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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

График выполнения и сдачи заданий по дисциплине английский язык (рекомендуемый)









Январь- Февраль





































Практические занятия
















Задание модуль 1
















Задание модуль 2
















Задание модуль 1















Задание модуль 2
















Рубежные точки
















Оценка в процентах







Оценка в баллах























Примеч а ние:

















1. Точки текущего контроля, оцениваются максимально в 100% или 10 баллов.

2. Текущий контроль проводится по каждой теме учебной дисциплины и включает контроль знаний на аудиторных и внеаудиторных занятиях.

2. Рубежный контроль - есть среднее арифметическое суммы предыдущих баллов.

3. Задания могут включать в себя: лекции (опрос), практ./семин. занятия, лаб. работы, СРС, СРСП, коллоквиум, курсовые работы (проекты) и др. формы 

4. Количество заданий зависит от количества кредитов

5. Листы по отработке заданий передаются преподавателем офис-регистратору






















6.    Список рекомендуемой литературы:

6.1Основная литература


1.Основы обучения иностранным языкам.Алматы,1994 1. Закон об образовании РК,№389-1зРК,07.06.99,г.Астана.

2. Государственный образовательный стандарт РК. Образование высшее профессиональное. Основные положения ГОСО РК.3001-2000,Астана,2000       

3. Английский язык для строительных специальностей. Бжиская Ю.В. Ростов на Дону 2008

4. Sue Kay, Vaughan Jones., Inside Out, Macmillan 2003

5.Орловская И.В.,Самсонова Л.С.,Скубриева А.И.Учебник английского языка для студентов технических университетов и вузов Москва 2006

6.Учебно-методическая разработка по английскому языку для студентов 1 и 2 курсов всех специальностей. Алматы 2003.

6.2 Дополнительная литература

1. Абдыгаппарова С.Б., Ахметова Г,К., Ибатуллин С.Р. и др.Основы кредитной системы обучения в Казахстане.Алматы,2004. 

2.Mark Nettle and Diana Hophkins, Intermediate, “Developing Grammar in Context”

3. Ашимова Т. С., Сванова Д.Б. МАБ тапсырушыларға арналған сұрақ – жауап кітабы .ЮКГУ им.М.Ауезова Шымкент.,2009     

4. Байтукаева А.Ш. ,Избасарова А,Р. Английский язык для студентов-химиков по специальности плазмо-химия.Алматы,КазНУ,2003.   

5.Козлов П.Г.Коммуникативные умения как ядро иноязычной коммуникативной способности.- В сб. Коммуникативные

6. В.В.Ощепкова.,И.И.Шустилова Britain in brief Москва 1999

7. Raymond Murphy, “English grammar in Use”,2005

8. Карбозова Г.К.,Ашимова Т.С. Грамматический справочник для магистрантов.ЮКГУ им.Ауезова Шымкент.,2008

9.Кабо П. Д., Фомичева С.Н. Сборник научно-популярных статей: Кн.для чтения на англ.яз. в 10 кл.сред. школы- М.: Просвещение ,1983

10.Е.М. Базанова.,И.Ю. Баканова., Н.Г. Брюсова 600 устных тем по английскому языку для школьников и поступающих в вузы.Москва, 2002

11. Полякова. “Английский язык для диалога с компьютером”

12. И.П.Агабекян Английский для технических вузов.Ростов-на –Дону, 2008

13. С.С.Мантатова.,Э.Т.Левчук.,Г.Б.Доржиева Engineering mosaic Улан-Удэ,2007

14.Т.Камянова Практический курс английского языка.Москва,2008






Методические указания к практическим занятиям

III-IV семестр


                                                              Module 1

Lesson 1-2 Entrance Test


Warming - up

1. Discuss the following:

· What is cultural heritage?

·  Is it important for us to know our cultural heritage? Why?

· What is a role of architecture in our life?

· What is architecture?

2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionary
if you need:

• structural principles

• art of building

• basic factors in architecture .

• architectural design

• aesthetic appearance of buildings

• sufficient knowledge of engineering

• theory of architecture

• building materials

• philosophers

• historians

• harmonious

3. Make up your own sentences with the following words:

Architecture (архитектура), economic requirements (экономические потребности), nations and generations (нации и поколения), historical background (историческое происхождение), cultural heritage ( культурное наследие), sufficient knowledge of engineering (достаточные знания инженерии), creative imagination (твор­ческое воображение).


