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Look up the pronunciation and learn the following words:


wrinkle, haste, comb, trustee, matron, automobile, curiosity, routine, anxiety, anxious, conduct (n), record (n), essay, to ridicule, generous, allowance, progress (n), detail, to sew.


4. a) Find the following word combinations. Look them up in a dictionary, learn their pronunciation and give the Russian equivalents.

b) Write out the sentences they are used in. 4


1. to remind smb of smth
2. . to bear the brunt of smth
3. to escape from smth
4. to lean against smth / to lean forward
5. to get into trouble
6. on the point of doing smth
7. by nature
8. to insist on smth (doing smth)
9. to be accustomed to smth, smb
10. to take an interest in smb, smth to interest smb in smb, smth
11. to send smb to college
12. to raise a question
13. to finish school
14. to do well in one’s studies (in/at school)


5. Reproduce the situations in which the above suggested word-combinations are used.

Model:   – to remind smb of smth

On the first Wednesday in every month the trustees of the asylum

came to make their rounds. That is why everything had to be spotless

and in perfect order. All the orphans had to be scrubbed and combed

and reminded of their manners.


6. Answer the following questions:

1. What was John Grier Home like? How many orphans lived in the asylum?

2. How old was Jerusha? What was she like?

3. What was a Perfectly Awful Day?

4. Why was Jerusha usually tired at the end of that day?

5. What news did Mrs. Lippett tell Jerusha?

6. Why was it difficult for Jerusha to believe Mrs. Lippett’s words?

7. What was she supposed to become after college?

8. Why did Jerusha want to leave Mrs. Lippett’s ofice as soon as possible?

7. Explain or comment on the following:

1. The Trustees and the visiting committee had made their rounds…and now were hurrying home to their cheerful firesides, to forget their bothersome little charges for another month.

2. …she could not picture the daily routine of those other human beings who carried on their lives undisturbed by orphans.

3. Mrs. Lippet overlooked the fact that Jerusha worked hard for the board during those two years, that the convenience of the asylum has come first and her education second…

4. Had you not managed to be funny I doubt if you would have been forgiven.

5. His reason in requiring the letters is that he thinks nothing helps better to become a writer than letter writing.

Step 2

8. a) Find the following word combinations in Blue Wednesday. Look them up in a dictionary, learn their pronunciation and give the Russian equivalents.

b) Write out the sentences they are used in. 4

1. to be responsible for smth
2. in smb’s favour
3. to ridicule smth
4. to have a good sense of humo(u)r
5. to discuss the terms with smb
6. to educate smb to become a writer
7. in detail [’di:teIl]
8. to pay (for) board and tuition
9. progress in studies
10. to take notice of smth
11. to be obligatory on smb’s part
12. to have an opportunity to do smth

9. Reproduce the situations in which the above suggested word-combinations are used.

Model:   – to remind smb of smth

On the first Wednesday in every month the trustees of the asylum

came to make their rounds. That is why everything had to be spotless

and in perfect order. All the orphans had to be scrubbed and combed

and reminded of their manners.

10. Translate the following passages into Russian: 4

1. “The first Wednesday…whenever a Trustee spoke.”

2. “Jerusha had an imagination…undisturbed by orphans.”


11. a) Write out all that is said about 4

Jerusha Abbot – her nature, life and duties in the asylum, progress in her studies, traits of character, the offer she got.

“Mr. John Smith” – peculiarities of his appearance and character, the terms on which he was planning to send Jerusha to college.

b) Underline key-phrases in the passages that you write out. Translate and transcribe unfamiliar words.

12. a) Read Blue Wednesday for the second time and get ready to answer the following questions using the suggested word-combinations. Chose additional vocabulary items that you will need to answer the questions. Use as many word-combinations from exercises 4 and 8, as possible.

1. What is the setting of the novel?

2. What was the first Wednesday in every month like?


Key word-combinations Additional vocabulary
  a perfectly awful day   to await with dread to endure with courage to forget with haste
to be spotless dustless, without a wrinkle
97 orphans to scrub, to comb, to remind smb of smth
the trustees to make rounds, to read reports, to hurry home, bothersome little charges


3. What were Jerusha’s duties on that day and what was her regular work in the asylum?


to bear the brunt of smth to make sandwiches to be on one’s feet since five, to scold, to hurry (to be hurried by smb), a nervous matron.
to be one’s special care a tot, to occupy, to assemble smb, a charge, to straighten smth, to wipe smb’s nose.


4. What was Jerusha thinking about while watching the trustees’ departure?


to watch with curiosity to lean against, a stream of smth, in imagination
to have an imagination to get smb into trouble, to take care, to carry smb beyond smth, the front porch
to picture the daily routine of smb eager, adventurous, to step inside, a human being, to carry on, to be undisturbed


5. What impression did the last trustee produce on Jerusha?


to catch a slight impression of smb to be lighted, on the point of departure, to consist of, tallness, to wave one’s arm
to look like a daddy-long-legs headlights, shadow, elongated legs and arms
to be a sunny soul by nature an anxious frown, to give place to, to take the smallest excuse, to be amused


b) Make plans of the following answers using the suggested word-combinations as key-words or additional vocabulary


6. Why did the beginning of the conversation with Mrs. Lippet surprise Jerusha?

to one’s surprise, to be at liberty to do smth, to insist on smth, to be accustomed to smth, to interest smb in smth, to care for smb, to raise a question


7) Why was the question of Jerusha’s future raised and her record discussed?

to make an exception, to do well in studies, conduct, high school (Am.) (= secondary school – Br.), to be responsible for, to overlook smth, to work for one’s board


8) What impression did her essay entitled Blue Wednesday produce?

to be on a committee, to make a speech in smb’s favo(u)r, to show gratitude in doing smth, to ridicule smth, to forgive smb, to have a good sense of humo(u)r, impertinent, to send smb to college


9) On what terms was Jerusha going to be send to college?

to have originality, to educate smb to become a writer, to give an allowance, in detail, to make suggestions, to pay smb’s board and tuition, to enable smb to do smth, in return, a letter of acknowledgment, progress in studies, to address a letter to smb, to prefer to do smth, to require smth, to take notice of smth, to become a burden, obligatory, on smb’s part, to be respectful in tone, to escape from smth


Unit 2: September 24th – June 9th

Step 1


1. Read the letters dated September 24 – June 9th.


2. Write a summary of what happened to Jerusha from September 24 to June 9. 4



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