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Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС .. Название темы: «The Muscles».

1. Владеть навыками монологической и диалогической речи, использовать новую лексику, уметь вести беседу по изучаемой теме.

2. Владеть навыками изучающего чтения, извлекая необходимую информацию.

Рекомендации по выполнению НИРС .

1. “Congenital and acquired bone diseases”

2. “The differences between the male and female human skeletons”


Приложение 1

The human skeleton consists of both fused and individual bones supported and supplemented by ligaments, tendons, muscles and cartilage. Fused bones include those of the pelvis and the cranium. Osteocytes are present in the bone matrix. Osteoblasts and osteoclasts are present at the edges of bone matrix and are involved with bone matrix production and absorption respectively. Bones all have an arterial blood supply, venous drainage and nerves. The non-articular surfaces of bones are covered with a tough fibrous layer called the periosteum, and the articular surfaces of bones are covered with a smooth layer of articular cartilage. Spaces within some bones, generally the larger bones, are filled with bone marrow responsible for generation of blood cells, known as haematopoiesis.

Early in gestation, a foetus has a cartilaginous skeleton from which the long bones and most other bones gradually form throughout the remaining gestation period and for years after birth in a process called endochondral ossification. The flat bones of the skull and the clavicles are formed from connective tissue in a process known as intramembranous ossification, and ossification of the mandible occurs in the fibrous membrane covering the outer surfaces of Meckel's cartilages. At birth a newborn baby has approximately 300 bones, whereas on average an adult human has 206 bones (these numbers can vary slightly from individual to individual). The difference comes from a number of small bones that fuse together during growth, such as the sacrum and coccyx of the vertebral column. The sacrum (the bone at the base of the spine) consists of five bones which are separate at birth but fuse together into a solid structure in later years. An infant is born with zones of cartilage, called epiphyseal plates, between segments of bone to allow further growth. Growing is usually completed between ages 13 and 18, at which time the epiphyseal plates of long bones close allowing no further growth.

The skeleton has six main functions:

1. Provide shape and support The skeleton provides the framework which supports the body, and maintains its shape. The joints between bones permit movement.

2. Attachment The bones of the skeleton provide an attachment surface for muscles and tendons which together enable movement of the body. Ligaments often connect bones across a joint to provide stability. Microscopic fibres called Sharpie's fibres connect teeth to the bone of their sockets.

3. Movement Movement in vertebrates is dependent on the skeletal muscles, which are attached to the skeleton by tendons. Without the skeleton to give leverage, movement would be greatly restricted.

4. Protection The skeleton protects many vital organs: The skull protects the brain, the eyes, and the ears, the spine protects the spinal cord, the ribs, spine, and sternum protect the lungs and the heart, the clavicle and scapula protect the shoulder, the ilium and spine protect the digestive and urogenital systems and the hip, the patella and the ulna protect the elbow and the knee, and the carpals and tarsals protect the wrist and ankle.

5. Blood cell production The skeleton is the site of haematopoiesis – the generation of blood cells, which takes place in red bone marrow.

6. Storage Bone also serves as a mineral storage deposit in which nutrients can be stored and retrieved. Calcium, especially, can be released by dissolution of bone tissue under the control of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 (a form of vitamin D) during periods of low calcium intake.


Тема № 4

Название темы: «The Muscles».

2. Формы работы: подготовка к практическим занятиям, подготовка материалов по НИРС.

3. Перечень вопросов для самоподготовки по теме практического занятия.

Знать лексический минимум по теме, основную медицинскую на иностранном языке, грамматический материал: времена группы Continuous, модальные глаголы, уметь использовать знания лексико-грамматического материала, владеть иностранным языком в объеме, необходимом для возможности коммуникации и получения информации из зарубежных источников.



1. Изучающее чтение и перевод текста “ Types of Muscles ”


2. Ответьте на вопросы.

1. How many types of muscular tissue are there?

2. How do we sometimes call smooth muscles?

3. What is another name of striated muscles?

4. What is the difference between the cardiac and skeletal muscles?

5. Why do we call muscles the active part of the motor apparatus?

6. What groups of muscles are there?

7. How many skeletal muscles are there in the human organism?

8. What structure do the skeletal muscles have?

9. What is the function of the tendons?

10. What muscles are necessary for manipulating the bones of the skeleton?


3. Написание аннотации текста “Skeletal muscle structure”


4. Повторение грамматического материала времена группы Continuous (Active Voice), модальные глаголы can , must , may , Функции и перевод слова that ( those ).