  4. Reading for general understanding. Skim read the text. Think
of a good title for it. Compare it with other students' titles.

5.       Read and translate the third paragraph from the text:

The science of building is Architecture. Any engineer cannot take a form of the building without consideration of structural principles, materials, social and economic requirements. So a building cannot be considered as a work of architecture. From the very beginning architecture of many skills, systems and theories have been used for the construction of the buildings that men have housed in al! their essential activities. The coexistence of change and survival is evident in all phases of the human story. This change and repetition is clearly illustrated in any architectural style. The historical background of architecture is the value of our cultural heritage. The heritage of the past cannot be ignored. Such recognition of continuity does not imply repetition or imitation. It must be expressed in contemporary terminology.

Writing on architecture is almost as old as writing itself. There are a lot of books on the theory of architecture, on the art of a building and on the aesthetic appearance of buildings. The oldest book is a work of Marcus Vitruvius Pollio, written in the first century B.C. Nearly two thousand years ago the Roman architect Vitruvius set the principles upon which buildings should be designed and aims to guide the architect. He was the first who listed three basic factors in architecture — "convenience, strength and beauty". The sequence of these three basic aims — ''convenience, strength and beauty" — has its own significance. These three factors are always present and are always interrelated in the best structures. It is impossible for a true architect to think of one of them without considering the other two as well. Thus architectural design entails a consideration of the constant interaction of these factors. At last we can say that every element in a building has a triple implication. At the same time its contemporary expression must be creative and consequently new.

Architecture is an art. The triple nature of architectural design is one of the reasons why architecture is a difficult art. The architect does not first plan a building from the point of view of convenience, then designs around his plan a strong construction to shelter it, and finally adjusts and decorates the whole to make it pretty. It takes him a special type of imagination as well as long years of training and experience to produce a designer capable of making the requisite in the light of these three factors — "use, construction, aesthetic effect" — simultaneously. First of all, the designer must have sufficient knowledge of engineering, building materials to enable him to create economically. I see, any building is built because of some definite human need. The use problem — "convenience" — is therefore primary. In addition, the designer must possess the creative imagination which will enable him to integrate the plan and the construction into one harmonious whole. The architect's feeling of satisfaction in achieving such as integration is one of his greatest rewards.

6. Read the text again and find the main idea of each paragraph.

7. Read the text once more and complete the spidergram:


8. Read the text again and complete the following sentences:

• Architecture is art...

• ...finds little place...

• ...in any architectural style.

• ...change and repetition is clearly illustrated..,

• Nearly two thousand years ago...

• ...in all phases of the human story.

• The designer must have a...

• ...have taken great pains...

• ...is one of his greatest rewards.

• The heritage of the past...

9. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or
false. Correct the false statements:

• The historical background of nineteenth-century architecture
finds little place in this article.

• The heritage of the past cannot be ignored.

• This triple nature of architectural design.

• Nearly five thousand years ago the Roman architect Vitruvius
listed three basic factors in architecture.

• The designer must have a sufficient knowledge.

• Architecture is the sport.

• Paradox of change and repetition is clearly illustrated in any
architectural style.

• The architect's feeling of love is one of his greatest rewards.

• Of any truly great building we can say that every element in it
has a triple implication.

• It is impossible for the true architect.


Lesson 3-4


Warming - up

1. Discuss the following:

•  What do you know about various cultures?

•        What is their cultural heritage?

2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionary
if you need:

• monument

• building

• structure

• civil engineering

• various cultures

• mobile

• infrastructure

• architect

• pyramids

• conception

• industrial revolution

• design

• final structure

• selection of materials

• type

• size

• mechanical design

3. Make up your own sentences with the words from Ex 1.

4. Reading for general understanding. Read the text and answer the following questions to the text:

• Have various cultures left their imprint on history through
their great or small monuments and buildings?

• Great architect and engineers followed an integrated process
of conception, design and construction, didn't they?

• Did this integrated construction process persist through the
end of the nineteenth century?

• What is the structural design?

