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The character and quality of a wine depend upon the kind of vine, the natural setting of the vineyards, and the human effort in the care of the vines in the vineyard and in the production and storage of the wine. The natural prerequisites for the vine to grow are the local climate, the location and topography of the vineyard sites, and the kinds of soil. Variations of all of these factors contribute to the diversities of wine and are reflected in the differences of their chemical compositions.

Concept of Microclimate. While it is safe to say that no two vineyards are exactly alike, there are some major wine-producing areas of the world where there is relatively more uniformity among vineyard environments (climate, soil, moisture, etc.) than will be found in areas where there are wide variations in topography (numerous hills and valleys) as well as variations in forestation that alter air circulation patterns.

Closely coupled with climatic variations are soil variations, which, again, are more likely to be large in hilly or mountainous terrain and less so in flat valleys or plateaus.

Instead of extensive scientific examination, viticulture (виноградарство) has developed as the result of several hundreds of years of trial and error (годы проб и ошибок). Grape growers have found which varieties do best in given locations and how to grow the vines to maximum advantage in a given location. Likewise, the winemakers (frequently also the growers) have learned how best to process grapes from a given location into acceptable, if not always superior, wines.



Grammar “Revision Exercises on Verbals (Non-Finite Forms of Verb)”


Active Vocabulary

fruit, juice, flavour, aroma; to design, to insure, to contaminate, to protect, to enclose, to gain, to handle; appropriate; incoming, wholesome; benefit; exposure


1. fruit – плод, фрукты      fruit juice – плодово-ягодный сок

fresh juice – свежий (несброженный) сок; натуральный

2. note – отличительный признак

3. sanitation practices – практика улучшения санитарных условий (норм)

to sanitize – подвергать санитарной обработке

sanitary – гигиенический, санитарный

4. dropped fruit=drops – падалица

5. foreign materials – посторонний материал

waste materials – отходы, отбросы

6. load – партия (груза)      unloading equipment – разгрузочное оборудование

7. processor – процессор                      brushwasher – щеточная моечная машина

conveyance equipment – конвейерное оборудование; транспортер

8. receiving – прием processing – переработка  sampling – пробоотбор

cleaning – очистка         grading – сортировка

chiling – остывание, охлаждение

9. refrigeration - охлаждение (искусственное)

extraction – экстрагирование; извлечение

filling – наполнение; налив, разлив, розлив



1. Переведите на русский язык данные словосочетания.

citrus industry; environmental contamination; conveyance equipment; waste materials; filtered air source; quality parameters ratio; strict sanitation practices; high quality fruit; fruit unloading equipment; fruit grading personnel; incoming fruit receiving; fresh juice processor; fresh juice product characteristics; fresh juice production sanitation; juice contact surfaces; juice filling room; refrigerated juice rooms.

2. Назовите русские эквиваленты процессов, составляющих переработку фруктов и производство соков.

fruit - 1. receiving 2. quality control 3. sampling 4.unloading 5.cleaning 6. grading

 7. processing

1. пробоотбор партии груза 2. очистка 3. переработка 4. контроль ка-

чества 5. прием 6. разгрузка 7. сортировка

juice - 1. extraction 2. chilling 3. refrigeration 4. filling5. containerization

1.розлив/наполнение 2. охлаждение 3. контейнеризация 4. остывание

5. извлечение


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