Архитектура Аудит Военная наука Иностранные языки Медицина Металлургия Метрология
Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

English Language Proficiency

International Students whose native language is not English must 1___ proof of English language proficiency. The following are ways in which you can satisfy the language proficiency 2___:

A minimum TOEFL 3___ of 80 on the Internet-based TOEFL or 550 on the paper exam (score reports must be official and cannot be more than two years old);

A minimum IELTS score of 6.5 on the 4___ test;

5___score of 530 or higher on the critical reading section;

IGCSE score of A, B, or C on the English language exam, or;

IB score of 5 or higher on the English A 1 or 2 exam.

6____ who have been in a U.S. college or 7____ and have completed two years of full-time academic course work and have a grade of C (2.0) or higher in a standard English composition course will also meet the language proficiency requirement.


SAT requirement score applicants academic university submit


1.  Томский университет был основан в 1878 году.

2. Международный факультет управления предлагает четыре основные специальности: «мировая экономика», «документоведение», «государственное и муниципальное управление», «антикризисное управление».

3. В 2010 году ТГУ получил статус Национального исследовательского университета.

4. Когда Вы решили стать студентом ТГУ?

5. Психологическая служба ТГУ помогает первокурсникам преодолевать психологические проблемы.

6. Какова стоимость проживания в общежитии университета для студентов второго курса в университете Шеффилда?

7. Поступающие в университет не сдают вступительных экзаменов, а отбираются на основе результатов ЕГЭ.

8. Где я могу узнать условия приёма и оплату для абитуриентов в университеты США?

9. Хотя (although) у него высокий средний балл и хорошие рекомендации от преподавателей, на собеседовании он нервничал.



Write a letter to your friend who studies at a university abroad. In the first part of the letter, describe your own impressions from the first university month. In the second part, ask your friend about his/ her studies.





Appendix 3

The University of Oxford

                    (presentation text)

Today I am going to be talking about one of the famous British Universities, Oxford University. The aim of my presentation today is to help you to get more information about the university.

We are going to look at four main areas. First, I will describe the history and the development of Oxford University. Then I will look at the structure of the University. After that you will know about the opportunities for studies. And finally all together we will enjoy some photos of Oxford. The presentation will take around 7 to 9 minutes. I welcome questions if you don’t understand something.


Let’s start by looking at the first section: History and Development.

Nobody knows exactly when Oxford University ‘began’. We know that lectures were given at the beginning of the 12th century. The students, teenagers, settled where they could find places to live. The learned men taught them. They gathered in small communities. When they could find money, they built homes for themselves. The teachers and students lived together, so they continue today. The oldest college buildings, which are still used, are nearly 800 years old.

So, in the first part you have known some facts from the history of Oxford University. Any questions so far?


Now let’s move on to the next part: The Structure. First, let us look at a typical structure of most British and Russian universities. This particular slide shows they have a central administration, various faculties and departments. Professors run the departments; deans rule the faculties and at the top there is Vice Chancellor, equivalent to our Rector.

However, Oxford is quite different. The structure is unique. It has a mediaeval university organization. As you can see from the slide it is a federation of 38 republics or 38 colleges. Now I would like to draw your attention to the following features. These colleges have common policy, common budget, and common values. At the same time they have unique funds, students, and projects.


To recap the organization of OU is unusual, special and specific. It is at the heart of the University’s success. The University and colleges are very democratic institutions. Nobody is boss, but almost everybody helps to run the university as well as their own departments. Is that clear? Are there any questions?

Let’s turn our attention to the third section: Opportunities for study.

Many Russian students would like to study at Oxford University. If you are an undergraduate, the answer is No. Many British students compete for limited places (17,000 people applied in 2010).

If you do post graduate study, you have two big problems. First, you have to persuade the college that you are academically better than many other candidates from all over the world. Secondly, you have to find tuition fees and living expenses, and the university recommends not less than £ 20,000 per year. There are very few scholarships. You should write to the Admissions Information Center of Oxford.

So to summarize, if you want to be a student you should know that your chances of success are small because so many people have the same wish, but surprises do happen. Online and distance learning at Oxford University offer a new way of learning.

And now I invite you to enjoy some pictures of Oxford.



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