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Образование Политология Производство Психология Стандартизация Технологии

Exercise 1. Put the words in the sentences into the correct order.

1. study / faculty / at / of / I / the / economics

2. to / the / students / the / lecture / is / delivering / The / professor

3. to / I / went / the / last / Sunday / library

4. a / computer / bought / My / new / brother /week /last

5. at / seaside / do / They / not / their / spend / summer / the


Exercise 2. Add the correct tag to the questions below.

1. You were at the meeting, ___?

2. You'd graduated from the institute by that time, ___?

3. He’s working on his report just now, ___?

4. He’s got a promotion this month, ___?

5. You didn’t like the job in the office, ___?

6. You haven’t met them before, ___?

7. You've been trying to get another job,___?

8. You paid for the bill last time, ___?

9. The goods were delivered yesterday , ___?


Exercise 3. Make subject questions to ask about the missing information.

1. You and a friend are watching a good film on TV when the phone rings, and you miss the end. What do you ask your friend when you come back into the room?

What was in the end?

2. You hear a crash. You go into the living room and find your two children near a smashed vase. What do you ask them?

Who ___?

3. You want to know how many people in your class come to school by car. What do you ask the class?

Who ___?

4. All your friends are talking about something that happened at a party last night. You don't know anything about it. What do you ask?

What ___?

5. You are with a lot of children when you get to an ice cream shop. They can have either an ice-cream or a cake. What do you ask them?

Who ___?

Exercise 4. Read the newspaper article and then ask the questions.

Dennis Heal is a politician .He went to Oxford University in 1970, and in 1977 he became a Member of Parliament for the Labour Party. He has been an MP since then. He was Defence Minister from 1978 -1984. He has written three books including his autobiography The time of my life and a spy story called The time to run. He is married to the artist, Edna Heal, and they have two children. They lived in Oxford for 15 years, then moved to London in 1990. They now live in a house in Cabogan Square in central London.

1. When _____? ‘In 1970.’

2. When _____? ‘In 1977.’

3. How long ____? ‘Since 1977.’

4. When _____? ‘From 1978-1984.’

5. How many _____? ‘Three.’

6. What ____? ‘She’s an artist’

7. ______he ever ____a spy story? ‘Yes, he has.’

8.  Where ______? ‘In a house in London.’

Exercise 5. Put an appropriate pronoun in each blank.

1. Nobody except____ knows where the key is kept, and I will not tell you. 2. John's two years younger than Alice, but ____'s nearly as tall as ____. 3. Who bought these flowers? – It was ____. I thought you'd like them. 4. I haven't met Mark yet. Is ___ here? – That's ____ over there. 5. Who said that? – It was ____, the man in glasses. 6. You may be older than ____, but I don't have to do what you say.


Exercise 6. Put in the right pronouns.

1. Is this Alice's book or (your / yours), do you know? – It's (her / hers). 2. Take (your / yours) feet off the table. (It / Its) legs are not very strong. 3. No one is going to help us, so we will have to do it (our / ourselves). 4. Veronica always cuts her hair (her / herself), and she always looks great. 5. The Whartons are spending August in (our / ours) flat, and we're borrowing (their/ theirs). 6. Helen hurt (her / hers) foot very badly yesterday. 7. Robert (his / himself) is quite friendly, but the rest of his family is very cold. 8. That's (my / mine) coat, and the scarf is (my / mine) too. 9. I do not trust anyone else to do my accounts, I always do them (my / myself).


Exercise 7. They / them / their / theirs or another pronoun?

1.Someone's left me a note, but ____ haven't signed it. 2. The person who phoned wouldn't give ____ name. 3. Nobody in the club has paid ____ annual subscription yet. 4. Judy says somebody took ___ lecture notes. 5. If anybody can fill in this form, ____ is brighter than me. 6. Nobody will believe me unless I show ____ the picture. 7. I can not help anybody unless ____ bring all the right documents with ____. 8. Someone has taken my bag and left me ____.


Exercise 8. Put in this / that / these / those.

1. Why am I living in _____country? 2. Get me ____box from the table. 3. Ugh, ____ potatoes taste burnt! 4. What was____ noise? 5. Who are people over there? 6. Come____ way, please. 7. Isn't ____weather great? 8. Did you hear ____ rain in the night? 9. Tell her to stop ____shouting. 10. ____was a nice meal – thanks. 11. Who said____? 12. Why did she marry____ idiot? 13. Do it ____way, not like ____.


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