Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

II. Write three true and three false statements about the adoption of Christianity in Russia. Pass them around so that the others can read them and explain why they are false.

III. Give the English interpretation of the following Russian text:

Введение христианства приняло форму резкой замены старой (языческой) религии новой (христианской). Внешним, но крайне важным проявлением этого было изменение местоположения объектов поклонения в течение этого процесса. Идол Перун был сброшен с киевских холмов в Подол, т.е. туда, где стояла христианская церковь Св. Ильи (двойник Перуна), а христианская церковь была построена вверху, где стоял ранее языческий храм. Введение христианства на Руси повлекло за собой значительные культурные и политические перемены, например, за этим последовало включение Росси в византийскую зону влияния. По существу, Византия и Россия поменялись местами, и, в результате, Россия стала центром православия и, таким образом, также и христианского мира.

                                                                                                               Ю. Лотман


IV. Role-play: You are participants of the International conference devoted to the Adoption of Christianity in Russia. Discuss different aspects of this event. Corroborate your point of view with your knowledge gained from Text 6 and the information found on your own.

Student A

You specialize in the pagan period of Russian history that took place before the Adoption of Christianity. You think that Russia should have preserved the pagan traditions and beliefs. You have a clear idea of how Russians would live today if they had remained pagans.

Student B

You are in favour of Islam. You think that Russians should have adopted this religion for several reasons. Present these reasons and describe Russia today if history had taken the course preferred by you.

Student C

You are a faithful Catholic yourself and you are sure that the life of Russia (in all its aspects) would be much better today if Russians had adopted Catholicism. You present the way how Russians could have benefited from the adoption of Catholicism.

Student D

You think that Judaism was and is the best religion for Russia. Analyze the changes that could have taken place in the course of history if Russia had adopted Judaism.

Student E

You keep to the classical approach according to which the Adoption of Christianity was necessary for Russia. You persist in your opinion giving reasons and paying attention to the benefits of this act for Russia.

Student F

You consider your view of the Adoption of Christianity to be a realistic one. You know that the influence of paganism did not weaken at that time. This fact seems to be of a great importance to you.


I. Go to App. 1 p. 84 and read the information about the tenses in the Active Voice.

a) Look at the texts above and find examples of the present, past and future tenses in the Active Voice.

b) Translate the following sentences, paying attention to the verb form.

1. The Russian people cherish the history of their country and capital.

2. The tsar gave nobles land along with the peasants who were living and already working on it.

3. The Moscow state in the 16th century had come into its own right an was gaining in strength.

4. The position of the peasants was growing more difficult, and many fled south and formed their communities there.

5. The occupation under the Mongols further isolated Russia from cultural and legal developments in Western Europe.

6. By the end of the Mongol occupation, Russian civil law had not advanced markedly beyond the primitive state of the Russkaya Pravda.

7. Reform in Russia, however, has not been a continual, incremental process, rather it has been cyclical and dialectical in nature.

8. The knowledge of the assembly of 1549 remains fragmentary.

9. Catherine the Great has received praise from numerous historians, in particular specialists in the cultural development and foreign relations.

10. John Belias wrote, “I am sure that everyone’s heart will beat faster at the view of the golden dome of the Cathedral of Christ the Saviour”.



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