Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Plaster, complete, polyclinic, general, gain, young, city, afternoon, main, they, X-ray, vein, yesterday, master, last.

XVIII. Form the ordinal numerals:

5, 2, 3, 21, 12, 30, 113.

XIX. Answer the questions:

What date is it today? 2. What date was it yesterday? 3. What date will it be tomorrow? 4. What date was it the day before yesterday? 5. What date will it be the day after tomorrow?

XX. Explain the use or omission of articles:

The doctor treats him for tuberculosis. 2. They specialized as nurses.

The doctor asked the nurse to prepare all the analyses necessary for the diagnosis. 4. Medical students study general subjects in the first and second year. 5. He is the best student among us.

XXI. Give the singular of the following nouns:

Women, teeth, feet, children, friends, lives, studies, dresses.

XXII. Give the plural of the following nouns. Spell the endings:

Baby, history, wife, life, mass, box.

XXIII. Translate these sentences. Find the pronouns:

My father is over 35 years old. 2. Do you know them and their parents?

Many of her relatives study at different institutes. 4. At the conference I met him among the delegates. 5. Their practical training lasted for a month.

XXIV. Substitute the nouns in bold type for the Personal Pronouns in the Objective Case:

The nurse cares for these children. 2. Yesterday I read a medical article.

The teacher asked my friend a question. 4. We saw your sister last week.

Your brother knows me and my parents well.

XXV. Translate into English:

Он обосновал свои научные исследования на экспериментах.

2. В какой области медицины вы думаете работать? 3. Занятия в институте отличаются от занятий в школе. 4. По понедельникам наши лекции заканчиваются в два часа. 5. На первом курсе студенты изучают в основном теоретические предметы. 6. Наша первая лекция по биологии была 10 сентября. 7. Сегодня 10 октября.

XXVI. Read Text С . Make the plan, retell.

Text C. Medical Faculty of the Patrick Lumumba University

Young people from Asia, Africa and Latin America study together with Russian students at the Medical Faculty of the Patrick Lumumba University in Moscow. As they come from foreign countries and have no relatives in Moscow they live at a hostel.

This medical faculty is a little ( немного ) different from clinical faculties in other medical institutes. It prepares general practitioners who gain good knowledge of therapy, surgery or obstetrics. The students of this faculty also specialize in such subjects as sanitation, epidemiology and hygiene ['haiei:n]. These subjects are very necessary for doctors in Asia, Africa and Latin America. The professors, teachers and lecturers of this faculty pay great attention to prophylactic subjects.

When a foreign student completes his medical course he gets an appointment to work as an intern at one of the hospitals in Moscow. This helps him to gain more experience and to increase his knowledge of one of the main fields of medicine.

Правила чтения: буквосочетания wa, war, wor, wh; al перед согласной;

sh, ch, tch, ph, th; air, ear, eer перед согласной . Словообразование: cуффиксы -urе, -у, -ion, -(i)ty, -ment. Грамматика: cпособы передачи падежных отношений в англий

ском языке; предлоги; оборот there + be; безличные предложения; модальные глаголы can, may, must; общие и специальные вопросы; указательные и неопределенные местоимения; степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий; образование Present Participle; времена группы Continuous Active.



Запомните (буквосочетания): 1) wa читается [wɒ], если за ним следует согласная или сочетание

согласных: wash [wɒʃ] мыть(ся); 2) war читается [wɔ:]: warm [wɔ:m] теплый; 3) wor перед согласной читается [w3:]: word [w3:d] слово; 4) eсли за буквосочетанием wh следует буква о, то буква w

не читается: whom [hu:m] кого; whole [həυl] целый, в остальных случаях не читается буква h: white [wait] белый.

Буквосочетание al перед согласной читается [ɔ:1]: always ['ɔ:lwəz] всегда. Если за al следует k, то l не произносится: walk [wɔ:k] идти пешком.

I. Прочтите :

1) want, watch, was, wander, water;

2) war, warn, warp, ward, warder, warty;

3) work, world, worm, worst, worth, worse, worthy;

4) who, what, whose, why, where, when, whether, which, while, whole, wheel;


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