• What does engineering of stationary objects such as buildings
and bridges imply?

We can not ignore the heritage of the past. There are different styles and kinds of architecture in the past around the world. It is not a secret, that various cultures have left their imprint on history through their great monuments and buildings, great castles and cathedrals. The oldest monuments which are met within architecture are great structures such as Egyptian pyramids, the Parthenon in Athens, the Roman Pantheon, and Hagia Sophia in the "New Rome", Constantinople, great castles and cathedrals of the Middle Ages, the palaces of the Renaissance and the civil engineering infrastructure of the industrial revolution. Great architects and engineers followed an integrated process of conception, design and construction. This integrated construction process persisted through the end of the nineteenth century, when the Roebling family (John, Washington, and Emily) designed and built the Brooklyn Bridge. It is necessary to select materials, a type, a size and a configuration to carry loads in a safe and serviceable fashion. The architects and engineers mobilize the resources needed to realize the final structure. This classical approach is used to build. In general, structural design implies engineering of stationary objects such as buildings and bridges, objects that may be mobile but have a rigid shape such as ship hulls and aircraft frames. But it is an area of mechanical design, to which devices are generally assigned. These are devices with parts planned to move with relation to each other.

5. Read and translate the first paragraph from the text.

6. Read the text again and complete the following sentences:


• Various cultures have left

• These great structures were

• This classical approach was used

• This integrated construction process persisted

• Devices with parts planned to move with

7. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or
fake. Correct the false statements:

• Various cultures have left their imprint on history.

• This classical approach was used to build the great stadiums.

• Great architects and engineers followed an integrated process
of conception, design, and construction.


• This integrated construction process persisted through the end
of the first century.

• The selection of materials and member type, size and
configuration to carry loads in a safe and serviceable fashion.

Lesson 5-6


Warming -up

1. Discuss the following:

• What the oldest monuments of architecture do you know?

• What pyramids do you know?

2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionary
if you need:

• sort of material

• different styles

• triangular buildings

• colossal pyramids

• civilization

• ancient Egypt

3. Make up your own sentences with the words from Ex. I.


4. Reading for general understanding. Read the text and answer

the following questions to the text:

• What problems did the Egyptian architects have?

• What materials were for construction of pyramids used?

• What is an Egyptian pyramid?

• What interesting facts do you know about the Egyptian

• What do they tell us about civilization?

It was mentioned, that Architecture is the science of building. A man who designs buildings and makes the plans for them is called an architect .First of all, an architect has to think what he wants to build. He must not forget what it is to be used for. He must not forget the sort of material to be used in the building. It may be stone, a brick, wood or steel and concrete.

We know that Architecture is the art, which makes buildings beautiful to look at. There were many different, styles or kinds of architecture in the past. Now they tell us about advanced civilization of ancient countries. One of the oldest monuments, constructed about 6.000 years ago, are the colossal pyramids of Egyptian. The pyramids are large triangular buildings which were placed over the tombs of Egyptian kings. The best known of the pyramids are a group of three built at Giza south of Cairo. The largest of these is 482 feet high. There are many building of different styles today in different parts of the world, which are much spoken about in our days.

5. Read end translate the text.

6. Find and translate all the sentences containing the following


• Different styles

• triangular buildings

• a sort of material

• an advanced civilization

• make the plans, kinds of architecture

7. Read the text again and complete the sentences:

• ...many different styles or kinds...

• ...the sort of material to be used...

• ...are a group of three built at...

• ...which are met within architecture...

• ...man who designs...

• They tell us of the advanced...

• He must not forget...

• Architecture is the art...

• ...to think not only of what...

• The largest of these is...

• ...the colossal pyramids...

8. Read the statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false statements:

• The oldest monuments were constructed about 4,000 years

• A man who designs buildings and makes the plans for them is
called the singers.

• The pyramids are large square buildings.

• Architect must not forget the sort of material to be used in the building.

• The largest of pyramids is 582 feet high.

• Architecture is the art which makes buildings beautiful to tell at as well as useful.

• The best known of the pyramids are a group of three built at Giza south of Cairo.

• Architect thinking about the sort of material to be used in the building.

• Architect has to think not only of what he wants the building to look like when it is finished, but also what it is to be used for.

