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Х 2 points) Translate into English.


1. Я бы хотел подчеркнуть, что это наш пробный заказ в вашей фирме, и если мы будем удовлетворены нашей сделкой, вы можете надеяться на наш повторный заказ.

2. Наша фирма экспортирует электрооборудование различного применения во многие страны.

3. Товар был поставлен не вовремя, так как у фирмы было слишком много заказов.

4. Честно говоря, вы назначили очень высокую цену.

5. Условия платежа устраивали нас, и мы согласились провести платеж по аккредитиву против отгрузочных документов.

6. Начальник производства сказал, инженеры сейчас испытывают машины, прежде чем отправить их покупателю.

7. Я как раз собирался выйти, когда секретарь принесла мне почту.

8. Г-н Блейк знал, что потребуется не более трех часов, чтобы доехать до завода.

9. Вам следует приложить к письму последние каталоги на модель АВ 20.

10. Когда я позвонил ему, он еще не вернулся с завода.


Business Communication. Telephoning and Business Letters.


X 1 point) Complete the telephone talk with the appropriate telephone phrases. Write your answers in the boxes.












The Engineering Co. Can ___(1)___? Could ___(2)___ Mr. Smith, please? Hold ___(3)___ I’m ___(4)___. Hello, are ___(5)___? Yes. I’m sorry, ___(6)___. Thank you. Good bye. ___(7)___.  

















2. 2. ( 10 х 2 points) This task refers to the following two e-mails. Put the correct word or phrase in each blank. Choose from the following list. Use each item once only. Write your answers (letters A, B … or J ) in the boxes.

A. call my assistant B. Human Resources Director C.  copies of D. thank you for E. would be interested in F. Accounting G. seeing them H. Accounting Department I. am enclosing J. I look forward to


  September 9, 20___     Mr. T. Wiggles __( 1 )__ The Spindex Corporation 1809 35th Street Mayfield, AL20812   Dear Mr. Wiggles: I recently received my master's degree in __(2)__ from Pitt University and am currently seeking a position as an accountant. I graduated from Carson College with a bachelor's degree in Economics and worked for three years as a bookkeeper for Harrison Telemarketing, Inc. before I entered graduate school. I __(3)__ applying for any opening you may have for an accountant. I __(4)__ my resume and two letters of reference. I also have __(5)__ my college transcripts available if you are interested in __(6)__.   Sincerely, Gina Lenaro
  September 30, 20       Ms. Gina Lenaro 71 Fern Lane Mayfield, AL20812   Dear Ms. Lenaro:   __(7)__ your letter expressing interest in working for the Spindex Corporation. You have an impressive background. I was especially interested to see that you went to the same graduate school that I did. We generally find that the best way to get a professional position in a large company like Spindex is to begin in one of the lower level jobs. Then you have the opportunity to show what you can do, and when an opening in your field comes up, you are well positioned to apply for it. We currently have an opening in our __(8)__, which you might be interested in applying for. It is for an administrative assistant. If you are interested in such a position, please __(9)__, Ms. Rogers, at 593-555-0954 to set up a time for an interview. When you come in, please bring the documents you mentioned in your letter. __( 10 )__ meeting you.   Sincerely,   T. Wiggles
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

X 2 points) For questions 1-5, you have to choose the option (А, В, С or D) which best matches the information in the letters (task 2.2).

1. Why did Ms. Lenaro write the letter?   (A) To ask for advice (B) To answer an ad (C) To apply for a job (D) To ask for a reference  
2. What job does Mr. Wiggles offer to Ms. Lenaro?   (A) Accountant (B) Bookkeeper (C) Telemarketer (D) Administrative assistant  
3. Where did Mr. Wiggles go to graduate school?   (A) Pitt University (B) Carson College (C) Harrison College (D) University of Mayfield  
4. Who is Ms. Rogers? (A) Head of the Accounting Department (B) Ms.Lenaro's former employer (C) Mr. Wiggles's assistant (D) Director of Spindex  
5. What should Ms. Lenaro take with her to the interview? (A) Her resume (B) Her phone number (C) Her college transcripts (D) Her letters of reference



1 2 3 4 5



X 2 points) This task refers to the following table. You are to choose the one best answer (А, В, С or D) to each question. Answer all the questions based on what is either stated directly or implied in the table.


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