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Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 2.

Fill in the missing remarks of the dialogue.

The most populated state

Teacher: Which is the most populated state in the US?

Student: I’m sure anybody can tell you that it’s California.

T.: … .

S.: The population of California is around 25 million people.

T.: … .

S.: It’s over 400 thousand square kilometers.

T.: … .

S.: No, two states – Alaska and Texas – are bigger.

T.: … .

S.: Because gold was found in California over a hundred years ago.

T.: … .

S.: I’ll try. Los Angeles, San Francisco, San Diego, San Jose and Oakland, and, of course, its capital Sacramento.




Alaska , the largest state in the US

Teacher: Do you know when Alaska became the 49th state?

Student: In 1959.

T.: Do you know when it was purchased from Russia?

S.: In 1867, if I’m not mistaken.

T.: Do you know how much money the US payed for Alaska?

S.: I’m afraid, I don’t.

T.: Alaska is America’s largest state, isn’t it?

S.: It is, but only half a million people live there.

T.: What can you say about the climate in Alaska?

S.: It is very cold in Alaska throughout the whole year.

T.: They say the temperature may drop as low as –47º Fahrenheit in some places. What is the capital of Alaska, by the way?

S.: The capital of Alaska is Juneau.

T.: What other towns in Alaska can you name?

S.: Fairbanks, which is about 600 miles away from Juneau. Towns are far apart in Alaska. Many people use planes to travel in the state.

T.: Are there many roads in the state?

S.: No, there aren’t many because long roads cost a lot to build. Many people travel in boats along the coast.


Memorize and reproduce Dialogue 3.


Make up and act dialogues considering the following assignments.

1. Your friend came back from the United States of America. You talk about his stay there.

2. The teacher conducts the English lesson devoted to the USA and she asks you some questions about the states of the country. Use the information collected.





23. Listen to the Text “New Orleans”. Study the following notes:

    Cajun [‘keidζэn] – кейджан, житель южных районов штата Луизиана.

    Acadia [э‘keidiэ] – Акадия, название французской колонии, существовавшей до XVIII в.

    Jambulaya – джамбулайя, рагу.

    Gumbo [‘gΛmbэu] – суп, приготовленный из мяса или морских продуктов

    Okra [‘эukrэ] – (бот.) окра съедобная, кушанье приготовленное из окры.


a) Answer the following questions.

  1. Where is New Orleans situated?

  2. What state is New Orleans located in?

  3. What is New Orleans famous for?

  4. Who occupied the territory of this area at different times?

  5. Who are the Cajuns?

  6. What is the origin of Cajun?

  7. What is the music of New Orleans like?

  8. What instruments is Cajun music played on?

  9. What is the food of the area like?

b) Read Tapescript 10A of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

c) Retell the Text about New Orleans.

d) Collect some more information about New Orleans and the state it is in and make up a story about them.


24. Listen to the Text “American English”.

 a) Fill in the chart.

 The number of people speaking English in the USA  
The languages of immigrants from which some words were absorbed    
The ways of learning native American words by the Europeans  
Dialects of American English  
The language of teenagers    
Some differences between American and British English  

b) Check your answers with your groupmates.

c) Read Tapescript 10B of the Text. Look up the words you do not know in your dictionary.

d) Study some differences in spelling between American and British English. Give your own examples.


            American English                 British English


           honor                                      honour

               theater                                  theatre

           color                                     colour

            traveled                                travelled         

            standardize                           standardise

            organize                                organise


e) Retell the story.





Washington , D.C.





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