, clinical picture, diagnostic and treatment. Cholecystoholangitis, etiopathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostic and treatment. Reflux disease. Chronic colitis.

XI. Emergency therapy

Emergency help in acetonoenemic coma. Infectious-toxic shock. Intensive therapy. Acute adrenal failure. Intensive therapy of the lung edema. Emergency help in seizures (also in spasmophylia). Neurotoxicosis. Acute respiratory failure. Principles of the emergency help in poisoning, burns, drowning. Acute renal failure. Intestine toxicosis in children. Acute heart failure.

XII. Diseases of blood

Leucosis in children. Classification of anemia’s. Clinical peculiarities, diagnostics (autoimmune, deficient and hemolytic), treatment. Thrombocytopenia. Hemorrhagic vasculitis in children.


Questions on pediatrics for the state exam.

(children infections)

  1. Acute intestinal infections in children: etiologic structure. Pathogenesis of secretory diarrhea (main agents), stages of dehydratation, treatment.
  2. Acute intestinal infections in children: etiologic structure. Pathogenesis of invasive diarrhea (main agents), clinic manifestations, treatment.
  3. Enterohemorrhagic escherihiosis, epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic manifestation, diagnostics, treatment. Hemolytico-uremic syndrome.
  4. Escherihiosis. Etiology, classification, clinic forms, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  5. Acute dysentery. Pathogenesis, clinic forms. Clinic manifestation of gastroenterocolitic coma. Diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  6. Colitic forms of the dysentery. Epidemiology, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis of the dysentery and acute intestinal infections in children.
  7. Сальмонеллёз. Epidemiology, clinic forms. Clinic manifestation, diagnostics and treatment of gastrointestinal form.
  8. Hospitalized сальмонеллёз. Peculiarities of etiology, clinic manifestation, treatment and prophylaxis,
  9. Rotaviral infection. Pathogenesis, clinic forms. Diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  10.  Enteroviral infection. Epidemiology. Classification, clinic forms. Diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  11.  Enteroviral infection. Serous meningitis, clinic manifestation, diagnostics and treatment.
  12.  Viral hepatitis A. Clinic manifestation, duration, outcomes, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  13.  Poliomyelitis. Clinic manifestation, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  14.  Rhinosinchial infection. Pathogenesis, clinic manifestation, treatment.
  15.  Adenoviral infection. Epidemiology, clinic manifestation, diagnostics, treatment.
  16.  Grippe. Epidemiology, clinic manifestation, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  17.  Paragrippe. Epidemiology, clinic manifestation, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  18.  Stenosis laryngotracheitis, clinic manifestation, treatment.
  19.  Whooping-cough. Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic manifestation, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  20.  Herpetic infection. Epidemiology. Classification.
  21.  Herpetic infection induced by herpes simple type I-II. Epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic forms, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  22.  Congenital herpetic infection (herpes simple type I-II), risk of affection of fetus, clinic manifestation, treatment, prophylaxis.
  23.  Chickenpox: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  24.  Infectious mononucleosis: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  25.  Cytomegaloviral infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  26.  Congenital cytomegaloviral infection, risk of affection of fetus, clinic manifestation, treatment, prophylaxis.
  27.  Rubella infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinic picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  28. Congenital Rubella infection, risk of affection of fetus, clinic manifestation, prophylaxis.
  29.  Measles: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  30. Scarlet fever: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis. Complications.
  31.  Mumps infection: epidemiology, pathogenesis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment, prophylaxis.
  32.  Meningococcal infection. Etiology, epidemiology, clinic forms, prophylaxis.
  33.  Meningococemia, clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment. Clinical picture of the infectious toxic shock. Emergency help.
  34.  Meningococcal meningitis. Clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment. Clinical picture of the brain edema. Emergency help.
  35.  Localized forms of the diphtheria: clinical picture, diagnostic, treatment, prophylaxis.
  36.  Diphtheria. Epidemiology. Classification. Clinical picture of the toxic form of diphtheria. Complication. Treatment.
  37.  Diphtheria. Clinical picture of diphtheria of the larynx. Complications (stenosis of the larynx). Treatment.
  38.  AIDS. Principles and methods of the treatment.
  39.  HIV. Epidemiology, etiology, pathogenesis, stages of the infection, diagnostics.
  40. Methods of the prophylaxis of children infection. Schedule of prophylactic vaccination.



