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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

I. Look at the texts above and find examples of the Infinitive.

II. Put the verbs in brackets into the “-ing” form or infinitive (full or bare) adding any necessary words.

1. The board members went on to discuss (discuss) the next item on the agenda.

2. If you don't stop … (make) that noise, I'll send you outside.

3. I would like to propose … (discontinue) this line of equipment since it is selling so badly.

4. She was sorry … (inform) us of the bad news.

5. Let's try … (mix) these two ingredients and see what happens.

6. They don't really like … (eat) in restaurants.

7. Generally I prefer … (go) to the cinema to … (watch) films on TV.

8. She was ashamed … (tell) her parents that she had used up all the money in her account.

9. He dressed very warmly as he was afraid … (catch) a cold.

10. I'm sure he didn't mean … (cause) us all this trouble.


III. Put the verbs in brackets into the “ing” form or infinitive (full or bare).

If you are considering (1) taking (take) a trip to the countryside this weekend, why not (2) … (book) one of the excursions offered by Exotours? You'll be surprised (3) … (find) how many different trips we offer and we promise (4) … (give) you value for money. In fact you can't afford (5) … (not/take) advantage of our special offer. You deserve (6) … (give) yourself a treat and once you've had a look through our brochure, you won't be able (7) … (resist) (8) … (choose) at least one of our trips to some beautiful part of the country. We recommend (9) … (book) early (10) … (avoid) disappointment.


IV. Put the verbs in brackets into the “-ing” form or infinitive (full or bare).

Although I love (1) eating (eat) at restaurants, I remember (2) … (go) to one particular place which was just about bad enough (3) … (put) me off them for life! We were driving home on a wintry day and stopped in a small village (4) … (get) some petrol. We decided (5) … (have) something (6) … (eat); at the same time we began (7) … (look) for somewhere (8) … (park).Unfortunately we had (9) … (leave) the car so far from the village square that it meant (10) … (walk) for at least ten minutes. However, after a couple of minutes we were lucky enough (11) … (notice) a pub advertising bar meals. Too cold (12) … (go) any further, we made up our (13) … (try) it out.


V. Put the verbs in brackets into the “-ing” form or infinitive (full or bare).

The mystery of the Loch Ness Monster continues (1) to fascinate /fascinating (fascinate) scores of tourists every year, who come to Scotland in the hope of (2) … (capture) on film some proof that the monster exists. Literally hundreds of people have reported seeing strange shapes in the waters of Loch Ness, but the majority have turned out (3) … (be) hoaxes. A new scientific investigation is scheduled (4) … (begin) next month and researchers hope (5) … (reveal) whether the story has any truth in it. However, if the results mean (6) … (announce) to the world that there is no " Nessie", will people cease (7) … (visit) one of Britain's leading tourist attractions? Perhaps it would be better (8) … (not/know) and risk (9) … (remain) ignorant of the truth in the interest of (10) … (maintain) an international mystery.



Project: Write a biography of Peter the Great or Ivan the Terrible. Explain your choice.




Role play: My suggestions for a good government.

You live in Russia of the 18th century. Your task is to conduct research and find out what kind of government is more appropriate for the prosperity of the country.

Step 1. Work in a group. Each research group prepares a questionnaire for some inhabitants of the country (nobility, gentry) to find out their needs and preferences.

We recommend a multiple choice system:

E.g. What kind of government do you prefer?

a) absolute monarchy

b) constitutional monarchy

c) republican form of government

Step 2. Each group appoints an interviewer who goes to question people from other teams.

Step 3. Interviewers report back to their research groups.

Step 4. At a round-table session all the groups discuss the results of their research and prepare a general report to the head of the country.

Summing-up assignment

I. VOCABULARY EXTENSION: Choose several of the words from the unit. Use a dictionary or Google’s search field (or another search engine) to build up more associations / collocations of each word.



Петр I

Эпоха великих преобразований в России ассоциируется с Петром I Петр пришел к власти в 1689 году. Он стал активным продолжателем реформ, начатых его отцом. При Екатерине II родилась петровская легенда – легенда о мудром царе I преобразователе, прорубившим окно в Европу и открывшим Россию влиянию западной культуры и цивилизации. Эта версия I не была отвергнута историками последующих веков. Ее поддерживают и в наше время большинство историков.                   

На самом деле все было иначе. Несмотря на декоративные новшества, которые Петр ввел, вернувшись из Голландии, – никто из современников не воспринимал его как нарушителя традиций. Хотя при Петре, больше, чем при других царях использовали иностранных специалистов, все ключевые посты в государстве занимали русские люди. Отношение Петра к Европе несмотря на его восторженность, оставалось потребительским. Все европейские достижения были усвоены русскими за очень короткое время.

Будучи, по-существу, логическим продолжением политики западничества в России, его предшественников, петровские реформы оказали более глубокое влияние на русские стереотипы поведения, чем все предшествующие реформы.

[Колесникова М.В., Миньяр-Белоручева А.П., Рытова И.Г., Седелкина Л.Н., Фукс Г.Н. Английский язык для историков. История России IX-XX вв. М., 1999.]

III. INTERNET: Search the Internet and find more information about Peter the Great. Talk about what you discover with your partner(s) at the next lesson.


IV. POSTER: Make a poster showing how Russian traditional way of life underwent fundamental change in Peter’s epoch. Show your poster to your classmates at the next lesson.


V. MAGAZINE ARTICLE: Write a magazine article about Peter the Great.

Include an imaginary interview with him. Write about what he does every day and what he thinks about.

Read what you wrote to your classmates in the next lesson. Give each other feedback on your articles.

VI. LETTER: Write a letter to Peter the Great. Ask him three questions about his life. Give him three suggestions on what he should do in his future. Read your letter to your partner(s) at your next lesson. Your partner(s) will try and answer your questions.




adopt (v)

amateur (n)

answerable (to) (adj)

assumption (of rule) (n)

barbaric (adj)

carpenter (n)

clip off the beards

collect revenue

complete the mission

confinement (n)

conscript for life

conscription (n)

conspirator (n)

coup (n)

courtier (n)

decisively (adv)

disband (v)

expel (v)

expenditure (n)

farm out (v)

from scratch

impartial (adj)

implement (v)

instigate (v)

levy (v)

maritime power

mutineer (n)


novelty (n)

outcome (n)

outlet (n)

possession (n)

predecessor (n)

primary objective

purported (adj)


rebellion (n)

reckon with (v)

regiment (n)

resent (v)

restriction (n)

seek the aid

standing army

standing army

status quo

suggestive (adj)

supplement (v)

suppress (v)

tear apart (v)

torture (n)

trigger the beginning

uniformity (n)

wage war

Test Yourself!


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