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Drug abuse is spreading fast

How big is the problem?

In many countries of the world drug abuse has become a real problem that threatens people's health and stability within society. Unfortunately, Belarus is one of such countries.

For several years drug abuse has been progressing.

According to police statistics, the number of crimes committed by drug abusers has increased more than 12 times in the last 10 years.

Drug abuse and illegal drug trafficking have a negative effect on law and order and the nations' health.

In 1996 the number of severe body injuries inflicted by drug addicts and personal assaults committed by them increased 1.5 times relative to the previous year. Drug addicts also committed three times as many robberies and 1.4 times as many burglaries as in 1995. This tendency seems natural, as most drug addicts are unemployed.

Where do addicts get their drugs?

Drugs even the least expensive ones, are unaffordable to many. A great majority of drug abusers (85%) prefer to make their own drugs of poppies and other plants containing narcotic substances. Consequently, illegal cultivation of such plants is becoming increasingly widespread. In 1995 police recorded 4 770 cases of illegal poppy cultivation A year later 7 200 new plantations were discovered. The spread of the illegal cultivation of opium poppies is especially menacing.

Illegal drug trafficking

The import of illegal drugs to Belarus and the trafficking of drugs across its territory are also on rise. In 1996 the customers stopped 38 attempts to smuggle drugs; and confiscated a total of 300 kg of narcotic substances, including opium, marihuana, hashish and LSD. The police arrested 94 foreign citizens illegal drug trafficking. Most drug traffickers arc illegal migrants.

Organised crime is also trying to establish control over the extremely lucrative illegal drugs market.

Along with Belarusian criminal gangs the illegal drugs business is also controlled by gangs from the Caucasus and Central Asia, from non-CIS countries.

Drug business: who is in control?

In general, the number of those wishing to enter the drug business in Belarus has increased. Many drug carriers are Belarusian citizens (mostly women). Sometimes they do it unknowingly. Belarusian citizens who carried significant amounts of drugs were arrested in Rome, Frankfurt, Barcelona, Buenos Aires and Istanbul.

Incidentally, women and teenagers are becoming increasingly involved in the drug business. Pensioners also pitch in. Some impoverished pensioners in a remote district of Homel Oblast were reported to have grown poppies and exchanged it for food and clothing.

Grim prospects

Experts unanimously believe that it was namely drug abuse that triggered the spread of AIDS in Belarus.

The AIDS epidemic will continue to spread extremely fast if the country’s leadership fails to allocate enough funds for the prevention and treatment of drug addiction. Belarus also lacks proper legislation to fight illegal drug traffickers.

Two years ago the government nevertheless succeeded in forming an International Crime and Drug Abuse Commission at the Security Council. The government adopted a State Programme of Integrated Measures to Fight the Abuse of Drug and Toxic Substances.

But the increasing number of drug addicts and rapid growth of illegal trafficking business show that the measures taken in the state are not sufficient. Experts believe that issues related to drugs should be addressed not only by
police measures but also effected in conjunction with medical, educational and cultural programmes.

But lack of funds makes the state ability to finance such programmes extremely questionable. At present, this grim forecast is very likely to come true.


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