III. Неонатология

Новорожденный ребенок. Недоношенность.

Признаки незрелости. Шкала Апгар, определение.

Геморрагическая болезнь новорожденных. Первичный туалет новорожденного. Пограничные состояния.

Сепсис и локализованная инфекция новорожденных: патогенез, клиника, лечение, профилактика. Внутриутробные инфекции: клинические синдромокомплексы. Лечение. Профилактика. Пневмонии у новорожденных. Асфиксия новорожденных, методы реанимации, последствия.

Конъюгационные желтухи новорожденных. Классификация, диагностика, лечение. Гемолитическая болезнь новорожденного: этиология, патогенез, клиника, лечение, профилактика.

Натальная травма центральной нервной системы, внутричерепные кровоизлияния. Этиология, патогенез, клиника, лечение. Травма периферического отдела нервной системы, костей, мягких тканей, внутренних органов. Клинические признаки натальной травмы спинного мозга.

Синдром дыхательных расстройств у новорожденных. Неотложная помощь. Болезнь гиалиновых мембран.

Пренатальная дистрофия. Этиопатогенез, клиника, лечение. Анемия новорожденных.

IV. Вскармливание

Гипогалактия. Профилактика и лечение.

Принципы расчета питания. Определение должного объема питания. Расчет питания при естественном, смешанном, искусственном вскармливании. Искусственное вскармливание, детские смеси. Грудное вскармливание, сроки введения прикорма. Организация питания здоровых детей раннего возраста. Питание больных детей. Хронические расстройства питания детей. Классификация, клиника, лечение.

V. Пульмонология

Диспансеризация детей с патологией органов дыхания. Пневмонии: классификация, диагностика, патогенез, лечение. Крупозная пневмония, особенности клиники, лечение. Бронхиальная астма. Классификация, патогенез, лечение, помощь при приступе. Хронические заболевания бронхолегочной системы у детей. Бронхиты, бронхиолиты, клиника, диагностика, лечение. Плеврит, клиника, диагностика, лечение. Этиологическая структура, эпидемиологические особенности и пути профилактики острых респираторных вирусных инфекций.

VI. Кардиоревматология

Диспансеризация детей с заболеваниями органов кровообращения и соединительной ткани. Ревматоидный артрит, этиология, патогенез, диагностика, клиника, лечение. Узелковый периартериит, этиопатогенез, клинические особенности, лечение. Ревматизм, этиопатогенез, диагностика, клиника, лечение. Артериальная гипер- и гипотензия у детей. Врожденные пороки сердца. Дерматомиозит у детей. Клинические особенности, диагностика, лечение. Нарушение сердечного ритма у детей. Системная красная волчанка. Диагностика, клиника, лечение. Кардиты, этиопатогенез, клиника, терапия. Перикардиты у детей. Бактериальный септический эндокардит. Системная склеродермия. Вегето-сосудистые дистонии.

XI. Неотложная терапия

Неотложная помощь при ацетонемической коме. Инфекционно-токсический шок. Интенсивная терапия. Острая надпочечниковая недостаточность. Неотложная терапия при отеке легких. Неотложная терапия при судорожном синдроме (спазмофилия в том числе). Неотложная помощь при тиреотоксическом кризе. Нейротоксикоз. Острая дыхательная недостаточность. Принципы оказания медицинской помощи при отравлениях, ожогах, отморожениях у детей, утоплении. Острая почечная недостаточность. Кишечный токсикоз у детей. Острая сердечная недостаточность.

Перечень вопросов

для подготовки к государственным экзаменам

I. Polyclinic pediatrics

The estimation of the preparedness to children preschool institutions. Medical indications for delaying of studying from 6 years old.

