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Grammar: Relative Pronoun


1. Write down all the nouns from the text in plural.

2. Make the following sentences negative and put into the inter­rogative form:

Density (specific weight) is the amount of mass in a unit volume.

Stiffness (rigidity) is a measure of the resistance to deformation such as stretching or bending.

Toughness is the resistance of a material to breaking when there is a crack in it.

Ductility is the ability of a material to deform without breaking.

Strength is the force per unit area (stress) that a material can support without failing.

3. Write the following words in the correct order to make sentences and translate them into Russian:

• any, in , density, important, application, is

• important, a, is, stiffness, rigid, structure, is, to, when, mad, be

• from, toughness, is, strength, different

• low, brittle, have, materials, toughness

• a, many, in, materials, have, higher, strength, in, tension, than, compression.

4. Insert one of relative pronouns who, whom, whose, what, which instead of dots. Translate sentences.

Model: An actor and the brother of a Hormel vice president, ……. was given a $100 prize for coming up with the name. WHO

An actor and the brother of a Hormel vice president, who was given a $100 prize for coming up with the name.

Актер и брат вице-президента, которому была присуждена награда в 100 долларов за придуманное название.

a) ….. gloves are these? They are mine.

b) The street … leads to the station is very wide.

c) The book … you gave me yesterday, was very interesting.

d) This is the house … I lived many years ago.

e) … are you expecting?

f) … shoes do you want to buy?

g) A friend of mine … was present at the meeting, told me all about this.

h) Do you know the man … you wrote?

              Get talking

1.Make up a plan to the text.

2. Imagine you are a future skilled engineer. Say some words about properties of materials. Your talk should include 15—20 phra ses


Lesson 39-40



Grammar Revision

1. Write all the following nouns in plural.

a production, a brick, a process, an ingredient, a development, a centimeter, an inch, a meter, a tree, a demand, a solution, a problem.

2. Write down all the numerals from the text in letters.

3. Put "was" or "were" in.


• The production of brick industrialized in the 19th century.

· These mass-produced by a mechanical extrusion process in which clay squeezed by "pressed" through a rectangular die as a continuous column and sliced to size by a wire cutter.

· There also a proliferation of elaborately shaped and stamped masonry units.

· Periodically fired beehive kilns continued used, but the continuous-tunnel kiln, through which bricks moved slowly on a conveyor belt, had appeared by the end of the century.

· Timber technology underwent rapid development in the 19th century in North America.

· There   large forests of softwood fir and pine trees that could be harvested and processed by industrial methods.

· There a great demand for small buildings of all types as the North American continent settled, and the light timber frame provided a quick, flexible, and inexpensive solution to this

· In the balloon frame system, traditional heavy timbers and complex joinery abandoned.

· The building walls framed with 5xlO-eentimetre.

· Lateral stability achieved by light diagonal braces let into the studs or, more commonly, by two-centimeter thick diagonal boards applied to all exterior walls and to floor and roof lists
creating a rigid, light box.

4. Write all the complex sentences from the text and translate them.

5. Complete the following statements. Use the word“another”:

e.g. I don’t like this suit. (show)

Show me another, please.

1. This pen is broken. (give) 2. I need two notebooks. (bring) 3. This is tight on you. (take) 4. I think she hasn’t received my letter. (send) 5. I cant translate this article. (give) 6. This set of furniture is too expensive. (show) 7. I don’t like this book. (give)


6. Complete these sentences with in, at or on.

1. It can be dangerous when children play football ... the street.

2. I’ll meet you ... the corner (of the street) ... at 10 o’clock.

3. We got stuck in a traffic jam ... the way to the airport.

4. There was an accident ... the crossroads this morning.

5. Look at those beautiful horses ... that field.

6. I can’t find Tom ... this photograph. Is he ...it?

7. ... the end of the street there is a path leading to the river .

8. I wouldn’t like an officer job. I couldn’t spend the whole day sitting ... a desk.

9. Do you take a sugar ... your coffee?

10. Ann’s brother lives ... a small village ... the south coast of England.

11. You’ll find the sports results ... the back page of the newspaper.

12. Sue and Dave got married ... Manchester four years ago.

13. Paris is ... the river Siene.

14. Mr. Broyle’s office is ... the first flour. When we come out of the lift, it’s the third door ... your left.

15. We normally use the front entrance to the building but there is another entrance ... the back.

16. If you want to get away from the modern life, you should go and live ... a small island in the middle of the ocean


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