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The role of situations in our life or The importance of altruism and prosocial behavior in our life


Variant B

# Term Definition
1 Self – concept A person’s answers to the question, “Who am I?”
2 Prosocial behavior Positive, constructive, helpful social behavior; the opposite of antisocial behavior.
3 Culture Enduring behaviors , ideas, attitudes, and traditions shared by a large group of people and transmitted from one generation to the next
4 Individualism Concept of giving priority to one’s own goals over group goals and defining one’s identity in terms of personal attributes rather than group identifications 
5 Bystander effect The finding that a person is less likely to provide help when there are other bystanders
6 Narcissism Is a pervasive inability to truly love or have empathy for anyone apart from oneself
7 Conflict A perceived incompatibility of actions or goals.
8 Self- schema Beliefs about self that organize and guide the processing of self – relevant information
9 Hindsight bias The tendency to exaggerate, after learning an outcome, one’s ability to have foreseen how something turned out. Also known as the I-knew-itall-along phenomenon
10 Frustration Blocking of goal–directed behavior


Phillip Zimbardo – the prison’s experiment. Abu Grahib controversy

Zimbardo wanted to find out: Is prison brutality a product of evil prisoners and malicious guards? Or do the institutional roles of guard and prisoner embitter and harden even compassionate people? Zimbardo chose some students as guards. He gave them uniforms and instructed them to enforce the rules. The other half, the prisoners, were locked in cells. After first day the guards began to disparage the prisoners, and some devised cruel and degrading routines. The prisoners broke down, rebelled, or became apathetic. Zimbardo was forced to call off the planned two-week simulation after only six days. The point is not that we are powerless to resist imposed roles. In this simulation, in Abu Ghraib Prison, some people become sadistic and others do not. Behavior is a product of both the individual person and the situation, and the prison study appears to have attracted volunteers who were prone to aggressiveness.

Robert Sternberg – theory of triangular love.

There are three components of love as follows:

Passion: Passion can be associated with either physical arousal or emotional stimulation. Passion is defined in three ways:

1.        A strong feeling of enthusiasm for something or about doing something

2.        A strong feeling that causes people to act in a dangerous way

3.        strong sexual or romantic feeling for someone


Intimacy: feelings of closeness and attachment to one another. This tends to strengthen the tight bond that is shared between those two individuals. Having a sense of intimacy helps create the feeling of being at ease with one another, in the sense that the two parties are mutual in their feelings.

Commitment: involves a conscious decision to stick with one another. The decision to remain committed is mainly determined by the level of satisfaction that a partner derives from the relationship. There are three ways to define commitment:

1.        A promise to do or give something

2.        A promise to be loyal to someone

3.        the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something



Karl Marx – alienation.

Marx said: “The worker is related to the product of his labour as to an alien object. The object he produces does not belong to him. Secondly, alienation appears not only in the result, but also in the process of production and productive activity itself. The worker is not at home in his work which he views only as a means of satisfying others’ needs. It is an activity directed against himself, that is, independent of him, and does not belong to him. Thirdly, alienated labour succeeds in alienating man from his species. Species life, productive life, life creating life turns into a mere means of sustaining the worker’s individual existence and man is alienated from his fellowmen. Finally, nature itself is alienated from man, who thus loses his own inorganic body.” Marx speaks of these four types of alienation.

The alienation is primarily the product of capitalist system of economy. But if the capitalism is in its childhood stage the alienation does-not seem to be its basic characteristic.

In other words, the worker works hard and this he does not for his own satisfaction or benefits but for the benefits of the capitalist. He grumbles, he remains dissatisfied. But he is helpless.


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