The role and importance of the sanitary-prophylaxis work among adults and children.

Main principles of the organization of children health service in out-patient conditions. Home-visiting of newborns.

The concept of rehabilitation, restorative treatment in children. Dispanserisation and rehabilitation of children after acute respiratory disease. Rehabilitation of children with chronic pathology of respiratory system, blood and circulatory system, GIT, urinary and central nervous system.

The prophylaxis of children infection. The schedule of vaccinations. The prophylaxis of tuberculosis.

Groups of health. The healthy child. Uninterrupted observation of children in polyclinic.

Main reasons of infants and children mortality. The estimation of indexes. The antenatal protection of the fetus. Combined work of obstetrician and pediatrician.

II. Propedeutics of children diseases. Periods of children age.

Age peculiarities of the blood in children. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of cardiovascular system in children. Methods of the investigation. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of respiratory system. Peculiarities of the investigation in diseases of the respiratory system Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of GIT in children. Peculiarities of the investigation of GIT in children, features of diseases. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of urinary system in children. Peculiarities of the investigation of urinary system in children, features of diseases. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of skin, musculoskeletal system, lymphatic nodes. Features of diseases. Anatomic and physiological peculiarities of endocrine and central nervous systems. Methods of investigation, features of diseases.

Psychomotor development of infant. The making of speech.

Diathesis, clinical manifestation. The formation of immune system, antibody genesis.

III. Neonatology

Newborn baby. Prematurnity.

Features of premature baby. Apgar score, definition.

Hemorrhagic disease of newborns. Primary examination of newborns. Transitional conditions.

Sepsis and localized infections of newborns: pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis. Intrauterine infections: clinical syndromecomplex. Treatment. Prophylaxis. Pneumonia in newborns. Asphyxia in newborns, methods of the resuscitation, consequences.

Conjugational jaundice in newborn. Classification, diagnostics, treatment. Hemolytic diseases of newborns: etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment and prophylaxis.

Natal trauma of the central nervous system, interbrain hemorrhages. Etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment. Natal trauma of the nervous system, bones, soft tissue, inner organs. Clinical manifestations of the natal trauma of spinal cord.

Respiratory distress syndrome in newborns. Emergency management. Hyaline membrane disease.

Prenatal dystrophy. Etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations, treatment. Anemia in newborns.

IV. Feeding

Hypogalactia. Prophylaxis and treatment.

Principles of the calculation of feeding. The estimation of necessary volume of feeding. The calculation of feeding in breast, mixed and formula feeding. Formula feeding, types of formula feedings. Breast feeding, time for introduction new types of food. Organization of feeding of healthy infants. Feeding of ill child. Chronical disturbances of feeding in children. Classification, clinical picture, treatment.

V. Pulmonology

Dispanserisation of children with bronchopulmonary diseases. Pneumonias: classification, diagnostics, pathogenesis, treatment. Lobar pneumonia, peculiarities of clinical picture, treatment. Bronchial asthma. Classification, pathogenesis, treatment, management of attack. Chronical bronchopulmonary diseases in children. Bronchitis, bronchiolitis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment. Plevritis, clinical picture, diagnostics, treatment. Etiologic structure, epidemiologic peculiarities and ways of prophylaxis of acute respiratory viral infections.

VI. Cardiorheumatology

Dispanserisation of children with diseases of cardiovascular and connective tissues. JRA, etiology, pathogenesis, diagnostics, clinical manifestations and treatment. Nodular periarteriitis, etiopathogenesis, clinical peculiarities and treatment. Rheumatic fever, etiopathogenesis, diagnostics, clinical manifestations and treatment. Arterial hypo- and hypertension in children. Congenital defects of the heart. Dermatomyositis in children. Clinical peculiarities, diagnostics and treatment. Disturbances of cardiac rhythm in children. Lupus erythematosis. Diagnostics, clinic manifestations and treatment. Carditis, etiopathogenesis, clinical manifestations and treatment. Pericarditis in children. Bacterial septic endocarditis. Systemic scleroderma. Vegetal- vascular dystonia.


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