Термин « Continuous » в переводе на русский язык означает продолжительный, длительный.

Группа времен Continuous состоит из трех времен: Present Continuous , Past Continuous , Future Continuous .

Времена группы Continuous образуются при помощи вспомогательного глагола to be (в настоящем, прошедшем или будущем времени) и причастия I смыслового глагола:



Present Continuous Past Continuous Future Continuous

Утвердительная форма

I am working                      I was working                  I shall be working

You are working                You were working           You will be working

He is working                     He was working               He will be working

She is working                    She was working             She will be working

It is working                            It was working                 It will be working

We are working                  We were working            We shall be working

You are working                You were working            You will be working

They are working               They were working          They will be working

Вопросительная форма

Am I working?                    Was I working?           Shall I be working?

Are you working?               Were you working?     Will you be working?

Отрицательная форма

I am not working.            as not working.             shall not be working.

You are not working.       You were not working You will not be working.

4. Самоконтроль по тестовым заданиям данной темы.

1. Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму.

1 Jane ...... (wait) for me when I ...... (arrive).

2 'What...... (you/do) this time yesterday?' 'I was asleep.'

3 '...... (you/go) out last night?' 'No, I was too tired.'

4 Let's go out. It ...... (not/rain) now.

5 'Was Carol at the party last night?' 'Yes, she ……...(wear) a really nice dress.'

6 Julia is very good at languages. She ...... (speak) four languages very well.

7 How fast…….(you/drive) when the accident ...... (happen)?

8 Hurry up! Everybody ...... (wait) for you.

9 John……..(take) a photograph of me while I ...... (not/look).

10 '...... (you/listen) to the radio?' 'No, you can turn it off.'

11 We were in a very difficult position. We ...... (not/know) what to do.

12 'How is your English?' 'Not bad. It ...... (improve) slowly.'

13 I haven't seen Alan for ages. When I last ...... (see) him, he ...... (try) to find a job in London.

14 I ...... (walk) along the street when suddenly I ...... (hear) footsteps behind me. Somebody ...... (follow) me. I was frightened and I ...... (start) to run.

15 When I was young, ...... (want) to be a bus driver.


2. Дополните фразы, используя модальные глаголы:

1 It's later than I thought. I. ......  go now.

a) might b) have to c) can d) may

2 In Britain many children ...... wear uniform when they go to school.

a) must b) have to c) can d) may

3 When you come to London again, you ...... come and see us.

a) can’t b) have to c) can d) may

4 Last night Don became ill suddenly. We ...... call a doctor.

a) must b) had to c) can d) may

5 You really ...... be lazy if you want to pass the examination.

a) must b) have to c) can’t d) may

6 I'm afraid I ...... come tomorrow. I will be busy.

a) can’t b) have to c) can d) may

7 I'm sorry I ...... come yesterday. I was busy.

a) can’t b) have to c) can d) couldn't

8  Paul doesn't like his new job. Sometimes he ...... work at weekends.

a) can’t b) has to c) can d) couldn't

9 Caroline ...... go away next week.

a) can’t b) might c) can d) couldn't

10We couldn't repair the car ourselves. We ...... take it to a garage.

a) can’t b) had to c) could d) couldn't

11 You've been travelling all day. You ...... be very tired.

a) must b) have to c) can d) may

12 You're going on holiday next week. You ...... be looking forward to it.

a) must b) have to c) can d) may

13 It rained every day during their holiday, so they ...... have had a very nice time.

a) must b) have to c) couldn’t d) may

14 Congratulations on passing your exam. You ...... be very pleased.

a) must b) have to c) can d) may

15 Bill and Sue go away on holiday very often, so they  be short of money.

a) mustn’t b) has to c) might d) need

16 We've got plenty of time. We ...... hurry.

a) must b) have to c) needn’t d) need

17 We have enough food at home so we ...... go shopping today.

a) must b) needn’t c) can’t d) may

18 Jim gave me a letter to post. I ...... forget to post it.

a) mustn’t b) have to c) can d) may

19 There's plenty of time for you to make up your mind. You ...... decide now.

a) mustn’t b) have to c) can’t d) may

20 You ...... wash those tomatoes. They've already been washed.

a) mustn’t b) needn’t c) can’t d) may


5. Самоконтроль по ситуационным заданиям.

1. You want to go in for sport. What kind of muscles are you going to develop?


2. You are taking an anatomy examination. The question in your card is “What is the difference between the cardiac and skeletal muscles?” Give the explanation.


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