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Опустите союзы и сделайте необходимые изменения в структуре предложений.

1. The investigation in which she took part concerns the methods of grain drying. 2. The equipment at which this group of engineers is working now will be introduced into breadmaking. 3. The articles to which he referred were written by a famous specialist in sugar production. 4. The discovery of vitamins about which we were told at the last lecture was made in 1911. 5. The engineer to whom this invention belongs works in the field of cereal technology. 6. The material with which they will deal during the experiment is flour with high gluten content. 7. The ingredients upon which the quality of dough mainly depends are flour and yeast. 8. Cooling, slicing and wrapping of which the final processing of baked bread consists are last but not least operations in breadmaking. 9. The dough to which sugar is added is a good medium for yeast growth. 10. The man with whom the process of pasteurization is associated is a French scientist – Louis Pasteur.


6. Переведите на английский язык следующие предложения, используя бессоюзное подчинение/ где возможно/.

1. Известно, что процесс производства хлеба состоит из нескольких этапов. 2. Первый этап, с которого начинается производство хлеба, - это смешивание ингредиентов для образования теста. 3. Ингредиенты, которые должны быть использованы, выбираются хлебопеком заранее. 4. Хлебопеки считают, что все операции, из которых состоит обработка теста, влияют на качество выпекаемого хлеба. 5. Сброженное тесто, в котором клейковина достигает состояния максимальной эластичности, и оптимальной газоудерживающей способности, становится зрелым и готовым к дальнейшей обработке. 6. Следует знать, что прежде чем тесто в хлебопекарных формах помещается в печь, оно подвергается обработке на разных машинах. 7. Охлаждение хлеба, которое необходимо перед его разрезанием и упаковкой, осуществляется в специальных камерах. 8. Мы слышали, что этот хлебозавод будет полностью реконструирован. 9. Оборудование, о котором вы говорите, уже установлено на нашем хлебозаводе. 10. Новая рецептура этого хлебопродукта, над которой они работают, предотвратит его быстрое черствение.



Прочитайте текст и укажите основное назначение каждого из ингредиентов хлеба.

Перечислите все составляющие хлеба по-английски.


The role of ingredients is very important for breadmaking. Flour is the principal constituent.

The making of dough is possible because of the presence of gluten in the flour. Gluten is a protein or a mixture of proteins which becomes sticky when mixed with water.

In a good flour, gluten when well developed by thorough mixing should be sufficiently elastic to expand and still hold the gas within the cells.

The yeast used may be granular or compressed. Yeast is a mono-cellular organism which grows or multiplies by the process of budding (почкование) and feeds upon sugar and similar material in saccharine or starchy substances. The yeast best adopted to breadmaking is saccharomyces cerevisiae (латинское название одного из видов дрожжей) which causes the change of starch into sugar and the change of sugar into carbon dioxide and alcohol.

The liquid used may be milk or water. The bread made with milk has greater nutritive value and becomes stale less rapidly.

Sugar is added to the dough as a source of food for the yeast. Besides, it develops flavour in bread.

Bread may or may not contain fat, but if it does, the fat should be in small quantities, not to interfere greatly with the formation of gluten. Fat adds flavour to bread, makes it tender and retards staling.

Salt improves the flavour of bread, but too much salt retards the development of yeast and a long fermentation period is required.



Прочитайте текст и скажите, какой области пищевого производства он касается.

Скажите, как бы вы охарактеризовали методы производств далекого прошлого.

Укажите, какой процесс в производстве хлеба играл и играет важнейшую роль.


1. edible – съедобный 4. to crush – толочь
2. to grind - дробить 5. to bolt = to sift – просеивать
3. leaven-закваска leavened/unleavened bread – хлеб из теста на опаре/ хлеб, приготовленный безопарным способом 6. ash – зола 7. sour – кислый


In making edible1 foods from cereals or their products, various methods for grinding2 the grain, for making the dough and for baking the bread have been in use from the earliest times. In the primitive stages of the civilization of all peoples, their methods have been very crude and simple. The improvement in the methods used for preparing bread have accompanied the development of the nation. The literature of ancient peoples often includes such notions as grain, bread and bakers. It should be noted that both leavened and unleavened bread3 were used in the earliest times.

Unleavened bread was prepared by simply mixing the ground, crushed4 and bolted5 flour with water and salt and baking before bonfire, in the ashes6 or on a pan in the oven.

Rather early it was recognized that light bread of different texture and flavour was better than that which was baked as soon as mixed, without any fermentation. Therefore, people began to allow the dough to stand for some time and become sour by adding some sour7 dough or “leaven” to the fresh dough.


Письменно переведите текст С1 на русский язык.




Bread is recognized as a perishable product because of its becoming stale. The staling process can be retarded somewhat by suitable ingredients, proper packaging and temperature control. Studies of the physical and chemical changes involved in staling have occupied the research of many scientists in the field of cereal technology and food chemistry for years. Their objective was to find a way to prevent staling or retard it.

The staling of the crust develops slowly with the transfer of moisture out from the interior of the loaf, and with the absorption of water vapour from the interior of the loaf, and with the absorption of water vapour from the surrounding atmosphere, until it finally becomes tough and leathery.

The staling of the crumb is attributed to physiochemical changes within the starch and dextrins present.

When cold, bread should be stored in bread boxes or other containers which retard drying. The loaves may be wrapped in waxed paper or plastic film to aid in preserving quality. The prevention of bread staling or aging is a problem. Temperature seems to be a big factor in staling. Although some bread is preserved by freezing, cost of such storage will probably continue to limit the quantity of bread so stored. The use of milk as the liquid and the addition of small amounts of fat help to prevent staling.



UNIT 2.                     FLOUR PRODUCTION

Grammar “Participle Constructions: Absolute Participle Construction”



Active Vocabulary

to refine (to clean, to purify); to yield, yield; inner (inside), outer (outside); to separate, separation; to state, statement; to prefer, preference; to discard; to suppose, supposition; to free, free, freedom; to compare, comparison; to suit, suitable/suited; flavour, colour; appearance; volume; soil; strong, strength; hard, soft; weak; tough, brittle



to mill – молоть, размалывать mill – мельница milling – помол (процесс) miller – мукомол crop – с/х культура, урожай grain (kernel) – зерно, зерновка bran – отруби germ – зародыш rough content – клетчатка flour-yielding properties – выход муки




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