• Monuments which are met within architecture are the colossal pyramids of Egyptian.

Lesson 7-8


Warming – up

1. Discuss the following:

• What do you know about a work of a real architect?

• What do you think about the value of true architecture?

• What forms of architecture do you know?

• There are some who claim that architecture is not a fine art
at all. Do you agree or disagree?

2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionary
if you need:

• value of true architecture

• physical structure

• variations of plane, colour, shade

• escalator

• elevator

• hall

• corridor

• human activities

• to create a work of architecture

• adequate structure

• civilization

• decorative elements

• drawing

• design

• actual building


3.Read the text and find new words from the text

4.Read the text again and translate the first paragraph;

First of all, the value of true architecture lies in the direct effect of the structure itself. It depends on many reasons. One of them is a drawing. Drawings are works of architecture. An architect uses drawings to achieve his objective. In fact, drawings can represent buildings only on paper. It is called "paper architecture". We mean the result of architect's thinking of drawings. But , there is a danger of "paper architecture". The architect mustn't forget that many elements which look well on a drawing may be either completely ineffective or definitely harmful in the actual building. For example, it is electric architecture. Electric buildings are full of decorative elements which look well on the drawing. Perhaps even seem necessary on the drawing. But in the actual buildings they are completely meaningless. An architect is able to see variations of a plan, of color and a shade. Each of these variations is due to the effects of tight on the building materials employed. The architect must always study each detail from the viewpoints of both use and appearance as well as from that of construction. He must not see it as an isolated detail but as an individual note in a great composition. A work of an architect exists only when it stands a complete, concrete object for all to see or to use.

The architect must project an integration of the whole in order to create a work of architecture. He must remember about the architect's alphabet. Knowledge of this alphabet is as essential to him as knowledge of words to the writer or of notes to the musician. The letters of the architect's alphabet are such elements as walls and openings, supports and ceilings, enclosed areas or rooms. We enter the building and our attention meets the same complexity of elements. They are doors to allow ingress and egress; windows to admit light and air; walls for shelter or support; roofs to keep out the rain, snow, cold, and sometimes sun. A partition separates space from space. There may be stairs, escalators, or elevators to allow progress from level to level and halls or corridors to permit easy circulators from part to part. Finally there may be all sorts of interior spaces for definite human activities — rooms both public and private — to take care of the varying functions of human living. No building can exist without some of them.

Any true architectural design is no mere fantasy, no unreal dream. It contemplates an actual building. There must be adequate structure for a building to exist. Then we observe the physical structure of a building outside. Next, "strength" becomes the second necessity for the construction. A true construction must stand up solidly.

Finally, mankind has always realized that buildings to be complete must have not only "convenience" and "strength", but also "beauty". Some people think that architecture is not a fine art at all. For such people the world of fine arts is something entirely set apart from ordinary living and that its single purpose should be satisfying of physical necessities. At the same time architecture is a matter of pictures or sculpture, poems or music. The architect has the task of being an artist as well as an inventive engineer. The expression of the purpose of buildings would seem to call for additional thought on this point. The emotions are evoked by beauty. It may be theaters, churches, dwellings and buildings, which always differ from one another. Yet a separate consideration of an individual building is a very real artificial sense.

5.  Read the text again and find the. main idea of each paragraph

6. Read the text once more and complete the spidergram:


7. Read the text again and complete the following sentences:

• The value of true architecture...

• ...must always study each detail...

• We enter the building...

• ...on the building materials employed.

• A knowledge of this alphabet...

• ...must be a true...

• ...as things in themselves.

• ...uses drawings to achieve...

• The danger of...

• ...to point out...

• ...in the actual building.

• Paper architecture...

• ...is the result of thinking...

• ...they are completely meaningless.

• A valid criticism against...

8. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false statements :

• The value of true architecture lies in the direct effect of the
structure itself.

• Inside we observe the physical structure. We see variations of plane, of color and shade.

• The architect must never study each detail.

• Any building exists for some particular purpose.

• For such people, the world of fine arts is something negative.

• The engineer has the task of being an artist as well as an
inventive architect.

• The construction of any object must be a true construction.

• There are doors to allow ingress and egress.

Lesson 9-10


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