Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Migration Policy: Rules and Regulations

Passports of foreign citizens are subjects to registration in the Internal Affairs Department according to their stay for five calendar days at the place of permanent or temporary residence.

The basis of foreign citizens’ passport registration is visa of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Citizens of countries that have visa-free entry agreements with the Republic of Kazakhstan should have the request issued from the University.

International students’ passports are to be registered for one academic year or semester. When a foreign citizen changes his place of temporary residence in the Republic of Kazakhstan, the University is obliged to notify the Internal Affairs Department about this fact. Foreign citizens can move through the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan opened to foreign citizens without restrictions.

The list of the documents needed to proceed foreign citizens’ registration:

· Passport;

· Migration card. Migration card contains the information about foreign citizens coming to the Republic of Kazakhstan and serves to monitor one’s temporary stay on the territory of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Migration card indicates First name, Last name, purpose of stay, host University, address of registration.

· X- Ray analysis (foul copy, one could be obtained in the Republic of Kazakhstan);

· AIDS Center Reference (foul copy, one could be obtained in the Republic of Kazakhstan);

· Picture 3×4 (2);

· In the case of non-accommodation in the students’ dormitory, provide a lease agreement (copy); Students Admission Order Statement.


Student jointly with Deans Office prepares the whole package of documents and request issued from the University to proceed registration. In 5 days, term student passes the registration in the Migration Policy Department according to the address of one’s permanent stay.

Migration Policy Department

Address: 109 Karasay Batyr str., Almaty

Tel: +7 727 254 41 31

Working hours:

Monday – Friday: 09 00 – 18 00  

Saturday: 10 00 – 13 00 




Almaty Management University offers the following accommodation opportunities of students: 

Name Fees 1 month/KZT Category Address Contacts
Academic Apartments   45000 M/F 13 B Timiryazev str. +77025881007
‘Rise’ Hotel 40000 M/F 223  Rozybakiyev str. +77002333393
Suleiman Demirel University Dormitory   42000-47000 M 10 Zhandosov str. +77028097085      +77753881693
‘Athletic’ Hostel   40000 M/F 50 Zhandosov str. +77719060447
‘Kazakhstan' Hotel   120000/ double occupancy M/F 52/2 Dostyk ave. +77475266177


For more information please visit https://krisha.kz/    



       Student Ethical Code   "Almaty Management University" Educational Institution Student, conscious of his/her responsibility for the present and future of the University as the leader of Kazakhstan education, as well as the responsibility for maintenance and development of the corporate culture and image of the University in Kazakhstan and abroad, preservation and enhancement of traditions, establishment and maintenance of a system of equal relations between students, employees of the University and its Administration, adopts the present Student Code of Ethics (hereinafter —the Code) and undertakes to commit fully to it.   1. General provisions 1.1. The University Students must strictly observe this Code, orders, decrees, and other local acts of the University. 1.2. This Code applies to every Student of the University, regardless of direction/specialty, and form of study. 1.3. This Code is a voluntary agreement of Students that defines the ethics and conduct of the University Students from the moment of enrollment to the time of completion of their study. 1.4. The University Students are faithful to all types of learning sessions and all forms of supervision provided for in educational curricula at all levels of education. 1.5. The basic principles enunciated in this Code are goodwill, good faith, and integrity. Nothing in this Code shall be construed as giving anyone the right to take actions contrary to the said principles or to rise above them.   Norms of ethical conduct 2.1 The Dean of the University considers it his duty to combat all kinds of academic bad faith, including: 1) Cheating and passing procedures for the control of knowledge by front persons; 2) Presenting any amount of prepared learning materials (papers, theses, tests, etc.), including Internet resources, as a result of their own work; 3) Wire-pulling for obtaining of a higher mark;; 4) Deception of and disrespect for the teacher; 5) Forgery of documents directly or indirectly related to the University education. 2.2. The Dean of the University considers all the types of academic bad faith listed in paragraph 2.1. of this Code as incompatible with the attainment of qualitative and competitive education worthy of the future economic, political, and managerial elite of Kazakhstan. 2.3. The University Students consider the following unacceptable: 1) Use, manufacture, and distribution of any narcotic drugs; 2) Use of profanity and abusive words in speech; 3) Use of incorrect gestures; 4) Smoking in undesignated areas; 5) Use of alcoholic beverages and drunkenness at the territory of the University; 6) Failure to comply with generally accepted moral and ethics standards, including reprehensible behavior in public places; 7) Rudeness and offensive behavior in relation to students, teachers, and employees of the University; 8) Various forms of public expression of aggression; 9) Sexual harassment; 10) Violation of freedom of movement, speech, and assembly; 11) Carrying of arms, bladed articles, and explosives; 12) Carrying out of commercial activities at the territory of the University without the permission of the Administration. 2.4. The University Students consider the following to be unlawful and unacceptable: 1) Theft of the University and personal property of students, employees, teachers, and third parties; 2) Negligent treatment of material and other funds; 3) Removal of various equipment, teaching aids and literature, appliances and other property of the University from classrooms, laboratories, cabinets, training and other facilities without a permit; 4 Vandalism (deliberate damage or destruction of the University property). 2.5. The University Students adhere to the business style of clothing, avoid provocative clothes and makeup, poignant perfume, they are groomed and neat. 2.6. The University Students have a healthy and active lifestyle. 2.7. The University Students should be punctual and be on time for lessons. Late Students may be prevented from attending class if he/she has not warned the head of the group or a direct teacher. 2.8. The University Student perform all the requirements of a teacher necessary for the learning process. Actions that interfere in any way the classes and create inconveniences for others, such as free movement through the classroom during classes, conversations, including through mobile communications, are not allowed. 2.9. The University Students maintain a climate of trust and mutual responsibility in the University community and meet the demands of the University's direction. 2.10. The University Students treat the library and information resources of the University with care and respect. 2.11. 2.11. The University Students recognize necessary and useful any activity aimed at strengthening student self-governance, developing student creativity (scientific, educational, sporting, artistic, etc.), and enhancing the corporate image culture of the University. They support such activities and contribute to the creation of a favorable climate for their implementation. 3. Final provisions 3.1. For a systematic or flagrant violation of the provisions of this Code, the Disciplinary Committee may apply various forms of moral punishment to offenders. It is the discretion of the University Administration to impose disciplinary penalties on the violators of this Code up to expulsion from the University. 3.2. A Student of the University that discovers a violation of the provisions of this Code must try to suppress it within the framework of the legislation in force and, if that is not possible, notify the Student Directory or the University Administration.

Center for Students’ Affairs

Center for Students Affairs plays significant role in the process of forming student’s life. The main fields of activity are education, development of spiritual, moral, civil-patriotic, professional and creative activities of students and graduates. 

Student Council

The annual elections of the President of the Student Council are conducted by students’ direct votes. Following the election results, the President of the Student Council is elected, and together with the ideological team is engaged in developing relationships with city, national and international organizations promoting bright student life, as well as holding student events of the university.

Student Council regulates students’ clubs activities and student government.

Student Council administrates Creative Zone – space where students’ activity is taking place, and students’ projects and ideas are born.


Ainura Ashirmetova

tel: +7 727 313 28 74

e-mail: [email protected]






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