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Deadline for submitting your proposals: 10 p.m. March 31 th 2018

Deadline for submitting your proposals: 10 p.m. March 31 th 2018


The festival will take place on 10th and 11th August 2018 in Gatchina Park near St.Petersburg.


There are two steps in the competition:
1. The selection of the 15 projects by the jury.
2. The selection of the winner of the competition among the realized 15 productions.


Competition theme

The theme of the Festival 2018 is "Paradox".                                                     
Paradox, the uncommon and the unusual, tends to attract people's attention. Our meeting with something paradoxical expands our usual perception, enables us to look beyond the obvious and gives us new perspectives. It affects our emotions and challenges our usual understanding of life and reality. The paradox resets our mind to open and free perception of the world around us.

The name of the competition: "Paradox Lab"

* PARADOX (in Greek paradoxos - unexpected, strange)
- a situation or phenomenon that can exist in reality, but has no logical explanation.


Our wishes to the participants:

- Use light as the main tool, as the core of your artwork;

- Remember, that your installation will be located in the park, so consider unforeseen weather conditions (you can read "recommendations on choice of materials, equipment and technologies" on the website gatchinanights.ru)

- Your installation should function continuously during the festival;

- Your installation should be comprehensable, engaging and evoking emotions among viewers of all ages;

- Make up a brief, understandable description of your artwork (max. 1000 signs); it will be printed on the information plate near your installation;

- We welcome your sense of humor, which might be reflected in your artwork;

- Your work can have elements of live music, performance or other live elements.

- Think of various technological and artistic ways of interaction with audience;

- We welcome the original approach to work – you can use both both innovative technologies, but also uggest the innovative use of everyday objects.

- Keep in mind that the festival has big crowds of audience. Make sure the accessibility to your installation.

- Make sure that your installation does not cause damage to the environment;


Who can participate in the competition?
Students of Russian and foreign universities and colleges, practicing artists, designers, multimedia specialists, architects, as well as creative associations, design studios are invited to participate in the contest. The works can be provided both by authors and by artistic collectives from Russia and foreign countries.

What works can participate in the competition?
The competition accepts original sketches of artworks, representing static or dynamic light installations(competition objects) for temporary installation on the territory of Gatchina Park. Light installations can have sound or other audio visual elements.
If you go further in the selection process for the Open Call, the Festival provides the production of your original work. You cannot send your previous work to the competition.


How to apply?

Please, send your applications to: [email protected].
§ Filled in application form , please see the attachment. In application form you should include:
- Short description of the artistic idea
- Short description of the technologies and materials you are planning to use.
- Short description of the resources you need for the realization of the project (budget, technical assistance, transportation, etc)
- Approximate budget for the physical production of your installation
§ Illustrations of your installation in PDF format (3d sketches, illustrations, technical drawings, etc) ;
§ Examples of your work/ portfolio. Links or attached videos or pictures.


Evaluation criteria

- the conformity of the application for the creation of a contest object to the subject of the competition;
- the content and originality of the idea;
- the artistic level of the application;
- the idea of interaction of the contest object with the viewer;
- understanding by the participant of the competition of the technological process of design and practical implementation of the competitive facility;
- adequate, complete and detailed filling of the application form for participation in the competition, the availability of visual materials that complements the application.


Deadline for submitting your proposals: 10 p.m. March 31 th 2018


The festival will take place on 10th and 11th August 2018 in Gatchina Park near St.Petersburg.


There are two steps in the competition:
1. The selection of the 15 projects by the jury.
2. The selection of the winner of the competition among the realized 15 productions.


Competition theme

The theme of the Festival 2018 is "Paradox".                                                     
Paradox, the uncommon and the unusual, tends to attract people's attention. Our meeting with something paradoxical expands our usual perception, enables us to look beyond the obvious and gives us new perspectives. It affects our emotions and challenges our usual understanding of life and reality. The paradox resets our mind to open and free perception of the world around us.

The name of the competition: "Paradox Lab"

* PARADOX (in Greek paradoxos - unexpected, strange)
- a situation or phenomenon that can exist in reality, but has no logical explanation.



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