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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии



27/07 – 17/08




Every year during the low-temperature season, the population of several departments of the High Andean zones suffer the negative effects and damages caused by the cold weather. This Phenomenon affects mainly the populations in a situation of high vulnerability, both because of their social condition (poverty and extreme poverty), because of their age (boys, girls, seniors, etc.). In order to counter this situation, they need viable actions not only of preparation and response, but also the inclusion of sustainable prevention and risk reduction measures in order to face the natural phenomenon.

In order to change that situation, we started a project that has been already tested in other areas and that benefit families in extreme poverty affected every year by frost and cold. The Puno branch of the Brigade of Bolivarian Volunteers of Peru (BVBP) is committed to improving the situation of these communities by building WALLS TROMBE to increase the temperatures of homes in a vulnerable state and give a better quality of life to their inhabitants.

We welcome the volunteers willing to help with this project, so that many families in the Chucuito community will have a better quality of life and won’t be affected by cold temperatures anymore.




Design, propose and implement the use of the trombe wall in rural homes to achieve thermal comfort in order to improve the quality of life of the people in the district of Chuchuito - Puno, Peru.


Implementation of the use of the Trombe wall.

Volunteers will work with local staff:

During the first week the volunteers will learn the trombe technique on a test house. During the rest of the workcamp they’ll split in groups in order to reproduce it on other 3 houses.

In the morning they will go to the beneficiary house and work as a team to comply with the construction of the trombe wall:

1. the preparation of the foundations of the wall

2. the realization of air conducts and painting the wall

3. the construction of wooden structures

4. the positioning of greenhouse covers

In the afternoon volunteers will meet the local community and share their customs and culture through intercultural activities.


The participants will be accomodated in a house in the district of Chucuito, half an hour away from the city of Puno. The facilities are basic with shower and kitchen. The group will sleep in shared rooms and will be responsible for cleaning. Participants will receive prepared food from the area and can also organize cooking activities. They should also be prepared to present their place of origin, by typical foods, drinks, recipes and / or others traditional habits from their country of origin for the international evening.



The district of Chucuito is located to the South of the Department of Puno, in the Eastern Andes at around 4000 meters on the sea level and has a cold climate. The main economic activity is handicraft and tourism. It extends across a peninsula of the highest navigable lake in the world, the Titicaca lake. Some of the main tourist attractions are located in the city center: the Archaeological Center " Inca Uyo", the Mallku Ká la Bell, Glorieta or Mirador, solar clock, stone pool, etc. Others are in the Peninsular Zone, like Karina, Arku Punku - Churo, Luquina Chico, etc.

During the workcamp, on July 28, is celebrated the Independence of Peru with an artisanal and folkloric fair in which all the artisans show their products, accompanied by a great variety of food and music from the area. Also, the inhabitants of the Puna district of Chucuito are looking forward to the celebration of the “Wajcha”, celebrated every 15 of August, which starts the agricultural year. During the project duration you can visit the main attractions of the department of Puno like the floating islands of the Uros and the Chullpas of Sillustani that are one to two hours away from the district of Chucuito. For more information and details, see https: //www.peru.travel/es-pe/donde-ir/puno.aspx and https: //www.facebook.com/Chucuitopunoperu/

All visits to tourist attractions are very cheap.

Important: the leisure activities will be optional and won’t be covered by the budget of the workcamp. The volunteers will have to cover the costs.


Bring a warm sleeping bag, working clothes, gloves and shoes, warm (winter jacket, winter hat, gloves, etc.) and rain clothes and a flashlight. Everybody must, in any case, bring their insurance certificate. If health issues happen on the project, volunteers will have to pay for it, and then be reimbursed once back in their home country.



The nearest international airport is Juliaca (JUL). The meeting point will be at 08: 00 a.m. of July 27 at the airport in the arrivals hall. Participants who cannot arrive on time (later or delayed flights) will have to contact us by mail at [email protected] in order to receive information on how to get to the camp.

The transfer will be by land to the city of Puno (one hour) and then to the district of Chucuito (half an hour)








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