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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Match the adjectives with the nouns they collocate with and translate the word combination s into Russian/Belarusian.


academic chores
time-consuming creature
passive school
elementary record


Find the words in the text which have a similar meaning to the following. Reproduce the situations in which they are used.


– made up of different parts or materials;

– to keep looking at sth;

– connected with school or teaching;

– to desire and work towards achieving something important;

– too willing to do what other people want them to do;

– a fixed idea or image of what a particular type of person or thing is like;

– the time when a young person is developing into an adult.


Explain what is meant by the following word combinations.

– sex role stereotypes;

– servant’s posture;

– eyes riveted on the master of the house;

– academic and scholastic excellence.

Complete the spaces by finding one word from your functional vocabulary which fits in all three spaces.


1. He saw her and …, too shy to speak to her.

2. The flood waters are slowly … .

3. Current economic problems have forced the government to … from its pledge to cut taxes.


1. As a country, we … a lot more than we produce.

2. He is able to … vast quantities of food.

3. He was … with guilt after the accident.


1. Her wet clothes … to her body.

2. I … to the hope that we might make up our quarrel one day.

3. The timid child … onto her mother for comfort.

Translate from Russian into English. Use your functional vocabulary.


1. Организация «Международная амнистия» ставит своей целью освободить всех узников совести.

2. Новейшие технологические достижения позволяют получать быстрый доступ в Интернет.

3. Джейн решилась на развод, так как муж постоянно унижал ее в присутствии детей.

4. Это была явная ложь, и никто не поверил ни единому слову.

5. Журналиста обвинили в нарушении законодательства страны пребывания.

6. Эта идея кажется мне абсолютно нелепой!

7. Мы должны отдать ему должное, он действительно очень старался.

8. На проверку тетрадей уходило очень много времени.

9. Женщины в этой восточной стране не принимают новую европейскую моду.

10. Социологические исследования в разных странах показывают, что около 20 % женщин постоянно подвергаются физическому насилию.

Speech activities


Answer the following questions.

1. Why, according to the text, do American girls grow up thinking that there are only four possible careers open to them?

2. What is the difference in the way boys and girls, men and women are presented in American schoolbooks?

3. Do you agree that a schoolbook can really have a serious impact on children’s perception of sex role stereotypes?


Analyse some schoolbooks used in Belarusian schools. In what roles are boys and girls depicted in them? Share your findings with the rest of the group.



Work with the video programme “A Woman’s Place”


Before watching the video programme study the following vocabulary.


victimization of women преследования женщин (издевательства)
HIV positive ВИЧ инфицированные
drudgery тяжелая работа
to step out of the male shadow into the spot-light выйти на свет из тени…
male-dominated world мир, в котором правят мужчины
sexual harassment сексуальные домогательства, угрозы
refugee беженец
to champion freedom бороться за свободу
obedience послушание
child custody опека над ребенком
submissiveness покорность
from cradle to grave с рождения до смерти
to trigger changes вызывать перемены


Answer the following questions.


1. What were the aims of the UN Conference in China?

2. What is the destiny of many girls from the third World countries?

3. What are the results of Women’s Liberation movement in the Asian republics of the former Soviet Union?

4. Has the attitude to women changed over the years in Japan?



Section 2. Women in the Family



Starter activity

The family is a unit of society. What does family happiness depend on? How much has the role of a woman in the family changed over the years? What is more important for a woman : family or career?



Reading One




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