Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии



+ I am working now. You (we, they) are working now. He (she, it) is working now. ? Am I working now? Are you (we, they) working now? Is he (she, it) working now?  


I am not working now.

You (we, they) are not (aren't) working now.

He (she, it) is not (isn't) working now.


I. Make up interrogative and negative sentences:

+ The student is speaking to his friend at the moment.

? Is the student speaking to his friend at the moment?

- The student is not speaking to his friend at the moment.

1) We are doing very well in languages.

2) I'm speaking English too slowly today.

3) Her English is getting better.

4) The travel agent is waiting for you.

5) The students are trying to grasp the difference.

6) I'm answering your question.

7) You are asking another question.

8) The booking agent is speaking over the phone right now.

9) The students are thinking about their careers at the moment.

10) The ticket agent is working on the computer now.

11) I'm spelling this word correctly.

12) My spelling and pronunciation are getting better.

II. Make up alternative questions:

He is speaking over the phone. – Is he speaking over the phone or to the general manager?

1) The customer is asking questions.

2) The managers are discussing business plans.

3) She is selling over the phone.

4) The animators are involving people in the game.

5) The tour operator is putting together a new tour package.

6) I am spelling this word correctly.

7) The general manager is selecting employees.

8) You are thinking about your future career.

9) The students are taking exams at the college.

10) The customers are choosing a tour.

11) They are taking part in the contest.

12) The guide is conducting a sightseeing tour.


III. Make up tail-questions:

We are doing well in English. – We are doing well in English, aren't we?

We are not doing well in English. – We are not doing well in English, are we?

1) You are practising your English.

2) The ticket agent is selling tickets.

3) The guide is not waiting for us.

4) The managers are discussing the prices.

5) He is trying to grasp the difference.

6) Your friend is not thinking of any other job.

7) Your classmates are not planning to enter any other tourist college.

8) The students are choosing a career in tourism.

9) The customers are asking questions about the tour.

10) They are not thinking about the price.

11) The guide is counting her tourists.

12) Your French is not getting better.

IV. Make up special questions:

The travel agent is speaking to the customers in the office.

a) Who is speaking to the customers in the office?

b) What is the travel agent doing in the office?

c) Who is the travel agent speaking to?

d) Where is the travel agent speaking to the customers?


1) His English is getting better. (What, Whose, How)

2) They are putting a new tour together. (Who, What, What kind of) .

3) The ticket agent is working on the computer. (Who, What)

4) The guide is conducting a tour of the museum. (Who, What, What kind of)

5) The customers are asking questions about the tour. (Who, What, What... about)

6) Her friend is doing well in foreign languages. (Who, Whose, How, What ... in)

7) The tourism manager is selecting new employees. (Who, What, Whom, What kind of)

8) They are planning a business meeting with their suppliers. (Who, What, What kind of, Who ... with)

9) He is thinking about his exam in Destination Geography. (Who, What, What... about, What kind of)

10) She is practising her English now because she is taking her exam tomorrow. (Who, What, Why)

V. Open the brackets:

1) Where is your manager? – He is in his office. He (to work) on the computer.

2) I (to read) your brochure. – You (to think) about the price, aren't you? – No, I (not to think) about it.

3) What you (to do) at the moment? – We (to look) through the papers.

4) Where your friends (to plan) to work after graduation?

5) Somebody (to wait) for you in the office. – I (not to go) there at the moment.

6) Who these customers (to look) for? – They (to look) for our tourism manager.

7) Your German (to get) any better? – I hope so. Why you (to ask)? – We (to plan) to give you a job.

8) What the ticket agent (to do)? – She (to issue) air tickets.

9) What exam the students (to take)? – They (to take) an exam in Destination Geography.

10) Where our guide (to go)? – She (not to go) anywhere. She (to wait) for us.


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