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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Look at the pictures and match them to the words in the box


1________________   2___________________     3________________     4____________


5_________________ 6__________________ 7_________________  8______________

Earth,   astronaut,  Universe,   gravity,   planets,   space,    weightlessness,  ISS


  1. Answer the questions and discuss your answers in pairs:
  • Have you ever dreamed to be an astronaut or a space researcher?
  • Is space research important for humanity? Why?
  • Can space technologies be beneficial for our life on Earth?
  • What is the difference between Earth and space conditions?


Could you be an astronaut? [1]

Listen to a small talk. Before you start listening look at the following words and expressions to better understand the talk:

    to get on each other's nerves/annoy - раздражать

    to put up with     - мириться, терпеть

    zero gravity    - отсутствие силы тяжести

    somersaults    - кувырки

    to float                - всплывать, плавать

    to exert no force  -  не оказывать влияния

    wasting of the bones and muscles – атрофия костей и мышц

     to prevent           - предотвращать

     weightlessness  - невесомость

     buoyancy |ˈ bɔ ɪ ə nsi| -  плавучесть; подъёмная сила; жизнерадостность; бодрость

     padded               -  оббитый, мягий 

     altitude |ˈ altɪ tjuː d| - высота

     nosedive        - пикирование

    to conduct     - проводить

    to get stranded  - попасть в бедственное положение 

    forage            -  добывать продовольствие

    keen to know      - стремиться узнать

    to apply              - подавать заявление

    to give up      - отказаться

    to run out of time- испытывать дефицит времени



    4. Are the statements true (T) or false (F)? Correct the wrong statements.

1. A few dozens of people have been into space so far.

2. Astronauts have to put up with extremely high gravity in space.

3. Wasting of bones and muscles is the result of zero gravity.

4. Astronauts can use a virtual reality headset and special gloves to prepare them for   

                  weightlessness and spacewalking.

5. Astronauts practise their spacewalk in pools with sand.

6. The European Space Agency sends astronauts to Russia for the survival training.

7. When the space capsule lands somewhere unexpected, astronauts have to find food for themselves.

8. According to Nasa's website, 18 000 people applied to join their 2017 astronaut class.


                     5. Fill in gaps with words from a box                 

Water, before, zero gravity, practise, exerting, weightlessness, out, spacewalk, prevent, float,  conduct,  exercise,  swimming pool, planes, feels like,  similar,  sudden

             Zero gravity – a condition where gravity is __________no force – can lead to wasting of the bones and muscles. Astronauts take two and a half hours of _________per day to help ________this. But what do astronauts have to do _______they go into space, to prepare them for ____________and spacewalking? They can _________using a virtual reality headset and special gloves. It's like playing a computer game that looks and _________doing a spacewalk. And they also train in a_________! The way astronauts practise _______is in water. _______ gives them the neutral buoyancy that they need. Buoyancy is the ability to__________. Floating in space is ________ to floating in water. Astronauts experience the feeling of weightlessness in ________ too. A large plane with padded walls flies to high altitude and then goes into a _______ fall which creates short periods of weightlessness. But it's not all fun and games. The main reasons for being ______on the International Space Station is to _________research. Major Tim Peake is doing scientific experiments, such as how to grow plants in space and what effect radiation and ____ _______have on this process.



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