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Many young women in the U.S. are choosing to live with their moms and dads well into adulthood. In fact, grown women are doing so at a rate not seen since 1940.

The Pew Research Center did a study. It used data from the U.S. Census Bureau. Pew found that 36.4 percent of women between ages 18 and 34 lived with parents or family in 2014. In 1940, 36.2 percent of adult women lived with family.

So what is causing the current trend? The reasons are very different from those in 1940. Today, more women are getting married later in life. Many are facing high living costs and debt from going to college.

Young women today are half as likely to be married as women were in 1940. They are much more likely to have college degrees than women were in 1940. But the current economy is making life harder.

Casey Ballard is 29. Last year, she was living in Portland, Oregon. About two-thirds of her monthly paycheck went to rent.

Ballard didn’t want to stay at her job. So she made a choice. She went back home to California. She moved back in with her parents.

There was that feeling of frustration and feeling like a failure,” Ballard said. But she realized that moving home was the only plan that would work.

The move allowed her to try working as a substitute teacher. She now plans to become a full-time teacher.

Historically, young men have lived with their parents at a higher rate than young women. That is still the case. About 42.8 percent of young men now live with family. That is lower than the rate in 1940, which was 47.8 percent.

After the 1940s, the rate of grown children staying at home fell. More young men and women moved out of their parents’ homes. The workforce got bigger. More women started getting jobs. Marriage rates increased.

Since 2000, the rate of young men and women staying or returning home began to increase. It climbed a lot during the financial collapse in the late 2000s.

Economic trends are still working against young adults who want to live on their own. But the job market for young adults has improved.

More have jobs, and some are even getting paid a bit more,” said Richard Fry. He works at Pew.

Marriage was once the main event that led grown children to move out of the family home. These days, marriage is happening later and later, if at all. The median age of marriage for women is now 27, up from 21.5 in 1940. For men, it is 29.3, up from 24.3 in 1940.

The median age is the middle age in a list of ages arranged from youngest to oldest.

Ethnic diversity plays a role in the trend, too. In some cultures, it is normal for grown children to live with parents. Young adults living in the U.S. come from more diverse backgrounds than in the past.

News For You, January 5, 2016

Man Lives Through Attack by Sticking Arm Down Bear’s Throat

Don’t try this unless a grizzly bear is about to kill you. If that’s the case, you might try sticking your arm down its throat. That’s what Chase Dellwo did. It worked. He is alive today.

Dellwo, 26, lives in Montana. He went hunting with his brother during a storm. It was snowing and raining. There were strong winds.

Dellwo was walking alone. He wanted to scare a group of elk toward a hill. His brother was waiting near the hill.

Instead, Dellwo scared a male grizzly bear. The bear was sleeping. It didn’t see him coming, maybe because of the storm.

Dellwo was only three feet from the bear when he saw it. The bear woke up.

Dellwo only had time to take a few steps back. Then the 350-to-400 pound bear knocked him off his feet. It bit his head.

7. “He let go,” Dellwo said. “But he was still on top of me, roaring the loudest roar I have ever heard.”

The bear bit his leg and shook him. He was tossed into the air. Then the bear came at him again.

That is when Dellwo remembered a story he had read in a magazine.

10. “I remembered an article that my grandmother gave me a long time ago,” Dellwo recalled. “It said that large animals have bad gag reflexes. So I shoved my right arm down the bear’s throat.”

A reflex is a body response that a person or animal doesn’t control. It happens without planning or choice.

The gag reflex helps prevent choking. It happens when something touches parts of the mouth or throat. The throat muscles tighten. They make the person or animal cough up what’s in its throat.


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