Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Напишите следующие предложения в отрицательной форме, и образуйте общий, Why и Who – вопрос, к каждому из них.

1. He knows French perfectly. _________________________________



2. I understand every thing he says. _____________________________



3. She makes mistakes in spelling. ______________________________



4. They enjoy their English lessons. _____________________________



Exercise 32.

Задайте вопрос к предложению, используя вопросительные слова, данные в скобках:

1. I write to my parents. (How often?)


2. I have dinner in the evening. (What time ?).


3. She works. (Where?)


4. I go to the Zoo. (How often?)


5. People do stupid things. (Why?)


6. The motor breaks down. (How often?)



The Present Simple & Present Progressive

Exercise 33.

Раскройте скобки, и выберите правильную форму глагола:

1. “Where is Andy?” Mary _______________ (read) him a bed-time story;

2. Modern trains _______________ (go) very fast.

3. “I’m afraid I must go now”. Where you _______________ (go)?

4. I _______________ (go) to have lunch with my partner.

5. “Why     you _______________ (laugh)?” – she cried.

6. He _______________ (laugh) best, who _______________ (laugh) last.

7. Actions _______________ (speak) louder than words.

8. “I’ve got a headache, Milli moaned.” Get me some pain killer. My head _______________ (split).

9. That’s the way she always _______________ (react).

10.  I’m so careless. I always _______________ (forget) my keys.

11.  They _______________ (be) in the cafeteria. They _______________ (have) their breakfast.

Exercise 34.

Раскройте скобки, употребляя глаголы в Present Continuous или в Present Simple .

1. He _______________ (to work) in the centre of Chicago.

2. He _______________ (to work) in he centre of Chicago?

3. He _______________ (not to work) in the centre of Chicago.

4. They _______________ (to read) many books.

5. They _______________ (to read) many books?

6. They _______________ (not to read) many books.

7. The Children _______________ (to eat) soup now.

8. The children _______________ (to eat) soup now?

9. The children _______________ (not to eat) soup now.

10.  You _______________ (to play) volleyball well?

11.  When   you _______________ (to play) volleyball?

12.  What    Nick _______________ (to do) in the evening?

13.  He _______________ (to go) to the cinema in the evening?

14.  We _______________ (not to dance) every day.

15.  Look! Kate _______________ (to dance).

16.  Kate _______________ (to sing) well?

17.  Where  he _______________ (to go) in the morning?

18.  He _______________ (not to sleep) after dinner.

19.  My granny _______________ (to sleep) after dinner.

20.  When   you _______________ (to sleep)?

21.  Nina _______________ (not to sleep) now.

22.  Where John _______________ (to live)? – He _______________ (to live) in England.

23.  My friends from Switzerland _______________ (to speak) four languages.

24.  Elvire _______________ (to speak) English.

25. She only _______________ (not to speak) Italian.


Topic “Countries”


Lessons 11-25


Exercise 35.

Выберете правильное слово :


1. Population a. Глубокий
2. Climate b. Озеро
3. Deep c. Страна
4. Country d. Территория
5. Lake e. Благоприятный
6. River f. Столица
7. Territory g. Граничить
8. Favorable h. Состоять
9. Capital i. Символ
10. Border j. Развитие
11. Consist k. Климат
12. Symbol l. Река
13. Development m. Население


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13


Exercise 3 6 .

Дополните диалог :


1: Where are you from?

2: I’m from ___________________________________________________.

1: What is the _______________ of your country?

2: Moscow.

1: What kind of _______________ is there in your country?

2: There are different types of _______________ on the territory of our country. It is very cold in the north. In the South the temperature is usually _______________ zero all year round.

1: What _______________ does Russia _______________ on?

2: It _______________ on the Baltic Republics and some European countries in the west and on Asian countries in the South.

1: What are the most famous _______________ in Russia?

2: The Urals.

Exercise 37.

Что вы знаете о России?


1. In which century was Christianity officially adopted in Russia?

1) Eighth century

2) Tenth century

3) Twelfth century

2. In which year do the ancient chronicles first mention Moscow?

1) 1147

2) 1241

3) 1380

3. Which prince of Moscow defeated the Mongols in 1380?

1) Ivan Kalita

2) Yuriy Dolgoruky

3) Dmitry Donskoy

4. When was the Romanov’s dynasty established?

1) In 1380 after the battle at Kulikovo field.

2) In 1613 after the Time of Troubles.

3) In 1812 after the defeat of Napoleon.

5. St. Petersburg was founded in

1) 1703

2) 1767

3) 1796

6. Catherine II invited colonists from which country to settle in Russia in 1762?

1) France

2) Germany

3) Poland

7. Which emperor signed a manifesto abolishing in 1861.

1) Alexander I

2) Nicholas I

3) Alexander II

8. The first man in space was

1) Gagarin

2) Armstrong

3) Glenn

9. There are a lot of museum collections in Moscow and St. Petersburg. Do you know when they were founded?

1) The Tretyakov Gallery      a. 1852

2) Russian Museum              b. 1912

3) The Hermitage                  c. 1895

4) Fine Arts Museum            d. 1856


1) 2) 3) 4)


10. A lot of famous Russian artists took pleasure in painting great writers and poets. Match the painter and the poet ( or a writer).

1) Tolstoy                             a. Kiprensky

2) Pushkin                             b. Repin

3) Radishchev                       c. Kramskoy

4) Griboyedov                                d. Loktionov


1) 2) 3) 4)


11. Check your knowledge of Pushkin’s poetry. Try to remember who wrote the music on Pushkin’s poems and the composer.

1)           “Ruslan and Ludmila”       a. Tchaikovsky

2)           “Evgeny Onegin”               b. Rimsky-Korsakov

3)           “Mazepa”                          c. Glinka

4)           “Boris Godunov”              d. Rachmaninov

5)           “Aleko”                             e. Musorgsky

6)           “Zolotoy Petushok”


1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6)


Exercise 38.


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