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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии


Warming - up

1. Discuss the following:

• What manufactured building materials do you know?

• And what about different types of materials?

2. Try to guess the meaning of the following words. Use the dictionary if you need:

• monolithic materials

• reinforced concrete

• plywood panels

• composite materials

• linoleum

• plastic

3. Match the following words with their Russian equivalents:

• clay                                 • солома

• straw                               • железо

• a brick                           • медь

• iron                                 • пластмассовый лист

• copper                            • глина

• linoleum                         • кирпич

• plasterboard                       • линолеум

• light-weight honeycomb    • легко-пористая
      structure                            структура

• metal powder                     • стекловолокно

• plastic                                • высшее качество

• glass fibers                        • пластичный

• superior quality                 • металлический порошок

4. Read the text again and translate the first paragraph from the text.

5. Read the text once more find the main idea of each paragraph.

6. Reading for specific, information. Read the text and answer the following questions to the text:


• What are characteristics of composite materials?

• What is the present tendency in the use of composite materials?

• What arc the main reasons for the interest in composite materials?

• Why do engineers insist on using composite materials despite their high cost?

Among the oldest and newest of structural materials are composite materials. It was discovered many years ago that two or more materials could be used together as one. Later it was proved that such a combination often behaved better than each material alone. Following this principle, clay and straw were combined to make bricks. For centuries composite materials remained virtually untapped. Only then monolithic materials, such as iron, copper were served for needs of an advancing technology. Recently it was a development of technology with coming of reinforced concrete, linoleum, plasterboard and plywood panels.

During the 1930"sand 194O"s light-weight honeycomb structures, machine parts made from compressed metal powders and plastic reinforced with glass fibers became commercial realities. These developments marked the beginning of the modern era of composite engineering materials. It was mentioned growing and using composite materials. The consumption of (he fiber reinforced plastics, for example, has been increasing at the phenomenal rate of 25 per cent annually. Nevertheless, the emergence of a strict discipline and technology of composite materials is barely 20 years old.

There are two major reasons for the current interest in composite materials. The first is the demand for materials that will outperform the traditional monolithic materials. The second and more important in the long run, is that composites offer engineers the opportunity to design totally new materials, with the precise combination of properties needed for a specific task. Although new composites are usually more costly than conventional materials, they can be used more sparingly, because of their superior qualities.

7. Read the text again and complete the following sentences;

• ...combined clay and straw...

• The first is...

• ...growing and using...

• There are two major reasons...

• Although the new composites are usually more costly...

8. Read the following statements and say whether they are true or false. Correct the false statements:

· There are three major reasons for the current, interest in composite material.

  • Composite materials are among the oldest and newest of structural materials.

· Although the new composites are not usually more costly than conventional

  • Materials, they can't be and more sparing, because of their superior qualities.    .

·     Men discovered early that when two or more materials are used together as one.

· .  The combination often behaves better than each of the

    materials alone.

·     These developments didn't mark the beginning of the modern era of composite.

·    Engineering materials.

Lesson 43-44


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