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Поставьте глаголы в скобках в нужную форму. THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING. THE EMPIRE STATE BUILDING

1. The Civil engineering faculty (to train) the students in three qualifications.

2. Three specializations (to give) the students of the faculty.

3. A great number of specialized subjects (to study) by the students of the faculty.

4. The students (to teach) to calculate the loads effecting the buildings.

5. All this (to constitute) such subjects as Building Mechanics and Strength of Materials.

6. Each building (to consist) of various parts.

7. The buildings can (to build) from various materials.

8. The students (to listen) to different courses of lectures.

 9. A lot of general educational subjects (to include) in the curriculum of the faculty. 10. Various utilities (to foresee) by constructing any building.

11. The qualification of the manager (to meet) requirements of many enterprises.

12. The economy (to divide) into three main branches.

13. Management (to include) three levels.

14. At any modern enterprise (there be) a lot of departments.

15. Different enterprises may (to divide) into several types.

16. Decision making (to be) the most important function of a manager.

17. Decision making (to break down) into five components.

7. Прочитайте текст, выпишите и переведите технические термины. Сделайте реферирование текста (см. приложение).


 Since 1931 the Empire State Building has been the tallest structure in the world, 1,250 feet. It is taller than the Eiffel Tower. The Empire State Building is a milestone in tall-building construction. Its height posed a number of problems concerning the stability of the structure itself. It was founded on bedrock at a depth of about 50 feet below the street level. The area of the base is about 2 acres. Its total weight of 302,500 tons; including 67,000 tons of steel, is divided among more than one hundred rolled fabricated steel columns, the largest of which carried 5,000 tons down to the base. These columns rest on broad and heavily reinforced bases of concrete supported in turn on bedrock. The steel columns are subjected to a constant compressive stress by the weight of the structure.

The water-distribution system in the building consists of a series of water tanks at different levels; if the water system were not thus divided, a faucet on a lower floor would be subjected to a pressure of about 600 pounds a per square inch. The building has 69 electric elevators; their maximum speed is 1,000 feet per minute. The building was ready for occupancy 14 months after the first steel element was placed on the footings. There 3,400 workmen of different trades employed on the 104 floors.


Найдите в тексте перевод следующих слов и выражений.

Основание, давление, высота, система водоснабжения, подвергаться, бак, железобетон, металлические колонны, строительство высотных зданий, вес, ширина, глубина, устойчивость конструкции.


9. Напишите о знаменитом архитектурном сооружении по следующему плану.

1) name;

2) location;

3) historical details;

4) interesting facts;

5) exterior/interior;

7) your impressions;

6) recommendation.

Прочитайте и переведите текст. Сформулируйте на английском языке, чем для вас является дом.



A roof to keep out the rain? Four walls to keep out the wind? Floors to keep out the cold?

Yes, but home is more than that. It's the laugh of a baby, the song of a mother, the strength of a father. Warmth of living hearts, light from happy eyes, kindness, loyalty, comradeship. Home is first school and first church for young ones, where they learn what is right, what is good and what is kind. Where they go for comfort when they are hurt or sick.

Where joy is shared and sorrow eased. Where fathers and moth­ers are respected and loved. Where children are wanted. Where the simplest food is good enough for kings because it is earned. Where money is not as important as loving kindness. Where even the teaket­tle sings from happiness.

That is home. Sweet home.

God bless it.



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